Windows IT Pro Readers' Choice - Disaster & Recovery

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DISASTER PREVENTION & Readers’ Choice 2005 | Disaster Prevention & Recovery

Enterprise Backup/
Recovery/Archive Enterprise Backup/Recovery/Archive Service. Many com-
panies, especially small-to-midsized businesses (SMBs) or remote
1st—Iron Mountain Electronic Vaulting branch offices with limited IT resources, like the convenience and secu- rity of using an off-site service to oversee system and data backup,
2nd—LiveVault InControl recovery, and archiving. Readers who use such providers named the Iron Mountain Electronic Vaulting service as their favorite. Iron Mountain
3rd—LiveVault InSync provides an assortment of services, such as Server Electronic Vaulting, which backs up data continuously; a Web interface that customers use
to access backed-up data for recovery and management; an optional on-
Replication/Data site backup appliance to speed data recovery; and storage of backed-up
Availability Solution data in a secure, offsite facility. Iron Mountain customers typically praise
1st—Neverfail Group Neverfail for Windows the service for relieving their stretched-thin IT staffs of the time-con-
Product Suite suming chore of making and restoring backups. InstantDoc ID 47256
2nd—NSI Software Double-Take
3rd—VERITAS Software Replication Exec
Replication/Data Availability Solution. Readers chose Neverfail Group’s Neverfail for
UPS Windows Product Suite as the Best Replication/Data Availability Solution, giving the product a
1st—American Power Conversion InfraStruXure generous 38 percent of votes in this subcategory. The suite includes the core Neverfail Heartbeat
replication software as well as modules that provide high-availability and disaster-recovery solu-
2nd—Three-way tie: American Power Conversion
tions for Microsoft Exchange Server, SQL Server, SharePoint Portal Server, IIS, and Windows file
Smart-UPS, Liebert UPS products, and Tripp Lite
servers. Neverfail also touts the suite as a “cluster-class” solution, referring to the process that
UPS products, all write-ins,, replicates data from an active to a passive server, proactively monitors server availability, and automatically fails over to the passive server when the
primary server goes offline and switches back to
the active server when it’s online again.
Readers applaud the Neverfail
for Windows Product Suite, say-
ing it’s “a solid, easy-to-use,
And the “My Bad” effective product,” “Good soft-
Award Goes to... ware,” and “It works!”
We’re not sure how this happened, InstantDoc ID 47255
but a software product—VERITAS
Software’s VERITAS NetBackup
Enterprise Server—garnered the most UPS. UPSs are, arguably, the least
votes in the Enterprise Backup/ “sexy” but perhaps most necessary
Recovery/Archive Hardware piece of data-protection equipment in
subcategory. For obvious reasons,
your IT shop. Your users probably aren’t
we had to disqualify VERITAS’s entry
thinking about the UPS when the lights flicker
and instead awarded first place to the
hardware product with the most votes. during a power surge or when a clap of thunder
All the same, we commend VERITAS reverberates, but you know that power protection
on its customers’ enthusiastic can mean the difference between hours of work
participation in Reader's Choice. saved and lost. With few exceptions, Windows IT Pro
readers voted overwhelmingly for American Power Conver-
sion’s (APC’s) InfraStruXure product for Best UPS. Not merely a
traditional UPS, InfraStruXure is an “on-demand architecture” for
ensuring network availability, consisting of a modular architecture that
can include UPSs, power distribution capabilities, racks, cooling, cabling,
cable distribution, and management tools, among other features. The product can fit in environ-
ments of all sizes, from wiring closets all the way up to server rooms and small-, medium-, or
large-sized data centers. InstantDoc ID 47254
Disaster Prevention & Recovery 47260

w w w. w i n d o w s i t p r o . c o m Connecting the IT Community Windows IT Pro SEPTEMBER 2005 29

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