Periodicity: Shielding

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inter electrons shield outer valeme

from fill attraction of
Election shielding = electron nucleus

↳-> Potassium = 1s Is2 [p6 352 3pPMs) =
occupies energy levels + 1 revenue electron in 4th energy level


because of shelding effect the valence election is the reason

=> Election shelding increases down a

grap shelding valence elections require less =why conization energy in potassion
remove electrons

than inner is low (energy required to

electrons energy to
=> Nuclear change increase amossa period n =

Atomic Radii =

=> Atomic radis decreases across a period due to increase nuclear change acron a panod /election shelding remains the same

↳ the attraction between the ruoles and enter electious increases which rents in decreasing atomic radius
=> atomc radius increases down a
grapas number of occupied energy levels increase

mode of elections from a atom produce It
energy required to remove one to
energy- gaseous a

- Na-- Nat+e (positive values -

endothermic -
Sinceenegy is required to evercome attraction between positive nucleus w/election

Whization energy decreases down a
group but increases across a permod .
It increases access across a period
since nuclear change increases and the attraction between the value elections and the muchers

increases so more energy is required to remax the outermost election .

Lazation energy decreases
down number of occupied energy levels increases
inmesugatomic radis and electron
group sure the ,

shelding which meany electros are far from nucleus so requires ten
energy to remove elector

↳ If election
configuration was My Many then requires less comisation energy since both elections repe and poubitals are

than will also require

higher energy level a so les energy

Electronegatuly =
measure of the attraction of air atom for a bonding pair of electrons

=> Increases accross a penod because of nuclear charge and decreases down group sinveatanic radis increases and bonding elections

are far from niclers

dectron afferty = energy released when one mo of elections is added to one unde of a
gaseou atan to tom our 1- on

↳ x + e -x - Lexothermic

ind ↳ x- + e x2-leudothermic

=> the greater the atomic radiy and electron shelding the less energy is released when an election is added => decrease down group
=> men metals tend to la exothemic values

or metalli

Meting pa depends on badines covalent

comic or metalled
, or structure Klonic lattice
molecular covalent , giant

Group 1 metals alkali

↳ mp decreases down due to weaker metallic

↳ react with walogens to
produce salts + lenic bond formed

Snap 17 halogens
↳ diatomic molecules

↳ whowed

↳ Mphcrease down due to and stronger London Jones

group increasing mr
reactivity decreases down elements at the
group since
stronger oxidying agents

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