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Wearing uniforms at school has always been a controversial issue.

People often argue that it

should not be mandatory. I totally agree with this point of view and in the following essay I will
explain my perspectives with some reasons and examples.

First of all, one big reason against wearing uniforms to school is that they stop students from
being free to choose their own outfit. Although schools are a place to learn things and study, pupils
will get the chance to express their creativity .Clothing style is one way that the young ones apply to
show their feelings and thoughts.

Secondly, uniforms can cost a lot of money for parents. Many families have already a tough
time with money matters , and paying extra costs for things like uniforms just make it harder for
them .

In addition, putting on uniforms is not what students need to learn discipline and equality.
Bullies can still annoy other children even in school clothes. Therefore, it’s more important to teach
respect and kindness to youngsters through other ways rather than relying on clothing style.

On the other hand, some people believe that uniforms make everyone look the same in an
educational institution so the pressure of jealousy and competition among students will be reduced
which will contribute to a higher concentration and as a result less distraction in classrooms.

In conclusion, I agree that school uniforms should not be required in all schools. I think it is
better to let students be themselves, reduce the financial stress on families, and deal with bullying
and social issues directly. But, it is important to know what policy will work best for each school.

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