AWS Create Private Subnets and NAT Gateway

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From the case correspondence, I understand that you wish to deploy some services in

private subnet and some in public and since you have already deployed some resources in
the default public subnet you wish make the subnet private without reinstalling any of those
services. Please correct me if my understanding is incorrect. With regards to your
requirement, let me first confirm the definition of a public and private subnet. A subnet is
considered a public subnet if, and only if, it has a default route to the IGW. If there is a
default route pointing anywhere else the subnet is then considered private. The reasoning
behind this definition is that the public IPs of the instances, even if using EIPs, reside on the
IGW where the inbound NAT translation happens. Without a return route to the IGW any
internet initiated traffic cannot return to the original sender with the relevant identifiable
IP/Port information and so connectivity using the instances’ public IP is no longer possible.
It’s important to take note however, that packets that are sent to the public IP of an instance
in a private subnet will still reach the instance, but as the return traffic will not go to the IGW
the connection attempt will always timeout from the perspective of the initiator. More on this
below under section 2c. Hence you have two option to achieve this task.

1.Deploy a new subnets in the same VPC and make it private and then deploy new services.
This is straight forward and involves overlapping steps on the second case.

or 2. Convert Public Subnet to Private : a) Create a NAT gateway: A NAT gateway is a

Network Address Translation (NAT) service. You can use a NAT gateway so that instances in
a private subnet can connect to services outside your VPC but external services cannot
initiate a connection with those instances. Please refer to this link[1] for more details. b)
Create a routing table, associate it with the subnet that you wish make private subnet. This
step will convert your subnet to a private subnet and break any connectivity via the public
IPs associated with your instances. In the mentioned VPC vpc-0bc8c3de7dcc6dd0a I notice
3 default subnets "subnet-02880e97b5e9d3d1d", "subnet-061ce1660303b85a0" and
"subnet-0b4ab2a3be789957d" . All these subnets are associated with the main route table
"rtb-081b52ca7bb3675a8". The main route table contains a default route to internet gateway
which should not be present for a private subnet. Hence we would have to replace the main
routing table association for the private subnets with a custom routing table. Hence navigate
to Routing table section under VPC and create a new Routing table. In case you need the
resources on your private subnet to have access to Internet you would need to add default
route entry to the Nat Gateway. Then navigate to the Subnet section, select the subnet and
Click Action and select "edit route table association" and associate the custom route table.
Please refer to the link [2] for detailed process. c) Disable auto-assign public ip settings for
the private subnets. This is a great idea for subnets that you wish to make private. The result
being that no packet from the internet will arrive on your server, such as SYN packets for
TCP based connection attempts, as there is no associated public IP NAT mapping. DDOS
attacks such as SYN floods are still possible unless this step is taken. It is therefore a great
idea to move forward with this if public IPs are not required. You can find the process to
complete this task here [3].
I would also advise you to lock down the Security Groups and NACLS to only allow access
from the local VPC. I hope this information has been helpful, please don't hesitate to reach
out to me if you have any follow up questions. [1] Create a NAT gateway: [2] Access the
internet from a private subnet:
gateway-scenarios.html#public-nat-internet-access [3] Modify the public IPv4 addressing
attribute for your subnet :

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