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Prithvi Narayan Campus

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology

A Report
Internship(as a Full Stack Developer)
Websoft Technology Nepal Pvt Limited

Submitted To:
Department Research Committee
B.Sc. CSIT Program
Prithvi Narayan Campus

In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of

Science inComputer Science and Information Technology

Submitted By:
Suju Devkota (21808/075)

October, 2023

The internship report is prepared in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree
of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology. I would like to
take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to all those who
have contributed to the successful completion of my internship at Websoft Technology
Nepal Pvt. Ltd. This experience has been invaluable in my personal and professional
development, and I owe a debt of thanks to them.

I want to start by expressing my gratitude to Mr. Ishwor Raj Chalise, my company's

mentor, for his advice, encouragement, and mentorship throughout the internship. His
expertise and willingness to share the knowledge and dedication towards his work make
me fell motivated and has been beneficial in my growth.

Similarly, I am also thankful towards my supervisor Mr. Gyaneshwor Dhungana, for

his continuous support, insightful criticism, and confidence in my talents. His insightful
comments on the structure of the report and the internship activities have guided my
efforts in the direction of prospective development.

I would like to express my appreciation to Websoft Technology Pvt. Ltd. for granting
me the chance to undertake my internship at their respected establishment. The exposure
to their work environment, ongoing projects, and dedication to achieving excellence has
greatly enhanced my learning experience.

I would also like to acknowledge the support and guidance provided by our DRC
Coordinator Mr. Prithvi Raj Paneru and Program Coordinator of BSc CSIT Program
Mr. Min Raj Lamsal for their advice, feedback, suggestions and encouragement that
encouraged me to pursue the internship.

I am deeply grateful to my friends, family, colleagues, and seniors for their unwavering
support and encouragement. They have been my backbone through thick and thin, and I
am truly blessed to have them in my life.

Suju Devkota(21808/075)


The expanding modernization concepts have resulted in new methods in the educational
sphere around the world, including Nepal.So, As a part of the course requirement of the
8th semester of the Bachelor of Science Computer Science and Information technology
(BSc CSIT) degree of Tribhuvan University, all students are required to complete a six
credit (minimum 10 weeks/180 hours long) internship to bridge the gap between
theoretical knowledge and real world experience. The internship was completed as a Full
Stack Developer at Websoft Technology Nepal Pvt Ltd. The host organization is
operating in Pokhara with motive to provide IT services all around the world. The
internship program provided hands-on experience and technical abilities in web
development, as well as the professional skills essential to survive in the current IT sector.
The projects featured in the internship program are based on an online scheduling system
built to promote the health of a specific private firm, and an ecommerce website that
allows users to buy furniture at wholesale prices. The fundamental goal of these projects
was to create an appealing user interface that delivers a better user experience when using
the website, as well as a quick, efficient, and resilient backend that can handle the user's
requests efficiently. The project includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript and bootstrap as the
frontend and PHP, Laravel as a backend. The effective use of the software development
life cycle enabled better task performance, management, and monitoring of the task. The
12-week internship period was successful in terms of discoveries and learning about
programming languages, efficient tools, and upcoming technologies, as well as other
professional skills such as communication, presentation, problem-solving, and much more.
This priceless experience will serve as a solid basis for a future career as a full stack web
developer, allowing to make a significant contribution in the IT sector.

Keywords: Appointment, Ecommerce , Product, Collaboration, Scheduling, digitization


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 1

1.1 Introduction: ........................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Problem Statement: ............................................................................................... 2

1.3 Objectives: .............................................................................................................3

1.3.1 Objectives of internship ...................................................................................3

1.3.2 Objectives of Projects ......................................................................................3

1.4 Scope and Limitation: ........................................................................................... 3

1.4.1 Scope: .............................................................................................................. 3

1.4.2 Limitations: .....................................................................................................4

1.5 Report Organization: ............................................................................................ 4


2.1. Organization Description .......................................................................................6

2.2. Organizational Hierarchy ...................................................................................... 7

2.3 Working Domains of Organizational ..................................................................... 8

2.4 Motivation of choosing Websoft Technology Nepal Pvt. Ltd. .............................9

2.5 Description of Intern Department/Unit .................................................................10

2.6 Description of Internship Duration ......................................................................10

CHAPTER 3: INTERNSHIP ACTIVITIES .................................................................. 11

3.1 Roles and Responsibilities: ................................................................................. 11

3.2 Weekly Log: .........................................................................................................12

3.3 Description of the Projects Involved During Internship: .................................. 14

3.3.1. Development Methodology .......................................................................... 16

3.3.2 Software Tools and Language Used: ............................................................. 17

3.3.3 Requirement Elicitation .................................................................................19

3.3.4 System Design: ..............................................................................................21

3.4 Task/ Activities Performed ...................................................................................25

3.4.1 Study about the project .................................................................................. 25

3.4.2 Setting up the development environment ...................................................... 25

3.4.3 Research about the Frameworks, Tools, and Libraries: ................................ 25

3.4.4 Frontend Implementations: ............................................................................25

3.4.5 Creating Database Models, Making Migrations, and Updating Database: ... 26

3.4.6 Testing: .......................................................................................................... 26

3.5 System Implementation: .......................................................................................29

CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSION AND LEARNING OUTCOMES ................................. 30

4.1 Conclusion: ...........................................................................................................30

4.2 Learning Outcome: ..............................................................................................30

REFERENCES: ..............................................................................................................32


Figure 1 : Organizational Hierarchy of Websoft Technology Nepal ...................................8

Figure 2 : Scrum Development Process .............................................................................16
Figure 3 : Context Diagram ............................................................................................... 21
Figure 4 : DFD level 1 ....................................................................................................... 22
Figure 5 : Use-case Diagram ..............................................................................................23
Figure 6 : ER Diagram .......................................................................................................24

Table 1 : Contact Details of Organization ........................................................................... 7

Table 2 : Internship Duration .............................................................................................10

Table 3 : Weekly log ..........................................................................................................12

Table 4 : User Registration Testing ................................................................................... 26

Table 5 : User Login testing ...............................................................................................27

Table 6 : Unit Testing for Image Slider ............................................................................. 28


UI/UX User Interface/User Experience

HTML HyperText Markup Language

CSS Cascading Style Sheet

CEO Chief Executive Officer

MVC Model View Controller

DFD Data Flow Diagram

ORM Object Relational Mapping


1.1 Introduction:

An internship is a educational program that combines study with planned and

performance-related experience. Service-learning internships, academic service-learning,
community service-learning, cooperative education programs, and applied practicum are
all examples of potential experiences in experiential education as of today ( .
The structure of internship here includes the on-site internship at Websoft Technology
Nepal Pvt. Ltd , as a Full Stack Developer(Laravel framework). As a part of the course
requirement of the 8th semester of the Bachelor of Science Computer Science and
Information technology (BSc CSIT) degree of Tribhuvan University, all students are
required to complete a six credit (minimum 10 weeks/180 hours long) internship
(Syballus of BSC. CSIT, 2022) .College theoretical and practical knowledge is essential
for developing one's abilities and understanding connected to the topic of study. Similarly,
it is critical to understand how to flourish.

At Websoft Technology Nepal Pvt. Ltd, the primary role during this internship is that of a
web developer, shouldering responsibilities encompassing both frontend and backend
development of diverse systems. This multifaceted role affords the opportunity to
cultivate a holistic understanding of web development within an authentic, real-world
context, where students actively engage in their learning experiences. Engaging in hands-
on projects, collaborating closely with seasoned professionals, and navigating the
intricacies of the industry has provided invaluable insights into market dynamics, client
expectations, and the multifaceted aspects of web development while maintaining an
experiential approach to learning.

The advantages of completing an internship are multifaceted. Firstly, it serves as a

platform for the acquisition of practical experience and the cultivation of professional
skills that are highly sought after in the job market. This practical experience equips
individuals with the competence to function effectively within their respective industry
sectors upon graduation while aligning with their individual learning needs. Additionally,
internships serve as a stepping stone to building a successful career, as the knowledge and
experiences garnered during the internship period can be instrumental in the development
of a comprehensive portfolio, the showcasing of abilities, and the attraction of potential

employers in a more experiential learning journey.

Furthermore, an internship offers a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between

academic learning and real-world application, making the educational experience more
personally relevant. It empowers students to apply the theories and concepts acquired in
the classroom to address tangible, real-world problems and challenges. This practical
experience not only consolidates comprehension of the subject matter but also enhances
problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities in a manner that speaks to the individual
learner's unique needs.

In summary, practical education encompasses diverse forms and structures, all aimed at
providing students with immersive, hands-on learning experiences that transcend
traditional classroom boundaries. The internship at Websoft Technology Nepal Pvt. Ltd
as a Full Stack Developer in the Laravel framework underscores the essence of this more
experiential and student-centered learning approach, offering a platform for applying
theoretical knowledge within a real-world context that resonates with the unique needs
and preferences of individual learners. As this internship progresses, valuable experience
was gained that will shape future careers and contribute significantly to professional
growth in a more experiential educational setting.

1.2 Problem Statement:

Succeeding in the IT sector requires more than just theoretical expertise. While our
academic coursework certainly enhances our intellectual abilities, practical hands-on
experience and the capacity to put theoretical knowledge into practice are crucial for
effective performance in actual corporate environments. This internship initiative assumes
a vital role in delivering the invaluable real-world exposure necessary to remain

Adapting to the evolving needs and requirements of clients within a constrained time
frame poses a significant challenge. Meeting client demands while adhering to project
timelines can be arduous, requiring agile project management, effective communication,
and a flexible development approach to ensure the delivery of high-quality, user-centric

1.3 Objectives:

1.3.1 Objectives of internship

The objectives of internship are included as follows:

 Utilize theoretical understanding in real-world web development initiatives.

 To develop and increase the professional skills.

 To get familiarize the the culture, customs, and the working environment of the
information technology sector.

 To have chances to build network with people in our area of work.

1.3.2 Objectives of Projects

 Create a seamless shopping experience for wholesale customers by developing

an intuitive user interface and optimizing the database for efficient data

 To develop a web application where employee can take appointments with

affiliated clinics digitally, prioritizing an responsive user interface, robust data
management, and seamless integration for enhanced healthcare access and
scheduling efficiency

1.4 Scope and Limitation:

1.4.1 Scope:

The internship program offers participants the opportunity to apply their theoretical
knowledge in practical, real-world situations while acquiring new skills and experiencing
a professional work environment. It provides valuable networking prospects with industry
experts, a chance to explore diverse career paths, and fosters personal growth through the
development of essential soft skills. Interns may also contribute to ongoing projects and
initiatives, potentially opening doors to future employment opportunities.

Here's the scope of an internship program:

 Application of theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios,

 Learning new skills and gaining practical experience,

 Exposure to the professional work environment,

 Networking opportunities with industry professionals,

 Chance to explore various career paths and industries,

 Personal growth and development of essential soft skills,

 Potential impact on ongoing projects and initiatives,

 Possibility of future employment opportunities.

1.4.2 Limitations:

The limitations that had been seen during the internship duration can be listed as below:

 Interns may encounter limitations in accessing project resources due to security

concerns, as well as budget and economic details, which may not be disclosed
due to confidentiality issues.

 The budget and economic details of project have not been disclosed due to
confidentiality and privacy issues,

 The intern's involvement in multiple projects could be limited due to the

heavyweight nature and complex requirements of these projects. Balancing
multiple projects with limited time and experience may result in constraints on
their contributions and overall project involvement.

1.5 Report Organization:

The internship report is based on four chapter. The outline of the report is shown below:

Chapter 1: Introduction

This chapter gives a general overview of the project along with the background and
motivation, problem statement, objective, scope and limitations.

Chapter 2: Organization Details and Literature Review Section

Chapter 2 includes the introduction to the organization, its organizational hierarchy, along
with its working domains and the description of the intern line. Similarly, it also includes
the review of similar projects.

Chapter 3: Internship Activities Section

In this section, an overview of the roles and responsibilities that were undertaken during
the internship is provided, along with insights into daily activities through a detailed
weekly log. Furthermore, the description of the project that was engaged in during the
internship is outlined, encompassing various tasks and activities such as requirements
analysis, system design, and implementation. The tools and platforms that were utilized
throughout the development process are also highlighted, with a dedicated section on
testing to clarify the system's workflow.

Chapter 4 :Conclusion and Learning Outcomes Section

The final section of the project completed during the internship. This part provides a
complete description of the constructed system as well as a comment on the valuable
learning outcomes obtained throughout the internship period. It also includes a list of
references to properly identify the sources of information used throughout the project.
Essentially, this section summarizes the various insights gathered throughout the
internship, offering a well-rounded and compelling conclusion to the entire paper.


2.1. Organization Description

Websoft Technology Nepal, a privately-owned software company based in Srijanachowk,

Pokhara. With a comprehensive suite of offerings, Websoft caters to a diverse client
around the world. Their services encompass IT outsourcing, hosting and cloud solutions,
custom software application development, social media development, and application
development for clients spanning countries like Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia,
the USA, the UK, and Singapore. This esteemed client base includes prestigious banks,
media firms, government agencies, and small to mid-sized enterprises, representing a
wide array of industries.

What truly sets Websoft apart is its team of seasoned experts who collaborate seamlessly
to achieve client objectives. Their collective expertise ensures the delivery of top-notch IT
solutions. Moreover, Websoft is committed to nurturing and empowering new interns,
offering them invaluable opportunities to refine their skills and gain practical experience
in their respective fields. This commitment not only benefits the interns but also bolsters
the company's dynamism and growth, positioning Websoft as a trusted and valuable
entity in the IT industry. (

Image Source:Websoft Technology Nepal Pvt. Ltd

Table 1: Contact Details of Organization

Name Websoft Technology Nepal Pvt. Ltd.

Address SrijanaChowk, Pokhara-8

Phone +977 61-538358


2.2. Organizational Hierarchy

The CEO is at the top of the company's hierarchy, responsible for determining the
company's overall strategy and direction. The Project Manager reports directly to the
CEO and is responsible for monitoring and organizing the company's numerous
departments. Three key departments report to the Project Manager: the Senior Developer
Department, which focuses on development-related tasks and includes specialized roles
such as UI/UX Designers, Junior Developers, and Interns; the QA Engineer Department,
which is responsible for maintaining product quality and the Digital Marketing
Department, which handles digital marketing strategies and campaigns with intern
assistance. This hierarchical structure promotes effective management and responsibility
division throughout the business, supporting smooth operations and project execution.

The following is the hierarchy of our organization Websoft Technology Nepal:

Figure 1: Organizational Hierarchy of Websoft Technology Nepal

2.3 Working Domains of Organizational

Websoft Technology Nepal Pvt Ltd is a dynamic and innovative IT company specializing
in a wide range of services including web development, digital marketing, app
development, web hosting, IT consulting, and graphic design. With a focus on cutting-
edge technology and client satisfaction, we provide tailored solutions to meet the diverse
needs of businesses, helping them succeed in the digital landscape. Some are as follows:

1 Web Development: Creating and maintaining websites and web applications,

focusing on design, functionality, and user experience.

2 Digital Marketing: Promoting products or services through online channels,

including SEO, social media marketing, email marketing, and online advertising.

3 App Development: Designing and building mobile applications for various
platforms like iOS and Android to meet specific business needs.

4 Web Hosting: Providing server space and infrastructure to host websites and
applications, ensuring their availability and performance on the internet.

5 IT Consulting: Offering expert advice and solutions to businesses to optimize their

IT infrastructure, systems, and technology strategies.

6 Graphic Design: Creating visually appealing designs for branding, marketing

materials, and digital content, enhancing the overall visual identity of businesses.

2.4 Motivation of choosing Websoft Technology Nepal Pvt. Ltd.

The motivation behind my selection of Websoft Technology Private Limited for my

internship program during the eighth semester of my BSc.CSIT degree can be attributed
to several compelling factors:

1. Renowned IT Business: Websoft Technology is a well-established and respected IT

company in Pokhara known for its history of success and innovation.

2. Expert Team: The company boasts a team of highly knowledgeable experts dedicated
to creating cutting-edge online and mobile applications.

3. Diverse Service Offerings: Websoft Technology offers a wide range of services,

including software development, e-commerce development, mobile development,
and online solutions, providing an opportunity to gain experience in various facets of
the IT industry.

4. Professional Development: The company is committed to the professional growth of

its staff, offering training programs and workshops to keep employees updated on the
latest technologies and trends.

5. Supportive Workplace Culture: Websoft Technology fosters a workplace culture that

values its employees and promotes a healthy work-life balance.

6. Valuable Experience: The internship at Websoft Technology is seen as a valuable

opportunity to enhance knowledge and skills, positioning interns for successful
careers in the IT sector.

2.5 Description of Intern Department/Unit

The Intern Department at Websoft Technology is instrumental in nurturing and fostering

young talent in the realm of software development, QA and digital Marketing . Each year,
the company normally selects around twenty five interns, offering both 3-month and 6-
month internships based on their academic curriculum and availability. Prospective
interns begin their journey by submitting their CV for company evaluation, where skills
and qualifications are assessed to determine eligibility. Those who meet the criteria are
invited for interviews, during which they showcase their abilities and present their
projects. The interview performance, skills, and project reviews determine whether the
student are selected as a intern or not. Internships .an be paid or unpaid depending upon
their skills. Upon selection, each group of 5 interns is assigned a mentor from the
company who offers guidance and support, addressing any challenges that may arise
during development. Interns work closely with the development team under the CEO's
supervision, actively contributing projects. This structured approach equips interns with
valuable experience while bolstering the company's development endeavors.

2.6 Description of Internship Duration

The minimum required internship period is 10 weeks/180 hours, as per the requirements
of the BSc. CSIT 8th Semester program. It consists of various training phases or
assignments that are carried out with a particular purpose for each phase. Each stage
displays the intern's progress throughout the program. It also includes details on how and
when interns will complete each task's objectives.

Table 2: Internship Duration

Start Date 2nd May, 2023

Duration 12 weeks
Office Hours 10:00 am -5:00 pm
Working Hours 7 hours a day
Working Days 6 days a week(Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Position Intern
Mentor Mr. Ishwor Raj Chalise


3.1 Roles and Responsibilities:

The internship activities comprised various tasks and duties as an intern at the
organization. The roles and duties ranged from development activities to organizational
behavior. The organization's mentor Mr. Ishwor Raj Chalise explained the roles and
duties that assisted to efficiently work on project tasks.

Internship obligations entail a commitment to learning, contributing, and upholding

professional standards. Interns are expected to fulfill tasks, meet deadlines, and actively
engage in their role, demonstrating diligence and enthusiasm. Ethical conduct is
paramount, involving honesty, confidentiality, and respect for colleagues and company
values. Additionally, interns should seek guidance when needed, foster a positive work
environment, and strive for personal growth while adhering to the organization's rules and
policies, ultimately balancing responsibility, learning, and ethical integrity throughout
their internship experience.

The major roles and responsibilities included during the internship activities can be
summarized as below.

 Follow standard clean Architecture to write code.

 Develop self-learning capabilities and seek help from mentor when needed.

 Work on the user interface using HTML,CSS, JavaScript and bootstrap.

 Work on the backend part of the project using laravel framework.

 Integrating frontend part with backend part of the project.

 Handling the errors that occur in the project.

 Practice more and more to use the tools and technology correctly.

 Collaborating with designers, developers, and stakeholders.

3.2 Weekly Log:

The 10-week long internship contained of various activities relating to the projects. The
activities in the duration can be summarized as below:

Table 3: Weekly log

Week Phase Description

Week 1 Orientation and  Interns were immersed in the company's

Familiarization atmosphere for the first week, learning about the
2nd May- 12th May
organization's goal, values, and culture. This
offered a solid knowledge of the company's
philosophy and guiding principles.

 Interns received essential technical training, which

included configuring development environments
with the appropriate tools and following to the
company's coding standards and best practices,
assuring them readiness to thrive in continuing web
development projects.

 Mentor was assigned by the company.

Week 2 Project  Requirement analysis of the project was performed.

Assigned(Sitara. Worked on the landing page (header and footer
14thMay-19th May 

my) section )

 Worked on the designing different pages(about us,

company login page)

Week 3 Frontend  Worked on the feedback page .

design( worked on the Employee login page.
21stMay-26th May 

 Worked on the responsiveness of the worked done.

Week 4 Frontend design  Integrated all the pages.

Online The project was reviewed by the mentor.
28th May-2nd June 


System.  Changed logo .

 The project was hold as client had to look through

user interface.

Week 5 Requirement  Next project Ecolife was assigned by the mentor.

analysis(Ecolife) Requirement analysis was done.
4th June-9th June 

 Worked on the header section.

Week 6 Front-end design  Designed About Section

of ( Ecolife)
11thJune-16th June  Carousel Added

 Worked on product section in home page.

 Designed single product section

Week 7 Front-end design  Worked on the newsletter section.

of ( Ecolife) Designed contact us and faq page.
18thJune-23rd June 

 Learned how to create database design.

 Discussed about the necessary tables relationship.

Week 8 Database design  Created category table .

for Ecolife Add relation with product tables (one to many).
25thJune-30th June 

 Add slider status attribute for control over the

active slider.

Week 9 Database design  Create user table.

for the Ecolife. Order,cart table was created.
2nd July-9th July 

 Slider CRUD operation and add feature for active


Week 10 Back-end  Performed CRUD operation on Product Category.

(Ecolife) Product CRUD operation was done.
11th July-16th July 

 Intergate Backend and frontend part.

 Fixed error of product category table.

 The worked was reviewed by mentor.

Week 11 Learned  Learned how the hosting worked.

hosting ’ Upload the hopeability project to the server.
18th July-25th July 

 The worked was reviewed by the Mentor and teach

how to upload single file to the sever.

Week 12  All the performance was reviewed by the mentor.

27thJuly-11th  Redesigned some part of Ecolife after getting

August feedback from the client.Made a presentation to list

the tasks completed throughout the internship.

3.3 Description of the Projects Involved During Internship:

During internship, I got an opportunity to involve in different projects namely Sitara and
Ecolife. The short description of the projects is as follows:

Sitara- An Online Appointment System

Sitara is a sophisticated web application designed to simplify and enhance the healthcare
experience for employees of companies in Malaysia. Developed by a private company,
this platform offers a comprehensive suite of features centered around an efficient online
appointment system. Employees can conveniently schedule appointments with affiliated
clinics and healthcare providers through the platform. What sets Sitara apart is its
capability to facilitate online doctor consultations, allowing employees to receive medical
advice, prescriptions, and consultations remotely. The platform also generates electronic
health records (EHRs), ensuring that essential medical information is securely stored and
easily accessible to healthcare providers for informed care. Doctors can manage their
schedules independently, optimizing their availability for appointments. Additionally,
Sitara assists in medical leave management, enabling employees to request and manage
their leave directly through the platform, with these records often being visible to the
company's HR or management team. The platform's user-friendly interface ensures a
seamless experience, while robust security measures protect sensitive healthcare data,
maintaining compliance with data privacy regulations. Sitara stands as a holistic solution,
integrating various healthcare and administrative functions to improve the overall
healthcare experience for employees and streamline healthcare management for

Ecolife: An ecommerce Website

Ecolife Furniture is an advanced web application that serves as a dedicated e-commerce

platform, specifically designed for wholesale transactions within the furniture industry
based on Australia. This platform exclusively caters to business-to-business (B2B)
interactions, distinguishing itself from traditional retail-oriented e-commerce websites.
Ecolife Furniture's primary mission is to streamline and simplify the process of sourcing
furniture and related products in bulk for various businesses. It functions as a wholesale
marketplace where retailers, interior designers, contractors, and other commercial entities
can effortlessly browse, select, and purchase a wide array of furniture items. This
comprehensive platform offers a vast and diverse product catalog, including chairs, tables,
sofas, cabinets, and more, tailored to meet the specific needs of its B2B clientele. To
accommodate the unique requirements of its professional customers, Ecolife Furniture
may also offer customization options for select products, enabling businesses to tailor
items to their individual projects. Moreover, the platform provides competitive wholesale
pricing structures, flexible payment options, and dedicated customer support, ensuring a
seamless and efficient buying experience for its B2B customers. Ecolife Furniture's
commitment to excellence extends to its logistics and delivery services, facilitating large-
scale deliveries and managing the intricacies of supply chain logistics to ensure timely
and reliable product distribution.
In developing the project, the Laravel framework played a pivotal role. Laravel served as
the foundation, offering a structured and efficient approach to web development. Its
Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture allowed us to organize our code
systematically, simplifying development and maintenance. With Laravel's built-in
features, such as routing and authentication, we accelerated the development process. It
also provided robust database management capabilities. Furthermore, Laravel's extensive
ecosystem of packages and libraries proved invaluable. These resources facilitated the
seamless implementation of complex functionalities, including the shopping cart,
inventory management, and user authentication. Taking towards my roles, I was involved
in designing the user interface(like homepage,about us , company login)for sitara web
application whereas I have done both frontend and backend part in Ecolife project.

3.3.1. Development Methodology

The Scrum development technique was used to develop this projects at Websoft Nepal
Technologies Pvt. Ltd.. Because Scrum takes an incremental and iterative approach to
development, the website was divided into smaller, more manageable components that
were created and delivered in brief periods of time called sprints. As a result, we were
able to rapidly acquire the client's comments and make any necessary adjustments.

Figure 2: Scrum Development Process

Scrum Development Phases for the projects are as follows:

Sprint Planning

From the product backlog, the team chooses the features and specifications they would
focus on during the sprint, including:

Product Backlog of Ecommerce site(Ecolife):

 User Registration and Authentication

 Product Catalog and Listings

 Shopping Cart and Checkout

 Content Management

 Responsive Design and Compatibility

 Customer Support, etc.

Sprint Execution

● The group set about putting into practice the features and specifications they had

decided upon during the planning meeting.

● Every day, the team gathered to review their progress, pinpoint any obstacles, and
plan the following day's activities.

Sprint Review

● The team presented the work they had finished to the product owner and other
stakeholders at the conclusion of the sprint.

● Additionally, the team gathered criticism of the work and used it to enhance the
product backlog.

Sprint Retrospective

● The team held a sprint retrospective meeting after each sprint to discuss the sprint
and determine areas for improvement.

Until all of the features and needs from the product backlog had been implemented, the
team went through these phases again. The website is now finished and open for public

3.3.2 Software Tools and Language Used:

The software tools and programming languages that were used in the project development
are as follows.

● Figma: Figma is a flexible web design and prototype tool that allows designers and
teams to collaborate in real time (Figma) . It is a popular choice in the design world
since it provides a wide variety of tools for designing interactive user interfaces and
prototypes. The user interface and user experiences were designed and created using
Figma for both the projects.

● HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): HTML is the basic markup language used to
organize web page content. It describes a web page's components and layout,
including as headers, paragraphs, pictures, links, and forms (Hemmendinger).

● CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): CSS is a style sheet that is used to style web pages. It
enables developers to customize the display and layout of HTML components, such
as fonts, colors, spacing, and responsive design for various screen sizes.

● JavaScript (JS) is a programming language used to bring interactivity and behavior

to web pages. It is required for dynamic features, processing user input, and
performing asynchronous server queries (AJAX). (Eich, 1995)

● Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework that includes a library of pre-designed

CSS and JavaScript components such as navigation bars, modals, and adaptable grids.
It streamlines and accelerates the development process by providing a consistent and
responsive design.

● jQuery is a JavaScript library that makes DOM manipulation and event handling
easier. While its use has waned as modern JavaScript frameworks have grown in
popularity, it is still utilized in some applications.

● MySQL: MySQL is an open-source relational database management system

(RDBMS) which has become one of the leading database choices for the web
application due to its ease of use, performance and reliability. For the implementation
of our system, we used it to store hotel information, user information and reservation

● Laravel: Laravel is free, open-source and one of the more popular PHP web
Framework based on model– view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern. It is
created by Taylor Otwell, intended to reduce the cost of initial development and
improve quality of your code by defining industry standard design practices
(Panigrahy, 2017) .Some of the features of Laravel are a modular packaging system
with a dedicated dependency manager, different ways for accessing relational
databases, utilities that aid in application deployment and maintenance, and its

● Visual Studio Code: Visual Studio Code is a sophisticated text editor which is
widely used among developers. It includes wide features such as Syntax Highlight,
Auto Indentation, File Type Recognition, Sidebar, Macros, Plug-in and Packages that
make it easy for working with code base.

● NPM: NPM is the package of Js that helps to run the system with real time. We can
also use node js for it.

● Composer: Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to

declare the libraries of project depends on and it will manage them for Laravel

● XAMPP Server: XAMPP is an open-source cross-platform solution stack released
by Apache. XAMPP comprises of Apache HTTP server, Maria DB or MySQL for
database purpose, and the programming language such as PHP and Perl. The system
is completely tested using XAMPP server. The demonstration of the reservation
system is done through XAMPP server.

● Other software:

 Git and Github as a version control system and code sharing to work collaboratively
with other developers and interns,

 Jira for task management,

 MS PowerPoint for presentation, etc.

 VPS server was used for hosting and deployment.

3.3.3 Requirement Elicitation

Creating a clear and thorough grasp of what the system should do and how it should
operate is the aim of requirement elicitation. The requirements document, which serves as
a guide for the development team, is then prepared using this information.

Some of the main advantages of requirement elicitation are as follows:

 It assists in making sure the finished product satisfies the requirements of all users
and stakeholders.

 It lessens the possibility of miscommunication and redoing work.

 The development team and stakeholders' interaction and communication are


 It offers a foundation for verification and testing.

In the end, requirement elicitation is a crucial stage in the software development process
that contributes to the project's success.

 Functional Requirements:

The system's functional requirements outline the exact operations, features, and
capabilities that the application must do. These requirements specify what the system
must perform to fulfill the demands of users and stakeholders.Some functional
requirements of Sitara are listed below:

 User Registration and Authentication,

 Appointment Booking ,

 Appointment Management,

 Profile Management

 Send email or SMS notifications to users for appointment confirmations, reminders,

and cancellations

 Availability Management.

Likewise, the functional requirements of Ecolife (Ecommerce websites) are listed as


 User registration and login,

 Admin Panel to manage Products, users and orders,

 Search and Navigation

 Shopping Cart like allow users to add and remove items from their shopping carts.

 Secure and user-friendly checkout process with multiple payment options ( Stripe)

 Non-functional Requirements:

The non-functional requirements establish the system's quality traits, performance, and
restrictions. These specifications specify how the system should operate in terms of speed,
dependability, security, and other factors. Non-functional criteria that apply to both
projects include: performance, user interface and user experience, security, privacy,
availability, scalability, interoperability, usability, accessibility, and so on.Some of the
non functional requirement are mentioned below:

 Performance: The website is able to handle a large number of users without any
performance issues.

 User Friendly: The Purpose of the website is interactive and easy to use the interface.

 Security: The website is secure and protect the privacy of its users. This includes
measures such as using encryption to protect sensitive data and requiring users to
create strong passwords.

 Accessibility: The website is easily access to all the users. User can simply access
this website by using any browser using internet. There is no required to login or sign

in for the access of the website.

 Usability: The website is easy to use and navigate for all users, regardless of their
technical expertise.

 Scalability: The website is scalable to accommodate a growing number of users.

 Maintainability: The website is easy to maintain and update.

3.3.4 System Design:

Different designs were carried out during the project development. These designs ensured
the guidance of development of project. Some of the designs carried out are described and
illustrated below:

Context Diagram:

A context diagram, also known as a Level 0 Data Flow Diagram (DFD), is a visual
depiction of a system that provides a high-level perspective. Its principal function is to
depict the system's boundaries and how it interacts with external entities. This diagram
depicts a simplified and abstracted picture of the system, emphasizing the system's
linkages to its external environment.
I have been given the opportunity to be involved in all aspects of the project except for
the payment integration, which is being handled by the senior developer.

The context diagram of the Ecolife - an ecommerce website is illustrated


Figure 3: Context Diagram

The above context diagram shows the basic flow of the application that describes the
application workflow along the interaction with service user and admin.

DFD Level 1:

It is a visual representation in software modeling and systems engineering to depict the

flow of activities, actions, and transitions within a system or process.

The activity diagram of the project is illustrated as below:

Figure 4: DFD level 1

Use-Case Diagram:

The use-case diagram is used in order to describe the interactions or actions that occur
between a system and external entities (typically users or other systems) to achieve a
specific goal or functionality. Looking at the user case diagram, I have done CRUD
operation on category,product, Order placement, postal code where as I have get
opportunity to work on payment integration.

Figure 5: Use-case Diagram

The use-case diagram describes the actors and their interactions they hold on the
application. The actors can be categorized as admin,user where each of them possesses a
specific role.

ER Diagram:

ER Model stands for Entity Relationship Model is a high-level conceptual data model
diagram. ER model helps to systematically analyze data requirements to produce a well-
designed database. The ER Model represents real-world entities and the relationships
between them. Creating an ER Model in DBMS is considered as a best practice before
implementing your database.

Figure 6: ER Diagram

3.4 Task/ Activities Performed

3.4.1 Study about the project

During the initial planning phase of the project, I was assigned the task of thoroughly
studying and understanding the project's overarching purpose, goals, and specific
objectives. My internship focused on delving into the fundamental aspects of the project
to gain a comprehensive grasp of its intricacies and requirements. This involved
analyzing the project's core mission and what it aimed to achieve, ensuring that I was
well-equipped to contribute effectively to its development throughout my internship

3.4.2 Setting up the development environment

 Installation of Visual Studio Code: Continue using Visual Studio Code as your code

 Installation of Laravel: Install Laravel using Composer by running composer global

require laravel/installer.

 Set up GIT profile: Set up your Git profile for version control .

3.4.3 Research about the Frameworks, Tools, and Libraries:

 Research and learn about HTML ,CSS , Bootstrap, Laravel, PHP, Composer. Look
for resources on best practices and design patterns in Laravel.

3.4.4 Frontend Implementations:

 UI/UX Design Implementation: Implement the e-commerce design provided by the

designer using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Laravel Blade templating for dynamic

 Responsive Design: Used CSS media queries to ensure that website is responsive to
different screen sizes.

 Cross-browser Compatibility: The site was tested in various browsers to ensure

consistent functionality and design.

3.4.5 Creating Database Models, Making Migrations, and Updating Database:

 Define Database Model: Define database models for related entities such as products,
categories, users, orders, and more using Laravel's Eloquent ORM.

 Check for Migration Errors and Database Constraints: Used Laravel's migration
system to create and modify database tables. Checked for migration errors using php
artisan migrate:status, and Laravel will enforce database constraints.

 Update Database for Refinement: If there was change in the database structure, new
migrations was created and the database schema was updated accordingly.

3.4.6 Testing:

Testing was done in order to identify any technical or functional errors along with the
evaluation of security and installation.

 Unit Testing

Individual sets of source code, or "units," are examined to see if they function as intended
as part of the unit testing process for software. A unit test is often an automated test that
executes a brief section of code and compares the results to what is anticipated.

Table 4: User Registration Testing

Test Test Inputs Expected Actual Result

Case Outcomes Outcome

TC-01 User type: User Registration Registration Test

First Name: Suju Successful! Successful Successful
Last Name: Devkota
Contact: 9845123655
Password: devkotasuju012
Confirm Password: devkotasuju012

TC-02 User type: User Passwords Passwords Test
First Name: Suju do not do not Successful
Last Name: Devkota match. match.
Contact: 9845123655
Password: devkotasuju012
Confirm Password: devkotasuju01
TC-03 User type: User Phone Phone Test
First Name: Suju number number Successful
Last Name: Devkota already already
Contact: 9846906735 registered! registered!
Password: devkotasuju012
Confirm Password: devkotasuju01

Table 5: User Login testing

Test Case Test Inputs Expected Actual Result

ID Outcomes Outcome

TC-01 Email : Login Login Test Successful! Successful! Successful
Password: devkotasuju012

TC-02 Email: Invalid Invalid Test username or username or Successful
Password: ababababa password password

Table 6: Unit Testing for Image Slider

Test case ID Test Inputs Expected Outcomes Actual Result


TC-01 Upload a new The image should be Test passed

image to the uploaded to the
slide slider and displayed

TC-02 Edit an The existing image The existing Test passed

existing image should be replaced and image is
in the slider new image should be replaced with
uploaded the new
image and the
slider is

TC-03 Delete an The image is Test passed

existing image deleted from
from the slider the slider.

3.5 System Implementation:

The implementation phase involves the conversion of the logical design into the physical
design by using various resources and technologies required. The implementation
involves the use of various tools and software that hold their own purpose and goal to
meet the requirements of application.

Tools Used:

Front-end Tools:



 Bootstrap

Back-end Tools:

 JavaScript

 PHP(Laravel)

Software Tools:

 Visual Studio Code

 Git

 Github


4.1 Conclusion:

The opportunity to improve knowledge and abilities has been greatly facilitated by the
internship at Websoft Technology Nepal Pvt. Ltd. The internship enabled to gain practical
work experience and most importantly teamwork skills. Additionally, this project enabled
to gain knowledge on application development skills, database and software development.
Through this internship, the chance to learn about the norms of the field and how work is
actually done in the real world with the real life problems was known. This internship and
collaborative culture with a supportive mentor really helped to learn a lot about working
in the IT industry. It is an opportunity to learn how to relate and interact with colleagues.

In Conclusion, the internship was highly helpful for the growth of profession and that the
experience gained through it would be valuable for future opportunity. It is the learning
experience and the medium to gain powerful skills for the future career. Together creating
a project also provides the lessons to coordinate on tasks and communicate with the team.

4.2 Learning Outcome:

The 12 week internship program proved to be an immensely valuable experience.

Throughout this period, the guidance of a mentor within the organization played a pivotal
role in advancing web development skills. The mentor's expertise and guidance were
instrumental in making significant strides in this field. One of the most notable benefits of
this internship was the substantial growth in skills and knowledge. Working on real-world
projects and tackling complex challenges resulted in increased confidence in abilities.
This newfound confidence was not only empowering but also essential for succeeding in
the competitive tech industry.

Moreover, the organizational ethics and culture within the company left a deep
impression. These values were not just abstract principles but actively practiced by
everyone in the organization. This environment played a crucial role in professional
development, instilling a strong sense of professionalism and ethics, which are
indispensable qualities in today's fast-paced and ever-evolving market. Collaboration was
another skill honed during the internship. Working alongside other developers and team
members improved the ability to understand the dynamics of teamwork. Effectively

communicating, sharing ideas, and collectively solving problems are invaluable skills in
any professional setting and will be carried forward throughout a career.

In addition to skills and knowledge, the internship program provided the opportunity to
expand the network and build relationships with professionals in the tech industry. These
connections are not just beneficial in the present but also hold great promise for the future.
They offer a platform for learning, collaboration, and potential opportunities down the


Syballus of BSC. CSIT. (2022). Retrieved from 8th Semester Intership Syballus :


Eich, B. (1995). Retrieved 10 09, 2023, from What is JavaScript?:

Figma. (n.d.). Retrieved 06 17, 2023, from

Hemmendinger, D. (n.d.). Retrieved from britannica:

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pokhara:: Websoft Technology Nepal Pvt. Ltd. Retrieved from


Screenshot of Attendance Sheet

Screenshot of Attendance Sheet

Screenshot of Attendance Sheet

Screenshot of Attendance Sheet

Weekly log of first 3 weeks
Weekly log of 4-9 Weeks
Weekly log of last three Weeks
Screenshot of Landing Page of Online Appoinment System

Screenshot of Feedback page

Screenshot of Company Login Page

Screenshot of About us page

Screenshot of Employee login

Screenshot of home page

Screenshot of FAQ page of Ecolife

Screenshot of Product section

Screenshot of Dashboard Page

Screenshot of User Profile

Screenshot of Add Product admin panel

Screenshot of order admin panel

Screenshot of Contact us admin panel

Screenshot of FAQs admin panel

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