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2.Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer.

Cau 6:What does the summary say about the patient’s I.V.rate?
A.the slower rate-30 ml per hour C.60 ml per hour
B.the normal rate-60 ml per hour D.the correct rate-50 ml per hour
Cau 7:What is the main idea of the conversation?
A.a patient’s sudden decline C.an incorrect I.V.infusion rate
B.a patient receiving the wrong solution D.a malfunctioning roller clamp
Cau 8:What is the man likely to do next?
A.change to a roller clamp C.contact the doctor
B.adjust the IV flow D.talk to the patient
Cau 9:What is CORRECT about the patient’s I.V.infusion rate in the conversation?
A. his I.V.infusionrate was set slower.
B. his I.V. infusion rate was set at 50 ml per hour.
C. his I.V.infusion rate was setat 30 ml per hour.
D .his 1.V.infusion rate was set faster.
Cau 10:How is the patient doing in the conversation?
A.conscicusness C.normal temperature
B.palpitation D.swelling or redness

1. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer for each question 11 and 15.
Millions more people around the world have high blood pressure. This news came carlier thisweek when the
American Heart Association(AHA) changed the numbers al which high blood pressurestarts.For many
decades, doctors said high blood pressure started at a reading of 140 over 90.The AHAhas changed this and
said the disease should be treatedsooner.It said high blood pressure now starts at areading of 130 over
80.Blood pressure happens when your heart pushes blood around your body too fast.If this pushing is too
strong. It can put stress on your heart and arteries. This can lead to heart attacks andstrokes.Normal blood
pressure is less than 120 over 80.
AHA doctors said health problems can happen at the lower figures of 130 over 80.However,they saidit is
possible for people to deal with this level of blood pressure withoul taking medicine.They said thenew
reading is, “a yellow light that you need to be lowering your blood pressure, mainly with non-
drugapproaches”.People with high blood pressure need to make healthy lifestyle changes.These
includelosing weight,exercising more,eating healthier food.avoiding alcohol and salt,quitting smoking and
avoiding stress.The new reading of 130 over 80 now means that 46 per cent of the adult population of lUSA
has high blood pressure.This rose from 32 per cent using the old numbers.
Cau 11:The American Heart Association said high blood pressure is 140/90.
A.True B.False
Cau 12:High blood pressure is because blood travels around your body too quickly.
A.True B.False
Cau 13: People with blood pressure at 130/80 must be treated with medicine.
A.True- B.False
Cau 14:Hypertensive people need to eat less salt.
A. False B.True
Cau 15: Nearly half of adults in the USA now have high blood pressure.
A.True B. False
2. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer for each question 16 and 20
Does your mouth water when you think of potato chips, donuts, and pie? Many people prefer "junkfood"
to healthy food because they develop a taste for it. Processed,baked, and fried foods typicallycontain a
high amount of transfats.
Trans fat raises the bad cholesterol in your body and lowers the good cholesterol that the body needs.Fatty
foods do more than cause obesity.Trans fats build up in the body and block blood flow to the heart.People
whose diet contains a high percentage of transfats are at risk for heart disease and stroke.
Trans fat is a semi-solid type of oil. It is made by adding hydrogen to liquid oil. Food companies
andrestaurants like to use transfat oil because it is inexpensive and makes food like crackers and baked
goodslast longer. It also improves the taste and texture of food. Trans fats became very popular in the
secondhalf of the 20th century. This is around the time when butter got a bad name. People were told to
usemargarine instead because it was made from transfats.
Today doctors know how dangerous these processed foods are. In countries such as the US andCanada
there are new government restrictions on food production. Food and beverage makers have toattach a
Nutrition Fact label to their products. These list daily recommendations and detail all ingredientsincluding
the amount of transfats in a product. New York City banned transfats from all restaurants.Evenfast food
chains such as McDonalds are bg forced to change their recipes. In Europe,foodmanufacturers have
started using a voluntarily labeling system at the consumers' request.
We all need some fat in our diet. There are three different types of fats: saturated fats, transfats,
andunsaturated fats.Doctors recommend that we get most of our fatty calories from unsaturated
fats.Neitherbutter nor margarine fit in this category, though there are some spreads that contain zero
transfats. Labelsare a good way to avoid eating fatty foods that are dangerous for your health. Another
way is to avoideating out. When shopping for groceries, buy the majority of your goods in the fresh food

Cau 16:Potato chips and donuts are examples of………….

A.healthy food B.junk food C.fast food
Cau 17: What do trans fats do to the body?
A. Raise good cholesterol. B.Lower bad cholesterol C.Lower good cholesterol
Cau 18:Food companies and restaurants started using trans fats in order to save…………
A.money B.time C.lives
Cau 19: What tip does the article give for avoiding trans fats?
A. Check the ingredients B. Eat out in restaurants C. Avoid tasty foods
Cau 20: The writer implied that processed foods……….. are fresh or unprocessed foods.
A.as healthy as B.healthier than C.unhealthier than

Cau 21:……is included in parenteral administration.
A.Topical application C.Sublingual administration
B.Inhalation D.Subcutaneous injection
Cau 22:The………is the area between the ribs and the pelvis.
A.back B.chest C.rib cage D.waist
Cau 23:Bronchodilatars and corticostetorda may be administered through the mouth by using an aeresul.This
A.injection B.insertion C.instillation D.inhalation
Cau 24:A…………is a tool used in medical proctice for esamination of the mouth and thraat.
A.wheelchair B.gauze C.Fedpan D.longue depressor
Cau 25:His finger was cut off when he caught it in a machine.but the………..was able to sew it back on
A.surgeon B.pharmacist C.radiologist D.Iab technician
Cau 26:A person with inguinal swelling has a lump in the………….
A.armpit B.tummy C.navel D.groin
Cau 27:Mr. Satin takes Calpol 5 mlqid4th. How many milliliters does he take in a day?
A.20 B.10 C.15 D.30
Cau 28:Jack’s leg is bleeding.The nurse wraps it in a thin cloth used to cover injures,called…
A.gown B.gauze C.syrings D.pipette
Cau 29:She’ll catch…..going out without a coat in this weather.
A.tuberculosis B.pneumonia C.lung cancer D.cystitis
Cau 30:There are two ambulances parked outside the……….depariment.
A.obstetrics B.entergency C.orthopedics D.pediatries
Cau 31:The patient presented to his GP with.…….pain.He felt pain when he took a deep breath in.
A.knee B.back C.shoulder D.chest
Cau 32:The patient had his left shoulder……….when playing rugby.
A.jammed B.sprained C.dislocated D.broken
Cau 33:The drug is…………..sublingually so that it can be dissolved slowly in the saliva
A.applied B.swallowed C.administered D.injected
Cau 34:One of the most basic surgical instruments is…………..
A.scalpel B.latex glove C.gown D.syringe
Cau 35:The term meaning spitting blood or blood-stained sputum is…………..
A.hemoptysis B.effusion C.epistaxis D.pneumonia
Cau 36:………..Is a medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases such
asarrhythmia,hypertension,cardiac failure,or myocardial infarction.
A.Hematologist B.Cardiologist C.adiologist D.Pathologist
Cau 37:A doctor who uses imaging technology is a………………..
A. Physiotherapist B.pharmacist C. radiologist D. lechnician
Cau 38:When closed,the left atrioventriculur valve pgevents backflow of blood into the……..
A.right atrium B.left ventricle C. Jeft atrium D.right ventricle
Cau 39:What is the common symptom of upper respitatory tract infection?
A.Palpitation B.Chest pain C.Cough D.Breathlessness
Cau 40:As a precaution against AIDS we use……………needles.
A.biohazard B.sharp C.vital D.disposable
Cau 41:The patient is having persistent lower abdominal pains.Therefore,a/nis suggested to check for any
A.otoscopy B.gastroscopy C.esophagoscopy D.colonoscopy
Cau 42:……..is a blood vessel that carries blood towards the heart.
A.Atrium B.Artery C.Aorta D.Vein
Cāu 43:The……… is the narrow tube of lymphatic tissue attached to the cecum.
A. ileum B.appendix C.rectum D.sigmoid colon
Cau 44:Both systolic……… and diastolicare associated with increased risk of heart altack and stroke.
A.pressure B.hypertension C.phase D.contraction
45:When damage or death of part of the (heart)muscle occurs as a result ofischemin,it’s called…………
B.coronary artery disease C.myocardial infarction
A.hypertension D.congestive heart failure

Chu 46:Mrs.Johnson’s Glucophage is ordered bid She should receive this medication…………….
A.four times a day B.three times a day C.two times a day D.once a day
Cau 47:Angina pectoris is the medical term for a severe constricting pain in the chest due to aninsufficient
blood supply to the…………..
A.heart B.head C.back D.lung
Cau 48:Which answer best describes the function of the circulatory system?
A. I produces chemicals that allow the body to communicate.
B.It coordimates all body parts to achicve homeostasis.
C.It removes wastes from cells and delivers nutrients to cells.
D.It breaks down nutrients in foods for cell use.
Cau 49:The main function of the……….like other conducting zone structures,is to provide apassageway for
air to move into and out of cach lung.
A.glottis B.alveoli C.bronchi D.pharynx
Cau 50:The………..help with the absorption of nutrients.
A. pancreas,liver,and gall bladder C.gall bladder,kidneys,and appendix
B.liver,heart,and spleen D.kidneys,liver,and gall bladder
Cau 51:Which of the following is NOT a possible cause of persistent abdominal pains?
A.Ulcer B.Appendicitis C.Irmitated colon. D.Pharyngitis
Cau 52:The followings are situated in the abdomen EXCEPT the…………….
A.intestine B.liver C.kidney D.bronchus
Chu 53:Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged in the bloodstream at the……..surrounding thealveoli
A.arteries B.veins C.capillaries D.aorta
Cau 54:Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a condition that include…sandchronic bronchitis.
A.cough B.cmphysemn C.hemoptysis D.pneumonia
Cau 55:John became dehydrated and had to be taken to the hospital where he was given fluids
Cau 56:monitors and assesses patients with various kidney problems and conditions.
A.Nephrology B.Gynecology C.Cardiology D.Pediatrics
Cây 57:Patients with mobility issues are dealt with in……………
A.hematology B.orthopedics C.cardiology D.pediatrics
Chu 58: The doctor’s prescription states “Zocor 10 mg 1 tab po qhs”. This means one tablet of Zocor 10mg
should be administered………..
A.orally at bedtime C.rectally as required
B.orally as required D.rectally immediately
Ciu 59:The process of moving digested nutrients from the intestine into the circulation is called…………
A.mastication B.digestion C.egestion D|absorption
Cāu 60:The………….is the terninal portion of the large intestine.
A.cecum B.duodenum C.jejunum D.rectum

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