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TH E CR OP J OUR NA L 8 ( 2 0 20 ) 89 2 –9 0 4

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Soybean cyst nematode-resistance: Gene

identification and breeding strategies

Abdulwahab S. Shaibua,b , Bin Lia,⁎, Shengrui Zhanga , Junming Suna,⁎

The National Engineering Laboratory for Crop Molecular Breeding/Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Key Laboratory of Soybean
Biology (Beijing), Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
Department of Agronomy, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria


Article history: Soybean cyst nematode (SCN, Heterodera glycines Ichinohe) is the most economically
Received 25 October 2019 damaging disease of soybean worldwide, and breeding host plant resistance is the most
Received in revised form 30 January feasible option for SCN management. In this review, we summarise the progress made so
2020 far in identifying nematode-resistance genes, the currently available sources of resistance,
Accepted 10 March 2020 possible mechanisms of SCN resistance and strategies for soybean breeding. To date, only
Available online 21 March 2020 two sources of SCN resistance have been widely used, from the accessions PI 88788 and
Peking, which has resulted in a shift in SCN resistance and created a narrow genetic base for
Keywords: SCN resistance. These resistant germplasms for SCN are classified into two types according
Soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera to their copy number variation in a 31-kb genomic region: PI 88788-type resistance requires
glycines Ichinohe) high copy numbers of a rhg1 resistance allele (rhg1-b) and Peking-type resistance requires
Candidate gene both low copy numbers of a different rhg1 resistance allele (rhg1-a) and a resistant allele at
Functional analysis another locus, Rhg4. Resistance related to rhg1 primarily involves impairment of vesicle
Marker-assisted selection trafficking through disruption of soluble NSF-attachment protein receptor (SNARE)
Resistance complexes. By contrast, resistance via Rhg4 involves disturbance of folate homeostasis at
SCN feeding sites due to alteration of the enzymatic activity of serine
hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT). Other potential mechanisms, including plant defences
mediated by salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA) signalling modulation, have also been
suggested for SCN resistance. Indeed, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have
identified other candidate SCN resistance genes, such as GmSNAP11. Although gene
functional analysis in a transient expression system could increase the efficiency of
candidate gene identification, information on novel genes and mechanisms for SCN
resistance remains limited. Any beneficial candidate genes identified might, when fully
exploited, be valuable for improving the efficiency of marker-assisted breeding and
dissecting the molecular mechanisms underlying SCN resistance.
© 2020 Crop Science Society of China and Institute of Crop Science, CAAS. Production and
hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

⁎ Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses:, (B. Li), (J. Sun).
Peer review under responsibility of Crop Science Society of China and Institute of Crop Science, CAAS.
2214-5141 © 2020 Crop Science Society of China and Institute of Crop Science, CAAS. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi
Communications Co., Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
TH E C ROP J O U R NA L 8 (2 0 2 0) 89 2 –9 0 4 893


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 893
2. The life cycle of soybean cyst nematode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 893
3. SCN population and race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 893
4. Distribution of SCN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 894
5. Management of SCN in soybean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 894
6. Cytological and histological process of syncytium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 894
7. Germplasm screening and sources of SCN resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895
8. Identification of SCN-resistance QTL and genes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895
9. Functional gene analysis for SCN resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 898
10. Molecular mechanisms of SCN resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 899
11. Strategies for soybean breeding for resistance to SCN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 899
12. Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900
Declaration of competing interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901
Author contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901

1. Introduction 2. The life cycle of soybean cyst nematode

Soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) is a widely used legume crop The life cycle of SCN can be separated into four juvenile stages
accounting for about 70% of total protein meal and 28% of and one adult stage. Development from one stage to another
total vegetable oil consumption worldwide (www.soystats. usually begins in the egg and is interposed by moulting. SCN
com, 2019). It also serves as a source of fuel. The USA at the second-stage juvenile (J2) stage penetrates into the root
produces the highest percentage (34%) of the world’s of the host plant and migrates until it reaches the vascular
soybeans annually, followed by Brazil (32%), Argentina cylinder. The J2 nematode initiates the formation of a
(15%), and China (4%) (, 2019). Soybean permanent feeding cell (syncytium) and becomes sedentary
average yield in the USA increased annually by 22 kg ha−1 [5]. The syncytium provides the nutrients for growth and
from 1924 (740 kg ha−1) to 2013 (2959 kg ha−1) [1] and rose to development of SCN and is metabolically active as well as
3500 kg ha−1 in 2018 (, 2019). Biotic and important for a complete life cycle. Sexual dimorphism
abiotic constraints are the two major challenges limiting usually becomes prominent in the third stage (J3) before the
soybean production. Management practices can prevent nematode moves to the fourth stage (J4). The adult females
some abiotic stresses, but most, such as drought and floods, are visible on the host root surface because of their large size.
cannot be easily controlled [2]. Biotic stresses, meanwhile, The vermiform male migrates out of the root to fertilize the
have negative effects on the growth and development of female before dying. The cyst is formed from dead females
soybean that often result in significant yield losses and and protects the eggs in the soil for many years when there is
cannot be easily controlled using management practices. no available host. In the presence of a favourable host, the
The use of fertilizers and pesticides can reduce the inci- eggs hatch and the life cycle continues [5]. The life cycle of
dence of biotic stresses; however, host plant resistance/ SCN is usually completed in three to four weeks depending on
tolerance is a more promising alternative for farmers. nutrient availability, soil temperature, and location. Because
The soybean cyst nematode (SCN, Heterodera glycines SCN requires a living host to complete its life cycle, it is
Ichinohe) is an economically important pest of soybean classified as a biotrophic pathogen.
causing estimated annual losses valued at billions of dollars
worldwide [3]. The damage is often devastating because
aboveground symptoms are not always visible and infesta- 3. SCN population and race
tions are usually recognized at the later stage of infection
when a significant proportion of the damage has already The abilities of SCN populations to develop on resistant soybean
occurred and the nematode is difficult to eradicate; as a result, varieties are diverse because of differences in generation time,
yields are significantly reduced due to inhibited root growth fecundity, and extent of host damage [5]. The race description
and reduced nodule formation [4,5]. The use of resistant published in 1970, which was based on the ability of SCN to
varieties and crop rotation practices are the most effective reproduce on four indicator lines (Pickett, Peking, PI 88788, and PI
strategies for controlling SCN [4]. 90763), is still widely used for SCN classification [6]. When the
This review assesses the trends and progress in the number of nematodes produced on a particular line is equal to or
identification of nematode-resistance genes, available greater than 10% of the number produced on cultivar Lee
sources of resistance, and mechanisms underlying SCN (susceptible to SCN), the race is designated “+”, whereas when
resistance. Management strategies for SCN resistance and the number is less than 10%, the race is designated “–” [7].
gene function analysis are also discussed. However, the race scheme has faced various criticisms [8]. For
894 TH E CR OP J OUR NA L 8 ( 2 0 20 ) 89 2 –9 0 4

one thing, according to that scheme, the virulence of a management (IDM) approaches that can be used for SCN control
population on one differential line is linked to virulence on is presented in Fig. 1.
another, a situation that is impossible to test because of the
obligate parasitic nature of SCN [5]. Another SCN classification
scheme, the HG (Heterodera glycines) type classification 6. Cytological and histological process of syncytium
scheme, was later developed to circumvent the challenges
posed by the race scheme description. The HG type Before SCN parasitism, root diffusate from soybean can cause
classification is based on the ability of SCN to reproduce increased hatching of SCN eggs. Moreover, the diffusate from
on a larger and more diverse set of soybean indicator lines susceptible varieties increases hatching more than that from
(seven), which also aids in management decisions for SCN resistant varieties [15]. Successful parasitism in soybean roots
[8]. The HG scheme allows the addition of new soybean by SCN usually involves important physiological and morpho-
lines and is flexible for different environments. logical changes that result in the formation of a specialized
feeding cell called a syncytium. The syncytium serves as the
only source of nutrients during the life cycle of SCN, making it
4. Distribution of SCN very important for the nematode's survival, and it has to be
constantly replenished with nutrients that are required by the
Soybean cyst nematode is believed to have evolved in either developing SCN [16]. In susceptible plants, the syncytia develop
China or Japan before spreading to other parts of the world [9]. into mature functional feeding sites sustained by the plants.
Riggs and Schmitt [7] reported 16 races of SCN, the first This interaction occurs for weeks and, when successful, leads
identified in 1954; a new race was also recently reported in to failure in plant defence [17]. During the maturation of the
the Shanxi province of China [10]. H. glycine is widespread in syncytium into functional nurse cells, two developmental
many countries, including the USA and China, where soy- phases are observed. In the first or parasitism phase, SCN
beans are grown on a large commercial scale. In the USA, Hg establishes the molecular circuitry to create a well-matched
Type 0 or 7 (race 3) and Hg Type 1.2.5– (races 4 and 14) are interaction with the plant cell; during this phase, the cytolog-
primarily found in latitudes south and north of 37°N, ical features of syncytia for a susceptible or resistant process
respectively [11]. In China, eight races of SCN are predominant are similar. The second phase of syncytium maturation
(races 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 14) [9]. Hg Type 0 is the most involves either a susceptible or resistant reaction, depending
common in the northeastern provinces of China (north of on the outcome of the plant’s defence [17].
41°N latitude), while Hg Type 1.2.5– is one of the two most Inhibition of syncytium formation and growth is linked to
common races in the Huang-Huai-Hai valley region (between plant resistance. Syncytium formation in both susceptible and
32°N and 41°N latitude) [9,12]. resistant soybean includes the features of wall perforations,
Until recently, race 4 was reported to be the most virulent increased cytoplasm density, and increased abundance of the
race in China, but the new race 12 has recently been reported endoplasmic reticulum [18]. In susceptible plants, the syncy-
to be more virulent than race 4 [10]; however, so far it is not tium undergoes a continuous development up to nematode
known to have spread broadly across China, having been maturity, which is usually accompanied by hypertrophy of
reported only in Shanxi province. nuclei, an increase in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, and the
formation of wall ingrowths in early and late stages of infection
[15]. Moreover, the syncytium cell in a susceptible variety of
5. Management of SCN in soybean soybean is considerably larger than those in resistant varieties.
In the resistant reaction, different mechanisms based on the
Soybean cyst nematode causes the most substantial yield syncytium have been proposed: necrosis of cells surrounding
reduction of any soybean disease or pest [13]. Damage by SCN the immature juvenile SCN due to lack of syncytium formation
to soybean plants is reported to have a positive association with [18], degeneration of syncytium [19], and formation of cell wall
the initial numbers of SCN present in the soil. Reducing the thickenings that seal off the syncytium [20].
initial numbers and preventing the spread of SCN to non- In regard to their resistance reactions to SCN, soybeans
infected areas are important aspects of its management that are categorized into two main groups, the Peking and PI
can minimize yield loss [13]. Tillage and removal of root and soil 88788 types, on the basis of their different histological
debris from farm implements can also help reduce SCN responses to SCN infection. The Peking type includes the
numbers and its transfer to non-infested areas. Faghihi [14] accessions Peking, PI 90763, PI 89772, PI 438489B, Pickett,
reported that a one-year rotation with non-host crops (such as Huipizhiheidou (ZDD2315), and Yuanboheidou (ZDD10261)
alfalfa [Medicago sativa], corn [Zea mays], sorghum [Sorghum [18,21,22], and the PI 88788 type includes typical genotypes
bicolor], barley [Hordeum vulgare], and oat [Avena sativa]) in the such as PI 88788, PI 209332, and PI 548316 [22]. The effect of
absence of weeds could lead to a 55% decrease in SCN the resistant reaction on SCN development occurs much
population. The use of nematicides can also control SCN but it earlier in the Peking type than in the PI88788-type of
is currently not feasible due to safety issues [13]. Biological resistance. The Peking-type resistant reaction causes
control methods, when identified, can also be used to control or mortality of SCN at the J2 stage [17–19,21,23], while in PI
manage SCN. However, host plant resistance has always been 88788-type resistance, SCN development can proceed to
the favoured choice for controlling pests and diseases because it the J3 and J4 stages [21,24]. Thus, in PI 88788, syncytium
is economically feasible and poses no threat to the function is not greatly affected in the early stage of
environment. A summary of the integrated disease resistance process.
TH E C ROP J O U R NA L 8 (2 0 2 0) 89 2 –9 0 4 895


Host plant (llage and
resistance ferlizer


Biological Chemical
(crop (use of
rotaon) nemacides)

Fig. 1 – Integrated disease management (IDM) strategies against soybean cyst nematode.

resistant entries evaluated, only 10 had resistance traits from

7. Germplasm screening and sources of SCN sources other than PI 88788, and about 90% of SCN-resistant
resistance varieties in the central USA have PI 88788-type resistance [33].
There has been a population shift in SCN resistance which led
The major genetic groups of SCN are separated based on to new biotypes [34,35] and made the selection of new sources
host compatibility described using the HG classification [8]. of SCN resistance difficult. Niblack et al. [36] observed that
The HG classification gives information on the standard SCN could reproduce on PI 88788 in 70% of soil samples
indicator lines (SCN-resistant lines used in breeding for SCN infested with SCN in Illinois, and similar population shifts
resistance) on which the nematode population can reproduce. have been reported in other soybean-producing regions
Thus, resistant cultivars derived from these indicator lines [14,37]. Thus, PI 88788-type resistance has become less
will harbour nematode populations that can reproduce on the effective in reducing yield loss because SCN populations
indicator lines [25]. In some instances, resistance to a have adapted to overcome this type of resistance [38,39].
minimum of one SCN HG type has been reported for 158 Resistances from PI 437654 and Peking are effective, but
soybean accessions across soybean germplasm collections combining them with increased yield and other agronomic
(National Plant Germplasm System, NPGS, 2016; Crop: Soy- traits is a major challenge [25]. Thus, there is currently a great
bean, Descriptors: Nematcyst_1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 14, Observation: need to breed commercially viable varieties with resistance
Resistant) [25]. Numerous resistant sources of germplasm derived from different resistant sources.
(Table S1) have been identified from abundant soybean
germplasm collections [26–28]. Notably, some germplasms,
such as PI 437654, Huipizhiheidou, and Wuzhaiheidou, have a
broad spectrum of resistance to SCN races. However, only a 8. Identification of SCN-resistance QTL and genes
few of these have been used in soybean breeding because
most of these collections carry undesirable traits that are Not all quantitative trait loci (QTL) mediating SCN resistance
difficult to improve through conventional breeding tech- have been detected because of limited coverage of resistance
niques [29]. sources, size of mapping population, and lack of adequate
Soybean varieties with SCN resistance that are available statistical techniques. However, the availability of soybean
for commercial purposes are derived primarily (90%) from reference genome sequences [40] coupled with high-
three plant introduction (PI) accessions; PI 88788, PI 209332, throughput single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) tools has
and Peking [30]. Other resistant germplasms, including PI provided insight for association mapping (AM), which has
437654, Huipizhiheidou, and Haerbinxiaoheidou, are also been used to study important soybean traits such as yield,
sources of resistance for some resistant soybean varieties disease resistance, and quality [41,42]. Breeding for SCN
[31]. Peking- and PI 88788-type sources of resistance are the resistance in soybean will entail understanding the mecha-
most widely used against SCN. However, many breeding nism(s) underlying SCN resistance and mapping related QTL
programs are primarily using PI 88788 as their major sources or genes. The first Rhg (resistance to H. glycines) locus was
of SCN resistance. Joos et al. [32] reported that out of 336 SCN- identified in the early 1960s [43], and since then, with the
896 TH E CR OP J OUR NA L 8 ( 2 0 20 ) 89 2 –9 0 4

rapid developments in QTL mapping, many SCN-resistance [13] also mapped two QTL on Chrs. 10 and 18 in PI 567305,
loci have been mapped by utilizing different germplasms which is highly resistant to multiple SCN HG types, similar
[44–65]. Table 1 shows some of these QTL with their relatively to what was reported by Vuong et al. for 567516C [35]. Thus,
high logarithm of the odds (LOD) values. Of these QTL, two loci both PI 567516C and PI 567305 may harbour novel QTL that
found on chromosomes (Chr.) 18 and 8 (rhg1 and Rhg4, can mediate SCN resistance independently of the rhg1 and
respectively) that are involved in resistance to SCN races 1 to Rhg4 loci.
5 have been studied extensively [51,59,64,65]. The rhg1 locus Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have also been
has been consistently mapped to a subtelomeric region on used to detect resistance loci. A study of 282 soybean
Chr. 18 in diverse soybean germplasms, including Peking [13]. accessions detected three resistance loci for SCN race 3 on
About 9%–28% of the total phenotypic variation observed in chromosome 18, two of which corresponded to rhg1 and to
resistance to SCN HG types 2.5.7 (race 1) and 0 (race 3) is another previously identified SCN-resistance locus, FGAM1,
explained by Rhg4 genes from various resistant sources [38]. while the third was located at the other end of Chr. 18 [69].
Meksem et al. [51] reported that in the Forrest cultivar, rhg1 Vuong et al. [63] also reported eight novel QTL for resistance to
and Rhg4 together explain 98% of the observed phenotypic SCN race 3. Zhang et al. [69] reported 13 significant SNPs for
variance in resistance to SCN race 3. The resistance conferred SCN resistance in seven different genomic regions. Three of
by Rhg4 is primarily linked to SCN race 3 but also includes these corresponded to previously mapped QTL including rhg1
minor resistance to HG types (race 2), 2.5.7, and and Rhg4, while the other 10 were novel. A study by Zhao et al.
(race 14). The Rhg4 and rhg1 loci are required to confer full [70] revealed that 13 SNPs distributed on five chromosomes
resistance to some SCN races in cv. Peking and PI 437654 are associated with resistance to SCN race 1, four of which
[22,33,66,67]. were novel loci. From these studies, more candidate genes for
In 2010, Vuong et al. [35] mapped two SCN-resistance SCN resistance have been identified. Recently, 12 SNPs located
QTL on Chrs. 10 and 18 in PI 567516C that are not related to on Chrs. 7, 8, 10, and 18 were reported to be significantly
rhg1 or Rhg4 loci. These QTL confer resistance against SCN associated with SCN resistance, among which three were
races 1, 2, 3, and LY1. The QTL on Chr. 18 is physically located near the rhg1 locus [71]. Liu et al. [72] reported 27
distant from the rhg1 locus [35]. Furthermore, this is the mutations among 10 genes, and three of these genes
first evidence of an SCN-resistance QTL on Chr. 10; all overlapped between the two phenotypic mutants used in the
previously reported QTL for SCN resistance had been study. These genes were reported to be possible candidate
mapped to 15 of the soybean chromosomes, with none genes for SCN resistance [72]. A summary of some associated
reported on Chrs. 2, 7, 10, 12, or 13 [7,38,50,57,68]. Kim et al. loci is presented in Table 2.

Table 1 – List of QTL with LOD ≥ 3.0 reported for resistance to soybean cyst nematode.
Race/HG Resistance Linkage group Population type Analysis References
Type source method

3 PI 209332 A2, G, J F2:3 ANOVA, IM Concibido et al. [53]

3 Peking A2 F2:3, F2:4 ANOVA, IM Mahalinggam and Skorupska
3 PI 437654 A2, G, M RILs IM Webb et al. [56]
1, 3, 6 PI 209332 D2, G RILs, F2:3 ANOVA, IM Concibido et al. [52]
3 Hartwig B1 F2:3 ANOVA Vierling et al. [58]
1, 3, 6 PI 90763 G, J F2:3 ANOVA Concibido et al. [51]
1, 3, 6 Peking G, N F2:3 ANOVA Concibido et al. [51]
1, 3, 6 PI 88788 G F2:3 ANOVA Concibido et al. [51]
1, 3, 5 J87-233 A2, G F2:3 ANOVA, IM Heer et al. [47]
1, 3, 5 Peking B2 F2:3 ANOVA, IM Qiu et al. [60]
3 Peking A2, G RILs, NILs ANOVA, IM Meksem et al. [61]
14 Hartwig D2 F2:3 ANOVA Schuster et al. [59]
3 PI 468916 (G. soja) C2, E, G RILs, BC1F2 CIM Wang et al. [57]
1, 2, 3, 5, 14 PI 438489B A2, B1, C1, C2, D1a, E, F2:3 IM Yue et al. [45]
1, 2, 3, 5 PI 89772 B1, D2, E, G F2:3 ANOVA, IM Yue et al. [44]
3, 14 PI 88788 G, J RILs, NILs CIM, ANOVA Glover et al. [50]
2, 3, 5 PI 90763 A2, B1, E, G, J, L F2:3 CIM Guo et al. [65]
1, 2, 3, 5, 14 PI 438489B A2, C1, G RILs, F2:3 IM, MQM Vuong et al. [55]
3, 14 Hartwig A2, C2, G RILs BIM Arriagada et al. [54]
3,4 – B2, D1b, I Accessions of landraces and MLM Han et al. [48]
2, 3, 14, LY2 PI 437655 A1, C1, E, G, I, J, N RILs IM, MQM Jiao et al. [46]
3 Zhongpin03-5373 B1 RILs CIM Li et al. [63]

ANOVA, analysis of variance; IM, interval mapping; CIM, composite interval mapping; MQM, multi-QTL method; BIM, Bayesian interval
mapping; MLM, mixed linear model.
TH E C ROP J O U R NA L 8 (2 0 2 0) 89 2 –9 0 4 897

Table 2 – List of SNPs associated with resistance to soybean cyst nematode races 3 and 4.
Race QTL Associated locus Chromosome Position Linkage group

SCN3 SCN 3-g1 RS:7631207 Gm07 7,631,207 M

SCN 3-g2 RS:7640250 Gm07 7,640,250 M
SCN 3-g3 RS:7671170 Gm08 7,671,170 A2
SCN 3-g4 RS:7662003 Gm08 7,662,003 A2
SCN 3-g5 RS:7664479 Gm08 7,664,479 A2
SCN 3-g6 RS:7622492 Gm08 7,622,492 A2
SCN 3-g7 RS:7661660 Gm08 7,661,660 A2
SCN 3-g8 RS:46625879 Gm08 46,625,879 A2
SCN 3-g9 RS:36423980 Gm08 36,423,980 A2
SCN 3-g10 RS:3853672 Gm08 3,853,672 A2
SCN 3-g11 RS:35898587 Gm14 35,898,587 B2
SCN 3-g12 RS:16268025 Gm15 16,268,025 E
SCN 3-g13 RS:38522986 Gm18 38,522,986 G
SCN4 SCN 4-g1 ss715594958 Gm06 48,870,408 C2
SCN 4-g2 ss715594959 Gm06 48,871,996 C2
SCN 4-g3 ss715597374 Gm07 36,036,751 M
SCN 4-g4 ss715597376 Gm07 36,048,636 M
SCN 4-g5 ss715597408 Gm07 36,368,238 M
SCN 4-g6 ss715597409 Gm07 36,371,468 M
SCN 4-g7 ss715597410 Gm07 36,376,909 M
SCN 4-g8 ss715597413 Gm07 36,399,537 M
SCN 4-g9 ss715597431 Gm07 36,449,014 M
SCN 4-g10 ss715597444 Gm07 36,544,826 M
SCN 4-g11 ss715597487 Gm07 36,869,304 M
SCN 4-g12 ss715602745 Gm08 8,240,979 A2
SCN 4-g13 ss715602753 Gm08 8,287,226 A2
SCN 4-g14 ss715602757 Gm08 8,323,966 A2
SCN 4-g15 ss715606985 Gm10 40,672,699 O
SCN 4-g16 ss715610391 Gm11 32,834,795 B1
SCN 4-g17 ss715610392 Gm11 32,835,041 B1
SCN 4-g18 ss715610393 Gm11 32,837,437 B1
SCN 4-g19 ss715610396 Gm11 32,849,185 B1
SCN 4-g20 ss715610402 Gm11 32,855,711 B1
SCN 4-g21 ss715610417 Gm11 32,959,788 B1
SCN 4-g22 ss715610420 Gm11 32,960,792 B1
SCN 4-g23 ss715610421 Gm11 32,978,048 B1
SCN 4-g24 ss715628625 Gm18 1,187,349 G
SCN 4-g25 ss715628770 Gm18 1,277,584 G
SCN 4-g26 ss715628786 Gm18 1,286,863 G

The data given were retrieved from soybase database ( and Tran et al. [71].

The rhg1 copy number has been classified into high (> 6 categories, rhg1-b (similar to those in PI 88788-type lines) and
repeats, e.g. PI 88788) and low (3 repeats, e.g. Peking) copy rhg1-b1 (similar to those in Cloud-type lines).
numbers [33]. Yu et al. [73] observed that for rhg1, both copy Serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT), which catalyses
number and polymorphism type are important for SCN the reversible conversion of serine and tetrahydrofolate to
resistance. Among the resistance sources carrying rhg1, glycine and tetrahydrofolate, respectively, contributes to the
those with higher rhg1 copy numbers have greater resistance. resistance at the Rhg4 locus [76]. The gene GmSHMT08 has two
Thus, the rhg1 locus may mediate SCN resistance by copy polymorphisms located in the first and second exons, 389 G/C
number variation (CNV) of multiple genes encoding an amino and 1165 A/T, which result in amino acid variations of
acid transporter (AAT), an α-soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensi- arginine vs. proline and tyrosine vs. asparagine, respectively,
tive factor (NSF) attachment protein (α-SNAP), and a WI12 and affect the kinetic properties of the enzyme [76]. Kandoth
protein (wound-inducible protein) [33,67]. Therefore, Kadam et al. [77] further suggested that GmSHMT08 has additional
et al. [74] differentiated the CNV at rhg1 into resistant-high functions aside from its main enzymatic role in SCN resis-
copy (PI 88788-type), resistant-low copy (Peking type), and tance and interacts with the GmSNAP18 protein. Further
susceptible-single copy (Williams 82) numbers. The Peking- evidence from Kandoth et al. [77] showed that even after
type resistance is suggested to be bigenic, comprising rhg1-a many years of selection on the recombinant inbred line (RIL)
and Rhg4 [67], whereas PI 88788 requires only rhg1-b for EXF63 (rhg1F rhg4E), the SCN population did not change,
resistance to SCN. Moreover, one gene in rhg1-a locus, the whereas SCN selected on the RIL EXF67 (rhg1F Rhg4F) shifted
GmSNAP18 is fully required for Peking-type resistance [67]. to HG type, suggesting a shift in virulence upon
Patil et al. [75] further classified the rhg1-b locus into two exposure to Peking-type resistance.
898 TH E CR OP J OUR NA L 8 ( 2 0 20 ) 89 2 –9 0 4

Table 3 – List of candidate genes for resistance to soybean cyst nematode.

Gene Protein Reference

Glyma.02g260400 α-soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein Lakhssassi et al. [79]

Glyma.06g130300 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein Liu et al. [72]
Glyma.07g193900 Dof-type zinc-finger DNA-binding family protein Zhao et al. [70]
Glyma.07g194400 Cytochrome P450 Tran et al. [71]
Glyma.07g195400 RING gene Zhao et al. [70]
Glyma.07g196000 RING gene Tran et al. [71]
Glyma.07g196500 Phosphate 2 Zhao et al. [70]
Glyma.07g196800 Lipoxygenase 3 Zhao et al. [70]
Glyma.07g199500 (LRR) receptor gene Tran et al. [71]
Glyma.08g097300 Aldolase-type TIM barrel family protein Zhao et al. [70]
Glyma.08g108900 Serine hydroxymethyltransferase Liu et al. [76]
Glyma.08g119200 LRR and NB-ARC domains-containing disease-resistance protein Liu et al. [72]
Glyma.08g200100 HAD superfamily, subfamily IIIB acid phosphatase Zhao et al. [70]
Glyma.08g200200 HAD superfamily, subfamily IIIB acid phosphatase Zhao et al. [70]
Glyma.08g202300 Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein Zhao et al. [70]
Glyma.08g303900 Sterol regulatory binding element Zhang et al. [69]
Glyma.09g054000 Ankyrin repeat family protein Liu et al. [72]
Glyma.11g151500 Catechol oxidase activity Zhang et al. [69]
Glyma.11g234500 α-soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein Lakhssassi et al. [79]
Glyma.13g175200 GTP-binding protein Zhang et al. [69]
Glyma.14g047900 Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase family protein Zhao et al. [70]
Glyma.14g051600 Copper transport protein family Zhao et al. [70]
Glyma.14g054900 α-soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein Lakhssassi et al. [79]
Glyma.15g141800 Unknown Liu et al. [72]
Glyma.15g237200 Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase family protein Liu et al. [72]
Glyma.17g010200 Homeobox transcription factor Zhang et al. [69]
Glyma.18g022400 Amino acid transporter Cook et al. [33]
Glyma.18g022500 α-soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein Cook et al. [33]
Glyma.18g022700 Wound induced protein Zhang et al. [69]
Glyma.18g095000 Protein of unknown function Zhang et al. [69]

Nonsynonymous SNPs distributed in GmSNAP11, which is a conferring moderate SCN resistance (40% to 60% reduction in
paralogous gene of GmSNAP18, have been identified as novel cyst number). A list of some identified candidate genes with
alleles contributing to SCN resistance [33,78]. Whole-genome their associated proteins is presented in Table 3.
sequencing revealed that a truncated α-SNAP was encoded by
GmSNAP on chromosome 11 and not GmSNAP on chromosome
18 [79]. Also, Li et al. [53] demonstrated that a nonsynonymous 9. Functional gene analysis for SCN resistance
SNP (map-5149) closely associated with resistance to SCN race 3
mapped to GmSNAP11. Thus, GmSNAP11 is a novel gene that can Reverse genetics strategies, such as T-DNA insertion mutagen-
also confer SCN resistance. esis [84], targeting-induced local lesions in genomes (TILLING)
Glycine max salicylic acid methyltransferase (GmSAMT) [85], RNA interference (RNAi) [86], and virus-induced gene
mediates the resistance of soybean to SCN. Lin et al. [80] silencing (VIGS) [87–89], have been developed in recent decades.
showed that overexpression of GmSAMT1 in susceptible lines Also, the soybean hairy root transient transformation system has
reduces the number of SCN, and it also affects the expression been developed and used to study SCN resistance [33,67,76,90].
of genes responsible for salicylic acid (SA) biosynthesis and The early work on the functional analysis of SCN-resistance
signal transduction. Other genes involved in SA biosynthesis genes was done by Cook et al. [33], who used gene silencing in
and signalling also confer partial resistance on SCN. Mathew soybean hairy roots to show that three genes in a 31-kb segment
et al. [81] showed that overexpression of AtNPR1, AtTGA2, and at rhg1-b contribute to SCN resistance. Overexpression of these
AtPR-5 in soybean roots reduced cyst count to less than 50% of genes together, but not individually, in soybean hairy roots
that in controls not overexpressing these genes. Youssef et al. significantly increased SCN resistance [33]. Yang et al. [83] used
[82] reported that ectopic expression of Arabidopsis phytoalexin- transgenic hairy roots to show that the overexpression of WRKY
deficient4 (AtPAD4) can broaden resistance to SCN. Therefore, genes could increase SCN resistance.
the genes involved in SA biosynthesis and signalling play A DNA-based VIGS vector based on bean pod mottle virus
important roles in SCN resistance. (BPMV) has been developed [87,88] and used to detect genes
In addition, Yang et al. [83] characterized the soybean WRKY for resistance to Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi)
gene family and identified five WRKY genes (GmWRKY154, [89]. Liu et al. [76] used mutation analysis, BPMV-VIGS, and
GmWRKY62, GmWRKY36, GmWRKY28, and GmWRKY5) confer- transgenic complementation in soybean hairy roots to show
ring high SCN resistance (>70% reduction in cyst number) and that the Rhg4 locus gene GmSHMT08 confers SCN resistance.
four (GmWRKY52, GmWRKY53, GmWRKY86, and GmWRKY136) Kandoth et al. [77] showed that the GmSHMT08 protein has
TH E C ROP J O U R NA L 8 (2 0 2 0) 89 2 –9 0 4 899

other functions aside from mediating in SCN resistance using like protein that acts in mediating SA signalling, and its
mutagenesis. ectopic expression in soybean roots can reduce the number of
These reverse genetics strategies, as well as the soybean SCN cysts [82]. The overexpression of GmSAMT1 induces the
hairy root transient expression system, have significantly expression of the genes Isochorismate synthase (ICS) and
increased the efficiency with which SCN-resistance candidate Nonexpressor of pathogenesis-related 1 (NPR1), which modulate
genes can be identified and will facilitate future understand- the SA biosynthesis and signal transduction pathway before
ing of the molecular mechanisms of SCN resistance. SCN infection [80]. The ectopic expression of some
Arabidopsis genes (AtNPR1, AtTGA2, and AtPR-5) influencing
SA synthesis, regulation, and signalling can also confer SCN
10. Molecular mechanisms of SCN resistance resistance [81]. The JA synthesis and signalling pathway may
also be involved in SCN resistance. The ectopic expression of
The molecular mechanisms of SCN resistance are compli- AtAOS, AtAOC, and AtJAR1 in soybean provides some level of
cated and still not fully understood. GWAS results have resistance to SCN [81]. Guo et al. [94] reported that overex-
suggested that numerous disease-resistance proteins are pression of rhg1-GmAAT increases the transportation of
associated with SCN resistance, including leucine-rich region glutamate from shoots to roots, resulting in the accumulation
(LRR)-containing proteins, zinc-finger domain proteins, pro- of free glutamate in the roots and upregulation of the JA
tein kinases, cytochrome P450s, RING domain proteins, and pathway, which may contribute to SCN resistance.
members of the MYB and WRKY transcription activation In brief (Fig. 2), the main molecular mechanisms of SCN
families [56]. Comparative RNA sequencing analysis using resistance in soybean can be summarised as (1) Disruption of
wild soybean (Glycine soja) suggested that amounts of defence- SNARE complexes and vesicle trafficking (involving SNAP and
related differentially expressed genes (DEGs) are associated NSF) by cytotoxic effects of the extensive accumulation of
with SCN resistance; these included genes involved in abnormal α-SNAP protein at the syncytium can mediate SCN
pathogen recognition, the MAPK signalling cascade, Ca2+/ resistance; (2) Disturbance of folate homeostasis, which may
calmodulin-mediated signalling, phytohormone-mediated trigger hypersensitive-response-like programmed cell death
signalling, WRKY-involved transcription regulation, cell wall of developing syncytia, causes the death of the nematode,
remodelling, and various other defence-associated signalling thereby preventing its growth and reproduction; and (3)
processes [91]. Gene ontology (GO) enrichment analyses Modulation of SA and JA signalling triggers defence processes
revealed that the serine and arginine metabolic processes against SCN.
may also be vital for SCN race 4 resistance [29]. To date, the
rhg1- and Rhg4-mediated mechanisms have received the most
attention due to their high contributions to SCN resistance, 11. Strategies for soybean breeding for resistance
although other mechanisms have also been investigated. to SCN
For the rhg1 locus, Cook et al. [78] suggested that the protein
product of the resistance-associated gene GmSNAP18 may not Based on the mechanisms of SCN resistance mentioned
function as classical α-SNAP, but instead may mediate resis- above, although there are several existing strategies for
tance through a novel mechanism. Bayless et al. [92] have breeding crops for resistance, the multigenic and widespread
shown that the disruption of SNARE complexes and vesicle nature of SCN will require more reliable and efficient methods
trafficking resulting from the significant accumulation of to breed SCN-resistant soybean varieties.
abnormal α-SNAP protein at the syncytium confers resistance. A conventional approach is to screen large collections of
Moreover, an unusual NSF allele (rhg1-associated NSF on soybean accessions and select lines that are resistant to SCN.
chromosome 07; NSFRAN07) was discovered only in rhg1+ These lines can be employed in traditional breeding programs
germplasm. The protective effect against rhg1 α-SNAP cytotox- as the donor parents in developing SCN-resistant varieties.
icity from NSFRAN07 coexpression in planta is much greater than Another approach is the marker-assisted selection (MAS),
that of the WT NSFCh07. An examination of segregation which is the most economical, fast, and reliable strategy, and
distortion between rhg1 and NSFRAN07 across 855 soybean whose efficiency and accuracy could be further enhanced by
accessions and rhg1+ progeny showed a 100% coinheritance of the development of high-throughput markers. Shi et al. [95]
NSFRAN07 and rhg1 alleles [93]. These results suggest that rhg1- have reported three functional Kompetitive allele-specific PCR
mediated SCN resistance may be accomplished through im- (KASP) marker assays (GSM381 and GSM383 at rhg1 and
pairment of SNARE complexes, and NSFRAN07 enables the GSM191 at Rhg4) that can be used for high-throughput MAS
sustainability of nematode resistance in rhg1 cultivars. for SCN resistance with high accuracy [95]. Tian et al. [96]
For the Rhg4 locus, Liu et al. [76] suggested that the developed cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences (CAPS)
GmSHMT08 gene responsible for Rhg4 resistance has two markers targeting GmSNAP11 with a high selection efficiency.
genetic polymorphisms that alter the function of the enzyme The race structure of the SCN population requires the use of
and thereby lead to the resistant or susceptible reaction. The gene pyramiding in developing resistant soybean varieties.
enzyme plays an important role in oneQcarbon folate metab- The use of linkage and association mapping will allow the
olism, and its alteration leads to folate deficiency, which can identification of numerous markers linked to SCN resistance
trigger hypersensitive-response-like programmed cell death [53] and will provide a basis for developing simple and
of developing syncytia and also of the nematode [76]. effective markers for SCN resistance breeding.
The SA and jasmonic acid (JA) signalling pathways may Reverse genetic tools have facilitated the identification of
also be involved in SCN resistance. AtPAD4 encodes a lipase- SCN-resistance genes such as rhg1 [33,76,93] and Rhg4 [67,76].
900 TH E CR OP J OUR NA L 8 ( 2 0 20 ) 89 2 –9 0 4

Fig. 2 – An illustration of proposed mechanisms for resistance to soybean cyst nematode. NSF, N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive
factor; SNAP, soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein; SNARE, soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive
factor attachment protein receptor; SHMT, serine hydroxymethyltransferase; THF, tetrahydrofolate; MTHF, 5,10-methylene
tetrahydrofolate; PCD, programmed cell death; SA, salicylic acid; ICS, isochorismate; SID2, salicylic-acid-induction-deficient 2;
NPR1, nonexpressor of pathogenesis-related 1; EDS1, enhanced disease susceptibility 1; PAD4, phytoalexin-deficient 4; JA,
jasmonic acid; JAile, jasmonoyl-isoleucine; AOS, allene oxide synthase; AOC, allene oxide cyclase; OPR, 12-oxophytodienoic
acid reductase; JAR, jasmonic acid-amido synthetase.

The identified genes will facilitate the development of previously unknown resistance genes (GmSNAP18 and
resistant varieties through gene editing, allowing the im- GmSHMT08) for SCN have been identified in soybean. Also,
provement of SCN-susceptible lines that are desirable for new discoveries about the mechanisms of gene resistance are
other traits. Therefore, genome-editing tools such as zinc- in progress. Apart from the previously identified rhg1 gene on
finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcription-activator-like effector chromosome 18, other genes, such as GmSNAP11 on chromo-
nucleases (TALENs), and clustered regularly interspaced short some 11, have been identified as being associated with SCN
palindromic repeats–CRISPR-associated proteins (CRISPR- resistance. These identified candidate genes are important
Cas9) deserve more attention from soybean breeders, given tools for improving marker-assisted breeding efficiency and
their ability to knock out or modify specific targeted understanding the molecular basis of SCN resistance. The
sequences [97]. These techniques can be used to develop phylogenetic information about SCN-resistance loci and gene/
SCN-resistant varieties through targeted editing of rhg1, Rhg4, QTL-specific markers that have been developed will acceler-
and other resistance genes, given that nucleotide transitions ate breeding programs targeting SCN-resistance. Gene func-
or deletions in GmSNAP18, GmSNAP11, and GmSHMT08 are tional analysis using techniques such as RNAi, VIGS, and
known to significantly influence SCN resistance. Moreover, mutagenesis will also increase the efficiency of candidate
editing these genes, individually or together, will produce a gene identification. The mechanisms underlying SCN resis-
series of soybean materials with different levels of SCN tance identified to date primarily involve disruption of SNARE
resistance, which could be useful in soybean breeding. complexes and vesicle trafficking, disturbance of folate
homeostasis, and regulation of the biosynthesis and signal-
ling of plant hormones such as SA and JA, suggesting possible
12. Conclusions avenues of approach for developing novel sources of SCN
resistance. The combination of conventional breeding, MAS,
With the availability of soybean genome sequence informa- and genomic editing tools is highly promising for future
tion and efficient rapid techniques for gene function studies, soybean breeding programs for SCN resistance.
TH E C ROP J O U R NA L 8 (2 0 2 0) 89 2 –9 0 4 901

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Acknowledgments genetics, and genomics for resistance to three nematode
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