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At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to
1. Define what innovation is.
2. Recognize the four innovations in grammar assessment; and
3. Appraise the importance of Digital game


The changing educational landscape brought by local and global crises has led
curricularists to design teaching and learning that support multimodal delivery
of a responsive curriculum.

Adams and Hale (2020) in an article entitled, Stop Giving Them Answers: Make
them Think, emphasized the need for educators to cultivate the intellect of the
students, which is a challenging process. Similarly, Brown, Roediger, and
McDaniel(2014) in Adams and Hale (2020) advanced the tenet that student
learning is deeper and more lasting when it is effortful.

Digital game-based grammar assessment is appealing due to the following


1. The competition provides motivation to the students, as players, to start and

finish the game.
2. When the students are engaged to play with some grammatical units used in
the game, they want to play some more and have fun.
3. The immediate feedback students have while playing excites them to
comeback for more.
4. The reinforcement and feedback are made instantaneous.


1.Redefining the construct

2.Partial Scoring
3.The Social Dimension
4.The Standard

With the advent of technology nowadays, Technological adeptness is an

advantage for us future language educators.
Technology-aided language instruction has been proven to create more
independent and highly - motivated students . Currently, there are plenty of
engaging tools and applications that can help teachers in making their English
classes truly engaging.

The four innovations in grammar are redefining the construct, partial

scoring, social dimension, and the standards. Furthermore, in assessing
grammar, the purpose is to assess grammatical knowledge such
As the form and meaning, as well as pragmatically knowledge or
Also known as the ability to express meaning beyond language rules.

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