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Instructor: En Sazali

Date: 15 May 2019

Room: 120



1 Type of slide at D3? Single Lane Slide

2 Where is the safety pin stowed at D3? Next to cabin crew seat in the

3 Where is the safety pin stowed at all doors EXCEPT Door Support Arm

4 When the door is closed and locked the LOCKED is displayed on a green
information __________________ back ground

5 Steps in opening of Doors 3 during Crash Land: 1. Remove PROTECTIVE plastic

2. Lift door control handle fully
up and released
3. Ensure slide is deployed and
fully inflated

6 Steps in DISARMING of cabin doors: 1. Move selector lever to

2. Remove safety pin from
stowage and install safety
pin at the mode selector
3. Verify door is DISARMED and
cross check

7 Steps for Life Raft Separation from the aircraft: 1. Lift the flap
2. Pull White Ditching Handle
3. Pull Manual Release Handle

8 Smoke Alarm Visual indicator in the cabin: Amber light flashing on the Area
Call Panel (ACP)

9 The lavatory smoke alarm can be silenced from

1. FAP and
2. AAP (effected area)

10 Which button to press to silence the EVAC

COMMAND in the cabin?

11 What is the indication in the cabin when SMOKE 1. ACPs at the affected area
is detected in the Lavatory? flashes amber
2. AIPs at all area, red light
comes ON and indicating
location of the smoke
3. Call Light mounted outside
the Lavatory, flashes amber
4. Triple chime repeated every
30 seconds heard at all
cabin loudspeakers

a. CIDS caution light at the top
left corner comes ON
b. Affected lavatory displayed
graphically on the SMOKE
c. SMOKE RESET button comes
on red

12 Door 3 equips with _____________ Single Lane Slide

13 To cancel Aural Warning of Lavatory Smoke: Press smoke reset at FAP & AAP

14 Oxygen compartment will deploy automatically

14 000 ft

15 Cabin crew seat are equipped with _________. 1. Shoulder Harness

2. Seat Belt
3. Seat Pan

16 When the SLIDE ARMING LEVER is in the 1. Indicate that the slide is
DISARMED position a SAFETY PIN with a red flag DISARMED
must be installed in order to __________.
2. Prevent inadvertent
movement of the SLIDE

17 Doors 1, 2 & 4 equips with ____________ Double Lane Slide Raft

18 Flight crew evacuation priority.... 1. Flight Deck Door

2. Flight Deck Sliding Window
3. Avionics

19 Pre-flight check of the doors for ICC: FAP (D1L)

20 Flight Deck EMER Lighting system must be in

ARMED position

21 Emergency call to flight deck .... "PRIO CAPT"

22 EVAC COMMAND can be activated from .... 1. Flight Deck
2. FAP - D1L

23 To cancel AURAL warning of lavatory.... 1. Press smoke reset at FAP or

2. Affected AAP

24 How to use the Tech crew Quick Donning Mask? 1. Squeezes the red right hand
side grips
2. Remove the mask, the
harness inflates
3. Don the mask
4. Release the red side hand

25 Oxygen mask container FAILED to open, use the

Manual Tool Release (MTR)

26 In the cabin, Emergency lighting can be

initiated from _____________

27 Girt bar is located at _____________ Right side of girt extension

28 Door barrier strap _____________ Pull the strap and hook it to the
bracket provided

29 Cabin pressure flashes RED .... Crew to report to commander

30 Crash land; COMMANDER proceed to .... Mid-cabin with Flashlight

31 Crash land; FO proceed to ______ Fwd D2R with Flashlight

32 Disarming steps 1. Remove Safety Pin,

2. Open Cover,
3. Move Arming Lever to
Disarm & Insert Pin

33 Emergency evacuation signalling can be 1. Overhead panel in the flight

activated from the _______________ deck &
2. FAP in the cabin

34 Manual tool release is used to__________ Open the oxygen compartment

on the PSU or to pull out the PSU
door stop

35 Once the cabin oxygen generator is initiated, it

Cannot be stopped

36 The purpose of the Floor Proximity Emergency

Escape Path Marking System Lights (FPEEPMS) To show the way to exits

37 During Crash land all doors need to be opened

in __________

38 Emergency call from cockpit 1. ACP’s light flashes PINK
2. AIP’s indicator light flashes
3. 3 x HI-LO chime at all

39 Indication at the AIP’s when making an

Emergency Call to COCKPIT:

40 Emergency Lighting can be initiated...... Cockpit & FAP

41 How to open D3? Remove cover and lift handle

COVER – as per manual Page 11.9-

42 Ditching D3: Secondary exit and open in

ARMED position if needed

43 Smoke detector Pre-Flight Check: NO pre-flight check

44 Evacuation signal is for__________ Crew to initiate evacuation of


45 Pulling the MIH will ___________ Inflate the slide

46 During emergency situation, should the

Push the door manually
pneumatic of the door fail ________________

47 Decom ; The oxygen mask drop while you are in Grab the nearest mask and
the cabin, you _________________ secure yourself

48 When Smoke Detector is INOPERATIVE, the 1. CIDS caution lights come

indication in the cabin are ________________ ON at FAP,
2. Respective position name is
displayed in Amber and
3. A message on the control
pad stating SENSOR

49 On FAP ; Amber rectangle symbol is displayed The door is closed and not
inside the diagram... armed

50 AAP's (Additional Attendant Panel) D2L & 4L

51 If the Raft Failed to inflate automatically, pull the Red Manual Inflation Handle
________________ (MIH)

52 Closed doors with disarmed evacuation devices

are shown as ________ rectangles inside the AMBER
aircraft symbol

53 Open doors are shown as ________ rectangles
outside the aircraft symbol

54 All closed doors with armed evacuation devices

are shown as _________ rectangles inside the GREEN
aircraft symbol


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