Lesson Plan in Music (Dynamics)

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I Preliminary Information
TOPIC Elements of Music (Dynamics)
KEY STAGE STANDARDS The learner demonstrates understanding of basic
elements and concepts through performing,
creating, and responding, aimed towards the
development of appreciation of music and art,
and acquisition of basic knowledge and skills.
GRADE LEVEL STANDARD Through exploration, the learner demonstrates a
deeper understanding of basic knowledge and
skills in music and art, towards self-development,
the celebration of Filipino cultural identity and
diversity, and expansion of one’s world vision.
WHERE DOES THE LESSON Exploration – Elements / Processes.
CONTENT (CG) (Dynamics) Variations of Volume in Musical
CONTENT STANDARDS Demonstrates understanding of concepts
pertaining to volume in music.
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Applies Dynamics to musical selections.
LEARNING COMPETENCIES 1. Identifies the different dynamics levels used in
a song heard;
2. Uses appropriate musical terminology to
indicate variations in dynamics specifically:

2.1 piano(p)
2.2 mezzo piano(mp)
2.3 forte(f)
2.4 mezzo forte(mf)
2.5 crescendo <
2.6 decrescendo >
LEARNING MATERIALS PowerPoint presentations, Video, Music, Visual

3 Objectives covering the three 1. Distinguished among the different dynamic
domains (Create based on markings such as pianissimo (pp), piano(p),
Learning Competencies) messopiano (mp), messoforte (mf), forte (f),
fortissimo (ff)
2. Compared different levels and changes of
3. Value the essence of knowing the different
dynamics in music
Prepare Phase Teacher’s Activity

Good morning, class.

Before we proceed to our discussion today, may I

ask everyone to please stand and have our
prayer. Can somebody lead the prayer?

Amen. Thank you. Before you take your seat,

kindly pick up the pieces of paper under your
chair and arrange your chair properly. You may
take your seat. Okay, who’s absent today?

I’m so glad to hear that. So, today, let’s first have

a recap of what we discussed at the last meeting.
Who remembers our topic yesterday? Anyone?

That’s right. So, what about timbre?

Pupils Activity

Good morning, ma’am.

Yes, ma’am. In the name of the Father, and of the

son, and of the Holy Spirit... Amen.

None, ma’am.
It is about timbre

Timbre also known as tone color; it is the perceived

sound quality of a musical note, sound, tone.

Motivational Activity Activity: Match It!

Students race each other to see who can match

the cards correctly the fastest! Each group must
match the dynamics in music terms to the correct
definition – the quickest wins!

Unlocking of Difficulty Unscramble Me!

Arrange the unscrambled letter on the board that

is related to Dynamics. The first group who
finishes the task will automatically have points.

1. e, t, f, o, r
2. a, n, o, p, i
3. s, s, a, n, i, p, m, o, i, i
4. y, d, m, a, i, c, d, n
5. d, s, s, l, u, o, e, n

Presentation Phase Preparation:

Checking of Attendance, Presentation
Presentation Proper Dynamics refers to the softness and loudness of the
sound. The term is also applied to the written or
printed musical notation used to indicate dynamics.
Dynamics are relative and do not refer to specific
volume levels.

Dynamic Changes
To gradually change the dynamics, composers use
crescendo and diminuendo (also decrescendo).
• crescendo (cresc.): gradually play louder <
• diminuendo / decrescendo (dim. or decres.):
gradually play softer

The main dynamic levels are:

• p or piano, which means "soft"
• f or forte, which means "loud "

More subtle degrees of loudness or softness are

indicated by: •mp, standing for mezzo-piano, which
means "moderately soft" •mf, standing for mezzo-
forte, which means "moderately loud".

Beyond f and p, there are also:

• pp, which stands for pianissimo and means "very
• ff, which stands for fortissimo and means "very loud"

Practice Activity:
(Assign to students to answer the worksheet
individually.) Listen to the following sounds produced
by the pictures below. Put f (forte) if the object
produces a loud sound and p (piano) if it produces a
soft sound.

Evaluation Evaluation:
Multiple Choice Mark the correct answer
1.The volume, or loudness and softness of a
piece is called its:
a. style
b. form
c. dynamics
d. melody

2. Using loud and soft music helps add

_________ to music.
a. emotion
b. speed
c. noise
d. nothing

3. The symbol that tells the musician to gradually

get softer is a ____. It looks like this >
a. accelerando
b. crescendo
c. ritardando
d. decrescendo

4. The symbol that tells the musician to gradually

get louder is a ____. It looks like this <
a. accelerando
b. crescendo
c. ritardando
d. decrescendo

5. The musical term for very loud is

a. forte
b. fortissimo
c. piano
d. pianissimo

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