Arcana Instruction Manual

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ee altel) dou a Table of Contents A strategy guide for Arcana is Paes available from Hal America. ARG NA Call Reseed (800) 468-5354 for information on pricing and availability. WARNING Please read the enclosed consumer information Se ere Wit Cart asia i and precautions booklet carefully before using i layers 5 your Nintendo Hardware system or Game Pak. i The Spirit Cond ° Use of tae Conte lor 10 j Main Menu n : Tips on Using the Menu 2 Use af Spit Cards 8 The Journey Begins - Village of Calla 4 ThelInn / Saving YourGame 5 The Outfitters Shop ie The Spirit Healer 7 4 —_Balnia Temple 8 The Ice Mine The Village of L Stavery Towe Charis- Items, Weapons, and Armor The Legend of the Card Masters } Tho land of Elemen has long been a gathering place for people from all vor the enown world. Rich in leg- tend, long in tradition, there are any who see itasa land of unliny ited opportunity. Some, in order to gain fame and fortune, have visited this land to fulfill their dreams, According to the ancient legends, aftor the Reign of Bvil instituted by the Empress Rimsala was toppled by the combined magic of the ancient order of the Card Masters, Jong era of peace began ‘im the kingdom. But there isa dark side of human nature that is lpver-present in even the most ideal of lands. The six kingdoms fon tho island of Elemen were less than Litopian. Disputes broke out constantly among these six kingdoms, but they were always minor and inconvenient, rather than dan= {gerous. But in time those seemingly minor disputes spilled over tnd Lecame asa storm over the land. Eventually the conflict spread out over the whole island, with each of the kingdoms fighting indepenclently for control of the island. This continued con for many years. The cities were turned to ruins, and despair covered the land. Taking advantage of the times of unrest, Galneon, ane of the ‘court magicians, launched a coup against King Wagnall. The King was killed in the conilict, and the evil Galscon ascended to the throne. In the conflict the King's two daughters disappeared. Their whereabouts is sill unknown, The Players No man can go italone, and a good warrior wants like partners to share the load and the glory. Rocks will have to meet his companions along the road im the midst of adversity - you get to meet them here at your leisure. Rooks, the Card Master The ancient art of the Cards has beon slowly dying out for over two hundred yoars, In the distant post, when the Evil Empire of the Empress Rimsela was at its peak, the discipline of the Cards was handed down from father to son through the generations, Through tho teachings of the great Card Masters of old, a valiant group of resisters constantly harassed the regime, and made possible the ‘overthrow of the Evil Empress after a struggle that took the lives ‘of many a brave sorcerer ninded Now the childhood memories that Rooks has of his father's use of the Cards is the only thing keeping the struggle alive, Each day Rooks brings out the Cards, shuffies through them, stares into the faces printed on the front, are tries to remember what he's seen his father do with that Card in the past. Each day he tries to cast @ few spells using what he remembers - or thinks he remembers Sometimes something happens - usually he sits and waits, then tries again. Through trial and error, and instructions from his old friend Reinoll, Rooks struggles to master the art of the Cards before it’s top late Teefa ‘When Galneon started the coup and dark days fell over Geltia and the surrounding cities, both of the King’s daughters disappeared ‘without a trace. Princess Teofa, rover Imown for hor loyalty, had ‘originally aligned herself with her cally Darwin. But nowy she seenis to have switched sides and taken up with her father’s areh- ‘enemy. What could he her plan - coris there a plan! Ariel Asiels tathor, Rooke’ father, and. ‘Axs made up one of the most famous fighting groups in the his toey of this land =the Three Knights of Lexford. The exploits Cf those Fhe in defense oF their land is legendary. But something hae happened that no one ean explain this son ofa great war ior, taught vel from bisth, giver the training ofa wartior in accor- dance with the wishes of his father, has gone over to the other side, plotting against Rooks and his companions. What othor ‘unusual things are afoot here? 6 Axs The only living member of the legendary Knights of Lesford, Ass is everything a warrior should be loyal, intelligent, fear- less, resourceful. The children of Elemen learned of the bravery and chivalry of these courageous men, and dreamed of one day beeing asked to join their ranks. ‘King Arthur of the Round Table ‘was once heard to remark, “111 ad but a dazen men the likes of this one, would rate not onty England, but the world, Salah ‘The daughter of the slain King ‘Wagnall was entrusted to Axs for safekeeping, Asa member of the Royal Family, she carries a secret that Rooks! party needs to get into Slavery Towrer to stop the Evil Empress Rimsala from complet ing her wicked plan of conquest. ‘Clever and brave, Salah has the strength to follow through in the {a¢2 of dire circumstances and ssill never give up until Galneon's plot has been thivarted and peace restored) to her homeland. Reinoll Darwin Good old Reinoll- where would ‘our hero be without his kind con- corn and sage advice? After fol- \ lowing various disciplines brought into the Kingdom from ‘exotic distant places, and master- ing the strange and powerful ways oof magic, Reinoll decided to with- raw frem the world to his hol lowed-out free in the wands, to road, to study, and to ponder the foibles of men, elves, dwarves and fighters. The first encounter with Darwin takes place whon he's doing swhat hhe does best taking ona horde ofattacking monsters while politely declining offers of help. Self-reliant and confident, Darwin seems to turn up at the most ‘mistal moments, save the day, thon quiolly slip away while oth ce ave wondering what hap- pened. A valuable acklition to any team - if you can get inn to joint Spirit Cards Ench of the Spinit Cards hasan attribute that is cilfective in attacks ‘against enemies of co fain other attributes Gee the charton the follow- sing page for more infor- ‘mation,) Study the strong points of each spinitand use them when appropriate ‘The Sorcerers remaned ihe ils ving ikea her The Sorcerer mit and meditating em his, pastas s warrior and ‘Weaver of Spells, for many years now. The focus of his life, the reason for his very existence, has become the _gnarciing of the Crystal Sword in preparation for the Efile he reson day when the uprising agoinst the wicked Galncon can begin. With his comn- rand of all the disciplines of magic from around the ‘world, the Sorcerer is ust the one to protect this valu able treasure from harm. Mei the Wot Si Dao. the Fr it 3 9 Use of the Controller A, B,X,o¢ ¥ Button car be used to scroll through screen mes Starting / Continuing a Game When you first start the game the title screen will appear as shown. Notice that the words New Game appear in white, while the word Continue is ghosted (Appears as a grey shadow). [f menu selections remain ghosted when you try to pick them, it means that this selection is not available at this time. After your first save you will be able to select Continue and skip the introduction. After selecting Continue, you will be asked to select your file number (See, Saving Your Game, pg. 15 ). Up to three games, can be saved in your Game Pak. Select the file contain- ing your game and enter your selection. You can now begin your game from where you last left off 10 Main Menu Map Color Formation or seid « Ability toventory Pushing the A Button Goring game play will bring up the main nesta Here isanexplanaionettheentiigs. Look at's around you. Call LUsed to call upa spirit to help Take a look at w' May Waren hemtirmap a ntieeenyy ne mary elareilablesAreen ‘Where you've gone dre show sith dark fines: snd the unexplored reas afe showin Light ines. ‘Tae cursor will show here you are Snd what direction you ate long M res you list of the magic spe ic is you have in your inventory Ability Gives alist of conditions anu how the character is faring, Citegories include Strength, endurance, mtelligence, fe, as well as your chatecter’s HP, MP, and Experience points Color Acists the color m yous text cieplay. Sot this option to make window the color of yourchoice, m eon Inventor Shows cds and items you te pesely holding Formation acks, Formation determines which characters are in the front ne ofattack and which are in the back Select which character You ‘want to move, then move the square red cursor to the spot you! Want to moveto, and those tivo pesitions willexchange Tips on Using the Menus Piste Mast Ser eT pa eee Armor, shields, andl weapons can be distributed to members ‘of your party. Lot's say you want to move the Splint mail from Rooks inventory to Axe's inventory. Select Separate from the ent Then select Rooks! picture and push the A Button. The cursor will statt lashing around Rooks display. Th the red bar cursor down to the Splint Mail and choose: using the A Button, Now select Axs's pleture, press the A Button, and the Splint Mail will be transferred t0 AX. Ghosted items are unavailable for use by the selected charac ter. For example, spirits donot need Armor, so Armor will be ghosted if one of the spirits is selected. Unneodod equipment can be discarded at any time. or sold in the village for cash or other items. Soe the soction on the Outlitter's shop. When deciding on your formation, zemember to ke stronger, betier-equipped characters in the front, particulacly i they re using short-range weapons. Spiritscan use male from the back row of formations Using the Attributes Pe _ A. —+— wind 7 Atetbutes of Cards. enemies, allies, and spells are very Zerlain spells are only effective against enemies of certain attributes, and the aiteibutes of members o party can mean the effective ‘hess of spells cast by enemies can be increased, diminished, or thivarted completely Seudy and remember the chart above. Thechart shows which, which other attributes, A spell with a Fire attribute is effective with a Wins attribute, and against aan Ear attribute, but not against a Water attribute. If your enemy asta spell with a Water against an enemy a‘ attribute, you can counteract it by making sure that all the ‘members of your party have an Earth atteibuto. Leaming to use the differences in attributes to your advantage is a sure way 3 Chapter 1 The Journey Begins The Village of Galia Explore the village thoroughly before you set out on your journey inio the unknown - youll noad lots of weapons, magic, and equip. ment to make it theough the countryside. Enter buildings by pressing the upper arm of the Control Pad. Make your selections With the A Button, If you change your mind, you can back out of ‘your selection by pushing the B Button, When you've made yout Selections exit hy pushing any of the four buttons (A, BX. ¥). The gate of the village is the gatoway to adventure, but those who pass through the gate unprepared will suroly meet their doom, ‘The Alchemist behind the counter at Apothecary isthe Toeal gossip ~ he ‘ays has a bitof informacion for you. He doesnt know much, butt hell talk to lect Conversation to find out what he knows. Pick up tidbits of gos- sip from him, but move on when he starts to repeat himsel When you enter the Apothe ice asked what you would ll will help you along your way, and Elixir items will increase your strength and stami- na. You can get water, an elixir, or Food items there. All of them will help members ‘of your party you'll ke Conversations ie vera ory 10GP rn piled u The Inn of Galia (Phe Inn in Glia is the first stop you'll encounter, but t finn in each of the towns you come: adside across during your joumey. A room at the Inn fs just wheat the weary traveler needs 10 replenish his energy and ele his head. When you need a break, tell the young lady Behind the counter she will vont you a room. The next morning she will wake you up and send you on your way with a word of Saving Your Game ‘Save your game whenever you are at an Inn. I! you can get to an Inn betore you attempt a dangerous move you might he able to avert a disaster or reverse 2 doteat, Folow these steps to save your game: 1, Select Save from the A Room / Save menu while you are in one of the Inns. 2 Pick a File. Up to three games can be saved on the same Game Pak. Be Sura not to write over someone else's game! 3, Be sure that your game is saved. Ifthe save has been suc: osetul you will gt a mescage saying, "Filo successfully saved". If, for any reason, your flo is not saved, you will et 2 message telling you so. Please try saving your game again, or use another file number. The Ouffitter's Shop The Outfitter has weapons and items to buy, sell, and trade roll Uirough the ist of Items or Weapons to see whit is available. As you select an entry a description of that cniry will appear in the display at the bottom of the sereen, The letters at the bottom of the screen stand for the names of thecharacters (Rooks, Darwin, Axs, Salah, Teefa). Ifa character ‘an se that tem the initial will be white ifthe initial is ghosted shat character can mot use that item. ro Erie cee ci Neteler items you want. After select ing what you want the ere ‘Outditer willask you hove you TS0Ge want to pay, Ifyou sel Meare Trade you wll have ta chanse so00ce on item you want to sell back | to him. OF course, the Outfitter Bells is in business to make 9 profit and weill not offer you as much for an item as you paid for it If ‘you don't like the amount you've been offered you can select Rofuse and keep the item The Spirit Healer ‘The tent in the square in Galia holds sonteone who will help you on your journey. The Spirit Healer has habit of appearing out of nowhere, setting Lup her tent, ther disappearing under cover of night. You'll se hes ent places on your travels. She can sell you cards ofall attributes eer defeat your enemies, or heal the spirits vavelling with you Buy (Selecting Buy will bring up the Purchase screen, Select the card you {want using the Control Pad and enter your selections with the A Button, Heal The Spirit Healer can restore any of your spirits that have beon destroyed When she asks about healing spirits, ansiver her questions and she wil brn 5 any spitlis you have lost back to health Balnia Temple (Our brave crew strikes out from Calia to the Balnis Temple searching for the first of the Troastres - the Crystal Sword, Enemies wait around every corner. Bizarre creatures assault the party at every step. The labyrinth stretches on forever, all the ‘walls look alike, Weren't we here before? Doesn't that comer look familiar? What was that movement” A good place to use the map, Find exit doors and remember ‘hero they are. They are the nly way to got back to the vil lage to restock and recuperate A visit to the hotel will refresh, your tired comrades when they are exhausted ‘Treasure chests remain hidden until you are very clese to them - only those brave enouigh to explore. into the depths will come across Treasure Chest. Open them carefully and use their contents wisely. 8 Draven Pass Between the village of Doraf. and the Forest of Doubt lies the Inbyrinth of Dravon Pass and the Crimson Valley. Overrun with fierce beasts ond deadly fons, the twisted passageways. ‘rrough the Pass will eonfuse B] even the most intrepid of fight- ‘ers- watch your step! As Rooks ancl Salah try to final thelr way through the twisting, uring alleyway’ in the Pass hey come upon a strange sight «a stranger, fighting alone against a score of enemies, They offer their help in the battle After defeating te enemies ‘Rooks finds thar they have ‘someone $n common - Darwin was the first caretaker of Princose Teofa after the over throw. But now it seems she has gone overto the other side. Perhaps well meet up vsith her soon 1° Reinoll the Elder The Ice Mine After picking up information, Along the way Rooks Rooks of the Treasures ancl fora restand some inform spirits needed to dete from Reinoll the Eleee, our tion at thehome of Reinoll the Rimsala. Then he confirms. pparly takes off for the voleanic Elder wizard, ge, alchemist Rooks’ worst fears - the only Crysial Point Mountains and Renaissance man, Surrounded one who can accomplish the the Ice Cave hidden is by his library of rare and ‘tgok isa teu Card Mester. The slopes. The mouth is wel! hie anusual books, Reinoll tells die iscast den, but our party knows the way, and are soon exploring inside The lee Mino - miles of frigic corridors populated by cre tures whose blood runsas cold ‘es the ice stalactites in the dark recesses of the mountain, The goal in this torturous quest ~ to find the Lava Roam and its con- fonts - the Enchanted jewel, the second in the trio of treasures Press on to the prize The Lava Room -tnbelievale The four kinds of spells The Three Treasines - hhoat from pools of molten metal Wind, Fire, Water and the Spirit Sword) surrounded by bitter cold arth, ach with their Enchanted Jowel, and Pools of lave make pessage own tigue powers Grystal Sword. Forme: Impossible. Any enemies met and qualities. All jour ini, strengthened in hhere must be deatt with here are needed for the bear adversity, passed down no chance of escape, no chance fr to accomplish his thromgh the genera of fight and, if warrior isnot assigned task tions ‘quick enough o nimble ‘enough, no chance of survival 20 The Village of Doraf Next stop the sleepy village of Dorat. The battle at Balnia Temple has taken ils tll of our party, and Rooks and friends lake refuge in the village of Doraf, home of Axs. The party takes advantage of ‘the break in ehoir trek to rest and re-equip before setting out for the Forest of Doubt After the batile in Balnia Temple the party inakes its escape to Ars’ house Iidden in the woods. rs here that Rooks meets Salah, the young, laughter of the slain King and the next potential member of tho party Salah may look demure, but she's courageous and resourceful ‘The Merchant of Doraf has ser up his shop ina hack alley in the village. The local constabulary thinks that he's ust solling produce and dry ‘goods, but he's gota little side busi ing weapens to knights in need. H you know how to ask hell sell to you, t90, Don't cpend any more time vith this unscrupulous character than you have to. One look in his face will tell you there's nothing to be gained by antagonizing this guy. Just get what you need and continue on. Heavier weapons than in Galia, and corre spondingly high prices Stavery Tower Afier regrouping in the Elf Village, the party sets off on the long trek up the niountain to Stavery Tower and the final confrontation, In the tower is floor after floer filled with ene ines lurking in every dark, dank corner. Remeniber where youare, and keep a sharp ey 'n your compass Each floor in Stavery Tower has @ secret door leading to ve next level. Each door you find brings the party one step closer to the confrontation swith Galneon and Rimsala That's one step closer to total victory - 07 utter defeat The final confrontation with Galneon to decide the fate of fur hero, his band of warriors, and the entire island of Elemen will take place inthis very room,at the top of Stavery “Tower. Final vicory isin your hands -and in the cards, Following i list of toms you ean pick up along the way and theetst each one has The price for each em varies with each level, Use your Items spony and items wise Sleeping Bing Tent Strength Honcy Intelligence Honey Endurance Honey. Agility Honey Restore Honey: MP Honey. Hesbs Medicine Silver ask Gold Flask Maxder's Tears Mon O:1 Bracelets Talisman, Rene Gauntlet [Mithril Gauntlet Magic Gauntlet ‘Spirit Gantt Moon Gnsatlet Cursed Gauntlet By Hand MP restored t original condition LIP and MP restore to original condition. Also reverses Paralysis and Petty spells. Incr pr ee ee 20 15 Effective egainst W & F Esfocive against de w 2% 24 Er 2 40 o btootive against Few Dffective against E, WP festive agoinst E,W See ifecive against Few Effective agoinst W, w &F Effective ageinst All SSaninons Wind Spint ‘Summons Earth Spirit ‘Saniumons Water Spi ‘Sanumons Fire Spek Restores HI for Al Restores HP for one Restores HP Restores HP Completely Restores HF Restores seme 1P forall Restores some HP forall ‘Sweeps enemies away Baris enomi Destroys enemies Paralyzoeall enemioe ‘Turns enemiesto stone Puls enemies to soap, Prevents oglcel thinking aralyzes one enemy a Petry Water $15 sleep A 00 Confused s 0 Offense tmpate A 4 Offense impaie Al Sami Defense Impair Be a Defense Iinpair Al A 67, Accuracy impair det Accuracy Impalr All NG. Ack impair es Ack Impair All Rey usnous Mission A @ Flee A 2 Dodge All AS Wall All hols ‘Accuracy icrease All ee Stomp All Ae U8 ‘Change Ate c9 Wine! ee Change Alte fo Earth ar Change Aur. to Water & 4 Change Aur Ore 4 Restore All 10 ‘Unpetrity ch aa Restoration of Spit s Home 3 0 “Turns one enemy to stone Puts one enemy to slp Prevents logical thinking Limits enemy’saccuracy Limits enemies accaurecy Limits enemy/s defense Limits enemies defense Limits enemy's accuracy Limits enemies accuracy Limits onomyieatiack Limits onomios stack ‘Sacrifices player's strength Reneat ioregroup Avck parry increase [Dotense strength increased Atiack accuracy increased Attack strongts increased (Changes atinbure (Changes attibute (Changes attribute Changes atibute Restores to originl state Counters Petit spell Restores all ofthe Spirits Rejurn to village Hal America Limited Warranty Hal America Ine: (HAD warrants to the crginal purchaser of thie HAL sowie produc sha the ness on wien his computer procul recorded se for Select in materials and works Ship Fora peri of OD days rom te cate of purchase Hal Amrios bes made ange seni wih mot Feta a enable testers o eur defeeuve Gime Palsy place of purchase within 90 Uys of ate of purchase Ityon are tupible to obtsin satisfaction, your Game Fak may be rene 10 Ha ‘Aericn unr mest ctein= Inonter to receve thie sevice. you ft stall Cision Service at Hal Amorce, ($03) 644-4117. IF the customer Service Reprscit- ative isunable 19 solve oar pod: Tem by phane, an. Your Game Pak is judged to be defective, you wll be ined a Retam Authonzation Nambor (R.A ) Recor this amir tn the cuisde packzging of your (Gare Pak and send relight pre= sid and insure For os nda ge long with your sles slip or Silay prot of prehase o: Ha Abiesea. 7873 S.W. Cis De 23 , Beaveston, OR 97005. Iyour ‘Game Paks doe vo be detec- tise you will be sent « new Gate ak Game Paks tested and judged Toten en0d working oner wil he eure 1 the eusioner, Hl America ll wot be responsible for any Gane Paks not reosived atthe shove addsss aor will any Game Pak be accepted by HAL waht a price assigned R.A number, This warranty is nt applica to nora Nes and fear This warn ‘y Sal not be applicable he Aft in tho software hs arisen lyeugh abuse, snressonable we mssteatmen! arneges ‘This warranty i in ica oF al ohse swarartios and ne otter seposenia Hots o clams of ny make shall bebinding or obligate HAI. Any inplied waraaic applicable to this oftware product, including ‘varantiee of morchataly nd Fines ors paneula purpose are tu 1 the 90 dy pari Aesctte above Te ae event wil HAL be isle foray spoca in dent, arconsequetia camaces resin, rom posession. se oF ‘nalfurtion ofthis HAL software product Seume tes do ot allow Bi tions en duration of a implied svament or excisions one tions oF nedensa or conecientia darnazes. soe above Bmtations tndfcs exclusions of Tits may ct apply to you, This weran'y sives you soeciic ight and you may have other righ which vary Irom sate to st, _

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