Atg 2ND Quarter

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Most Essential Topics 1:Mechanics:

2. Optics
3. Electromagnetism
4. Thermodynamics

Prerequisite Content-knowledge: Knowledge of Contents in Physics

Prerequisite Skill: Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking
Prerequisites Assessment: Modified True or False
Pre-lesson Remediation Activity:

Assessments Remarks
(Pen and Paper activity)


Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and supply the correct answer if the statement is false.

TRUE 1. The acceleration due to gravity is the same for all objects,
regardless of their mass.
FALSE 2. Electrons are larger in size than protons.
FALSE 3. Light waves require a medium to propagate through, similar to
sound waves.
TRUE 4.In a vacuum, all objects fall at the same rate due to gravity.
FALSE 5.The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy can be
created or destroyed in any physical process.
FALSE 6. The atomic nucleus is composed of electrons and protons.
naturally from a colder object to a hotter object.
FALSE 7. Objects with a higher temperature always transfer heat to objects
with a lower temperature when they come into contact.
FALSE 8. The unit of electric current is the Volt (V).

FALSE 9.The phenomenon of radioactivity occurs only in artificial

substances created in laboratories.
FALSE 10. The second law of thermodynamics states that heat flows

Introduction: Communicating learning objectives and reviewing the Nature and Relevance of Entrepreneurship, Contents of Business Plan, Market Research, and
Knowing the Market.

Time Frame 1-4 weeks

Teacher’s Contact Email:

Details Contact No: 09702045883

RUA At this point, the teacher will determine the learners’ level of applying the knowledge and skills in this lesson.

Understand the definition of resistos parallel

Context The learner is expected to independently present and apply their knowledge about resistors in parallel

Overview This lesson will discuss the processes of starting and operating a simple business, starts and operates a business according to the business plan and
presents a terminal report of its operation.


Lesson Chunks Learning Competencies Activities Remarks
Written Work 1:
Chunk 1 Demonstrate understanding of
The 4 M’s of Operations the
Directions: Identify the 4Ms of Operation.
4Ms of operations
Describe the 4Ms (Manpower,
Method, Machine, Materials) of 1. What is refer to the worker or human workforce involved
operations in relation to the in the manufacturing process of business.
business opportunity 2. What is refer to people run factories and service
3. What is refer to the system and step by step process in
the business.
4. What is refer to the process or technique of converting
raw materials to finished products.
5. What is refer to the manufacturing equipment used in the
production of goods or delivery of services.
6. What is refer to the raw materials needed in the
production or manufacturing of a product.
7. What is refer to the dependent on some factors such
as types of products to be produced
8. What is refer to the selection of raw materials such as
waste that the raw materials may produce

Criteria Points
Chunk 2 Content 50
Product/ Service Development Develop a product description
Creativity 40

Create a prototype of the product Timeliness 10

Total 100%
Performance Check 1:
Test the product prototype Directions: Create a Product Prototype and its Product

Chunk 3
Forecast the Revenues and Costs of the Forecast the costs to be incurred Written Work 2:
Business Directions: Compute Expenses, Sales Revenue, and Profits.
Compute for profits (10 points)

sactions for
2020 were
as follows:
Advertising costs Paid ₱1,500 cash
paid in cash: for September
Cash collected
₱2,000 store rent
from customers:
Purchased Provided services
equipment for to customers:
₱6,000 cash ₱7,500

1. Identify and calculate total revenue.

2. Identify and calculate total expenses.
Develop the business model 3. Compute profits.

Performance Check 2:
The Business Model Canvas

Directions: With your respective groups, develop your

business model with the Business Model Canvas. The
template for the Business Model Canvas were provided
below. Fill in the respective boxes by answering the guide
Guide Questions:


Who are your key partners (Suppliers)?

Which key resources are you acquiring from your partners


Which key activities do partners perform?


What Key Activities do our Value Proposition require?

Your distribution channel?

Customer Relationships?

Revenue Streams?


What key resources do your value proposition require?

What value do you deliver to the customer?

Which of your customer’s problems you need to solve?

What products and services you will offer to each Customer



What type of relationship does each of your customer

segments expect you to establish and maintain with them?


Through which channels do your customer segments want to

be reached?


For whom are you creating value?

Who are your most important customers (target market)?


What are the most important cost inherent in your business?

Which key resources are most expensive?
Which key activities are most expensive? Is your business
more cost-driven or value-driven?
Is your business more on fixed cost or variable cost?

For what are your customers really willing to pay?

For what they pay?
How are they paying?
How would day prefer to pay?
How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall

Chunk 4 Manifest understanding of starting Written Work 3:

Business Plan Implementation and operating a simple business Essay Writing

Directions: Choose the two top most important factors you

will consider before starting a business. Explain each factors
why you choose the three as your top most important factors
Criteria Points
Content 6
Sentence Structure 4
Total 10%

Chunk 5
Starting a Business Implement the business plan Written Work 4:
Directions: Arrange the steps to start a business. Rewrite the
whole statement from Step 1 to 10. 1 point each.

1. Look for sources of funds

2. Make your business legal to protect your
brand name.
3. Use Social Media Platform in advertising your
4. Look for trained staff.
5. Make your business legally compliant.
6. Create a unique business name.
7. Gather information from existing business and
from potential customers.
8. Create your business plan
9. Find a strategic location.
10. Identify your business structure.

Performance Check 3:
Creative Writing

Directions: Create a draft of your business plan applying the

4 Ms of Operation, providing the product service description,
developing your business model and the implementations of
your business plan.

Criteria Points
Content 50
Organization of Data 30
Sentence Structure 20
Total 100%


SYNTHESIS As we continue to face the evolution of global economy, we are task to prepare our students in real world experience wherein Entrepreneurship discipline
will be useful in the personal growth of every student. We are giving them an opportunity to explore and enhance their skills and potentials in handling or
planning a business. This applied subject help them to understand the 4 M’s of Operations which take important part in business. In line with these is to
teach them to develop a product prototype which can be their basis to start a business as a young entrepreneur. They will create their own product
description to promote their product in any type of business model. This discipline will also teach them how to compute their business revenue, what are
the expenses or costs they will encounter in starting a business and how much profit they will obtain in starting a business. As the Final Task of this
discipline is to present a business plan as an implementation to their business. A business plan that can be useful as a guide to start a business



GOAL – You have to make a miniature and use a resistors in series/parallel to make the miniature lights
by using improvised battery.
ROLE – You are a physician .
AUDIENCE – future physicians.
SITUATION – Your baranggay has no power and you are trying to find ways on how to help to you community in making a battery by using products that can be
seen in your home.
PRODUCT – improvised battery
STANDARDS – Your business plan will be assessed according to the following criteria:


40 35 30
Provides a detailed miniature and and made Provides a satisfactory plan on the
Presentation Provides Incomplete parts of the miniature
it light by using improvised battery miniature and detailed
30 22 14
It is complete, well organized and exactly It is organized and follow the concept
(30%) The concept is unorganized.
follow the concept but some details are incomplete.
20 15 10
(20%) the detail of the design was very good the detail of the design was good the detail of the design was not reached the expectations
10 8 6
The project was submitted before or on the The project was submitted one week The project was submitted two weeks after the deadline
deadline of submission. after the deadline of submission. of submission.
100 60


Multiple Choice

DIRECTIONS: Read the question carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number. No ERASURE.

_____1. What do you call a formula on how the enterprise exactly plans to make money out of the
a. Business Concept c. Business Manner
b. Business Enterprise d. Business Model
_____2. What is the character of entrepreneur that allows them to see things in a very positive and
optimistic light in the midst of crisis or difficult situations?
a. Passion c. Entrepreneurial mind frame
b. Entrepreneurial gut game d. Entrepreneurial heart flame
_____3. What do you call the great desire to attain a vision or fulfil a mission?
a. Passion c. Entrepreneurial mind frame
b. Entrepreneurial gut game d. Entrepreneurial heart flame
_____4. Which of the following contains the essence of the enterprise in a concise but powerful manner?
a. Business Concept c. Business Manner
b. Business Enterprise d. Business Model
_____5. Which of the following contains everything that is relevant and important to the business audience?
a. Business Concept c. Executive Summary
b. Business Model d. Administrative Summary
_____6. What do you call the opportunity that much the values and desired virtues that you have or wish to
a. Reach c. Risks
b. Range d. Resonance to Values

_____7. What do you call the opportunity that you want to pursue addresses the unfulfilled or undeserved
needs and wants of customers?
a. Responsiveness c. Revolutionary Impact
b. Resonance to Values d. Returns

_____8. What do you call the opportunities that have good chances of expanding through branches,
distributorships, dealerships or franchise outlet?
a. Reach c. Returns
b. Resonance to Values d. Revenues
_____9. What do you call the opportunity that must be aligned with what you have as your personal vision,
mission and objectives?
a. Relevance c. Resonance to Values
b. Risks d. Responsiveness
_____10. What do you call the opportunity that will most likely be the “next big thing” that will revolutionize the
a. Responsiveness c. Revolutionary Impact
b. Resonance to Values d. Returns
_____11. Which from the choices above, best describe to the system and step by step process in the
a. Machine c. Materials
b. Manpower d. Methods
_____12. Which from the choices above, refers to the raw materials needed in the production or
manufacturing a product?
a. Machine c. Materials
b. Manpower d. Methods
_____13. Which from the choices above, refers to the manufacturing equipment used in the production of
goods or delivery of service?
a. Machine c. Materials
b. Manpower d. Methods

_____14. Which of the following methods is an estimation methodology that uses professional judgment?
a. Bottom up forecasting c. Quantitative forecasting
b. Qualitative forecasting d. Top-down forecasting
_____15. Which of the following is the type of expenses that refer to the cost of operations that a business
incurs to generate revenue?
a. Cost c. Expense
b. Expenditure d. Non-operating expense
_____16. Which of the following element is he lacking as good entrepreneur if Dan is a starting up businessman
who is always afraid to try new things and doubtful to his decision. He thinks that one of the reason
why he can’t move forward is because he believe that “successful business always leads to right
decision and appropriate forecasting of profit”.
a. Resourceful c. Innovator of new ideas
b. Opportunity seeker d. Bearer of risk and uncertainties
_____17. Which of the following purpose of establishing business is aligned with Mark’s ideas that business
goals are important when starting up a business. He communicates his business goals by articulating
the basic purpose of setting up enterprise in a mission statement and makes sure that his new build
up business will gain profit.
a. The purpose of establishing business is to develop your business
b. The purpose of establishing business is to make money for its investors.
c. The purpose of establishing business is to create new goods or services.
d. The purpose of establishing business is to clear your business goals first.
_____18. How can you take advantage of the spreading trending products or offering services to grab an
opportunity in social media?
a. By taking risks and uncertainties.
b. By screening the resources required to avoid scarcity.
c. By being resonance to values wherein, desired virtues are needed to impart.
d. By creating a revolutionary impact wherein, a certain product/ service can be a big potential to revolutionize the industry.

_____19. How can Carl handle difficult situation in business when there are times that he thought to stop his
business but he realizes that he need an opportunity screening when to stop or continue his
a. I will ask the experienced businessman if it’s time to stop my business.
b. If I were Carl, I will plan a next business when I have an idea or feeling of failing my business.
c. If I were Carl, I will continue or stop my business according to the feedback of both consumer and colleagues.
d. If I were Carl, I will undergo a personal screen to ask myself if I have the drive to pursue this business until the end.
_____20. How can we relate the idea of Marco Polo if we apply in a real market situation as stated on the
Earliest Period, that entrepreneur is a person who sells goods on behalf of the good’s owner?
a. Arra sell her own product to the market and enjoy her profit.
b. Mara sell the product on her own price and give the capital to the owner after she sold it.
c. Rod offer his product to Mar in his very affordable price. They exchange formal agreement about the price and the profit.
d. Dan agreed to the product’s price since his primary concern is how to sold the product and benefit more income from it.
_____21. How will you become responsive to the customers as an entrepreneur?
a. By determining their likes and dislikes.
b. By knowing your customer well.
c. By pursuing their needs and wants.
d. By sharing my desired virtues to the customers.
_____22. How will Yudy look for more details in targeting market potential if he starts as a market researcher.
He uses a set of demographics and he was able to determine the target segment?
a. Look into other specification that are focus in customers’ demographic.
b. Look into other specification that are relevant to the market you are targeting.
c. Look into other specification that are irrelevant to the market you are targeting.
d. Look into other specification that are not related to the market you are targeting.
_____23. How it is important to know more about the market if Rod as a budding entrepreneur, first attempt in
starting a business is failure because he focuses more on the product he wants to sold. He
disregards the important of market in business?
a. It is important to know your market because the better you will able to determine customers’ needs and wants.
b. It is important to know your market because the better you will able to determine the possible risks in your business.
c. It is important to know your market because the better you will able to determine the financial forecast of your business.
d. It is important to know your market because the better you will able to determine the appropriate location for your business.
_____24. How can you expand good chances of opportunity in business to attain rapid growth?
a. through creating image projection
b. through branches and distributorship
c. through taping many market segment
d. through pursuing the need and wants of the customers
_____25. How will you start a developing a promotion campaign to expand your business as an entrepreneur?
a. As an entrepreneur, I will start by having clear objectives in mind.
b. As an entrepreneur, I will start by enhancing my business product.
c. As an entrepreneur, I will start by knowing my target audience in mind.
d. As an entrepreneur, I will start by knowing the customer’s motivation in buying the product.
_____26. How important is the involvement of human workforce in the manufacturing process of business?
a. Involvement of human workforce is important because they are reliable source of operation in business.
b. Involvement of human workforce is important because without them the operation can be jeopardize.
c. Involvement of human workforce is important because without them we can’t perform our task efficiently and fast.
d. Involvement of human workforce is important because they are the one who prepared good operation management in business as first step to become
_____27. How can you prove that machine is important in the production and manufacturing of product?
a. Machine can do anything all by itself.
b. Machine can perform without guide or instructions.
c. Machine can be a good replacement to human force.
d. Machine can perform the needed task efficiently and fast.
_____28. How do you find your revenue?
a. I will find my revenue through balancing the balance sheet.
b. I will find my revenue through counting all the expenses of my product and the profit.
c. I will find my revenue through counting the cost of raw materials needed in the production of my product.
d. I will find my revenue through counting how much product I sold per day and the amount of product sold per pac
_____29. How will you compute the sales revenue of your business?
a. To compute the sale revenue of your business you have to sum up the total cost of your operations.
b. To compute the sale revenue of your business you have to subtract all the expenses that you incurred in your business.
c. To compute the sale revenue of your business you have to multiply the price of the product per unit and number of products sold.
d. To compute the sale revenue of your business you have to divide all the expenses, costs and expenditures to generate revenue.
_____30. How will you differentiate profit and revenue?
a. Profit is not often used interchangeably from income while revenue does not go hand-in-hand with forecasting sales.
b. Profit refer to the cash that is left over after accounting expenses while revenue refer as the income obtained by a business.
c. Profit is the overall income throughout the operation of the business while revenue refer to the amount of money in your hand also known as cash on hand.
d. Profit is easy to calculate because you don’t need to find out your expenses while revenue is not easy because you need to give actual figures for each year’s

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher ABM Coordinator
SHS Department Head

Recommending Approval: Approved by:


Academic Coordinator Asst. Principal
School Principal

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