Fidp Physical Science

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Grade:Grade 12 Semester: 1st

Core Subject Title: Physical Science No of Hours/Semester: 40 HRS.

Core Subject Description: Evolution of our understanding of matter, motion, electricity, magnetism, light, and the universe from ancient times to the present; applications of physics and chemistry
concepts in contexts such as atmospheric phenomena, cosmology, astronomy, vision, medical instrumentation, space technology, drugs, sources of energy, pollution and recycling, fitness and health,
and cosmetics.

Culminating Performance Standard: The learner will be able to create flyers to promote the proper use of household cleaning products and apply Physics principles to
promote road safety awareness.
Highest Enabling Strategy to Use in
Learning Competencies Developing the Highest Thinking Skill to
Highest Thinking Skill to Assess
Most Essential
Content Content Standards Performance Standards
Topics Flexible Assessment
KUD Most Essential KUD Activities Enabling General Flexible Learning
RBT Level
Strategy Strategies (FLS)
Performance Checks

give evidence for and explain

the formation of the light
elements in the Big Bang
1. the formation of theory
the elements during  Nuclear Give evidence for and
the Big Bang and Reactions and describe the formation of
The learner should be give evidence for and describe light and heavier elements
during stellar Origin of the formation of heavier
able to make a creative K during star formation and
evolution Elements
Elements, representation of the elements during star formation evolution
Atoms, and historical development of and evolution K U Written Activity: Flow Representation mapping of events
2. the distribution of  Atoms from the
Their History the atom or the chemical chart (WW1)
the chemical eyes of write the nuclear fusion
element in the timeline
elements and the Philosophers reactions that take place in
isotopes in the and Scientists stars, which lead to the
universe formation of new elements

describe how elements

heavier than iron are formed

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describe the ideas of the
Ancient Greeks on the atom

describe the contributions of point out the main ideas in

the alchemists to the science K the discovery of the
U AN Communication Text review.
of chemistry structure of the atom and (WW2/EXAM)
its subatomic particles
point out the main ideas in the
discovery of the structure of
the atom and its subatomic
cite the contributions of
cite the contributions of J.J.
J.J. Thomson, Ernest Timeline
Thomson, Ernest Rutherford,
Rutherford, Henry Essay
Henry Moseley, and Niels K U Representation Sequencing events
Moseley, and Niels Bohr to AN (PC 1)
Bohr to the understanding of
the understanding of the
the structure of the atom
structure of the atom
explain how the concept of
atomic number led to the
synthesis of new elements in
the laboratory
write the nuclear reactions
involved in the synthesis of K Explain how the concept of
new elements atomic number led to the Essay Writing Guide questions are
U AN Communication
cite the contribution of John synthesis of new elements (WW/1) given
Dalton toward the in the laboratory
understanding of the concept
of the chemical elements
explain how Dalton’s theory
contributed to the discovery of K
other elements
T determine if a molecule is Determine if a molecule is Solving Solving
polar or non-polar given its U polar or non-polar given its U AP Electronegativity of a Connections electronegativity,
1.How the uses of structure structure molecule. Pauling Scale
How the different The learner will be able relate the polarity of a relate the polarity of a Guide questions are
properties of materials are related to determine if a U U AN Communication
molecule to its properties molecule its properties given
matter relate to molecule is polar or non-
to their their properties and polar , explain the effects describe the general types of
chemical structures of intermolecular forces K
intermolecular forces
structure on the ptoperties of Describe the general types Essay
K U representation Text analysis
2. the relationship substances and explain give the type of intermolecular of intermolecular forces
between how the structures of forces in the properties of U
the function and biological substances

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explain the effect of
intermolecular forces on the U
properties of substances
explain how the uses of the
following materials depend on
explain the effect of
their properties:
intermolecular forces on
a. medical implants,
the properties of
prosthesis b. sports equipment U U AN Communication Text Analysis
c. electronic devices d.
construction supplies for
buildings and furniture e.
structure macromolecules household gadgets
of biological determines their explain how the properties of
macromolecules properties and functions. the above materials are U Essay
determined by their structure (WW2/EXAM)
explain how the structures
explain how the structures of
of biological
biological macromolecules
macromolecules such as
such as carbohydrates, lipids, Performance Check
U carbohydrates, lipids, U AP Connection Text Analysis
nucleic acid, and proteins 2: Diagram Making
nucleic acid, and proteins
determine their properties and
determine their properties
and functions
use simple collision theory to use simple collision theory
explain the effects of to explain the effects of
concentration, temperature, U concentration, U AN Communication Text Analysis
and particle size on the rate of temperature, and particle
The learner should be reaction size on the rate of reaction
the following aspects
able use simple collision WW3: Check your
of chemical changes: 2. define catalyst and describe
 Reaction Rate theory to explain the K Understanding
how it affects reaction rate . define catalyst and
a. how fast a  Stoichiometry effects of concentration,
describe how it affects U AN Communication Text analysis
reaction takes place Calculations temperature, and particle calculate the amount of reaction rate
b. how much  Limiting and size on the rate of
Chemical substances used or produced U
reactants are needed excess reaction
Reaction in a chemical reaction
and how much reactants and to solve and identify
products are formed
Chemical the limiting reactant and calculate percent yield of a U
in a reaction reaction Determine the limiting
Reactions Release excess reactant in a
c. how much energy reactant in a reaction and PC 3: Who dissolves
or Absorb Energy chemical reaction and U AN Communication Situational Analysis
is involved in a calculate the amount of faster?
calculate percentage determine the limiting reactant
reaction in a reaction and calculate the U product formed
amount of product formed
recognize that energy is describe how energy is
released or absorbed during a harnessed from different U AN
chemical reaction sources: a. fossil fuels b.
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describe how energy is
harnessed from different
biogas c. geothermal d.
sources: a. fossil fuels b.
hydrothermal e. batteries f.
biogas c. geothermal d.
solar cells g. biomass
hydrothermal e. batteries f.
solar cells g. biomass
1. give common examples of
cleaning materials for the K
from product labels,
house and for personal care
identify the active
2. from product labels, identify U AP
ingredient(s) of cleaning
the active ingredient(s) of
U products used at home
cleaning products used at
3. give the use of the other
ingredients in cleaning agents
The learner will be able
PC 4: Household
to identify the active 4. give common examples of Web search, data
products used at Connection
ingredient(s) of cleaning personal care products used to U gathering
products used at home enhance the appearance of
the human body Give the use of the other
5. identify the major ingredients in U AP
ingredients of cosmetics such cleaning agents
as body lotion, skin whitener, U
deodorants, shaving cream,
and perfume
6. explain the precautionary
measures indicated in various
cleaning products and
1. explain what the Greeks U U AP
considered to be the three
The learner should be types of terrestrial motion
able to cite examples of Cite examples of
(Model of 1. Greek views of Greek views of astronomical astronomical phenomena
Universe) matter, motion, and motion phenomena known to known to astronomers
the universe astronomers before the before the advent of
Models of the advent of telescopes and telescopes
2. competing models universe explain how Brahe’s

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2. explain what is meant by
diurnal motion, annual motion, U
precession of the equinoxes

3. explain how the Greeks

knew that the Earth is U
4. explain how Plato’s problem
of “Saving the Appearances”
constrained Greek models of explain how Brahe’s
the Universe innovations and extensive
of the universe by compare and contrast the collection of data in
Eudoxus, Aristotle, models/descriptions of the observational astronomy
Aristarchus, Ptolemy, innovations and universe by Eudoxus, Aristotle, U paved the way for Kepler’s
extensive collection of Aristarchus, Ptolemy, and discovery of his laws of
3. Copernicus, Copernican Model data in observational Copernicus planetary motion apply
Brahe, and Kepler astronomy paved the cite examples of astronomical Kepler’s 3rd law of U AN
way for Kepler’s phenomena known to planetary motion to objects
4. evidence that the discovery of his laws of astronomers before the advent in the solar system
Earth is not the planetary motion. of telescopes
center of the compare and contrast
universe explanations and models of
astronomical phenomena U
(Copernican, Ptolemaic, and
explain how Galileo’s
astronomical discoveries and Essay:
observations (lunar craters, Communication
Performance Check Text Review
phases of Venus, moons of 1
Jupiter, sun spots,
supernovas, the apparently U
identical size of stars as seen
through the naked eye, and
telescope observations)
helped weaken the support for
the Ptolemaic model
explain how Brahe’s
innovations and extensive U
collection of data in
Page 5 of 11
observational astronomy
paved the way for Kepler’s
discovery of his laws of
planetary motion
apply Kepler’s 3rd law of
planetary motion to objects in U
the solar system
compare and contrast the Compare and contrast the Aristotelian Vs.
Aristotelian and Galilean Aristotelian and Galilean Galilean Motion
conceptions of vertical motion, U conceptions of vertical U AN Communication Text analysis
horizontal motion, and motion, horizontal motion, Essay
projectile motion. and projectile motion.
WW 1
explain how Galileo
explain how Galileo inferred
inferred that objects in
that objects in vacuum fall with
vacuum fall with uniform Perform the
uniform acceleration, and that U U AP Experiment Time! Connection
acceleration, and that experiment
force is not necessary to Performance Check
Motion according force is not necessary to
sustain horizontal motion 2
to Aristotle and sustain horizontal motion
Galileo The learner will be able
1. Aristotelian vs. to compare and contrast explain how the position vs.
Galilean views of Aristotelian and Galilean time, and velocity vs. time
motion Newtons Law of concept of motion, graphs of constant velocity
2. how Galileo used Motion explain how Galileo motion are different from those
his discoveries in inferred that objects in of constant acceleration
Mechanics mechanics (and vacuum fall with uniform motion
astronomy) to Distance and acceleration and Explain recognize that the everyday
address scientific Displacement the subtle distinction usage and the physics usage
objections to the between Newton’s 1st of the term “acceleration”
differ: In physics an object that K Explain the subtle
Copernican model Conservation Laws Law of Motion assertion
is slowing down, speeding distinction between
3. mass, momentum, that force is not
direction is said to be Newton’s 1st Law of
and energy necessary to sustain
accelerating Motion (or Law of Inertia) Venn Diagram Text Review
conservation Collisions horizontal motion U AN Communication
and Galileo’s assertion that WW2/Exam Venn Diagram
explain each of Newton’s three force is not necessary to
laws of motion sustain horizontal motion
6. explain the subtle distinction
between Newton’s 1st Law of
Motion (or Law of Inertia) and
Galileo’s assertion that force is
not necessary to sustain
horizontal motion
7. use algebra, Newton’s 2nd
Law of Motion, and Newton’s U
Law of Universal Gravitation to
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show that, in the absence of
air resistance, objects close to
the surface of the Earth fall
with identical accelerations
independent of their mass.
explain the statement
“Newton's laws of motion are
axioms while Kepler's laws of U
planetary motion are empirical
explain the contributions of
scientists to our understanding
of mass, momentum, and
energy conservation
10. use the law of
conservation of momentum to
solve one dimensional collision

1.describe what happens

Describe how the
when light is reflected, K
propagation of light,
design and create a refracted, transmitted, and
reflection, and refraction
useful product for absorbed Wave-Particle
are explained by the wave k u representation Text review
practical purposes that Theory (ww1)
model and the particle
uses mirrors and lenses 2. explain how Newton and model of light
(org) Descartes described the U
emergence of light in various
colors through prisms
the learner will be able to 3. cite examples of waves
Wave model and Explain how the photon
design and create a (e.g., water, stadium, sound, K
Waves and the particle model concept and the fact that
miniature mirror that can string, and light waves)
optics Light as a wave and of light the energy of a photon is
be practically used,
a particle directly proportional to its
describe propagation, 4. describe how the
reflection, and refraction propagation of light, reflection, frequency can be used to
Light phenomena explain why red light is
are explained based on and refraction are explained by K U AN Essay (WW4/EXAM) communication Text review
wave-particle theory, the wave model and the used in photographic dark
explain how the photon particle model of light rooms, why we get easily
concept used to explain sunburned in ultraviolet
in some cases, light but not in visible light,
differentiate dispersion, 5. explain how the photon and how we see colors
scattering, interference theory of light accounts for U
and diffraction, make a atomic spectra
photo collage of light Take me a picture!
phenomena. 6. explain how the photon u Differentiate dispersion, U AP And Making Mirrors connection Photo collage
concept and the fact that the scattering, interference, (PC3)
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energy of a photon is directly
proportional to its frequency
can be used to explain why
red light is used in
photographic dark rooms, why
we get easily sunburned in
ultraviolet light but not in
visible light, and how we see
color and diffraction
7. apply the wavelength-speed
frequency relation
8. describe how Galileo and
Roemer contributed to the
eventual acceptance of the K
view that the speed of light is
9. cite experimental evidence Explain various light
showing that electrons can K phenomena such as: A.
behave like waves Your reflection on the
concave and convex sides
10. differentiate dispersion,
of a spoon looks different
scattering, interference, and U
B. Mirages
C. Light from a red laser
explain various light passes more easily though
phenomena such as: a. your red cellophane than green
reflection on the concave and cellophane
convex sides of a spoon looks D. Clothing of certain
different b. mirages c. light colors appear different in
from a red laser passes more artificial light and in
easily though red cellophane sunlight
than green cellophane d. U E. Haloes, sundogs,
clothing of certain colors primary rainbows,
appear different in artificial secondary rainbows, and
light and in sunlight e. haloes, supernumerary bows F.
sundogs, primary rainbows, Why clouds are usually
secondary rainbows, and white and rainclouds dark
supernumerary bows f. why G. Why the sky is blue and
clouds are usually white and sunsets are reddish
rainclouds dark g. why the sky Cite experimental evidence
is blue and sunsets are showing that electrons can K U EXAM/WW4 representation Text review
reddish behave like waves
The cosmos LM 8 Electromagnetism Create a video 4. explain the contributions of Describe how Hertz
k U Essay remembering Text analysis
presentation that details Franklin, Coulomb, Oersted, produced radio pulses
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Ampere, Biot-Savart, Faraday,
and Maxwell to our
understanding of electricity
and magnetism
Explain how special
relativity resolved the
describe how Hertz produced conflict between
u Analyzing Essay communication Text analysis
radio pulses Newtonian mechanics and
Maxwell’s electromagnetic
Explain the consequences
explain how special relativity of the postulates of Special
the impact of the Theory resolved the conflict between Relativity (e.g., relativity of
of Relativity to human Newtonian mechanics and simultaneity, time dilation, U An
(org) Maxwell’s electromagnetic length contraction, mass-
The student will be able theory energy equivalence, and
to describe how hertz cosmic speed limit)
produce radio pulses, explain the consequences of Explain the consequences
explain how special the postulates of Special of the postulates of
1. Relativity and the Relativity (e.g., relativity of General Relativity (e.g.,
relativity resolved the
Big Bang Special theory of simultaneity, time dilation, correct predictions of shifts U An
conflict between
relativity length contraction, in the orbit of Mercury,
Newtonian mechanics
2. Planets in and massenergy equivalence, and gravitational bending of
and Maxwell’s
beyond the Solar cosmic speed limit) light, and black holes)
electromagnetic theory
System explain the consequences of
the postulates of General Explain how the speeds Performance task! Review of the past
Relativity (e.g., correct and distances of far-off Creating leaflets. lesson, news report.
predictions of shifts in the orbit objects are estimated (e.g., U An
of Mercury, gravitational doppler effect and cosmic
bending of light, and black distance ladder)
explain how the speeds and
distances of far-off objects are
estimated (e.g., Doppler effect
and cosmic distance ladder) Explain how we know that
explain how Doppler shifts and we live in an expanding
transits can be used to detect U universe, which used to be u An
extra solar planets hot and is approximately
14billion years old
explain why Pluto was once
thought to be a planet but is no U
longer considered one

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Performance Task:

GOAL – You are tasked to create a flyer on the proper use of household chemical cleaners and road safety awareness,

ROLE - You are an employee in the Local Government Unit and designated in creating flyers for campaigns under the health Center and traffic investigating team.

AUDIENCE – You will be giving your flyer to the young individuals who utilize household chemicals in their homes and young drivers in your locality.

SITUATION – In this time of pandemic most of the individuals are advised to stay at home by that, parents are given the chance to teach their child to do home chores, one of that is usage of different household
cleaners used in cleaning. Aside from that numbers of minors are reported of being involved on road accidents resulting on injuries showing that most of them lacks of knowledge on what to do and how to avoid
this to happen.

PRODUCT – Your product will be a flyer, you may choose between the proper use of household cleaning products and road safety awareness. In the proper use of household cleaning products, you will identify
three commonly used household cleaners and identify its components, uses, and the possible outcomes if it’s used excessively. Another for leaflets, will contain about the three common roads accidents, its
causes and how to avoid it using their learned principles from Physics class. (Choose only one).The purpose of this is to abstain using of household cleaners excessively and use it accordingly on its purpose
and avoid road accidents.

STANDARD – It will be graded to through the following criteria: content, organization, creativity, and presentation.

Prepared by: Checked by:


STEM Coordinator SHS Department Head

Recommending Approval: Approved by:


Academic Coordinator Asst. School Principal School Principal

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