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Dairy Derived Food Ingredients-

Functional and Nutritional Considerations

Foremost Foods Company
Dublin, CA 94566

ABSTRACT ingredients in today's foods.

This paper reviews the current process- Milk is a complex collection of lipids,
ing operations to create a wide variety of proteins, carbohydrates, and minerals (46).
dairy-derived functional food ingredients. When subjected to a variety of unit operations,
The origin, functionality, and nutritional it can lead to tailor-made ingredients that meet
value of certain whey based ingredients food processor and consumer needs. Figure 1
are summarized. The role of these ingredi- (25) is worthy of considerable study in that it
ents in meeting today's consumer demand summarizes concisely what the product diversity
for variety, convenience, and health and of milk really is. Most major dairy and dairy
nutrition is demonstrated. ingredient companies presently have available in
their product line every ingredient shown here.
Papers in the symposium have dealt with This diagram, as comprehensive as it is, doesn't
national nutritional needs; the role of dairy cover newer dairy-derived ingredients that we
products in meeting those needs; with specific now see making solid advances in the market-
nutritional attributes of dairy products and items such as dried yogurt, enzyme modified
ingredients such as protein value, calcium, etc.; cheeses, hydrolyzed lactose, enzyme modified
and with the rather unique contribution of butterfat, and powdered sour cream and
cultured products in our diet. This article will butterfat.
In examining the functionality of milk
attempt to summarize both the variety of dairy
derived ingredients, we find that the principal
ingredients commercially available today and
source of the diversity is attributed to the
their nutritional and functional impact on a
protein. The proteins in milk have been reviewed
number of consumer products.
in the literature both from a fundamental
There exists within the world of dairy
viewpoint (7, 53) and from more applied
products a wide number of commercially
aspects (10).
available products that deliver important
Food technologists generally classify the
nutritional benefits. Of course, nutrition is not
functional properties of proteins in terms that
the only force behind the incorporation of
describe their usefulness in a food system.
dairy ingredients in our food. Functionality at
Figure 2 (42) summarizes both the general
an affordable price is also a key factor in
property of the system and the specific func-
utilization of dairy products.
tional terms that would be useful to food
The food processor has been discovering that
formulators. Some of these terms are associated
dairy ingredients can be used to meet needs of
readily with dairy-derived ingredients, i.e.,
consumers both at home and away. Some
turbidity, solubility, gelling, whipping, chewi-
people have coined the term "fabricated foods"
ness, elasticity, plus, of course, high nutritional
to describe the phenomena in the market-
value. The food technologist can choose from a
place. Food processors can look to dairy
wide variety of dairy based ingredients to meet
ingredients as a basic raw material in construct-
the functionality required in any particular
ing an almost endless variety of products to
food system. For example, the many modified
meet consumer needs (19). Several major
caseinates and whey protein products can alone
suppliers of food ingredients provide a strong
or in combination with other specially active
force behind the increased utilization of dairy
ingredients provide the right viscosity and
mouthfeel to beverages, the required acid
solubility in fruit systems, the appropriate
degree of lipid binding in processed meats, and
Received September 25, 1978. the desired degree of gas retention in baked

1979 J Dairy Sci 62:1695-1702 1695

1696 CRAIG

I i I i i n w m l l l l l l l l l l

Figure 1. Dairy based ingredients from milk.

goods. Suppliers of ingredients devote a consid- operations and product considerations are
erable portion of their technical effort to representative of those in the broader milk-
characterizing new and potential ingredients in derived context.
terms of this functionality. A considerable
effort in industrial marketing is also aimed at Whey
matching the functionality so described to that Whey utilization is increasing in this country.
desired by the food processor. Yearly figures from the Whey Products Institute
Nutritionally we are all probably aware of (WPI) report this trend in pounds and percent,
the powerful story milk-derived ingredients can but we also can see the trend in the marketplace.
tell (3). In the protein area alone, Figure 3
shows the important contribution these ingredi-
ents make to good nutrition (11, 15, 34, 35)
through comparison of well known measures of OENeKOJ. PIqOPERTY:NYIOI~ION

protein value such as protein efficiency ratio

(PER), net protein utilization (NPU), and
biological value (BV). Previous papers have dealt GIEIEIIA/. I='RO~EAI~: ~ P ' n ¢ GIEN~'~4a. PIqOPEI~"Y: I I t , I R F ~

with the mineral contributions of dairy products. filmtotm l t~ . li~a ~lrde, Q 19a~or~ t~a/~itlt~xl i t

The contribution and costs of calcium recom- OEI~RAL PAOMEI~': ~ C

mended daily allowance (RDA) as provided by ~ F ~ m t OENIE~U. I~IOI~I~I"Y:IIIqOLOl~,,AI.

a variety of dairy ingredients are shown in

Figure 4.
General milk components and the influence
of processing on their nutritional value have • ~.=~,-~.~--:~ = , ~
been reviewed in the literature (2, 29). Ingredi-
v i ~ w ~a~J~ ee~,or~~ t . ~ i n o
ents that are covered in more detail in this
paper include those derived from whey. While Figure 2. General classes of functional properties
this represents a narrowed focus, the processing of proteins important in food applications.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 62, No. 10, 1979


PER NPU BV and final drying. Traditionally, the initial water

NFDM 2.7 d
removal is through vacuum evaporation at a
Dry Whey 89 e 93 e whey concentration plant generally located at
Lactalbumin 3 2 c, 2.9 (;I 91 e 94 e or close to a cheese factory. Solids generally
Whey Protein Concentrate 3.2 c 91-94 a 91 e range from 50 to 60% prior to lactose The
Casein 2.5 75-79 a
lactose is crystallized by cooling the concentrate,
Sodium Caseinate 26 d
Coprecipitate 3.0 b 2.8 d
generally in a two-stage process to obtain
Fortified Coprecipitate 3.8 b proper crystal growth for subsequent dry-
ing and required product stability and per-
a Delaney, J Soc Dairy Tech (1976)
b J Lefaivre, et al, J Inst Can ScI Technol Aliment (t975) Final spray drying is a straightforward
C Commercial literature
operation which results in a stable hydrated
d Lohrey & Humpries, NZ Journ Diary Sci Tech (1976)
e Forsum & Hambraeus, J Diary Sci (1976) lactose crystal and, thus, a stable whey powder
(36). Some equipment manufacturers recently
Figure 3. Protein nutritional value of milk de- have reported that a two-stage drying process
rived ingredients.
has been employed successfully to give a stable,
dry, acid, whey powder (31).
Recent efforts of both equipment manufac-
For 1975 WPI reports that 294.3 million turers and whey processors have focused on
pounds of dry whey alone were used in products reverse osmosis to supplement vacuum evapora-
for human consumption while for 1976, the tion in initial water removal. We have found
figure increased to 373 million and in 1977 to that this offers considerable economic savings,
over 383 million pounds. We believe that at the provides for water reuse, diminishes the pollu-
present, well over 75% of the whey being tion discharge load, and, in some cases, provides
produced in this country is being used to an improved final product.
economic advantage in its various forms in Dried whey has many of the functional
human or feed products. More detailed informa- properties of nonfat dry milk. It also has several
tion in whey and modified whey production properties that make it functionally more
and consumption is available in reports from desirable than milk in some food applications.
WPl (52). The high reducing sugars in whey improve
The technical aspect of whey processing and the surface browning of bakery products. In
product properties have been summarized addition, lactose also binds moisture during
recently by Smith and others (33, 51). The baking, resulting in increased softness in baked
processing is fairly straightforward. The process goods (50). Candy and confections also benefit
consists of water removal, lactose crystallization, from the enhanced protein-reducing sugar
browning obtained from whey. Whey also can
balance and reduce the sweetness of candy. The
lactose gives a softer texture and can increase
the shelf life of confections (24, 45).
Amount (g) to Dried whey is often a prominent ingredient
provide 800 mg in prepared sauces and dry sauce packets. It
Food Ingredient Calcium RelativeCost
mellows the acid flavor notes of vegetables,
Nonfat Dry Milk 61 1.0 such as tomatoes, while enhancing the cheese
Acid Whey 36 0 12
Sweet Whey 100 030
Oemineralized Whey (90%) 533 40 The nutritional value of whey in a collective
Whey Protein Concentrate 183 2'.7 sense also is impressive. The aggregate amount
35% protein
2 6 % ash of nutrients represented by the yearly whey
Whey Protein Concentrate 42 3.0
58% protein
production would provide the US RDA yearly
18% ash equivalent of protein for 5.3 million people and
Cheddar Cheese 114 40
sufficient riboflavin for over 24 million people.
Flour, white.enriched 4.97 Kg 17.0
In addition to its economy, functionality,
Figure 4. Contribution and costs of calcium RDA and nutrition, whey is used in food products as
from selected dairy and nondairy foods. a flavor contributor.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 62, No. 10, 1979

1698 CRAIG

transported appreciably, probably because they

vAca~uEVAPOaATtON are present as soluble complexes and do not mi-
mAmVOaT~0tETIO~ grate easily (6).
Nutritionally, demineralized whey is perhaps
t~cTos~ I ............:: ...... p a more valuable product than dry whey itself in

I ............... I
1 mACT,ONm~
that the balance of divalent to monovalent ions
is improved and protein is increased modestly.
Commercially, demineralized whey has found
its greatest application in infant formulas and
baby food products. It is of value in this
CONC~NraArE context because of the desire that infant
I ................. I [ ........ I
formulas approach as closely as possible the
compositional profile of mother's milk, particu-
Figure 5. Process flowchart for preparing whey larly in the ratio of whey and casein protein.
protein concentrates.
Additional uses now are being found in special
medical diets where high protein quality and
low sodium or minerals are required, such as in
diets of patients with hypertension or with a
Modified Whey degenerate liver or kidney failure.
Modified wheys include partially delactosed,
Whey Protein Concentrates
partially demineralized, partially delactosed/
demineralized wheys, and whey protein concen- Rather sophisticated techniques of membrane
trate. These products are finding a growing separation are being used commercially to
number of uses in a variety of convenience food manufacture a variety of whey protein concen-
products. Figure 5 explains in a graphic fashion trates. Excellent reviews have highlighted recent
the general processing steps in producing a advances in this area (12, 17, 37, 41). Briefly,
variety of modified wheys (40). Through a ultrafiltration, a new technique, employs
variety of processing schemes, whey can be semipermeable membranes through which mole-
made into a wide variety of modified products cules are forced as a result of a pressure gradient.
with various protein, mineral and lactose levels. Depending upon the porosity of the membrane,
There are two methods of mineral removal some molecules are rejected. Uhrafihration
that accomplish a similar result: 1) the removal membranes for whey processing are designed to
of ions from the whey by electrodialysis, and 2) pass lactose and salts and retain proteins. Both
ion-exchange. By either means, the components plate and frame, and tubular, hollow fiber
of the whey which are in the form of ions systems are in commercial use.
are removed partially or essentially completely Gel filtration is another whey separation
from the whey. process that has achieved commercial status
Electrodialysis has been used for several (46). In this process the whey is treated to
years for demineralization of whey (49). The remove insoluble protein and lipids through a
whey is first concentrated into an intermediate procedure involving neutralization and addition
solids, then demineralized and further concen- of divalent cations. About half of the lactose
trated to 45 to 50% solids before spray drying. then is removed through concentration and
The ion exchange process removes the same evaporation. The partially delactosed whey
components as electrodialysis and was first concentrate then is processed through large
commercialized in 1949. The equipment columns of molecular fractioning resin to give
required for the ion exchange process is less several products with various protein and
expensive than the equipment for the electro- minerals which then are spray dried.
dialysis process. However, operating costs are A third process also in commercial use
higher because of chemicals required and labor involves complexing and precipitation of the
COSt. whey protein with potassium polymetaphos-
The major ions removed by electrodialysis phate and sodium metaphosphate (20, 54). In
are sodium, potassium, arid chloride. Calcium, general, this process consists of acidifying the
magnesium, phosphates, and citrates are not whey to a pH below the isoelectric point,

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 62, No. 10, 1979


Protein Lactose Ash Fat While WPC have found commercial accept-
Process (%) ance as functional food ingredients, their
Ultrafiltration 50-62 15-40 0.5-6 15-15 important nutritional contribution to a variety
Centrifugal gel filtration 50-54 25-37 11-13 0.8--2 of food systems has been a principal promo-
Metaphosphate complex 54-58 13 10-15 33-73 tional point in both the commercial and aca-
CMC complex 50 20 8 1.2 demic literature~ Because consumers are now
Etectrodiatysis 27-37 40-60 14-20 2 4-4.3 showing an increased awareness of nutrition
Figure 6. Composition of partially delactosed/de- value (5) of food consumed, the nutritional role
mineralized whey (whey protein concentrates). Data of WPC will continue to be stressed.
is from Morr et al., 1973. Several examples have been published
of the synergistic effect achieved from WPC
fortification of cereal or other vegetable pro-
tein products. The amount of balanced pro-
heating the whey, and adding the phosphate tein (meeting FAO profile for essential amino
and collecting the precipitated lactalbumin acids) in vegetable protein products can
phosphate. This separated product can be be boosted dramatically through supplemen-
neutralized with alkali and spray dried. tation of the commercial grains with WPC
Various whey protein concentrates (WPC) (8). Figure 7 summarizes studies showing
prepared by these processes are compared in how both PER and NPU of diets are improved
Figure 6. Also shown in this figure are WPC when wheat, corn, or rice is supplemented
from two other processes--the carboxy methyl with WPC (1, 13, 14, 16, 55). The figures
cellulose (CMC) precipitation process (18, 21, for nonfat dry milk supplementation are
22), not commercialized yet, and the electrodi- shown also. A similar enhancement of protein
alysis/lactose removal process, the first WPC nutritional value occurs when soy isolate is
introduced into the market (9). In this latter blended with whey protein concentrate (34).
process the raw liquid whey is concentrated by Such nutritional supplementation of vegetable
preheating to 70 C for about 15 s and then and legume proteins with whey has been used
passed through a vacuum evaporator to give a by the US Government in the Food For Peace
concmtrate of 20 to 30% solids. The pH is Program in both the corn soya milk (CSM)
adjusted to approximately neutrality, and product and the whey/soy beverage for the
centrifugation is used to remove the small Agency for International Development (AID).
amount of insoluble protein. The concentrate Commercially WPC has been used to fortify
then is subjected to electrodialysis by a cation/ beverages, nutritional bars, and powdered
anion cell. During this operation, the ash drink mixes.
content may be reduced from 20 to 90%.
Electrodialized liquid material then is further
concentrated to 40 to 60% solids at a tempera-
ture under 70 C. These restrictions of tempera- PER NPU
ture provide a relatively undenatured, highly wheat 08 a
85% wheat 15% NFDM 18 a
soluble protein. Operation at higher tem- 92% wheat and 8% WPC 25 a
peratures gives a correspondingly less soluble
79% corn and 21% NFDM 2.7 c 71 c
product. Crystallization then uses conventional 87% corn and 13% WPC 3.0 c 76 c
equipment involving seeding and gradual
cooling of the concentrate. Removal of the rice" 1.3 b
lactose leaves a liquid which is concentrated 82% r)ce and 18% NFDM 36 c 65 c
88% rice and 12% NFDM ° 3.5 b
further at low heat followed by spray drying. 89% rice and 11% WPC 3,6 c 71 a
62% rice and 38% whey* 3.4 b
The functionality of these WPC's has again
been summarized in several papers, indicating
that they appear to be versatile dairy-derived a Forsum and Harnbraeus, Cont Chem FoodSupply {1974)
ingredients and are of particular value in food b Womack and Vaughan, J E)airy Sci. (1972)
systems where solubility, low flavor contribu- c Forsum.J. Nut. (1975)

tion, emulsification, and fat binding ability is Figure 7. Whey protein/vegetable protein nutri-
desired. tional value studies.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 62, No. 10, 1979

1700 C RAIG

trated whey protein give as a companion

Mg Absorption
product a lactose rich process stream (30). In
B LAC addition to this newer source of lactose, com-
mercial processes specifically aimed at lactose
recovery from whey have been operational for
some time.
There are two major processes for commer-
cial production of lactose. In the first, whey
protein is solubilized chemically with phos-
phates, permitting concentration to higher than
normal. The concentrate is cooled, and the
lactose is crystallized. The crystals then are
A B C A B C separated by centrifugation and air dried. The
Group Group process produces a high yield with a single
Kobayashp et aI,Am J CI NLJI 11975} crystallization.
Figure 8. Mean value of percent absorption of
In a second, more widely used process, whey
calcium and magnesium in groups A, B, and C. is concentrated less without chemical solubiliza-
tion of the protein. After cooling, the lactose
crystals are removed by centrifugation and air
The WPC just discussed generally provide dried as crude lactose. The crude lactose is
highly soluble, functional protein at 70% or less. refined by decolorizing, washing, and filtering.
Protein has been further concentrated to 90% Products of high purity are provided by this
on a limited scale by these various tech- method, but the yield is less than the first
niques. Economically, however, this further process. A recent review by Brinkman (4)
concentration can be justified only when the describes in detail the commercial processing of
product can be incorporated in an end product lactose (4).
of high market value such as special diet formu- Development of processes giving depro-
lation, pharmaceutical products or specialty teinized whey or permeate have allowed for
cosmetic applications. improved lactose recovery but also have called
Higher whey proteins have been available for changes in the refining process. Generally
commercially for some time in the form com- those companies committed to lactose produc-
monly called denatured lactalbumin. Protein tion and marketing have found that permeate is
levels can range as high as 90% on a dry basis. a viable source of raw material for operation.
This technique for whey protein recovery Lactose is commercially available in a wide
involves precipitation through pH adjustment, variety of forms ranging from food grade
severe heat treatment, and divalent cation material to highly refined USP grade pharma-
addition (47). ceutical product.
Nutritionally, the denatured product seems Nutritionally, lactose has been controversial
little impaired in protein value with PER values in that the significance of clinically induced
reported at 3.2. Functionally the lactalbumin is lactose intolerance has been debated in the
practically inert. It thus has the advantage of literature for sometime.
serving as an unobtrusive source of high quality When consumed as part of a normal diet,
protein while not disrupting desired properties lactose does offer important nutritional benefits.
of the finished consumer product. Examples of Figure 8 shows results of just one investigation
use include breakfast cereal fortification, pasta on human infants. The intestinal absorption of
enrichment, baking uses and use in special calcium and magnesium was reduced in in-
dietary formulations. Recently reports of fants fed on a lactose-free milk and enhanced in
enzymatic hydrolysis of the denatured lactal- infants who were on a lactose containing
bumin described its potential as a more func- formula and also in those who were given a
tional food ingredient (39). lactase preparation (32). We also heard, in
earlier papers in this program, about the benefits
of a lactose in cultured products and their
All of the processes discussed for concen- impact on our nutritional well being. We

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 62, No. 10, 1979


r e c e n t l y have c o n d u c t e d some e x p l o r a t o r y 2 Ashton, W. M. 1972. The components of milk,

w o r k investigating the influence o f calcium, their nutritive value and the effects of processing.
Dairy Ind. 37:535.
lactose, and cholesterol on b o n e and tissue 3 Blanc, B., and Sieber, R. 1978. Milchund K/isepro-
d e v e l o p m e n t in an animal system. Preliminary teine, ihre erniihrungs-physiologischem Eigen-
conclusions indicate that dietary lactose plays schaften-a Vergleich zu anderen E Eiweissquellen.
an i m p o r t a n t role in bone d e v e l o p m e n t through Alimenta 17:59.
increased calcium absorption and m e t a b o l i s m 4 Brinkman, G. E. 1976. New ideas for the utilization
of lactose--principles of lactose manufacture. J.
and that lactose is also i m p o r t a n t in maintaining Soc. Dairy Technol. 29:101.
balanced b l o o d cholesterol. In our diets, we 5 Brown, G. B., 1. M. Celender, and A. E. Sloan.
f o u n d that b l o o d cholesterol moves f r o m a gain 1978. What the U.S. consumer knows, thinks--and
o f 30 m g / m l to a loss o f 45 m g / m l as lactose is practices when it comes to nutrition. Food Prod.
Develop. 12:34.
increased from 0 to 10% in the diet. We, and 6 Brule, G., E. Real Del Sol, J. Fauquant, and C.
others, actively are engaged in research in this Flaud. 1978. Mineral salts stability in aqueous
area to elucidate further the i m p o r t a n t dietary phase of milk: influence of heat treatments. J.
factors in dairy products t h a t influence blood Dairy Sci. 61:1225.
7 Cheeseman, G. C. 1975. Form and function of
cholesterol and lipoprotein.
milk proteins. J. Soc. Dairy Technol. 28:181.
The functional value of lactose in f o o d 8 Craig, T. W. 1973. Whey/protein vegetable combi-
p r o d u c t s has been summarized well by Nickerson nations. Achieving nutritional benefits. The Prof.
(43, 44). Use of lactose in foods is based on Nutr. 5:2.
9 Craig, T. W., J. C. Colmey, L. 11. Francis, and N. W.
relative sweetness, p r o m o t i o n of the b r o w n i n g Herlihy. 1971. Development and product applica-
reaction, protein stabilizing properties, altera- tions for a high protein concentrate from whey.
tion of crystallization patterns in a q u e o u s and Food Prod. Develop. 4:92.
fat systems, sensory discrimination or flavor 10 Craig, T. W., R. L. Huston, J. J. Jonas, E. It. Marth,
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sugar and shortening also are reduced (23). For 11 Delaney, R.A.M. 1976. Composition, properties
and uses of whey protein concentrates. J. Soc.
all these reasons, lactose is finding increased use Dairy Technol. 29:91.
in a wide variety of f o o d and related products. 12 deWit, J. N., and R. de Boer. 1975. Ultrafiltration
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n u m b e r o f products, similar c o m m e n t s could be the resulting whey protein studies of whey products.
J. Dairy Sci. 60: 370.
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Advances in processing and p r o d u c t knowledge, rats. J. Nutr. 105:147.
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we see in today's marketplace. Dairy-derived Symp. 1973. I. Morton, et al., ed.
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gelling properties of whey protein concentrates. N.
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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 62, No. 10, 1979

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