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Greetings Everyone! A pleasant afternoon to all. It is a pleasure to be

standing before all of you, with the privilege of saying a few words in this class.
Allow me to introduce myself. I am __________, and I am here to present before
you my work.
When we say “Family”, let us take a break and ponder. Why is it important? What
does it mean to you personally? Of what value exactly is a family to a person?
To me, a “Family” is not just something that you can acquire anywhere. It is the
greatest blessing that God may give you. It is about relationships. In a “Family”,
familial love is to be expected despite it not being shown as much to some. As
such, is the unconditional love you may receive from your parents when you are
born. The bonds you make with your siblings and relatives, having trust and faith
in each other, as well having an ally and confidant whom you can rely on. Our
family, our home, is where we are loved the most, and it is also where we act the
worst in, for the trust and understanding our family has of us is immeasurable. I
genuinely believe that a family is, as they say, the first institution in which a child
may learn. A Family, is consisted of people who we are bound to by blood, learn
from the most, inspires us and helps to shape us into a better version of ourselves.
Our parents are the first who teach us the way of life and how to live, after all.
Most of us, we, teenagers, nowadays do not place much value or importance to
our families. Sometimes, we blow up at them for other reasons when all they
want is to help us. We misunderstand the intentions of our parents when they
warn us about something.
However, these days, we often confide in our close friends and consider them as
our second family. A family not bound by blood, but by trust. They support you no
matter what, with your joys and sorrows, and grow with you even if you grow
separately as time passes by. However, we must keep in mind that our friends now
in the present, may not be our friends in the future.
Let us keep in mind that life is short, and that time is constantly fleeting. Do not
waste time. So while it is still early, let’s show our families that we love and
appreciate them, for they are the people who stand by us and stay by our side
throughout the ups and downs. They are people who will love us no matter what.
The value of family is priceless. It cannot be bought with money, and it cannot be
described with a single word.
Before I conclude my speech, I would like you all to reflect on this quotation:
“Families are like a tree. We grow in different directions but our roots remain as
one.” -Anonymous
That is all. I hereby conclude my speech. Again, I am____________. Thank you all
for listening.

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