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• Discuss the paradigm shifts through history;
• Explain how the Intellectual Revolution changed the way
how humans see the world; and
• Describe the technological advancements that happened
in the information age.

Learning Outcomes
• Period where advancements in
science and technology changed
people’s perceptions and beliefs
• Showed how society was
transformed by science and

Intellectual Revolution
• Early times
• questioned what created days and nights
• understand what heavenly bodies are
• Telescopes
• allowed people to take a peek at the outer
• It also intrigued them to know what was
actually out there.

Copernican Revolution
• Greek philosophers
• Agreed that planets moved around in circular motion and that
these created days and nights
• Claudius Ptolemy
- famous philosopher and astronomer
• Planets, sun and the moon moved in a circular motion around the
• Sun and moon’s revolution explained the existence of days and
• Geocentrism
• Earth was the center of the solar system
• Widely accepted by the people and was one of the greatest
discoveries of that time

Copernican Revolution
Geocentric Model
• Nicolaus Copernicus
• Polish mathematician and astronomer
• Challenged the Ptolemaic model
• Heliocentrism
• Sun is the center of the solar system and not the
• Rejected at first by the public
• It appalled many since their religious belief had
taught them that the Earth was created first before all
other things
• Persecuted as a heretic

Copernican Revolution
Heliocentric Model
• After some time,
• Astronomers realized that the Copernican model simplified
the orbits for planets
• Answered issues that could not be explained using the
geocentric model
• Other works supporting this model started to emerge
• Birth of Modern Astronomy
• Period where Copernican model was eventually accepted by
the people
• Scientific revolution which resulted in the transformation of
society’s thoughts and beliefs

Copernican Revolution
• Most controversial intellectual
revolutions of its time
• Charles Darwin
• English naturalist, biologist and geologist
• On the Origin of Species
• Theory of Evolution

Darwinian Revolution
Theory of Evolution
• Theory of Evolution
• Populations pass through a process of natural selection in
which only the fittest would survive
• Organisms have the ability to adapt to their environment
and would gradually change into something that would be
more competitive to survive, a process known as evolution
• Very controversial as people perceived it to be contradictory
to the church’s teachings that the source of life is a powerful
• Emerged at a time when most of the population believed
and accepted the biblical version of the Earth’s creation
• After some time, people came to understand that it was not
in fact against the teachings of the church and both can

Darwinian Revolution
• Psychology
• In the past, classified under philosophy
• Considered more of an art rather than a
• Sigmund Freud
• Psychoanalysis
• Continued to refined it despite criticisms

Freudian Revolution
• Psychoanalysis
• Study that explains human behavior
• There are many conscious and unconscious factors that can
influence behavior and emotions
• Personality is a product of three conflicting elements
• Id, Ego, and Superego
• Brushed off by science headliners since its concepts were
more philosophical and supernatural
• Had no scientific basis as no empirical or experimental data
could support it
• Psychology as a science

Freudian Revolution
• Despite criticisms, Freud still continued to work on refining
his theory to explain how psychoanalysis can be a Can be a
clinical method in treating some mental disorders.
• Soon enough, people were able to understand the concepts of
psychoanalysis, which eventually resulted in classifying
psychology as a science.

Freudian Revolution

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