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prepared by Tran Trung Nguyen, MA (Mr.)

*Note(s): Listed below are words and their contextual

meanings only.
Famous mainly for his wonderful voice, Cole Porter was also a
virtuoso on the piano.

➔ A person extremely skilled at something, especially an

instrument/ performing
(Cambridge dictionary)
The problem is I find most forms of the exercise so tedious.

➔ Boring
(Cambridge dictionary)
This building, once derided by critics, is now a major tourist
➔ To laugh at sb/ sth, showing you think they are of no value
(Cambridge dictionary)
It’s a curious paradox that drinking a lot of water can often make
you feel thirsty.
➔ A situation/ statement seemingly impossible to understand
because of its two opposite facts/ characteristics
(Cambridge dictionary)
We got so wet that our clothes clung to us.
➔ To stick onto sth/ sb tightly
(Cambridge dictionary)
The jury reached a unanimous verdict of “not guilty”.
➔ Being agreed by everyone in a group
(Oxford dictionary)
The project, tentatively called Viva, is in the early design stages.
➔ In a way that may be changed later
(Cambridge dictionary)
The house was set in idyllic surroundings.
➔ Peaceful and beautiful
(Oxford dictionary)
The film’s plot is predictable and the acting is mediocre.
➔ Not very good
(Cambridge dictionary)
He praised the union’s aims but predicted its early demise.
➔ The end or failure
(Oxford dictionary)
The judge’s remarks caused public outrage.
➔ A strong feeling of shock and anger
(Oxford dictionary)
Rising consumer sales have the effect of spurring the economy to
faster growth.
➔ To encourage an activity or development
(Cambridge dictionary)
The levels of pollution in this area are unduly high.
➔ Excessively
(Oxford dictionary)
The survey showed that people become managers by well-
trodden paths.
➔ Having been done by a lot of people previously
(Cambridge dictionary)
It is deplorable how lily-livered we are being when it comes to the
safety of our children.
➔ Not brave, cowardly
(Europarl Parallel Corpus-English)
It is deplorable how lily-livered we are being when it comes to the
safety of our children.
➔ Very bad
(Europarl Parallel Corpus-English)
The evening was a lavish affair with glorious food and en endless
supply of champagne.
➔ Large In quantity, expensive or impressive
(Cambridge dictionary)
Lawyers should be diplomatic in dealing with a judge.
➔ Tactful
(Cambridge dictionary)
They looked out on a bleak and desolate landscape.
➔ (of a place) empty, making you feel sad or frightened
(Oxford dictionary)
They looked out on a bleak and desolate landscape.
➔ (of a place) exposed, with no pleasant features
(Oxford dictionary)
Cambridge English dictionary: Meanings & definitions. (n.d.).

Text checker | Oxford Learner’s dictionaries. (n.d.-b).


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