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Aims Education System School

Monthly Test September 2023

Subject: General science
Time: 2hours Class: 7 Marks: 100
Instructions: Carefully read your question paper, Keep your answer sheet neat and clean.

Attempt all the question



Q1: Give the Answers of (Any 4) Questions from the following:

Q1: what is digestion?
Q2: Explain why liver and pancreas are not the part of digestion?
Q3: Define transportation?
Q4: What is gaseous exchange?
Q5: Define angina?
Q2: Define ( any five) from them?
(a) Constipation (b) Asthma (c) Diarrhea (d) Hypertension (F) Hypotension (g) breathing
Q3: Give the answers of (any two) questions: (Q 3 is compulsory)
Q1: Briefly explain the mechanical digestion and its process?
Q2: Explain the blood vessels and heart?
Q3: Identify the common disease of respiratory system and discus their causes and preventive measures?
1: There are …….. Groups of organ compose the digestive system
(a) Four (b) three (c) two
2: Food usually takes …….. Hours to complete its journey
(a) 24 to 30 (b) 12 to 24 (c) 6 t0 12
3: Heart has …… chambers
(a) Five (b) seven (c) four
4: Absorption occurs in ……….. Organ of digestive system.
(a) Small intestine (b) large intestine (c) stomach
5: the supply of food, oxygen and collection of waste materials such as carbon dioxide from our body is known as ………..
(a) Transportation (b) transpiration (c) translocation
6: where chemical digestion of proteins start?
(a) Mouth (b) stomach (c) small intestine
7: there are ……. Kinds of blood vessels in our body.
(a) Six (b) eight (c) three

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