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Tutor Training Guide

Table of Contents
Quick Links
Download & Create Account
Navigating the Tutor App
Home Feed
Picking a Problem
Solving a Problem
Solution Format
Upload Your Solution
Navigating the Chat Room
Policies and Guidelines
Important Contacts
Logging Hours

Table of Contents ⎸ 2

General AIR MATH Inquiries: App related questions, shift changes, policies, tutor account, etc.
Tutor Manager Name // Manisha Ghosh, Email ID -

Contract and Payment Inquiries: Concerns regarding payment and contracts

Download & Create Account

Get the App
● Visit Google Play Store and download
“AIR MATH for Tutor” app. (For Android only)

● This app is for tutors only, and functions

differently from AIR MATH app for students.

Note: iOS version is coming soon.

Download & Create Account ⎸ 5

Create an Account
1. Open the app and tap “Start with Google”.

2. Enter your Gmail address.

3. Tap “Next” button to proceed


3 Download & Create Account ⎸ 6


Verify Account
1) Check your Gmail inbox. Make sure it is the email
address you used to create the tutor account.

2) Get your Tutor Code, and enter it on the AIR Math

2 app.

3) Tap “Confirm”.

Download & Create Account ⎸ 7
Set Profile
1) Choose an emoji to set as your profile picture.

2) Tap “Confirm” to move to nickname page.

3) Type your tutor nickname. We suggest using your
first name so it will be easier for students to
communicate with you.

4) Tap “Confirm”.

4 Download & Create Account ⎸ 8

Confirm Profile
1) Check that all the information is correct.

2) Tap “Start” to finish setting up.

Download & Create Account ⎸ 9

Navigating the Tutor App

Home Feed
On the home feed you can find the list of problems
waiting to be answered.

3 1) Date the question was uploaded

2) Image of the problem

3) Swipe down to find more questions

Note: Please sort questions from newest to oldest when

working during peak hours*.

*Peak hour is defined by your manager and is subject to

change based on demand.

Navigating the Tutor App ⎸ 11

1 Picking a Problem
1) Select a problem you want to solve on the home
feed. Selecting a question will expand the image in

2) If you can solve the problem, tap “Start solving” to

take the question.

Do Not:
● Solve problems that are not in English
● Solve problems that are not math related

NOTE: If a problem is unsolvable due to the following reasons please mark

the question “Unidentifiable” and select the appropriate reason.

- Blurry, unrecognizable photo

- Not a question
- Incomplete questions
- Unrelated subject (not math related)
2 - Multiple questions
Navigating the Tutor App ⎸ 12
Solving a Problem
1) Tap “Start” to begin solving. The timer will begin and
the problem will be yours for 30 minutes.

1 Note: If the timer expires the problem will be sent back

to the Home Feed for other tutors to solve.

Navigating the Tutor App ⎸ 13

Solution Format
● Your solution must be handwritten and must
show all the steps.

● Use a 0.5mm black pen.

● Box the final answer as shown in the examples

Note: Typed responses may be required for some

solutions in future iterations of the application.

3 Navigating the Tutor App ⎸ 14

Upload Your Solution
1) After you have completed your handwritten
solution, tap “Solving complete”.

2) When prompted, tap “confirm” to take a photo of

your solution.


Navigating the Tutor App ⎸ 15

Uploading Your Solution
for a Student
1) Take a picture of your solution.

2) Crop the picture to include all of the steps and

the final answer. This will be sent to your student.

3) Tap “Upload”.

Navigating the Tutor App ⎸ 16
Uploading Your Solution
for a Student
1) Confirm the image is according to the required

2) Tap “Upload” to finalize. If you need to retake the
picture, tap “Retake”.

Navigating the Tutor App ⎸ 17
Uploading Your Solution
for a Student
You will then be prompted to this page, where you can
add further explanation via text.

1) Tap “SKIP” if you do not have anything to add.

2) If you do type an additional message to the student,

tap “Upload” to send.

Navigating the Tutor App ⎸ 18
Submit Answer
1) When prompted, select the applicable topic for the

2) Your solution will be uploaded to the database and

sent to the student in the form of a chat room

Navigating the Tutor App ⎸ 19

Navigating the Chat Room

● Remind students to rate the
solution and end the chat.

● Tap “Send End Chat request” to

send the reminder.

● Tutors can also report students if

they are being abusive.

On the student app:

● When you send End Chat reminder,
“End the Chat” button will show on
the student app.

Navigating the Chat Room ⎸ 21

Check Chat History
1) Tap the icon on the main menu to see all of
your chat history.
2) Ended sessions will have “Completed” badge next to
the date of completion.

Navigating the Chat Room ⎸ 22

Policies and Guidelines

Policy for AIR MATH Tutors
➔ Tutors are encouraged to solve at least 30 questions per day.
➔ Work during designated peak hours only
➔ Solutions must include proper steps and explanations
➔ Handwritten answers must be neat and legible
➔ Final answers must be boxed in and clearly marked
➔ Uploaded photos must be clear and easy to read
➔ Maintain a tutor rating of 4 stars or higher
➔ Correspond with students in a professional manner
Policy violations include:
❖ Exchanging personal information with students
❖ Asking students personal questions
❖ Falsely reporting a student
❖ Reported by student for unprofessional behavior

Policies and Guidelines ⎸ 24

Chat Guidelines
➔ Please answer clarification questions via chat room if related to the original problem.
➔ Tutors can reject follow-up questions that are irrelevant to the original problem.
➔ AIR Math users range from grades 6-12. Some students may engage in
immature/unprofessional dialogue. Please refrain from engaging and report abusive sessions.
➔ A session will end when:
◆ A student rates the answer on a 1~5 star scale (1 being the lowest score, 5 being the
highest score)
◆ There is no activity in the chat room for 24 hours (the chat room will close automatically)

***Violation of any of the aforementioned policies and guidelines may lead to immediate contract termination.***

Policies and Guidelines ⎸ 25

Important Contacts

General AIR MATH Inquiries: App related questions, shift changes, policies, tutor account, etc.

Tutor Manager Name // Manisha Ghosh, Email ID -

Contract and Payment Inquiries: Concerns regarding payment and contracts

Important Contacts ⎸ 27
Payment Schedule

● Please refer to your contract agreement for details regarding
payment schedule.

Payment Schedule ⎸ 29

Q1. I gave a correct answer and yet got a 1-star rating. What will happen?

A: Some students give out unfair star-ratings to our tutors. 1-star rating reviews are constantly
reviewed and monitored by our QA team. Although it is not possible to change or delete the
1-star review on the application, unfair ratings will not be counted negatively towards your overall
evaluation, or affect your payment.

Q2. A student submitted another problem in the 1:1chatroom. Do I have to answer it?

A: No. A student must upload a new post to ask a new problem. Please kindly guide them to
submit new problems as a new post. On the other hand, if a student is asking for further
clarification on the same problem, please offer extra explanation.

FAQs ⎸ 31
FAQs (cont.)
Q3. Where can I see how many problems I have solved?

A: In the tutor app, go to the [Profile] tab → click [problem solving status] and you will be able to
see the number of questions you have solved.

Q4. There seems to be an error with the application. Can you fix it?

A: Please report any errors to your manager via email with the following information:
Your registered app ID:
Time of occurrence:
Phone model :
Phone software version (OS)
App version Exact details of the issue and/or screenshot of the error.

FAQs ⎸ 32
FAQs (cont.)
Q5. Some of my solved questions have been returned to me. What should I do?

A: Please check your solution carefully for any one of the following errors:
● Incorrect answer or answered without explanation
● Incomplete question/answer
● Wrong format
● Final answer was not boxed.
● Rotated/inverted image
● Unrecognizable handwriting
● Screenshots

Tip – please check your solutions carefully if returned and avoid the error in future to save your
time and effort.

FAQs ⎸ 33
FAQs (cont.)
Q6. The solutions are uploading very slowly even though I have good network connectivity.
What should I do?

A: This may be due to an oversized file of the image you are trying to upload.

Tip- Try scanning your solution in a cam scanner before uploading. It will crop and orient the
image properly and also reduce the file size which makes uploading faster.

FAQs ⎸ 34


Version 3.1 Updated: 22/1/12

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