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Communication is one of the most important things to take into

account for our major and although communication is something that
we develop innately, there are people who do not give it the necessary
importance because it is crucial for our life in this way helps us to have
an effective and efficient management for business and also to be able
to make ourselves understood by transmitting the right message.

For the modern languages major, communication plays one of the

most important roles, thus facilitating the way in which we express our
ideas in different languages, which is crucial when we are in
environments outside our comfort zone. When learning to master
different languages, it is important to be able to understand cultural
differences in order to be able to send a correct message while
maintaining the faithful idea of what is meant without damaging it.
Likewise, focusing more on business helps us to give a good response
to solve problems, emphasizing having a good relationship with the
people in the work team and with the people with whom we want to
work in the future in order to be able to reach to agreements that
serve both parties

In conclusion, communication is the basis for everything, it is effective

and fundamental to have professional and organizational success,
which gives us the necessary tools to manage good understanding and
collaboration at any time.

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