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Organic Compound

Solid organic compound
NaHCO3 soln. + Solid org. Compd.

Effervesce of CO2 gas No effervesce of CO2 gas

∴ -COOH group is present ∴ Phenolic –OH, -NH2, -CHO group present.
Solid compd + H2O [ shake well ]

Soluble Insoluble
∴ Phenolic –OH, -CHO group present ∴ -NH2 group present
Heat the solid compd on a Cu foil [ perform : Azo dye test ]

Sooty flame Non-sooty flame [smell like burnt sugar]

∴ Phenolic –OH group present ∴ -CHO group present
[ perform : Phthalein test ] [ perform : Fehling test ]
Liquid organic compound

Heat the Liquid org. Compd on a Cu foil

Sooty flame Non-sooty flame

∴ -CHO, -NH2 group present ∴ Alcoholic –OH, >C=O, -COOH
Colour of Liquid group present.
Liquid + NaHCO3 soln.
Colour less Reddish brown
∴ -CHO gr. Pr. ∴ -NH2 gr. Pre. eff. of CO2 gas No eff. of CO2 gas
[Schiff’s Test] [Azo dye Test] ∴ -COOH gr. Pre. ∴ -OH, >C=O gr. Pre.
[pungent smell]
Liquid + Sodium nitropruside soln + NaOH soln

Red colour No red colour

∴ >C=O gr. Pre. ∴ -OH gr. Pre.

 For >C=O group : Liquid + m-DNB + NaOH soln [shake]  Violet colour.
 For alcoholic –OH group : Liquid + ceric ammonium nitrate soln  Red colour
 For –COOH group : Liquid + Blue litmus paper  colour of litmus paper turn
to red

1] Test for unsaturation
No. Test Observation Inference
Org. comp . + CCl4 + Br2 Brown colour of Br2 ∴ Unsaturation is
water water doesn’t disappear absent

2] Test for Alcoholic –OH group :

No. Test Observation Inference

a) Ceric ammonium nitrate
test :
Luquid + Ceric ammonium Red colour obtained. ∴ Alcoholic –OH
nitrate soln. [shake] group is present.

b) Iodoform test :
Liquid + KI soln + freshly Yellow ppt obtained. ∴ Alcoholic –OH
prepared NaOI soln. heat group is present.
[NaOH + I2  NaOI ]

c) Lucas test :
Liquid + Lucas reagent. *oily drops obtained. 3o alcohol present
[shake well], put the * mixture become milky 2o alcohol present
mixture for 4-5 minutes. * No reaction takes 1o alcohol present
[Lucas reagent = ZnCl2 + place
Con. HCl]

3] Test for Phenolic –OH group :

No. Test Observation Inference

a) Ferric chloride test :
Aqueous soln. of solid Blue, Violet, Green or ∴ Phenolic –OH
substance + neutral FeCl3 Red colour obtained group is present.

b) Phthalein dye test :

Aqueous soln. of solid Pink, red, blue or green ∴ Phenolic –OH
substance + phthalic colour obtained. group is present.
anhydride + Con. H2SO4
heat and cool. Thereafter
add it in 2-3 ml NaOH
soln. containing test tube

4] Test for carbonyl group [ >C=O] :

No. Test Observation Inference

2, 4-DNP test :
Liquid or dissolve solid in Yellow, orange or ∴ >C=O group is
alcohol + 2,4-dinitro orange-red ppt present.
phenylhydrzine soln.
[ heat slightly & cool ]

5] Test for Aldehyde –CHO group :

a) Schiff’s test :
Liquid or dissolve solid in Pink colour obtained. ∴ -CHO group is
alcohol + schiff’s reagent. present

b) Fehling test :
[Fehling A + Fehling B] in Brick red coloured ppt ∴ -CHO group is
equal proportion + Liquid of Cu2O obtained. present
or dissolve solid in water
[heat slightly]

c) Benedict’s test :
Liquid or dissolve solid in Orange-red ppt ∴ -CHO group is
water + Benedict reagent obtained. present
[heat slightly]

d) Tollen’s test :
Liquid or dissolve solid in Formation of a layer of ∴ -CHO group is
water + Tollen’s reagent silver metal on inner present
[heat slowly] surface of the test tube.

 Note :
1) Preperation of Tollen’s reagent : Take 1 ml AgNO3 soln in a test tube and
add 1-2 drops of NaOH soln. So, grey or brown coloured ppt obtained.
Thereafter dissolve the ppt by adding NH4OH soln. drop-wise.

2) Aromatic aldehyde like Benzaldehyde do not perform Fehling test and

Tollen’s test.

6] Test for carboxylic acid group [–COOH] :

No. Test Observation Inference

1. Litmus test :
Put a drop of Liquid Blue colour of litmus ∴ -COOH group is
compd. or aqueous soln. paper changes to red. present
of solid on a blue litmus
2. NaHCO3 test :
Solid or liquid + NaHCO3 Effervesce of CO2 gas ∴ -COOH group is
soln. present
3. Ester test :
Solid or liquid + Methanol Sweet smell of ester ∴ -COOH group is
+ 2-3 drops of Con. H2SO4 present
soln. [heat]

7] Test for 1o Amino group [–NH2] group :

No. Test Observation Inference

a) Solubility test :
Liquid or solid + dil. HCl Soluble ∴ -NH2 group is
[shake well] present

b) Carbylamine test :
Liquid or solid + Obnoxious [very bad] ∴ -NH2 group is
Chloroform soln. + smell of carbylamine. present
alcoholic KOH soln.

c) Azo dye test :

Test tube-1[dissolve org. Orange-red dye ∴ -NH2 group is
Compd. In dil. HCl] obtained. present
Testtube-2 [NaNO2 +
water ]
Test tube-3 [dissolve
𝛽 −Nepthol in NaOH]

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