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The modern age is known as the ‘Technology Era’ where everyone wants to
save money and time. The companies are marching to capture the attention of
modern generation through digital marketing for digital generation Digital
generation plays a vital role in growth of the country's economy. Engaging
digital generation is very much suited for the economy due to the fact that it is
generates high employment and remove regional imbalance due to large
geographical coverage and also checks concentration of economic power in
few hands. But in spite of all these the desired results have not been achieved
and marketing of continues to be a vital problem. The situation is becoming
critical in the era of liberalization and competition. It is well known fact that
digital generation have vast marketing potential globally. Privatization,
liberalization and globalization are the threats and also the opportunities, which
need a national attention for the economy of India. The economic development
of India is possible through extensive development of this sector. Looking to
the above facts and importance of engaging digital generation in economic
development and their problems especially in marketing, these emerged the
need of the present study. The present study is undertaken to comprehensively
probe into the problem and critically analysis the various aspects of marketing
strategies in engaging digital generation. So that remedial measures may be
suggested for its effective implementation.
This study is an important investigation, which will help in designing
marketing strategies and policies for engaging digital generation. Marketing
strategy would mean planned activities to guide the marketing efforts its level,
mix and allocation to achieve a given objectives in the face of limited resources
and dynamic environment. Marketing is one of the tools to respond to those
changes and challenges. The study is directed to suggesting marketing strategy
for engaging digital generation. Marketing strategy comprises the broad
principle by which marketing management experts to achieve its business and
marketing objectives in a target market. It consists of basic decision on
marketing expenditure, marketing mix, marketing channels and marketing

Chapter 1 consists of Introduction of the topic, concept of e-marketing, Major

Components of Online Marketing for Digital Generation, Benefits of e-
marketing for the Digital Generation, Parameters for Engaging Digital
Information Fusion of Online and Offline, Efforts for Digital Generation,
rationale of the study etc.

Chapter 2 deals with the Pandemic (Covid-19) and digital generation. In this
chapter it is discussed that digital generation is very much influenced by the
Pandemic and this Pandemic has changed the life style of digital generation and
continuing social distancing.

Chapter 3 is comprised of with the Review of literature. The evaluative report

of selected past researches in the area of study and gives a theoretical base for
the research and helps to determine the nature of the current research.

Chapter 4 discussed about the methodology including sample size, universe,

sampling techniques and tools used to obtain results from the data. The
secondary data were collected from published & unpublished documents of

Chapter 5 covers the data analysis and Interpretation. On the basis of the
objective’s hypotheses have been formulated the analysis of data was carried
out by using Factor Analysis, Correlation & Regression done to measure the
percentage of variance among variables. All the tables and figures which have
been generated with the help of SPSS 20.0 are presented in a systematic
manner with explanations.

Chapter 6 contains the discussions and findings. The results were examined in
support of each assumed hypothesis and it has also supported by the other
researcher’s findings. It also discussed the importance of the result and
connects with existing knowledge of the subject.
Chapter 7 discusses about the conclusions in lieu of the tested objectives of
the study. The conclusions describe the objectives in detail and hence justify
the framework of the study provide the base for future research. It also contains
the suggestions and recommendations throwing light on the critical issues,
implications of the study and followed by the limitations.

Bibliography discusses all the authors and their works which are duly
acknowledged. The references used to complete this study were compiled
under the bibliography in alphabetic order.

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