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wj‡RÛ †Kqvi wek^we`¨vjq fwZ©i cÖvB‡fU †cÖvMÖvg

†nW Awdm: 74/we/1, Avi GBP †nvg †m›Uvi, MÖxb‡ivW, dvg©‡MU, XvKv
†hvMv‡hvM: 01713-432846, 01719-506746
mvfvi kvLv: Avi Gm UvIqvi, mvfvi evm÷¨vÛ, mvfvi, XvKv
†hvMv‡hvM: 01719-154260, 01719-506746
mgq: 55 wgwbU cixÿv bs- 02 c~Y©gvb: 100
bvg: BDwbU: cÖvß b¤^i:
Read the following passage and answer question 8. What is the antonym of 'Asset'?
- 1-5 A. success B. liability
We all know that people living in different parts of C. debtor D. poverty
the world live different lives. But do we know why 9. What is the synonym of 'Perplexed' is?
they live different lives? It is because the climate all A. angry B. confused
over the world is not the same. The claimate is C. annoyed D. unhappy
amount of sun, rain, heat and wind which the land 10. The opposite meaning of the word
receives. If it is always warm and sunny, we call 'unfathomable?
that a hot climate. And if it rains a lot, it could be a A. brave B. graceful
wet climate. It can also be a hot, wet climate or a C. puzzling D. shallow
cold, wet climate and so on. Can you imagine what 11. Rain sounds is called–––––
it animals might be the same, and the same crops A. Jungle B. ticks
would be grown in the ground, this would mean that C. rustle D. patters
people would be all alike. They would took alike 12. That which cannot be corrected?
and they w3ould look alike and they would all eat A. unintelligible B. illegible
the same food. C. incorrigible D. nomad
1. The world 'live' in the line 2 is a- 13. I waited until the plane ––––
A. noun B. verb A. taken off B. took off
C. adjective D. adverb C. did not take off D. had taken off
2. The adjective of 'climate' is- 14. Her half-brother had her –––– the important
A. Climate B. climated assignment.
C. climatic D. climactic A. to do B. do
3. 'People living in different parts of the would live C. to be done D. did
different lives; because –––– 15. None but the brave ––––– the fair.
A. different types of crops grow in different parts of A. demands B. declares
the world C. deserves D. deludes
B. the are habituated to different kinds of food 16. Identify the word in the plural form.
C. the standard of living different parts of the world. A. radii B. stadium
D. the elimatic influences are different C. physcis D. agendum
4. It is because the climate all over the world is not 17. Identify the word in the plural form.
the same that- A. a verb B. an adjective
A. different people belong to different groups C. an adverb D. a conjunction
B. different people have different religions 18. Which one is the right spelling?
C. deffierent people have different doctrincs A. massacare B. massacre
D. different people live diffierent lives C. massakar D. massacar
5. The most suitable title for the passage would be- 19. Which one is wrongly speleed?
A. Different lives in diffierent parts of the world A. subterfuge B. conspicuous
B. Climate and differences in people C. stubborn D. attendence
C. Climate and different parts of the world 20. Do you know why her mother ––––– sad?
D. Climate differences the world over A. look B. has been looked
6. The phrase 'Salt of life' stands for- C. looking D. looks
A. sorrows of life B. saline water 21. The writer was popular –––– young readers.
A. with B. for
C. valuable things D. valueless things
C. of D. at
7. The Phrase 'Fag End' means- 22. Did you get an invitation–––––– the party?
A. the last part B. foggy A. for B. about
C. cut a bad figure D. unfair C. to D. at
wj‡RÛ †Kqvi wek^we`¨vjq fwZ©i cÖvB‡fU †cÖvMÖvg 1
23. I have no appetite–––– for. 38. evK¨ MV‡bi Dcv`vb n‡jv-
A. for B. to A. mgvm B. cÖZ¨q
C. on D. with C. c` D. wµqv
24. Who wrote the first English dictionary? 39. ax‡i ax‡i hvq we‡kl¨ kãhyM‡ji we‡klY iƒc †KvbwU?
A. A.T. Dev B. Chaucer A. AvwaK¨ B. mvgvb¨
C. Sir Thomas D. Samuel Johnson. C. Abyiƒc D. wµqv
25. The correct translation of ''fjyKwU †Zvgvi Kv‡b Kv‡b Kx 40. eY© n‡”Q-
ejj?Õ is- A. k‡ãi ÿz`ªZg Ask B. GKm‡½ D”PvwiZ aŸwb¸”Q
A. What did the bear say to you? C. aŸwb wb‡`k©K cÖZxK D. aŸwbi kÖæwZMÖvn¨ iƒc
B. What did the bear tell to your ear? 41. ÔGZÿ‡b Awi›`g Kwnjv welv‡`Õ GLv‡b ÔAwi›`g †K?
C. What did the bear whisper to you? A. wefxlY B. ivg
D. What did the bear whisper to your ear? C. j²Y D. ‡gNbv`
26. Identify the correct passive form- Open the 42. ‡Kvb evbvbwU wVK?
window. A. ÁvZe B. ÁvZ¨e
A. The window should be opned. C. ÁvZe¨ D. ÁZe¨
B. Let the window be opened. 43. Ô‡jvK-‡jvKvšÍiÕ KweZvq Kwei †PZbvi cvwL e‡m Av‡Q-
C. Let the window be opened by hou. A. cvbjZvq B. P›`‡bi Wv‡j
D. The window must be opened C. ‡Sv‡ci Ici D. mycvwi Mv‡Q
27. –––––, he would have been able to pass the exam. 44. cv‡k‡Z ewmqv ivgv K‡n `ytLevYxÕ Dw³wU †Kvb KweZvi Ask?
A. If he studied more B. If he studying more A. FZz eY©b B. dzjivi ev‡ivgvm¨
C. Studying more D. I had he studied more C. gvbe-e›`bv D. myL
28. My hobby is different ––––– her hobby. 45. ÔAvwgZ¡Õ k‡ãi A_© Kx?
A. than B. to A. exiZ¡ B. AnwgKv
C. from D. off C. Avwg D. wbR¯^
46. ÔniYÕ Gi wecixZ kã?
29. I didn't hear you –––– in. You must have been
A. MÖnY B. `vb
very quiet.
C. c~iY D. eiY
A. come B. to come
47. ‡KvbwU wfbœv_©K kã?
C. coming D. came
A. MR B. ZziM
30. Rajib couldn't meet us. –––– was a pity.
C. wØi` D. Kix
A. that B. it 48. k~b¨¯’vb c~i‡Yi cÖ‡kœ jyß RvqMvq e‡m-
C. what D. which A. Kgv B. ‡Kvjb
31. I prefer tea –––– coffee. C. `vuwo D. W¨vk
A. to B. than 49. ÔD”Q…Z¨Õ k‡ãi A_©-
C. against D. over A. Drme B. D”Q…•Lj
32. I took a map with me, as I didn't want to –––– C. DrmM© D. D”Qbœ
my way on the journey. 50. Ôwhwb we`¨vjvf K‡i‡QbÕ Zv‡K Kx ejv nq?
A. loose B. lose A. K…Zwe`¨ B. K…Zwe`¨vb
C. lost D. loss C. K…Zwe™¢vb D. K…Zwe`¨v
33. Bill Gates is as –––– he can be. 51. nsKs-Gi mv‡_ Pzw³ Abyhvqx Px‡b ÔGK †`k `yB bxwZÕ Pvjy _vK‡e
A. a husinessman B. as the successful as KZ mvj ch©šÍ?
C. successful a businessman as A. 2030 B. 2037
D. successfual an man C. 2047 D. 2050
52. g‡½vwjqvi gy`ªvi bvg-
34. He asked me why I was late. Here the underlined
A. iæej B. ZzNwiK
clause is – C. i¨vÛ D. Ib
A. principle clause B. noun clause 53. AvqZ‡b XvKv wefv‡Mi e„nËg †Rjv †KvbwU?
C. adjective clause D. adverbial clause A. XvKv B. MvRxcyi
35. Chosoe the correctly spelt word. C. Uv½vBj D. wK‡kviMÄ
A. Superceed B. superseed 54. B›Uvi‡bU e¨envi Kiv hvq †KvbwU Øviv?
A. Acv‡iwUs mdUIq¨vi B. MÖvwd· mdUIq¨vi
C. supercede D. Supersede
C. eªvDwRs mdUIq¨vi D. GwWwUs mdUIq¨vi
36. ÔmZ¨ K_v bv e‡j wec‡` c‡oQÕ GwU †Kvb ai‡bi evK¨? 55. m¤ú‡`i mylg eÈb Kiv hvq wKfv‡e?
A. ‡hŠwMK B. RwUj A. mykvm‡bi gva¨‡g B. MYZš¿PP©vi gva¨‡g
C. mij D. KwVb C. cywu Rev‡`i gva¨‡g D. mgvRZ‡š¿i gva¨‡g
37. ‡mB dzj Avgv‡`iB cÖvYÕ Ô‡deªæqvwi 1969Õ KweZvq ÔdzjÕ ej‡Z Kx 56. evsjv‡`‡ki wePvi wefvM ¯^vaxb| G †ÿ‡Î wb‡Pi †KvbwU AwaK
†evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q? mg_©b‡hvM¨?
A. K…òP‚ov dzjy B. evsjv fvlv A. MYZš¿ we`¨gvb B. mykvmb we`¨gvb
C. mvgRZš¿ we`¨gvb D. ag©xq kvmb we`¨gvb
C. fvlv Av‡›`vjb D. cÙeb
2 wj‡RÛ †Kqvi wek^we`¨vjq fwZ©i cÖvB‡fU †cÖvMÖvg
57. ÔRbgZ AvB‡bi Ab¨Zg Drm-Dw³wU Kvi? 75. c`vNv‡Z Pvq fvO‡Z------- k~b¨¯’v‡b †KvbwU n‡e?
A. I‡cb †nBg B. Rb jK A. KwVb evuav B. k³ evuav
C. Rb Aw÷b D. jvw¯‹ C. ‡jŠn evuav D. cv_j evav
58. evsjv‡`‡ki ¯^vaxbZv msMÖv‡gi g~j †cÖiYv wQj- 76. g½jKve¨ avivi Kwe †K?
A. 7 gv‡P©i fvlY B. Qq `dv `vwe A. Kvq‡Kvev` B. gvB‡Kj gaym~`b `Ë
C. evqvbœi fvlv Av‡›`vjb D. Dbmˇii MYAfz¨Ìvb C. gyKz›`ivg PµeZ©x D. iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi
59. f‚wgK‡¤úi cÖ‡Kvc ‡Kv_vq m‡e‡Pq †ewk? 77. ÔcÖvYfqÕ †Kvb cÖKvi mgvm?
A. AvUjvw›UK gnvmvM‡ii DcK‚‡j B. cÖkvšÍ gnvmvM‡ii DcK‚‡j A. Ae¨qxfve B. iƒcK Kg©aviq
C. fviZ gnvmvM‡ii Zx‡i D. BD‡iwkqvi DËi mxgvbv C. ga¨c`‡jvcx Kg©aviq D. DcwgZ Kg©aviq
60. evqygÛ‡j bvB‡Uªv‡R‡bi cwigvY KZ? 78. bevbœ KweZvwU †Kvb Q‡›` iwPZ?
A. 21.08% B. 78.08% A. ¯^ie„Ë B. Aÿie„Ë
C. 98.08% D. 99.08% C. AwgÎvÿi D. gvÎve„Ë
61. 2022 mv‡ji KvZvi wek^Kv‡c †kl `j wn‡m‡e wUwKU cvq †Kvb 79. A·dvg (Oxfam) Gi m`i `ßi †Kv_vq?
†`k? A. wbDBqK© B. K¨v‡gwb·
A. ‡Kv÷vwiKv B. I‡qjm C. bvB‡ivwe D. ‡nM
C. A‡÷ªwjqv D. ‡ciæ 80. ‡Kvb †`k weµm MÖæ‡ci AšÍfz©³ bq?
62. C++ Avwe®‹viK †K? A. e„‡Ub B. ivwkqv
A. wiwP †Wwbm B. evqvY© ÷ªvDmUªc C. fviZ D. `wÿY Avwd«Kv
C. j¨vwi GwiKmb D. eegvBbi 81. ‡Kvb Pzw³i Aax‡b BD‡ivwcqvb BDwbqb cÖwZwôZ nq?
63. Fairy tale k‡ãi evsjv cwifvlv †KvbwU? A. ‡Kv‡cb‡n‡Mb B. ‡R‡bfv
A. K_vmvwnZ¨ B. iƒcK_v C. g¨vmwUªPU D. Avg÷viWvg
C. ‡jvKMxwZKv D. MxwZbvU¨ 82. Democracy is a government of the people, by the
64. wef‚wZf‚lY e‡›`¨vcva¨v‡qi MíMÖš’ †KvbwU? people, for the people' D³wU-
A. BQvgwZ B. Akwb ms‡KZ A. fj‡Zqvi B. Aveªvnvg wj¼b
C. ‡gNgjøvi D. AcivwRZ C. iæ‡kv D. g‡›U¯‹z
65. DËwijv KvZ‡i ivewYÕ Kv‡K ÔivewYÕ ejv n‡q‡Q? 83. ‡n·v‡Wwm‡g‡ji Gi wfwË n‡”Q-
A. ‡gNbv` B. j²Y A. 8 B. 10
C. ivg D. wefxlY C. 12 D. 16
66. Rv`y kãwU †Kvb flv †_‡K G‡m‡Q? 84. fvi‡Zi †Kvb iv‡R¨i ivRavbx Bçj?
A. Aviwe B. dviwm A. AiæYvPj B. ‡gNvjq
C. ms¯‹…Z D. ZzwK© C. wg‡Rvivg D. gwbcyi
67. AcwiwPZv M‡íi iPwqZv †K? 85. evsjv‡`‡k RjcÖcvZ i‡q‡Q-
A. ew¼gP›`ª P‡Ævcva¨vq B. iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi A. gvaeKz‡Û B. Rvdj‡q
C. gvwbK e‡›`¨vcva¨vq D. wef‚wZf‚lY e‡›`¨vcva¨vq C. wngQwo‡Z D. iv½vgvwU‡Z
68. ÔAvgvi A`„ó Avi Kj¨v‡Yi gvSLv‡bi ïay †`qvj Avi †`qvj| 86. KvBRvi †Kvb †`‡ki cÖvPxb ivRv‡`i ejv nZ?
wmivRD‡ÏŠjv bvU‡K Dw³wU Kvi? A. Rvcvb B. Pxb
A. Avwgbv †eMg B. jyrdzwbœmv C. Rvg©vwb D. BivK
C. ‡gvnbjvj D. wmivR 87. Workshop of the World ejv n‡Zv-
69. Rxeb I e„ÿ cÖe‡Üi †jLK gvby‡li Rxeb‡K Kx‡mi m‡½ Zzjbv A. Rvg©vwb‡K B. ivwkqv‡K
K‡i‡Qb? C. e„‡Ub‡K D. d«v݇K
A. cvwLi B. b`xi 88. wPi¯¿vqx e‡›`ve¯Í cÖeZ©b Kiv nq-
C. e„‡ÿi D. gvwUi A. 1797 wLª. B. 1775 wLª
70. Kwe Rxebvb›` `v‡ki gv‡qi bvg Kx? C. 1793 wLª D. 1785 wLª.
89. Bail out - wK‡mi mv‡_ m¤úwK©Z?
A. gxbvKzgvix `vk B. KmygjZv `vk
A. gy`ªv evRvi B. ivRbxwZ
C. KzmygKzgvix `vk D. KzgKzg `vk C. A_©bxwZ D. mgvRbxwZ
71. ÔjvjmvjyÕ Dcb¨v‡m nvmcvZvj †Kv_vq Aew¯’Z? 90. wicvewjK MÖ‡š’i iPwqZv †K?
A. gwZM‡Ä B. KwigM‡Ä A. m‡µwUm B. wc_v‡Mvivm
C. gneŸZbM‡i D. AvIqvjcy‡i C. A¨vwi÷Uj D. ‡cø‡Uv
72. gKi Gi mgv_©K kã- 91. e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb KZ mv‡j e½e›`y Dcvwa‡Z f‚wlZ nb?
A. weovj B. nwiY A. 1966 B. 1972
C. 1971 D. 1969
C. Kzwgi D. wkqvj 92. mvKvi gvQ †Kvb †`k †_‡K Avg`vwb Kiv nq?
73. ‡gN eilv Mi‡R Nb MM‡b ev‡K¨ †Kvb ¸‡Yi Afve i‡q‡Q? A. eªvwRj B. ‡b`vij¨vÛm
A. ‡hvM¨Zv B. AvmwË C. fviZ D. ‡WbgvK©
C. AvKvOÿv D. ¸iæPÐvjx 93. m¤úªwZ †Kvb 2wU †`k †ejyb hy‡× Rwo‡q c‡o?
74. wb‡Pi †KvbwU mvwaZ evsjv kã? A. ivwkqv-BD‡µb B. Pxb-hy³ivóª
A. `iw` B. jAj C. ‡ejviæk-BD‡µb D. hy³ivóª-ivwkqv
C. eB D. MvQ
wj‡RÛ †Kqvi wek^we`¨vjq fwZ©i cÖvB‡fU †cÖvMÖvg 3
94. evsjv‡`k, wgqvbgvi I kÖxj¼v‡K mv‡_ wb‡q Px‡bi mvgwiK
evwYwR¨K ¯’vcbv M‡o †Zvjvi cwiKíbv-
A. w÷ªs Ae cvj©m B. w÷ªs Ae †Mvì
C. w÷ªs Ae AvB‡ivb D. BDwbU Ae weR‡bm
95. B‡›`v-c¨vwmwdK wfk‡b evsjv‡`k KqwU g~j¨‡ev‡ai Dcv`vb Zz‡j
A. 3wU B. 7wU
C. 4wU D. 5wU
96. GwW‡bv fvBiv‡mi AvµgY N‡U-
A. kÖxj¼v B. fviZ
C. Av‡gwiKv D. ivwkqv
97. gvswKc· fvBiv‡mi bZzb bvg-
A. wgIc· B. Ggc·
C. wgwU‡MUc· D. wj‡jec·
98. ‡jcvW©-2 †Kvb †`‡ki cÖ¯‘ZKvix U¨vsK?
A. Rvg©vwb B. Pxb
C. ivwkqv D. hy³ivóª
99. eZ©gv‡b †`‡k wbewÜZ ivR‰bwZK `j KZwU?
A. 40wU B. 41wU
C. 42wwU D. 43wU
100. evsjv‡`‡k wbhy³ cÖ_g weªwUk bvix nvBKwgkbvi †K?
A. ‡ewK †nvm©eªvM B. A¨vwjmb †eøBK
C. wnjvwi g¨v‡›Uj D. GwjRv †UBji

4 wj‡RÛ †Kqvi wek^we`¨vjq fwZ©i cÖvB‡fU †cÖvMÖvg

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