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Smart cities are built on new technologies to improve people's lives. The idea of living in one of them
sounds very exciting. But is a life controlled by smart technologies good or bad for us? Let's start with
the advantages. Living in a smart city can reduce the negative impact on the environment. Future smart
cities will be built in new urban areas with a lot of green space. City dwellers will also care more about
the environment, so they will try to find ways to make their cities greener and more sustainable, for
example, by growing vegetables in their roof gardens. What about the disadvantages? Smart cities can
also affect people's private lives. When cameras are installed for security purposes, city dwellers may
lose their right to privacy. They may think that someone is watching them all the time, and feel
In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages of living in a smart city. In my opinion, the
benefits are greater, and people will find a way to adapt to the new lifestyle and overcome the


To: Ha Noi High School Youth Union Board
Date: 10 January 20
Prepared by: Grade 11 students
We would like to propose an ASEAN poster making event to welcome a group of students from
ASEAN countries who are coming to visit our school on the 3rd of March.
Details about the event:
The event will take place in the School Hall from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We will organize all the activities and
invite all ASEAN students and representatives of some classes. In the morning, students will take part in
training workshops on poster design, presentations, and discussions on current issues in ASEAN, and
group brainstorming activities. We'll also arrange for packed lunch boxes to be delivered at 1 p.m., so
participants can eat in the school hall. In the afternoon, the teams will make their posters.
Goals and benefits:
The event will help young people from ASEAN countries meet and build a community. Participants will
also have a chance to learn about each other's culture. We believe that the event will help develop
students' ability to work with people from other countries and create shared values. Conclusion:
We really hope you will consider our proposal as we think that it will be beneficial to both local
students and the visiting ASEAN students.

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