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Name__Kaitlyn Burrell _______________________

What Caused the Dust Bowl? DBQ Answer Sheet

Background Essay Questions:

1. Oklahoma and Texas

2. Yes, they would have been in their 50’s during the dust bowl years

3. Define:

a. Shortgrass Prairie- A semiarid climate ecosystem located in the Great Plains. It has an

abundance of short grasses, rivers, stream, and rocky soil.

b. Soddies- Houses made of earth and grass

c. Enlarged Homestead Act- Gave 320 acres of land to anyone who could hang on for 3 years

d. Panhandle- A narrow strip of territory projecting from the mairn territory of one state into

another state.

e. Dusters- Dust storms ( Black blizzards)

4. It brought pain to Europe which was good for Plains farmers because they could sell their wheat

to Europe.

5. Dust pneumonia ( kids got this), People lost jobs, no food to eat

6. Yes, more than 3 million left

Document A Analysis:

1. Yes, it has actual quotes from people

2. When the world panicked and didn’t know what to do.

3. Not being able to keep the dust out of our bodies, both people and cattle died from the amount of

dust intake they had.

4. Dust storm conditions

5. I would use this document to give examples of effects the dust storms had on people and cattle.

Document B Analysis:
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1. The grass acted like an anchor to help keep some of the dirt from reaching the people.

2. The grass uses its roots to hold the dirt to the earth so that it wouldn’t get out and hurt the people


3. Dry farmlands and loose dirt helped with the dust bowl

4. The soil will turn into dust

Document C Analysis:

1. He used the tractor to get the job done quicker, he used the combine to cut and thresh the grain in

one pass instead of multiple and he used the plow to till up the gravel to plant new things.

2. The tractor made him gain more money because of how fast he was working and it also made it to

where he could learn new techniques to make life easier on him.

3. Him stirring up the dirt from plowing and running the new machines could have been a cause

towards the dust bowl

4. I would use the men on the tractors. It shows how much more land they can cover and how

convenient it was using the tractors.

Document D Analysis:

1. Both, the source is primary in that it is from the period and a government document. It is

secondary in that the acreage data had to be drawn from other sources.

2. 1879? 10 million 1899? 50 million 1929? 100+million

3. The number of acres farmed on the Plains increases about tenfold between 1879 and 1929 and

the increase was largely due to machines .

4. There seems to be a strong connection between machines, grassland turned over by the plow

and dust storms

Document E Analysis:
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1. 20 inches

2. 17 inches

3. 9 years

4. Not enough rainfall. The 30s were worse

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