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Azam Garrison Girls High School APS Tufail Road

Regional Improvement Plan- Worksheet

Name : Subject: Science

Class / Sec: VI Date:________
Q:1 Fill in the blanks with an appropriate words.
1. Chemical digestion involve _____ of large food molecule into
smaller molecule

2. Digestion involve the action of chemical called _________

3. ______ is important for the growth of bones and teeth

4. Brisk walking releases the chemical called _______

5. _______ is a mixture of two or more elements where atleast one

is metal.

6. Stainless steel is made from 15% ________ and 85% ______

7. Each electron carries _______ charge and flow of charge along

wire is called __________

8. Voltage is measured in ________ and the device to measure

voltage is called ________

9. The fridge door uses _______ magnet

10. If a magnet is snapped in two, each piece has its own


Q:2 Fill in the table by recalling disease their causes and symptoms

Disease Causes Symptoms


person looks pale

and feel weak and
Vitamin A

Azam Garrison Girls High School APS Tufail Road
Regional Improvement Plan- Worksheet

Name : Subject: Science

Class / Sec: VI Date:________

Q:1 True or False

1. Villi have thick walls to increase the surface area of small
2. Protease digest starch into maltose
3. Water is absorbed through the walls of small intestine
4. The oesophagus is a short tube connecting from mouth to
5. Roughage is the part of our diet that is not digested
6. We need water because all chemical reaction in body take
place in solution form
7. The deficiency of iron causes the disease called scurvy
8. Food is a fuel for the human body
9. Salt is said to be insoluble because it dissolves easily
10. The liquid that passes trough filter paper is called filtrate
11. Solder is made up of lead and iron
12. Homogenous mixtures have uniform composition
13. That any metal alloy that contain iron will make a good
permanent magnet
14. The motor of electric drill uses an electromagnet
15. The end of magnet which points to the South is called
north seeking pole
16. If a rod is snapped in two, each piece has its own N and
south pole
17. Electric circuit that provide more than one pathway for
electricity to flow is called parallel circuit
18. The current is not same at all places on parallel circuit
19. Electricity has only one pathway to flow is called series
20. Current is measure in voltmeter

Q 2. Draw magnetic field pattern for a bar magnet

Azam Garrison Girls High School APS Tufail Road

Regional Improvement Plan- Worksheet

Name : Subject: Science
Class / Sec: VI Date:________

Q: Draw neat and labelled diagram of series circuit.

Q: Draw net and labelled diagram of parallel circuit.

Regional Improvement Plan Worksheet

Name : Subject: Science
Class / Sec: VI Date:________
Azam Garrison Girls High School APS Tufail Road
Q: Differentiate between following terms.
Permanent magnet Temporary magnet

Series circuit Parallel circuit

Solute Solvent

Homogenous mixture Heterogeneous mixture

Q2. Label the diagram of digestive system

Regional Improvement Plan Worksheet

Name : Subject: Science
Class / Sec: VI Date:________

Q: Fill in the blanks

1. The physical breakdown of food is called _____
2. Human digestive system consists of a long tube called ____
Azam Garrison Girls High School APS Tufail Road
3. The alimentary canal is about ______ long
4. Amylase digest sugar into _________
5. A starch molecule is made from lots of _______ molecules

Q2. Answer the following question

1. Why digestion does not take place in oesophagus.
2. Write working of proteases, carbohydras and amylase
3. Explain how would you separate sand from salt
4. How would you increase current in solenoid

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