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A Thesis Presented to the Liceo de Baleno Faculty

In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for the Senior High School

Ellah Mae M. Avila

Rose Ann L. Candidato

Jackelyn L. Estrelles

Heaven M. Maglente

Sheena Marie M. Campo

Ches E. Oliva

Ian Cedric A. Mingoy

Jun Noel C. Cortes

Kian Wealth D. Ulanday

Raymond C. Germina
April, 2023

Table of Contents

Title page……….……………………………………………………………………….

Table of contents……….…………………………………………………………ii

Chapter 1: The Problem and Its Background

a. Introduction, Background of the Study……….……………………………..1

b. Statement of the Problem……….……………………………………………2
c. Scope and Delimitation………….……………………………………………3
d. Significance of the Study……….……………………………………………4

Chapter 2: Theoretical Framework

a. Review of Related Literature……….……………………………………5-6

b. Review of Related Studies……….…………………………………………7
c. Conceptual/Theoretical Framework…….…………………………………8-10
d. Hypothesis of the Study……….
e. Assumptions of the Study……….……………………………………………
f. Definition of Terms……….……………………………………………….13

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

a. Research Design……….…………………………………………………14
b. Respondents of the Study……….……………………………………………15
c. Instrument of the Study……….……………………………………………16
d. Validity and Reliability……….……………………………………………17
e. Statistical Treatment……….………………………………………………18

Chapter 4: Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

a. Presentation of Data……….…………………………………………………19
b. Analysis……….…………………………………………………………….20
c. Interpretation……….……………………………………………………...21
d. Discussion……….………………………………………………………...22
Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

a. Summary of Findings……….……………………………………………...23
b. Conclusion……….………………………………………………………...24
c. Recommendation……….………………………………………………….25
Chapter 1: The Problem and Its Background

A. Introduction, Background of the Study

Education is so essential in people’s lives as it develops a student’s knowledge and

skills to be literate in any field. Education will teach you to be knowledgeable, to
grow, and to develop yourself. As a person is educated, they are also learning to be
wise enough to choose the paths in life they want and to be independent. People have
the right to choose, as do students in choosing their academic paths. Students' choice
of track may be influenced by the factors around them.

To be competitive with the global demands, the Republic Act 10533, also known as
the Enhanced Basic Education Act, was passed in May 2013 and launched the senior
high school in June 2016, making the basic education 13 years in the Philippines,
including grades 11 and 12 (Congress of the Philippines, 2013).

The Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) track is one of the four tracks offered in

the K-12 program in the Philippines that students may choose when becoming senior
high school students. These involve baking, cooking, hair styling, and other practical
skills. Not only does it offer hands-on training, but it also prepares a student for
college courses related to this field of interest. The TVL track has so many benefits
that students can learn about and offer.

In this research, the researchers want to conduct a study about the motivational factors
that lead senior high school students at the Liceo de Baleno to choose the TVL track.
They will be gathering information to understand the factors motivating their
decision. Knowing the hinders and struggles in making this decision will be included
in this study.

Right now, Liceo de Baleno has added more strands and tracks than before; they have
GAS, ABM, TVL, HUMSS, and STEM. Among these kinds of tracks, the researchers
also want to explore why TVL stands out and what benefits it may offer. At the end of
this research, the researchers will be able to answer these questions and provide a full
understanding of TVL students’ reasons for choosing this track on their academic
journey and provide valuable insights for students, parents, and educators.

Understanding these motivational factors is important for developing effective

strategies to support and enhance the academic and personal development of students.

B. Statement of the Problem

The general and specific statement of the problem of study:

General problem

The study aims to explore the motivational factors of grade 11 and 12 senior high
school students at Liceo de Baleno who choose the TVL track over other degree
programs. The study’s research questions focus on how students make the decision to
choose the TVL track, the role of family and friends in the decision-making process,
the perceived academic rigor of the TVL track, how students perceive the job
prospects and career opportunities associated with the TVL track, and the perceived
challenges and barriers to pursuing a career in the TVL track.

Specific problem

 What are the factors that motivate senior high schools at Liceo de Baleno to
choose the TVL track?
 Why do they choose this kind of track?
 What are the challenges they encountered while studying this track?
 What are the struggles they face in making this decision?
 How will this chosen track affect their future?
C. Scope and Delimitation
The study will focus on senior high school students at Liceo de Baleno who chose the
TVL track. The study will explore the motivational factors that influence students’
decisions to choose the TVL track. The study will utilize the qualitative research
method of surveys to gather data.

The study will not include senior high school students who did not choose the TVL
track. The study will not include senior high schools that do not study at the Liceo de
Baleno. The study will not examine the impact of gender on students’ decisions to
choose the TVL track.
D. Significance of the Study
This study of identifying the motivational factors that TVL students for pursuing the
TVL track is significant to the following:
Educational institutions. They can use the findings of the study to better understand
the factors that influence students' decisions to choose the TVL track. This
information can be used to develop programs and activities that will help students
make informed decisions about their future careers.
Students. This study can provide insights into how to motivate students to choose
this track, which can have a significant impact on the economy and education system,
as well as their personal development and career prospects.
Parents. They will able to know the reasons why choosing TVL track is good to their
children, in this study. Knowing the findings of this study, parents can use the
findings of this study to provide invaluable support to their children on the TVL track.
Teachers. Knowing the findings of the study, can make them more understand why
students are learning this track. Teachers can help students identify their interests,
values, and career goals and make informed decisions about their educational and
career paths.
Future researcher. This study can be a reference for future researchers. It will serve
as a guide for those who wish to pursue research in the same field.
Chapter 2: Theoretical Framework

A. Review of Related Literature

K to 12 Basic Education Program

The K to 12 Basic Education Program reformed the educational system of the

Philippines From a 10-year program to a 13-year program with the addition of
Kindergarten and Senior High School. The K to 12 curriculum ensures that “every
graduate of basic education shall be an Empowered individual who has learned,
through a program that is rooted in sound educational principles and geared towards
excellence, the foundations of learning throughout life; the competence to engage in
work and be productive; the ability to coexist in fruitful harmony with local and
global communities; the capability to engage in autonomous, creative, and critical
thinking; and the capacity and willingness to transform others and one’s self”
(Enhanced Basic Education Act 2013).

Senior High School Curriculum

Senior High School (SHS) refers to Grades 11 and 12, the last two years of the K to
12 Basic Education Program. In SHS, students are required to go through a core
curriculum and subjects under a track of their choice. SHS, we are ensuring that the
learners. The effectiveness of SHS curriculum, the students will benefit from an
education system suited for the 21st century, are Prepared for what they want to be
after high school, and are equipped with the knowledge and skills to pursue better
lives for themselves, their Families, and communities (DepEd, 2016).

The K to 12 secondary curriculum was Implemented in 2012 starting at Grade 7. The

First cohort of Grade 11 students under the K-12 program came aboard in school year
2016-2017, whereas the first Grade 12 students came aboard in school year 2017-
2018 (Ducanes and Ocampo, 2020).

The Four main tracks were developed, namely the Academic Track, Technical
Vocational Track, Sports Track, and Arts and Design Track (DepEd, 2014). Each of
these tracks have specializations, which learners could consider and choose based on
their aptitudes, interests, and personal goals.
TVL Track

Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) is one of the Senior High School program

tracks under the K to 12 Enhanced Basic Education program. Compared to the
academic track, the TVL track is the most challenging due to the availability of
resources and linkages; and was thus given less attention compared to the academic
track (Jaca and Javines Jr., 2022).

The subjects under TVL track strictly follow TESDA’s rules, ensuring workplace-
ready students. In fact, every TVL strand helps students acquire job-ready skills. The
TVL track does not only guarantee skills but also ensures employment, backed by
TESDA certifications: Certificate of Competency (COC) and National Certifications
(NC). So, for students who want to get hired right away in the field of agriculture,
electronics, or trading, TVL track is for you (CIIT, 2019)

(CIIT, 2019) Information and Communications Technology Strand, Home Economics

Strand, Agri-Fishery Arts Strand, Industrial Arts Strand, are the strands under the
TVL track.

Career Preference

In terms of the factors’ level of influence, the personal interests factor gained the
highest level of influence, followed by job opportunities, socioeconomic status,
parents, and academic performance (Malaguial, Martinez, Abusama, and Valdez,

Therefore, track choice is considered to be one of the most important crossroads in a

student’s life. Myeong and Crawley (1993) found that when Korean students choose
their academic track, they consider their future career, grades, aptitude, academic
interests, and college matriculation (Shen, Lee, and Ha, 2016).

Chen (2007), found that school’s efficient use of facilities, campus security, status of
the school’s surrounding and effective management were important in selecting
school. To provide students with a good learning environment, safe with healthy
environment make parents feel that their children is safe in the school.
The DepEd implemented the K–12 Basic Education Program and Senior High School
Curriculum to help students be more productive, creative, and critical thinkers. TVL
Track is a helpful field to learn practical skills and prepare for courses related to their
passion and interest. Knowing motivational factors can be a guide for future seniors in
high school.

B. Review of Related Studies

One significant factor is the desire for hands-on learning experiences. According to a
study by R. P. Yacat and J. P. Cabansag (2016), students who chose TVL were
motivated by the opportunity to acquire practical skills that they can apply in their
future careers. This is supported by another study by M. A. L. Almendrala (2018),
which found that students who prefer TVL were more inclined towards “learning by
doing” rather than traditional classroom learning.

Another factor is the influence of parents, teachers, and peers. According to a study
by D. D. Dizon and J. L. R. Alde (2018), students who chose TVL were often
encouraged by their parents and teachers who recognized their aptitude for practical
skills. Peer influence also plays a role, with some students choosing TVL because
their friends are in the same track.

Self-awareness and career aspirations are also motivational factors in choosing TVL.
According to a study by M. J. Mendoza and E. T. Laxa (2019), some students chose
TVL because they have a clear understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, and
they believe that TVL is the best fit for their skills and interests. Additionally,
students who have a specific career path in mind, such as becoming a chef or a
hairdresser, are more likely to choose TVL as it provides them with the necessary
skills and knowledge.

The motivational factors that influence senior high school students at Liceo de Baleno
in choosing the TVL track are multifaceted. A desire for hands-on learning
experiences, the influence of parents, teachers, and peers, and self-awareness and
career aspirations all play a role in shaping students’ decisions. By understanding
these factors, educators and policymakers can provide better support for students in
choosing their desired track and preparing them for successful careers.
C. Conceptual/Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored from the self-determination theory (SDT) by Deci and Ryan
(1985). SDT is a motivational theory that suggests that individuals have three basic
psychological needs: the need for autonomy (the desire for choice and control over
one's behavior), the need for competence (the desire for mastery and self-efficacy),
and the need for relatedness (the desire for social connection and close relationships).

In the context of choosing a vocational track, SDT would suggest that students may
be motivated by the extent to which the TVL track provides opportunities for
autonomy (the ability to choose their own schedule and courses), competence (the
opportunity to develop skills and knowledge), and relatedness (the opportunity to
learn from experienced teachers and establish relationships with like-minded peers).

By using SDT as a framework, researchers could explore how these basic needs may
influence students’ motivation to choose the TVL track, and how teachers and
educators could provide opportunities for students to satisfy these needs in the TVL
track. The use of SDT could also help researchers identify potential barriers to student
motivation, such as a lack of autonomy or a lack of social support, and suggest
strategies for overcoming these barriers and improving motivation in the TVL track.
Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

• What are the factors The researchers will be To determine the
that motivate senior gathering data through motivational factors of
high schools at the following senior high school
Liceo de Baleno to instruments: students of Liceo de
choose the TVL Baleno choosing TVL
• Self-report
track? track
• Why do they choose
• Open-ended
this kind of track?
• What are the
chable questions
challenges they
• Regression
encountered while
studying this track?
• Stratified
• What are the
sampling method
struggles they face
in making this
• How will this
chosen track affect
their future?
Theoretical Framework



Autonomy Competence Relatedness

D. Hypothesis of the Study

These are researchers hypothesis of the study:

 Students who identify a clear career goal related to the TVL track are more
likely to choose the TVL track over other degree programs.
 Students who perceive a high level of support from their family and friends
are more likely to choose the TVL track over other degree programs.
 Students who perceive a low level of preparedness for the TVL track may be
influenced to choose other degree programs over the TVL track.
 Students who face challenges or barriers related to the TVL track curriculum
or job market may be more likely to choose other degree programs over the
TVL track.
 Students who perceive the TVL track as a suitable pathway to achieve their
long-term career aspirations are more likely to choose the TVL track over
other degree programs.
E. Assumptions of the Study

 The researchers assumed that the respondents would be a reliable source of

information that would help this study succeed.
 The researchers assumed that the respondents would be sincere in their
 The researchers will assume that some students have different motivational
 The perceived academic rigor of the TVL track affects students’ motivation to
choose it.
 Family and friends can greatly influence students’ decisions to choose the
TVL track.
 Students may face challenges and barriers in pursuing a career on the TVL
F. Definition of Terms

To facilitate the readers understanding of the contents of this study, this are the
following terms:

 Motivation. Motivation refers to the internal factors that drive individuals to

engage in tasks or activities. It involves the willingness to start and maintain
behavior and can take many forms, including interest, enjoyment, challenge,
mastery, and personal goals.
 Self-efficacy. Self-efficacy refers to an individual’s belief in their ability to
accomplish a task or achieve a goal. It is a crucial factor in motivation, as
people who feel confident in their abilities are more likely to attempt
challenging tasks and persist in the face of obstacles.
 TVL track. In this study it refers to the track in K-12 curriculum that follows
the rules of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority or
TESDA. This means each student has the chance to explore the main courses
of the new revised curriculum.
 Self-report survey. Self-report surveys are a commonly used method for
collecting data in the social sciences, including research on motivation and
decision making.
 Stratified sampling method. This is a sampling method, where the sample is
divided into strata based on one or more known characteristics and then the
samples are selected from each stratum in proportion to the total population in
that stratum. In this method, this is a help to ensure that the sample is
representative of the student population and that the results are generalizable
to the population as a whole.
 Regression analysis. Regression analysis is a statistical technique used to
model the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more
independent variables. It can be used to identify factors that influence a
dependent variable, and is often used in research to model the relationship
between a dependent variable (such as the student’s motivation) and one or
more independent variables (such as the student’s background, academic
ability, career aspirations, and social support).
 Correlate. Either of two things so related that one directly implies or is
complementary to the other.
 Career Preference. This is a process of selecting a career path that best suits
an individual’s interest, skills, and values.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

A. Research Design

This study is all about “The motivational factors of senior high school students at
Liceo de Baleno choosing the TVL track.”

The type of research study is qualitative, basic research. This will also using
descriptive correlational design for gathering data and facilitates the specific
information needed in the study. The purposed of employing this method is to
correlate the profile of the respondents, factors in choosing the TVL track and their
preferred career choice to the other variable which is the academic engagement.

In this research, a self-report survey is the method researchers are going to use for
collecting data through researchable questions or open-ended questions. The data that
will collect, will correlate the answers of the respondents in able to have a better
knowledge what is the majority factors they have choosing this track. Using the
stratified sampling method, will choose the respondents of the study. The statistical
treatment will use is regression analysis.

The researcher opted to use this type of research in order to obtain first-hand data
from the respondents.
B. Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study would be the senior high school students studying at
Liceo de Baleno who have considered or have chosen to pursue the TVL (Technical-
Vocational-Learners) track. This group of students should be chosen by a stratified
sampling method or technique and by asking them to participate in the survey study.
A total sample size of 10 students would be sufficient for this study. Both grade 11
and grade 12 TVL students will be given surveys or questionnaires, five for grade 11
and five for grade 12 students on this track, whatever their sections are.

The respondents will really be representative of the population to ensure the validity
and reliability of the findings.
C. Instrument of the Study

A survey or questionnaire is the instrument that will be used in this research, personal
surveying. This may include items such as demographic information, questions about
the students’ motivation for choosing the TVL track, questions about their perceived
benefits and drawbacks of the TVL track, and questions about their career plans and
aspirations. A self-report survey with researchable questions or open-ended questions
is going to be used.
D. Validity and Reliability

The researchers collected related literature and studies that support the topic of the
study. All questions in the questionnaires are related to the topic of the study. After
we make the questions that will be in the surveys, we will hand them over to our
research teacher to know if it is okay to use them or if they are validated and reliable
enough to finally be used. The questionnaires will be given to the right respondents
who can help the study. Research proposal defense could be done for checking and
criticism of our chapters 1, 2, and 3, so it is possible that through those activities, the
panelists could be able to validate and tell if the research instruments will use are
E. Statistical Treatment

This study will be using regression analysis to identify the factors that are strongest
predictors of student choice of the TVL track.

Regression analysis can be used to determine the importance of various independent

variables (such as income, academic performance, family background, etc.) in
explaining the variance in the dependent variable (in this case, the student’s choice to
pursue the TVL track). This can help researchers understand how the independent
variables may influence a student’s choice, and can be used to guide future policy and
programs aimed at increasing the number of students who pursue the TVL track.

y = mx + b

y=level of motivation to pursue the TVL track (dependent variable)

x=independent variable (such as family background, income, academic performance)

m=slope of the regression line (slope of the relationship between y and x)

b=y-intercept of the regression line (the predicted or expected value of y when x is


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