Complete Tendering and Contracts Process

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Complete Tendering and Contracts process

Course Overview

The purpose of this course is to make the learner understand the complete principles of
contracts administration from the inception of tender preparation till the contract award including
the post award activities. The author has outlined each stage with detailed description in order
to make the learner understand and practice the roles of a contracts professional and perform
the assigned tasks with great confidence.

Who should attend this course?

 Contracts Managers
 Procurement Managers
 Procurement Engineers
 Supply Chain Managers
 Strategic Sourcing Executives
 Contracts engineers
 Contracts executives
 Contracts administrators
 Contracts specialists
 Contracts assistants
 Cost engineers
 Fresher in the field of contracts
 Individuals interested to maximize their knowledge skills

Course Content

Chapter Title Description

Administration  Definition
 Examples
Malmanagement  Definition
 Examples
Contract  Definition
 Different terms for contract
 Difference between different
 Necessity of a contract
Contracts administration  What is Contracts
 Importance of Contracts
 Stages in contract
 Role of a contracts
 example of contract
 advantages of contracts
 purpose of contracts
 contract administration
Contracts Management  What is Contracts
 Importance of Contracts
 Stages in Contracts
 Role of a Contracts
 example of Contract
 advantages of Contracts
 purpose of Contracts
 Contract management
Contract Lifecycle Management  CLM Explanation
 CLM stages
Documentation  Recording the document
 Auditing
 Claims
 Arbitration and disputes
Fundamentals of Contracts  What are the fundamentals of
Management contracts Management

Contract stages  Pre-Tender

 Post Tender
 Pre-Contract
 Post Contract
Activities under Contract stages  Pre-Tender Activities
 Post Tender Activities
 Pre-Contract Activities
 Post Contract Activities
Budgets and Estimate  Estimates
 Budget approval
 Templates
Tender  Definition of a tender or bid
 Purpose of a Tender
 Definition of a tendering
 Purpose of tendering process
 Definition of a tenderer or
 Tender numbering
Tender committee  What is tender committee
 Roles and responsibilities of
Tender committee
 Financial threshold of a
Pre-qualification Process  What is prequalification
 Prequalification
 Prequalification documents
 criteria
 Evaluation
 Notification
Prequalification documents  Contractors General
 Company Organization
 Site/Project Organization
 Project Facilities, Plant and
 Proposed Suppliers
 Subcontractors
 Procedures, QA/QC, HSE,
 Purpose of a Tender
 Definition of a tendering
Objectives of Tendering process
 Purpose of tendering process
 Importance of the tender
 Definition of a tenderer or
Scope initiation  Scope receipt
 Scope finalization
 What are the types of tenders
 Open or competitive
 Short listed or Restricted
 Single source
Types of Tenders
 Sole source
 Advantages and
disadvantages of each type
 what are the types
 lumpsum
Types of Contracts  measurable
 cost plus
 time and material
 unit rate
Pros and cons of each type  advantages of each type

Methodology in choosing the right  scope

type of Contract  duration
 examples
 Definition
 Need
Tender Strategy  Tender Plan format
 Contract Request form
 templates
 Invitation to Tender
 RFQ, RFP and RFI
 Instruction to tenderers, ITT
 Terms and conditions
 Scope of work
 BoQ
 Payment terms
 Insurance requirements
 Administrative instructions
Contents of a Tender document  Contractor resources
 Materials provided by client
 Facilities provided by client
 Drawings
 Plans HSE, Quality, engg,
execution plan
 templates
Instructions to Tenderers  introduction
 scope
 submission details
 tender bond, template
 when the tender bond is not
 Acknowledgement
 intent to submit
 tenderer check list
 tender decline/accept
 templates
 Prepare draft tender
 Issue for internal review to
Issuing Draft Tender internal finance, legal and end user
Finalizing the Tender document  Incorporate comments
 Finalize the tender document
 Make the tender ready
Issuance of Tender  Whom to issue
 Advertisement form
 How to issue
 Invitation to Tender
 Collection of Tender
 Record of issuing the tender
 what is mid tender meeting
 when to call for a mid-tender
Mid Tender meeting/site visit meeting
 format for mid tender meeting
 site visit invitation
 process of conducting site
 what is tender bulletin
 when to issue
Tender bulletins  Tender Bulletin Format

 definition of bid closing date

 approval of bid closing date
Bid closing date  extension of bid closing date

 bid receipt
 bid log
 bid opening procedures
 commercial bids
Receipt of Bids
 technical bids
 bid forwarding memo
 custody of bids
 distribution of bids
Distribution of Bids  copies of bids

 what is technical clarifications

 whom to issue the technical
Technical Clarifications clarifications

 what is technical evaluation

 why technical evaluation is
Technical evaluation needed
 team members
 role of team members
 Technical evaluation criteria
 scoring
 format of technical evaluation
 what is commercial
Commercial Clarifications  whom to issue the
commercial clarifications
 Need for commercial
Commercial evaluation  team members
 role of team members
 commercial analysis
 scoring
 format of commercial
evaluation report
 What is negotiation?
 Types of negotiations
 Process of negotiation
 Negotiations skills
 Effective documentation
What is negotiation?  Negotiation strategy
 Team members in negotiation
 Invitation of negotiation
 Finalizing the negotiation
 Documenting the negotiation
 award recommendation
 letter of acceptance
Award Approval process  performance bond
 insurance
 letter of award
 letter of acceptance
Definition of a Contract  what is a contract
 importance of contract
Contents of a Contract  parts of a contract document
 form of contract
 terms and conditions
 scope
 price
 appendices
 filled in forms
 deliverables
Preparing a draft Contract  inputs
 contents
 review process
 inputs
 contents
Preparing the final Contract  finalization process

 recipients
 storage
 filing
Contract distribution  regret letters

Invoice Processing  progress receipt

 progress certification
 invoice receipt
 invoice payment
 invoice log
 completion certificate
 discharge certificate
Close out  final payment
 document lessons learnt
 What is variation
 Types of variations
 Change order
 How to avoid variations
 amendments
Variation process  review change request
 issue change notice
 prepare scope and estimate
 issue invitation
 receive proposals
 prepare negotiation strategy
 conduct negotiation
 award change order
 prepare change order logs
claim  what is a claim
 types of claims
 reasons for claims
 tools to avoid claims
Process steps of claims  register a claim
 form the team
 evaluation
 recommendation
Dispute resolution  what is a dispute
 what is ADR
 Types of ADR
Supply chain  What is supply chain
 Difference between supply
chain and contract
 Functions of SCM
Supply chain process steps  The SCM process steps
 Benefits of SCM
Procurement  What is procurement
 Types of procurement
 Difference between
procurement and a contract
Procurement process  Step by step process of
 Principles of procurement
 Procurement vs purchasing
Material procurement  Material procurement
 Stages of Material

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