Possible Arguments Zoo

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Animals are monitored by zoo keepers

Animal abuse is widespread in 75% of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums

These animals often feel stress and anxiety due to captivity and lack of interaction with their own kind.

If zoo keepers really do take care of animals then why are there cases that the animals escape the zoo.

There are guidelines for zoo facilities

There are guidelines for zoos though the question is do all of them follow the guidelines?

Because the guidelines are useless if there are still zoos that are still open and they give poor treatment
to animals? Just like Baluarte zoo. A lot of the people who visits this zoo facility noticed that most of the
animals that are held captive in their zoo has diseases and are malnourished. Hence, these animals are
treated poorly. So therefore the guidelines are still useless.

Animals are prevented from being attacked by predators

They would also be prevented from developing survival skills that would lead them to relying on
zookeepers help. Preys and predators are part of the food cycle and is completely normal and Animals
will also develop stress that is known to be zoochosis. Zoochosis is a psychosis where the animals would
do repetitive actions that serves no purpose. Hence, they develop something that would cause more
harm to them.

They would live longer because of zoo keepers helping them.

I disagree that they will live longer because according to bbc between 3000 to 5000 healthy animals get
killed because they serve no purpose to the zoo anymore. These animals are refered to as surplus they
routinely kill them because of the reason that they cannot reproduce or be breeding machines. They kill
them because they believe that they only take up more space and serve no purpose. So if you are telling
me that they would live longer, in reality most of them innocently get killed.

If the animals get sick zoo keepers help them

Animals can recover from themselves from diseases. There is a process called zoopharmacognosy

Where animals cure them selves by using the available resources in there habitat. Animals that live in
the wild are good at taking care of themselves and in fact the plants and insects that the animals use to
cure themselves are not available in zoos. Vetenerarians use drugs that are artificially made will harm
them as time goes by affecting their heart, nervous system and blood pressure. Therefore animals kept
in zoo tend to have longer recovery time.
Some mammals reject their babies and kill them
They kill or reject their babies if they know that they are not able to take care of them all.

Its better to sacrifice some that to let them all die. Also the survival rates of new born animals are also
low so they still have the possibilities of dying. Those babies also have higher chances of surviving in the
wild because they get taken care of their own mothers. Unlike in zoos they get taken care of zoo keepers

Zoos can help endangered species reproduce

If the species is already endangered why would you let them be held captive at a zoo that would cause
zoochosis to them that would have the less chance of surviving.

Zoos prevent animals from being hunted

According to Act No. 9147 of 2001 Under Section 8 of the Wildlife Resources Conservation and
Protection Act (2001), it is illegal to collect, hunt or possess wildlife species. Aren’t zoos doing
the same thing? They forcefully capture animals and put them in their zoo and make them suffer
in poor environments. The worst things is they capture them for entertainment and money.

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