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IEEE Std 308-2001" (Revision of IEEE Std 308-1001") 308” IEEE Standard Criteria for Class 1E _- Power Systems for Nuclear Power {> Generating Stations _AaeRoRNNTENNENCRRERSR CRANES IEEE Power Engineering Society ‘Sponsored by the Nuclear Power Engineering Committee - IEEE Publishes oy “The Insite of lec! and Sectors Enger, ne ‘3 Park venus, New Yor, NY 40016-5087, USA eas 4 Merch 2002 POF: ss94070 Copyright by the Insitute Of Hectical & Hlectronles Engineers Ine ‘Tue dun 14 08:5002 2005 IEEE Std 308-2001™ [Revision ot EEE sts 208-1901™) IEEE Standard Criteria for Class 1E Power Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations Sponsor Nuclear Power Engineering Committee ofthe IEEE Power Engineering Society ‘Approved 6 December 2001 IEEE-SA Standards Board ‘Abstract: Class 1E portions of allemating current and direct current power systems and instrumentation and conivol power systems in single-unit and multunit nuclear power generating stations are covered. Not included are the preferred power supply; unit generator(s) and their buses; generator breaker; step-up, auxliary, and start-up transformers; connections tothe station ‘switchyard; switchyard; transmission lines; and the transmission network. The intent is to provide ‘teria forthe determination of Class 1E power system design features, criteria for sharing Ciass ‘1E power systems in multiunit stations, the requirements for ther testing and survelance, and the requirements for documentation ofthe Class 1E power systom. Keywords: Ciess 1E power systems, nuclear power station design, nuclear safety ‘The Inaaute of Elctcl and Electronics Engingors, ne. 3 Pack Avenuo, Now Yerk, WY 10016-5997, USA ‘Copyright ©2002 by the Inst of Electrical ane Electronkes Engineer, In. ‘Allpehts reserve. Pulse | Marca 2002. Printed in the Unlog Statos of Amorca, nts 188N0-7381-9082-6 sHe4970 POF: ISBNO0.7381-2085.4 | SSO4970 ‘No past ofthis pubtcation may be reproduced in any form. ian electronic retreval system or otherwise, without the prior ‘eigen parmission oth putsher Copyright by the Institute Of Hectical & Hlectronles Engineers Ine ‘Tue dun 14 0851.22 2005, TEBE Standards docunents are developed within the TEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating Commies of the THEE Stordards Assocition (TEEE-SA) Standards Board. The TEE develops its standards though @ consensus ‘exclopment proosts, approved by the American National Swndards Insts, which Brings together voluntcre ropresonting varied viewpoint and inerets to aohiove he Final product. Volantcors ae not necotarly members ofthe instante and sore without competion, While the IEBE administers the process and etablishes ales © promote feos in the consensus development process, the IEEE doesnot independently evalua tet cr verity the aeracy of any ofthe {information contained init standard, Use of an IEEE Standard is willy voluntary. The IEEE diselains lability for any personal inary, property ox other ‘amnags, of any narre whatsoever, whether special indiest, consequential or enmpenstory,drety or ndrecty resulting from the pablieaton, use of, or relianes upon this. aay other THEE Sard document. “The IEEE doesnot warrant or sepesca the accuracy ar cootent ofthe matrial conned hei, and expressly disclaims _ay expres or implied warns, Icladng an mpeg wart of mrchantailtyor fnest fora spoee purpose, ott ‘the wie ofthe material contained cca i fre from patent infringement. IEEE Standatds documents ao sapped “AS 18.” “The existence of an IEEE Stadad doesnot imply that there are no other ways to prodhes, est measure purse, markt, ‘er provide ether goods und servis relied othe seope ofthe IEEE Standard. Psthermare, to viewpoint expressed a the time a standard is approved and issued is subject to change brought about troagh developments in the state of heart nd ‘commeaty recived fom uses ofthe standard, Every IEEE Standard is subjocod to review atleast every five yous ‘ovsion or eeaiemasion, When a document is more than Fivo years old ands not hoon reafmed, i i reasonable to ‘anclode thi is coments, thoxgh ail of some valve, do nat wholly eet the present tate othe art Users are cantioned tw chock to determine that they have the latest eiton of any TEEE Standard. 1m publishing and making this document avilable, ho IEEE ig wot suggstingo&rendorng professional ce ater gorvoss fxr 00 behalf of any person or entity. 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Since TEE Standards representa consensus of concerned interests, iis ports so ensore tha any imerprtstion has seo oecived the eonewtenes ofa alance of intron, For this resson, (EEL and the members of Re sooitics and Standards Coordinating Commitocs are act abo to provide an instant response to insrprtatin requests ‘except in Gove caves where the mate bas previously received fomoal consideration, ‘Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome fom any interested pay regardless of membership aft with {IEEE. Saggostions for changes in documeats shoul! bain the form af a proposed change of text, togcther wit appropriate ‘supporting comments. Comments on ssndards and requests for iterpretaons shouldbe addessed to: ‘Secretary, TEBE-SA Standards Hoard 445 Hoos Lane PO, Box 1331 Piscaaway, NI 08855-1331 USA, [Not Atcalion is called wo the posblliy that implomevation of Wis sandard may reques was of subjox ma ter covered by patent sights. 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To _aange fo payment of licensing fe, please contact Copyciht Clearnes Centr, Customse Serves, 23 Rosewood Drive, ‘Danvers, MA 01923 USA; +1 978 780 8400, Pemnission to photocopy portions of way individual standard for edveationel ‘lassroom use can also be obtained trough de Copyright Clearance Cente, ‘Copyright © 2002 IEEE. Al rights reserved, Copyright by the Insitute Of ectical & Hlectronles Engineers Ine ‘Te dun 14 08351:28 2005, IEEE-SA Trademark Usage/Compliance Statement Proper usage of the trademar EEE Std 308-2001" is mandatory and isto be followed in all references of the Standard. The mark IEEE is the registered trademark of the Institute of Blecirical and Electronics Engineers, nc., and must be used in bold type. It is to appear with the registered trademark symbol "&” the Titst time “TEBE” appears in the text. The use of “TEBE Sid xxxx-200x" should include the trademark symbol “TM’ (c.g., IEEE Std xxxx-200x™ at least the first time itis used intext, unless the numberof the standard is also trademark registered (eg, 802°), then the symbol "@" must be used. It is not permissible to use the standard number alone or with “IEEE” to indicate confonmance or ‘compliance with the associated standard, The user of the Standard should contact the Manager, Standards Licensing and Contracs for information concerning issues regarding indicating product compliance with an TERE standard, To represent that a product has been designed to meet an IEEE standard, itis permissible to state that “the product bas been engineered, designed or manufactured with the intent to mect the requirements of IKEK Std xxxx-200x™”, However, it is nof permissible to state or refer to a product as “xxxx compliant,” “xx certified,” “EEE wxex conformant,” “IEEE xxxxx certified,” or the like, unless the user has obtained a Certification License from the Manager, Standards Ticensing and Contracts, (Copysight ©2002 IEEE. All rhs reserved. Copyright by the Insitute Of ectical & Hlectronles Engineers Ine ‘Te dun 14 08351:28 2005, Introduction (This introduction snot pan of IEEE Sid 308-2001, IEBE Standard Criteria for Class 1B Power Systems For Nuclear Power Generating Sion) This siandard presents criteria and requirements for the electrical power systems of nuclear power ‘generating stations specifically related to providing protection for the health and safety of the public. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has developed these criteria to provide guidance in ‘the determination of the design features and the surveillance requirements and testing related tothe station ‘electric power systems. Fach applicant for construction permit or an operating license for @ nuclear power _generaling station in the United States is required to develop these items to comply with the Tile 10, Code ‘of Federal Regulations, Part SO. Adherence to these criteria may not suifce for assuring the public health and safety because itis the inteprated performance of the structures, the fluid systems, the instrumentation, ‘and the electric systems of the station that limits the consequences of accidents, Failure to meet these requirements may be an indication of system inaclequacy. Each applicant has the responsibility to assure all ‘applicable parties that this integrated performance is adequate, Background TERE Std 308-1970™ was prepared by Subcommittee 4, Auxiliary Power Systems of the Joint Committee ‘on Nuclear Power Standards (JCNPS) ofthe IEEE Nuclear Science Group and the IEEE Power Engineering Society (PES). IFRE Stl 308-1971 incorporated the experience of the first edition and added multi ‘considerations. IEEE Std 308-1974 was completed by Working Group 4.1 of Subcommittee 4 of JCNPS, which had Become the Nuclear Power Engincering Committee (NPEC) of the PES in 1973. TEEE Std 308-1978 clarified the interface between the functional requirements of the Class IE power system and the safety systems for elements ofthe safety system that are within the Class 1E power system, TEE Std 308-1980 impleronted the recommendations of the Ad Hoc IEEE 308/603 Cormmitie regarding the scope diagram for the IEEE Std 308% and IEEE Std 603°" interface. IEEE Std 308-1991™ added criteria for interfacing the Clast 1E power system with IEEE Sté 765-1983, IEEE Standard for the Preferred ‘Power Supply for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, and IEEE Std 741-1990, IEEE Standard Criteria for the Protection of Class IE Power Systems and Equipment in Nuclear Power Generating Stations. The standard was also updated to reflet the latest requirements of IEEE Std 387-1984", IEEE Standard Criteria for Diesel-Generator Units Applied as Standby Power Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations; TEEE Std 946-1985, TEE Recommended Practice for the Design of Safety Related DC Auxiliary Power Systems for Nuclear Power General and the recommendations ofthe NPEC Ad Hoc Committee ‘on Shared Safety Systems. These recommendations resulted in a complete rewrite of the multiunit station ‘considerations clause. Safety function concept A safety system, by definition, shall encompass all of the elements required to achieve a protective or safety function, Figure 2 and Figure 3 illustrate the systems and equipment needed to perform a typical safery function, such as post-accident heat removal. As part of the safety system, the role of the Class IF power system is clearly that of an auxiliary supporting feature, providing electric power to other safety systems (eg. recirculation spray system, containment spray system, etc). In this capacity the portions ofthe Class 1E power system that contribute to performing a safety funetion must comply with the requirements of IEEE Std 603-1991, However, the components, equipment, and systems within the Class IE power system that perform no direct safety function (eg., overload devices, protective relaying, efe.) must meet the requirements in IEEE Std 603-1991 that assure that those components, equipment, and systems do not ‘degrade the Class IE power system below an acceptable level. ‘Copyright © 2002 IEEE. Al rights reserved, iv Copyright by the Insitute Of ectical & Hlectronles Engineers Ine ‘Te dun 14 08351:28 2005, Major role of Class 1 power system The major role ofthe Class IE power system is to provide electric power to the reactor tip system, engi- noered safety features, and auxiliary supporting features; therefore, the Class IE power system is an auxil- iry supporting feature ‘The Class 1F power system is unique in that it extends throughout the plant, having far more complex. inter- ‘ages than other auxiliary supporting features. Other auxiliary supporting features are usually limited to one area or a single process in the plant and are basically mechanical systems. Characteristic of the complex interfaces of the Class 1E power system is the fact that i isan auxiliary supporting feature; other auxiliary eatures are auxiliary supporting features for it, and the Class 1E power system may provide Support for non safety system equipment and provide the means fr the execution ofthe safety system protective actions ‘The sense and command features include equipment that produces signals (eg., current transformer, voltage ‘wansformer, ete), measures electric system parameters (¢.2, voltage, current, wats, ete), of functions to limit degradation effects (¢g., protective relaying, thermal overloads, undervoltage relays, etc). The sense ‘and command features of the Class 1E power system that directly perform a safety function shall comply ‘with the requirements of IEFE Std 603-1991. Sense and command features of the Class IE power system that do not have a direct safety function must be analyzed to show that their failure will have no unacceptable effects on the Class IE power system. In their execute features role, some Class 1E power system equipment, switchgear, circuit breakers, power ‘cabling, and loads (primarily motors) are not only pert ofthe Class 1E power system, but are also integral parts ofthe engineered safety features Current revision TERE Std 308-2001 adds criteria for design and testing documentation of Class TF power systems, include ing ¥ertication and validation, Tho standard adds tothe criteria for power quality to include potontialoffects ‘of harmonic distortion and degraded grid conditions. A general update to correct references and to address ‘comments received since the standard was last revised has also been performed. Working Group $C 4.1 members involved inthe preparation of this standard were the following: ALE. Stoner, Je, Chair George Artarisn DL. Goodney GD. Manasco Paul Gil HLA. Robinson Willis J. Mingle y (Copysight ©2002 IEEE. All rhs reserved. Copyright by the Institute Of Hectrical & Electrons Engineers Ine ‘Te dun 14 08351:24 2005, ‘The following members of the ballosing commitice voted on this standard, Balloters may have voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention. Saleh K. Agarwal James W. Anderson George Aitcian ‘Vincent P. Bacenekae Firouk D. Baier Merk D Bowman Danie F, Brosuan Robert C. Carruth Joh P. Cantor SK. Chawla Raymond J Christensen RobeitL. Copyak Joh J. Disosway Surinder K. Dureja Julian Forster Jokn Kenneth Greene Robert E. Hall Gregory K. Henry David A. Horvath Paul 8, foto Gerald B. Lantz John D. MacDonald Alenander Macon | Jolin E, Mersodo Ie Richard B. Miler Willian J. Minick ‘Burt NemolT Roger D. Parker William @ Schwa: Thomas . Sime Berry J. Skoras James & Stoner Jon Tanska ohn A. Taylor James &. Thomas Gary, Toran John T.Ullo Raymond Weronick David J. Zapracny Mark $. Zar When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 6 December 2001, it had the following -membershi Satish K. Aggarwal Mark D. Bowman | Gary R.Engmenn Herold E. Epstein Vi Lands Flys Say Forter* Howard M. Frazier ‘Ruben D. Garcon ‘Membor Beertus ‘Also included ia the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaison: ‘Copyright © 2002 IEEE. Al rights reserved, Copyright by the Institute Of lectical & Hlectronles Engineers Ine ‘Tue Dun 14 0851.25 2005, Donald N. Heirman, Chat James T. Carlo, Fice Chair Judith Gorman, Secretary James H. Gurney Richard J, Holleman Lowell G Johnson Robert. Kennelly Jeseph L. Keepfinger* ote 1 Lips L. Brice McChing Daleep C. Mohla ‘Alan Cookson, NIST Representative Donald R. Volz, TAB Representative Don Messina IBEE Standard Project Editor James W. Moore Robert F Munzner Ronald . Petersen Gerald H.Potreon John B. Posey Gary $, Robinson Akio Tojo Doncld W. Zinse Contents Overview TA Scope oe 7 sen o 12 Purpose... 7 “ 2 References, 4 Definitions 5 Principal design criteria, 41 General... 4.2. Relationship between the safety system and Class IE power system 43 Design hasis event effects 44 Design basis 4S Power quality 4.6 Location of indicators and conto. 47 Tdenification 48 Independence. 49° Equipment qualification 4.10. Single-failure criterion 4.11 Connection of non-clasé IE cizeuit 4.12. Control of access. 413 Cirouts that penetate containment ‘ ft 4.14 Protection BE : B ‘Supplementary design crite $1 Class TE power systems. 52 Altemating current power systems. 53 Direct current power syste moms 5.4 Instramention and control power ani ' 53 Execute features.. 5.6 Sense and command features. Surveillance and test requirements 6.1 Surveillance methods . 62, Preoperatonal equipment tests and inspections 63 Preoperational system tes. 6A Periodic tess “Multiuni station considerations 23 rn 24 82 Verification and validation 83. Testrecord: ‘Copyright © 2002 IEEE. Al rights reserved, vii Copyright by the Institute Of lectical & Hlectronles Engineers Ine ‘Tue Dun 14 0851.25 2005, ‘TABLES ‘Table 1 tems included in systems covered by scope. ‘Table 2 Dlustrative malfunctions, accidents, et, ‘Table 3. Mhstrative surveillance methods. FIGURES. Figure 1 Example of a Class 1B power system for single unit with two 100% capacity divisions. Figure 2 Typical safety fumetion and the Class 1E power system ure 3. Simplified electrical one-line diagram ithstrating one di sion of a Class 1E power system... 10 ‘Copyright © 2002 IEEE. Al rights reserved, vii Copyright by the Institute Of Hectical & Electrons Engineers Ine ‘Tue Dun 14 0851.28 2005, IEEE Standard Criteria for Class 1E Power Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations 4. Overview 4.1 Scope ‘This standard applies to the Class 1E portions of the following systems and equipment in single-unit and ‘miultiunit moclear power generating stations: — _Altemating current power systems. — Direct current power systems — Instrumentation and control (1&¢C) power systems ‘These systems include the items listed in Table 1 Table 1—Items Inclucied In systems covered by scope General cements astratve examples Power sources Souees Standby generator Beteris ‘Components end isiibaion Transormers Buses Equipment Switchgear Cable Batty chargers Inverts Copyright © 2002 EE. Anais rsa, 1 Copyright by the Institute Of ectical & Hlectronles Engineers Ine ‘Te Dun 14 0851-29 2005, eee Sts 306-2004 IEEE STANDARD CRITERIA FOR CLASS 1E POWER SYSTEMS. ‘Table 1—Items included In systems covered by scope (continued) General elements lustative examples Esceute features ‘Actuation devies ‘Cre breakers Controllers Control relays ‘Control switches Pilot valves Actuated equipment Motor Solenoids eaters Sense and command features Tnsttumenstion, conto, and electrical Survelllance indicators proection (associated with ower supplies Sind distribution equipmen’) Switches ‘Curent enatormers ‘Veltage transformers ‘Transluces Protective relays Froqency relays Microprocessors ‘This standard does not apply to the preferred power supply; the unit generators and their buses; generator ‘breaker; step-up, auxiliary, and start-up transformers; connections to the station switchyard; switchyard; transmission lines; andthe transmission network (see Figure 1) 1.2 Purpose ‘The purpose ofthis standard isto provide the following: ‘The principal design criteria and the design features of the Class IE power systems that enable the systems to meet their functional requirements under the conditions produced by the applicable design basis events. ‘The requirements for tess and surveillance of the Class IE power systems. The erteria for sharing Class 1E power systems in multiunit stations. The requirements for documentation ofthe Class 1E power systems. Copyright© 2002 IEEE, At rights rosavod Copyright by the Institute Of ectical & Hlectronles Engineers Ine ‘Te dun 14 0851.31 2005, ‘eee FOR NUCLEAR POWER GENERATING STATIONS ‘3 208.2001 SHYARD AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEM ‘(NOT WITHIN SCORE)™ a eR fa] oh Lida and iad = APPURTENANCES OF LIA Liga and 8d = APPURTENANCES OF LIB , Sener AC LOADS d= DC LOADS *Roferto IEEE Std 765-1995 for recommended designs. Figure 1—Example of a Class 1E power system for single unit with two 100% capacity divisions Copynight © 2002 IEEE. Aa gts rasan, 3 Copyright by the Institute Of ectical & Hlectronles Engineers Ine ‘Te dun 14 0851.31 2005, eee Sts 306-2004 IEEE STANDARD CRITERIA FOR CLASS 1E POWER SYSTEMS. 2. References ‘The following publications shall be used in conjunction with this standard: Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facilites Applications.” ASME NQA“ 1997, Quali ‘CFR (Code of Federal Regulations), Title 10: Energy, Part 100, published by Office ofthe Federal Register, 19952) IEEE Sid 7-43.2-1993™, IEEE Standard Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Generating Stations: TERE Sid 317-1983™ (Reaff 1996), IEEE Standard for Electric Penetration Assemblies in Containment Structures for Nuclear Power Generating Stations IEEE Std 323-1983 (Realf 1996), IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Equipment for Nuclesr Power Generating Stations. IEEE Std 338-1987" (Reaff 2000), IEFE Standard Criteria forthe Periodie Surveillance Testing of Nuclear Power Generating Station Safery Systems. IEEE Std 352-1987 (Reaf? 1999), IEEE Guide for General Principles of Reliability Analysis of Nuclear Power Generating Station Safety Systems, IEEE Sid 379-1994™, [BEE Standard Application ofthe Single-Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power Generat- ing Station Safety Systems. IEEE Std 384-1992 (Reaif 1998), IBEE Standard Criteria for Independence of Class 1E Equipment and Circuits, TEE Std 387-1995, [EEE Standard Criteria for Diesel-Generator Units Applied as Standby Power Sup- pilies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.* IEEE Sid 415-1986" (Reaff 1992), IEEE Guide for Planning of Pre-Operational Testing Programs for Class 1E Power Systems for Nuelcar Power Generating Stations ® TERE Std 450-1995, IEEE Recommended Practice for Maintenance, Tes Lead. Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications, ng, and Replacement of Vented, IEEE Std 484-1996, IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and! Installation of Vented Lead- Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications. IEEE Sid 485-1997, IEEE Recommended Practice for Sizing Lead: Applications. id Batteries for Stationary "ASME pubiions ae avaabe fom the American Society of Mechanical Engines 8 Pak Avene, New York, NY 100163960, USA Gitp/tewename or 2s dacument i avaiable or He Soperiniendent of Documents, U.S. Goverament Pring Ofice, Wasingon, DC 20402, DARE pablicton ar vaso he Inti scien Elst gins 445 Hoes Las PO. Bo 1333, Pay, 1s 0895-1381, USA (hapa eon) “Tain stand a eon widows won, copct aa bo bin ra Global Engincring, 15 Ineracs Way Bat Snghowtod CO NOT12-704, USA, e308) 72.2181 (ha. "ba is com) 4 Copyright© 2002 IEEE, At rights rosavod Copyright by the Institute Of ectical & Hlectronles Engineers Ine ‘Te dun 14 0851.31 2005, ‘eee FOR NUCLEAR POWER GENERATING STATIONS ‘3 208.2001 TEE Sid 494.1974m* (Reaff 1990), TEFE Standard Method for Identification of Documents Related t0 Class TE Equipment and Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Staions.* IEEE Std 577-1976! (Reaff 1992), IEEE Standard Requitements for Reliability Analysis in the Design and ‘Operation of Safety Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, IEEE Std 603-1998, [EEE Standard Criteria for Safety Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations. TERE Std 741-1997, IEEE Standard Criteria forthe Protection of Class 1E Power Systems and Equipment in Nuclear Power Generating Stations. IEEE Sid 765-1995°%, IEEE Standard for Preferred Power Supply (PPS) for Nuclear Power Generating Stations. IEEE Std 946-1992™, IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of DC Auxiliary Power Systems for Generating Stations. 3. Definitions For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply. IEEE 100, The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms, Seventh Edition, should be referenced for terms not defined in this clase. 3.1 acceptable: Demonstrated to be adequate by the safety analyses ofthe station. 3.2 actuated equipment: The assembly of prime movers and driven equipment used to accomplish a protective action [NOTE—Examples of prime movers are turbines, motors, and solenoids. Examples of driven equipment are pumps and valves. 33 actuation device: A component or assembly of components that directly controls the motive power (a, electricity, compressed air, hydraulic fuid, et.) for actuated equipment. NOTE-Examplos of actuation dovices se circuit beakers, relays, and plot valves, 34 administrative controls: Rules, orders, instructions, procedures policies, practices, and designations of ‘authority and responsibility. 3.5 auriliary supporting features: Systems or components that provide services (eg., cooling, lubrication, ‘energy supply) shat are required for the safety systems to accomplish their safety functions. 3.6 channel: An arrangement of components and modules required to generate a single protective action signal when required by a generating station condition. A channel loses its identity where single protective action signals are combined. 3.7 Class IE: The safety classification ofthe electric equipment and systems tha are essential to emergency ‘eaclor shutdown, containment isolation, reactor core cooling, and containment and reactor heat removal oF ‘that are otherwise essential in preventing significant release of radioactive material tothe environment.® 5 rer ofthis sandr are sdved hat “Clas 1 is. urctionl frm, gsipnert ord aytoms arto be slasiied Clas IE oy ‘hey lo Sections Htod th dfn. Manttcation ys or opncel ta Chane bach cn ayn thr then ir ‘Ration san eprops ofthe tr and should be sve Copynight © 2002 IEEE. Aa gts rasan, 5 Copyright by the Institute Of lectical & Hlectronles Engineers Ine ‘Te dun 14 08351:32 2005, eee Sts 306-2004 IEEE STANDARD CRITERIA FOR CLASS 1E POWER SYSTEMS. ‘8 design basis evente: Postulated events used in the design to establish the acceptable performance requirements ofthe structures, systems, and eomponents.. 39 detectable failurest Failures that can be identifi through periodic testing or can be revealed by alarm ‘or anomalous indication. Component failures that are detected at the channel, division, or system level are detectable failures. NOTE Identifiable but nondetectable flues sre flues identified by analysis that cannot he detected through sur- vellance testing or cannot be revealed by alam or anomalous indication. 3.10 division: The designation applied toa given system or set of component that enables the establishment ‘and maintenance of physical, electrical, and functional independence from other redundant sots of ‘components. 3.11 documentation; Any waitten or pictorial information deseribing, defnin cenifying activities, requirements, procedures, o results, specifying, reporting, or 312 engineered safety features: Features of unit other than reactor trip or features used only for normal ‘operation, that are provided to prevent, limit, or mitigate the release of radioactive materia 3:13 exeeute features: ‘The electrical and mechanical equipment and interconnections that perform 3 function, associated directly or indirectly with a safety function, upon receipt ofa signal from the sense and ‘command features. The scope of the execute features extends from the sense and command features output ‘to and including the actuated equipment-to-process coupling. 3.14 independence: The state in which no mechanism exists by which any single design basis event can ‘causo redundant equipment to be inoperable, 3.15 isolating device: A device ina circuit that prevents malfunction in one section ofa cieuit from causing ‘unecceptable infiuences in other sections of the circuit or in other circuits. ‘An arrangement of buses, transformers, switching equipment, and loads fed fom a ‘comion power supply within a division. 3.17 module: Any assembly of interconnected components that constitutes an identifiable device, instrument, oF piece of equipment. A module can be disconnected, removed as a unit, and replaced with a spare unit. Ithas definable performance characteristics that permit it to be tested as a unit. A module could de a card, a drawout circuit breaker, or other subassembly of a larger device, provided it meets the ‘requirements of tis definition, 3.18 nuclear power generating station (station): A plant where electric energy is produced fom nuclear ‘energy by means of sutable apparatus. The station may consist of one or more generating units, 3.19 power sources: Ths electrical and mechanical equipment and interconnections novessary to generate oF ‘convert power. ‘NOTE—Flectri power source snd power supply are interchangesblo within the context ofthis document, 3.20 preferred power supply (PPS): The power supply from the transmission system to the Class 1 * fe : Protective ray 7 : Switchgearbus | Voltage © = naomi cent ~ Ground = Supply breaker position ~ | «|. : Conrolvoiage x Prtetve slay x . Sion batery | Curent ° rene open x “eat rake closed x avery charger | Ouput voltage ° x Caen (ue) ° Die cure power flue x ‘Altemaing creat power = faire Breer open = Tigh cites caren: votage iy (Opec mai erating cur re supply bree) 2 Copyright© 2002 IEEE, At rights rosavod Copyright by the Institute Of Flectreal & Electronles Engineers Ine ‘Te du 14 0835143 2005, ‘eee FOR NUCLEAR POWER GENERATING STATIONS ‘3 208.2001 ‘Table 3Ilustrative surveillance methods (continued) istrative survediiance methods Equipment— By continuous monltoring anipment Parameter By ND Pe Inst xn | comp | "tests Ditect curent bas | Voltoge x x ‘Ground ° x ‘Gros ie breaker closed x Tasieument and Voltsge ° Contel Power System ‘Cartent ° Breker/use satus * Power quality (eg, Total . Harmonic Distartioa) KEY: INST Instrumentation INDLTS Indicating liehis ANN Annuneistor COMP Computer x DDendtes methods in the msin cot 0m, ° Denotes methods outside the main contol room . Periodic fst is supplementary or an alternative fo continuous surveillance as indicated. Class 1 power systems required to be controlled from outside the main control room shall also have ‘operational status information provided outside the main control room (e.g, at the equipment itself, at its power supply, at an alternate location). ‘The operator shall be provided with accurats, complete, and timely information pertinent to the status of the ‘execute features. This information shall be provided in the main contro room and shall include indication of protective actions and unavailability of execute features 6.2 Preoperational equipment tests and inspections reoperation equipment tests and inspections shall be performed with all componen meters and protective devices calibrated and adjusted. They shall demonstrate that installed and all 2) All components are correct and are properly installed. b) All connections ae correct and the circuits are continuous. ‘2) All components are operational All redundant elements can be tested independently of each other. Copynight © 2002 IEEE. Aa gts rasan, B Copyright by the Institute Of lectical & Hlectronles Engineers Ine ‘Te du 14 0835143 2005, eee Sts 306-2004 IEEE STANDARD CRITERIA FOR CLASS 1E POWER SYSTEMS. 6.3 Preoperational system test The preoperational system tesis shall be performed with all components installed. These tests shall demonstrate that the equipment operates within design Limits and thatthe system is operational and can meet its performance specification, These tests shall be performed after the preoperational equipment tests and shall demonstrate that 48) All required coincident Class TE and non-Class TE loads can operate acceptably on the preferred power supply. b) The loss ofthe preferred power supply can be detected. ©} Bach standby power supply can be started and can accept its design load within the time specified in the design basis while maintaining seceptable voltage regulation. 4) The redundant Class IE sources and their associated load groups are each independent of all ther ©) Transfer between preferred and standby power supplies can be accomplished. 1) Thebatieris ofthe direct current poswes supply can meet the design requirements oftheir connected load without the charger(s) in operation. Fach battery charger has sufficient capacity to meet che largest combined demands of the various continuous steady-state loads plus the charging capacity to restore the battery from the design ‘minimum charge state tothe fully charged state within the time stated inthe design basis. For further guidance in the performance of these tess, refer to IEEE Sid 415-1986™, 6.4 Periodic tests ‘Tests shall be performed at scheduled intervals 0 — Detect within practical limits the deterioration ofthe equipment toward an unacceptable condition Demonstrate that standby power equipment and other components that are not exercised during ‘normal operation of the station are operable. ‘The testing of Class 1E equipment shall be scheduled to ensure that suticient equipment is availabe at all times to fulfil the safety funtion, ‘The periodic tests shall be performed at scheduled intervals in accordance with IEEE Std 338-1987 7. Multiunit station considerations A multiunit station may share Class criteria given in this clause power systems among ‘also complies with 7A Criteria TAA Constraints Shared Class 1E power systems are permissible in multiunit stations provided the following are met 2) Minimum engineered safety features are available for each design basis event. Sharing Class 1E power systems shall not impair ihe ability to perform required safety functions. b) It is demonsizated that design basis events occurring in one unit do not impair the ability 10 perform required safety functions in the other units. 4 Copyright© 2002 IEEE, At rights rosavod Copyright by the Institute Of ectical & Hlectronies Engineers Ine ‘oe dun 14 085144 2005, ‘eee FOR NUCLEAR POWER GENERATING STATIONS ‘3 208.2001 7.1.2 Independence Provisions shall be included in the design to ensure that single failures or transients within one unit will not adversely affect, or propagate to, the other unit(s) and thereby prevent the shared systems from performing the required safety functions 7.4.3 Single fallure ‘Concurrent single failures in the individual units or a single filure in the shared gystem shall be assumed as ‘pat ofthe design basis to meet the requirements of 7. 7.2 Standby power supply capacity ‘The shared standby power supply capacity shall be sufficient to operate all safety systems required for a «design basis event in one unit concurrent with a spurious signal demanding safety system operation in the ‘oe? unit(s) or safe shuldowa ofthe other uni(s). 7.3 Battery supply ‘Class 1E direct current systems shall nat be shared in multinit stations unless it ean be shown that such sharing will not impair their ability to pecform their safety function. 8. Documentation 8.1 Design documentation records Information, analyses, and computations supporting design of the Class 1E power systems shall be documented and controlled in accordance with the quality records system established for the plant. ‘Documentation records should be prepared to support the design of individual system features or functions Each design documentation record should be verified in accordance with the requirements of Part I of ASME NQA-1-1997 and should include enough information to allow farther independent checking or ‘The following information and studies should be included, as a minimum, in the documentation supporting ‘design of the Class IE power systems: 48) Steady-state load and voltage profile studies that show the voltages throughout the power system for various modes of plant operation, including design basis events, at the time of normal and degraded voltage conditions. 1b) Transiont load and voltage studies that show the profile ofthe loads that are sequentially applied to the preferred and standby power supplies during various modes of plant operation, including design basis events ©) An instrument and control power system study that examines loading and voltages inthe alternating current and direct current systems for postulated design basis conditions. 6) Protective device coordination and equipment protection studies that show proper setpoint selection inall ofthe protective schemes. ©) A bus transfer study that analyzes the impact of voltage, phase angle, and frequency on buses and ‘motors before, during, and immediately after automatic bus transfers 1) Short-cireait studies o determine the maximum fault currents throughout the power system for vari- ‘us modes of plant operation, including design basis evens, to be used to analyze the withstand and fault clearing capability ofthe electrical equipment. ® Equipment sizing to ensure that the electrical equipment has been properly applied. Copynight © 2002 IEEE. Aa gts rasan, 25 Copyright by the Institute Of ectical & Hlectronies Engineers Ine ‘oe dun 14 085144 2005, eee Si 306-2001 8.2 Verification and validation ‘Class IE power systems thar utilize programmable digital computer systems shall be ia compliance with IEEE Std 7-4.3.2-1993™, 8.3 Test records sd on devices of in a preoperational test program should include the a) Test description 1) Description and identification of test equipment ©) Test prerequisies Environmental conditions (where environmental condition testing is necessary to ensure proper ‘peration) ©} Conditions of device prior to test 1) Abnormal alignment 1g) Comparison of test results against expected results 1) Identification of conditions or results different than anticipate conditions or results |) Corrective actions when required J) Evaluation of test results 26 Copyright© 2002 IEEE, At rights rosavod Copyright by the Institute Of Hectical & Hlectronles Engineers Ine ‘Te Du 14 0835145 2005,

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