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“ Onit-g © 6 nas SIGNAL TRANS MISSION Turougy UNEAR Systems Systm: A syslim us dyfined ay seb o| suites Grak axsociatin an op time Aisa funchton us ewouy Yp cbine Function ey . A sypbim vas an uakoconneisin e} eamunts which pxnducts expeclid Op fer available i/p- t enithien Syetem — lp fle) Response $ct) —> rb) 7 Sysken is an mathematical operator which maps tp wiko Op clasificatiin of system >—+—___, continuous Himesys! Disexele hme system 4 + Shalaé & Dynamic systims Lnean & None Ludeast < Tine Cvanfank £ Time vastiank Livan Te & L7rv stabl Syston 6. Casual ¥ Non-camnal systims . § MF ob pw ) continuous time systems > A conbnuous Lime syslin opwiates on a tonkinucug time Yp signal 4o puoduce a continuous lime ojp signal Dison time systims: A 1h disouts ine Syphon openalzs on a ditenl, time vp sant © produce a disculs time gp cignal . & classiftcations ° cb stalié and Dypamic Systims: A static systim on Ayslim & coud to be Stale if ak op at any wutant depends only on prusent values of ‘/p Ex: ylt) = axct) ath yey = aYactey at to yo = axtio) ak t= 9 yto) =AxL0) ab t-4 ye ax) att 4 yt =a%xu a >A syslin vs said & ue dynewrnié vf dls O/p depends on pousenk & past valius 0} tp - Ex: ye = Ult=1) + 2Ct-2) +2C Cb) ob t=2 Ylx = (a-I +xl2-294Xla) = KLIN lo) +2Xl25 ' / wv poe Present Cy Liner and Non binean Systims : FA Suslim vis coud to be wuneon ap ile Sabisdies the AUperposition 3: prineple > Tt atals that bu vusponse of tu syshm b 0 weighted sum of signals be equal be the covterponduig werghtid sumo} ojp's of the uystim to each of the undividual Yp signal. H [ ar#, Ce) + anf cen] = OH [Fe] + OH [ALey) ushwwn 0, a Weighted constanb ayPycey SBEE 9, 4D cé)) afte) SPS aula cer H[ay Ale FO Fo(t)] — a HLF, ced) + anh [heed] afi lt) > (CQ) yess [orfice) +a Facey] A . £, sp” at ayF,Ck) H[Ficea] fw fa Ta] a, [ricer] +22 H[Ac)) 400 law), Block diagram > Any syshm which does not obey the above principle "6 called as non- Laean systims . check for Lineaxily : Procedure we 1. Reply diffount Up's Separately and get the ofp eo © Apply different Yp's Simultaneously and get the outpud 3. If beth oulpuls ane came iL ig Uuian Othewise non- Linea Ex: dy qty = b sebatey Sapa: gy = 4 stink x(t) ga) = 4s x 0t) Gi) +y,4) = 4 Sudt (246 +22 C47) yer = 9 sii (26, (e942) ] 61 = Sq Ww Ye) = axtey @ yl =x) ! te) = 27CED $981: 4,08) = a ayce Sol su: yy Ce = Yn (ty = 2/CED Q) = aute , ‘ — ql) = fet 1GE) Yl) = Axle) Farsley $2: y Ck) = Ce) +39 Ce) J Yee = aL atucey +2306) my Cty = fa > Sao yeey = af ce +45 C89] Si¢% CNon- Linear > Si=%. Clineany = 208 UD yet) = ell? @ yor-teey W) yto= xe > 9! t= 209 SI si: yycey = ett? SI yiltey= Exite) sl sy os : ~ ‘ - éit ot yatey = oP Wld= Emly yl 050m filo, role) Yly = [ater +x co] Yee) = Geigy ae 6 S25, . 2: ee Cestey + m2ce3] yds EPuteo tate? iy yee Livin Siz 5 62: exilt) er2ck? t= 5) CLirean y $176 CNon-Lirtay, @ yu = 3x43 @® yloennysy © yt = xtt-t99 9 8: Yley-seiceray BY BaRAnCeS s = hGH) = 8xycer3) 1) = ABs SSI: yilth = xt +499 4 2 ta) = lt ty YC) = ace ra> +4643) isitaiicck HE) = 1 Cmte) + 240 -te) 52: afule-ta +x9Ce +35 #6 Sy Sy enka S25 Ylty = x le-ky) tax e-od $= Sxturwary 145, 9 = 5 Cluuan ® Yee = cospee yy 2 SU Yl) «cos Puce]: = 2] 3 9st) = Cos Bate yl = xceanet ia Ti aa Beacey] (SCC) 4 CoS 0x3. Cky] Cosf itt) + xaC4)7 545 (Non-tinean) 62: yet) = €* [acer tracery] @ yt -carcey mins sol 8h Qiley = aye Fy tthe ace rnet 62: 2 408 = Pat tatetiay [rte rn-vay S1= Sy CLivany oS MO WFelery—acey] 1 Mhlt) = KAaytey root MO ~Ca er Bitty 2341999 C89) 4 $2 YUE k Py Cetiy 2 Cyt i Ub t)— rte) SF S.Clutans Js @ yl: 4x4 2 OUD an : tute Vasant find Thine rvanviant Syslems ne ww ON >A system us sad to We dune invariant ap the system clows not depend on vuune ire system clelay us not function of came Ex xect) Syslin a ylt) 9¢Cty —> YC) Cet) —» ylt-to) >A bine Shift lo th the unput vusulis un Wie éaxme amount of sirhe hE un uthe ofp bub the wavechape does not change S i.e the Yp and] to op charatteristics doet rot change with time. > Pay slim which doesnot obey the Above psunciple i caled as time Varying 4ylim — An electrical aystem fo sacl fo be time thvaniank vif, ile component Values (R)L,C) does Mot Change with time cheek toy Kine Tovariant 4. Shift tre Yp only and get the Op. a. Shift Bu enbvie syslim ond get tm ofp. 3. T] both clips au udenbiial for ofp thin ie & chime unvariant system . oe Be! ~_ (> Ylt) = axttrtb $9) si: ycey = aatent ey _ —) 61> Sy S2:Yl4-1) = axlt-1) +b ‘(w) (tv) UD yet) = 42ClE) Sd Sie Ytey= YxtE-1) $2: yle-i) = 4xle -1) 5) yl» 5t [acey]” so) Si: yCey = St [xte-10J” a, gol Siz ytty= GE XCE-1D Lositse $2: yle-n= deol pais $2: YCE-N= Yee Galt) Cry) @ Ylt)= ye re? © yttyezceanet ™ = pe ytb= ante) $8 siz yety = xte tii EF = ele : ‘ali =I lenl) si $1: yey = AXLE-1D “dem $2: y(e-iy = xLEH- NE o $) Yleay =axlk-4 Cry) seesie oe S12 $2(TV), : - ee = Ct) © ye xe © we nele st \ ® yey - X43) @ $1: ute = € Lt) = CE-ID ley greruaes iba 82: yen = & Sol Su: ytey= xCe-43-1) L 82: ylei3= 2 2 $17 Sy S=S,TIv) $2: yb) = x(t-+3-1): 2+ GS) (TIY) = ele +29 em) : nie uhvaxiant pro “> Any syelim which obeys the sence and os wd “Bealud as Loz systin “ERS TEE ge San ¢ ey: > Any systing which Obey, the Uiwaril® and does not obey clue UAvasuianl- Pxepecty 4d called Lv Systim . % Err ytty= axe Uneanity yl) =axuwy + talk) = Or Cty UCE= 074) + axle) YUB= a fay Ct) + 0b) $2: yee. Lott) + ayte 7 *. Si= 6 Rr: Yees> axtey Sh yt) =a xtey 82: $e). a ete 19 “Th a luiuan kone “weeuant eystim (£71) ; at @ yley trey gy $1282 (TV) a GlO= axtey +b NLT wo gt = axe) Nutr cS ww yle) = fo Nur & & ylei= XL =byy ory Stable Systin : aw LO > Systm wis abeclubty ale quale (ita) dt cw -0 Conual nd Non Causal Systems: > A) syétim is dard to use ccual vif ofp Ylto) dlepencls onty on be valucs | Fp ltr at tte f prusenty ip rtest ype past obs} x: ylt)= yxte-1) (2) = 4 xla-1) > yrtr) Yle)= yxle-1) +x0b) Gb) = yxtay + ata) zty=0 , for tA systim ud Said to be Non-cawal ip the ofp depends on Fubsre volurs 0} Yp fe tutu Ups §0/ps- Ex: Yle = yale Ylry= yxl3p Examples whethor ib % tausel & Non fausal : an ~ ytty = k Pxcetn-sccey] Ylo) = K [xc -xt0r)] >» Noncomsal > Yley = axle +37 ylor= 3203) —s Non comral 63> ylty = (E+3) 4(t-39 Ylo) = (ota) xl0-3) = 3%X(-3) > causal B yl) = 2b — Non camal ® yley= th le) > cowal & ile ett + SO) dy Wrz 6 . as > Seve OH yleientey + 32le+e) whent<0, Ylop = xlo) +2%l4) when bea, yey = U9) + 3x So hens response ak t=O, YL0) dupuncls on-the pares ent ip 4 fubow vp hue system is noncausal . ) yly=ale) tent, yop? ty > hub Es 0, yto = xloy > preint E21, ytey = x0) operat nel adult Non camad . cept at to, FH the Aesponie Fee alee ch 4 aarendson flare jp, 2, yor) Impulse Res pence : 7 1 mesa ates The suuponse of a ayctim for an whpubse ip 4 Callud & vpulée suspon ee iB wbpoave of tu systim and Wt is denolid by hie) 8lty —— [systim }—> hlty lt) 7 hlt) > Evou syilen via charactoised day 5 Unpubre susponse : fp —s [hits }— ofp fle) a Recpome of g Syslim fey an axbitery ip: 2 Response of ir) —s huey 6lt-to) —hlt-) SUL) +6l Eto) = hilt thle Eo) The vresponse of a systim fer a gucen Wp Flt ip dutmmuied by using Superposiion principle Sip 4a: Resolve the ijp function vitiums of uimpulée functions shp2: Oetirmine ‘Adividualiy the stesponse ol ur systim for tnpulee uncon skp: Fihd Ue sum oF thdividual vusponses which will become the overall | mesponse lt) ; “ECS oh * Nodioe Heo dome on wpe ition How uw Junction Fle) is a vipul6e heath furichinn 4E3 F Re rrayrer at fig at) Aiea FC5AL) xat — 2 $ Flty = Peemary AE . 6 (t-naty : & : N=-0 Rc © $y = Ur Ss? ftnaty a 6le-n2tD Ak30 n= -0 The Yectangulan of width ot ouctangles us 2b Fenaty and unis nth thmunk OPP ©} sbungth FCnat) at docaled ot as Fina ) ot &( t~naby @ huignt #( and aua under bre pathed a della function benak, and the dalta function & dtepreenrd | fies LE x” Stnaty. at 6CE-BB Bio “ne ~o As mb->o the nMMelement may we considered. 4 Detoimination of véb) for tu viput fle): moaalen 0 Fer Me pe Let hit) ve the umpule susponse Of ure systim Slt) —> systim hit) tun U4) > hilt Sl-naby —s hlt- Aat) FU nat) 6tt~ Mat) —> Finaty htt -oae) Finan. at ett -n ab) —> hlt-nat) ue = F( cut- 2 e at30 Fw . Ue-nat) —> LE 5* wiley = Le >? fenat Ab20 1-0 "so oem flat) Ab hle nok) 7le) )-BEhLt -naky Bt so means Summaioa betomes unligrahion ao ytey = J FC9)-hle-9) dr ~~ rte) =£¢t) ® hte) #lt) ——[nte}} }— VLE) => FlEr® hue». r a. oystim is Known Jor an umpulse fn, € dy uthe suspense °} iY: susponse to othun function Fle can obtained from the above €4? hen Fe Fle) be A re eG) the onse tp any ton and i & used to An uni winpwlse funtion ' called Oo Teo: funchion — An chanartegese a Systim Ck) = Fler@ bled FT. an equeney clomain vtt) <—> Rlw) flr) <1. fo) hey 2 Huw Using convolution propestliy Flt) @ hlt) = Flw)@ Hlw) e Riw) = Flw)-Hlw) Hw) = Rtw) Fen > Whea Ftwysd; ike pio Unik impulse Hl) = R(w) > Transfer Function Hew) oF a systim & defined 04 the transform of the wtesponse of a Systin whore Me ep i Unit wapulse function 7 J eww) How) = | Hows) ee phase responce of the systim . L Amplihict Yesponse. of the eystim bof nea] = ta[tHqs!] joc) = btw) + j ecw) Geshol be Chase whifl> vitrediuad by A n : ‘Syolim NRE! Ae wnpulee funchion contains alt 4vequancin tv equal amount So We fan We Lk asa List function eq H(t) = Rhtw) “Ftw) —? Transfer fr of rr Systm . FT OT uae zorrtatey) © 3 in tien © an Myslion shown had dhe TT G winpulse vtuponse of the Sys fire ©% typ © elsewhure sol = Huw)= Rtw) son wun _ FW? —_ yew) Flys ook i = 5 yew) = Few) = 1 _ 5 _ atjw aye Veet nus Ze! ais g Yorjw Fajw FTP erie 7 ateetie aie tt “tre J” aye) ea ag = acd a [Rtey= Ca-ay © ute) 4 8Ct) ee ee) @ The seen Syslem umd pulre suspense & [e%+E%] uty feid Yu excitation fo prods an o/p o Ee? ley huy = [et +e Jute eee |r Bt vltj= &-éFutey Hwy = Row Fiw) Flw) = Btw) Hlw) ptt Ph, ih. bet al Tor) ret) = -€** ute) aor ( Rtw) = a1 _ eye” - 3k hte) = PF ute) + & _ + ! cides HL) * She Bj a4jo \ wv sa Z Lar jy) jw Ruw) = Heo et, gaju t27sY ate yoe _ sal! A (am tetajo) Bi sr2jw gaye = Als+ajw) FOl>4j) pur 3-+4jw = saree +jvl2rts) pur jw =o jp pak ywe-2> (3=5A42B y*! (1 = A+B) x? l = all ! pryw aad af rw] ae LAE uy -2 © Futey ms DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION > nee a — To obtun Fr i fe obtain Frequency Susponie % impulse ousponsc Nn 2 a, ak Mk feo ape YI =D bk de & “aw diffeunhalon propedy of FT a a wey FE jw xew) at N M ze Guy yew = 3 be gue xg =O * Keo Ylw) _ Z bcos" - es HF uy) FE ongot Saher i PROBLEMS: © The diffounkel equation of system os quien oa aa, 5 augur “See? Deliumine cthe Hequeney response § unpule Yespon ‘i Y, & aye, yl yan) = axe atr £ ae Taking FT jw)” ylw) + 5G a ¥ lw) + byl) = —juo xl) yl) [ cjuit ju re} = pwr e Hey = Yee le iy) Cjosro juts Hts IM LB Cjwt2y Guts) jw | jwtd - 2 3 jwt2 = jwr3 hy = pos &*] ue) ) uty A aif} @ Th umput vollage o the Re teheuit i> guien by xi > be t/CuLL) and Unpulre Jusponk of thes cireuil @ guin by hit) = 1 HRC uLE) - Fuad ouput ule si Outpuk ycey = xtt) x hee) InFrequeny domain ylus) = xCw) lw) and Hw) = F[htey] Hlwy * Fle ee ate] = deel Sail, v Re 14 fur ie sf) xCw)= Ff [ee Me uty) : Cnet civtge = 1 Ro” ~ +5v) (tj wrey” pavers <> sae) 4] Yew) = lw) HL) wel - OT = ———— "(a jwre Crrjw rey? (laJwee id ie _ — $e” € 1 yee: FA Nlwy) = F a RE fer ete coh Frain) Be v wy eat For sabi a J thtes| de <0 eo ; * i (pee jae = ye] -2 sled 2 = ° fot 5 rst sé ‘ae sfetar “le ey “fs T © 2 = constant [so syslum is stable ae ay Wie e” ult) [ ~, jetijae = [ethuw at fa ae = feta ee + 4 Lew (unifant 20 6 3) pie eur testable) A) RIB= Eeostucey consort o J ecost de ° 5) hey et entuley (stalte 2 fe tsate de The Aystim produces tre ofp of yeu = EF UCt for an inpul of XO = E** UL. Delamie tre npulse susporie cand Hequney “MEPOAE OF the system at — Conde standerid -fourien Txoniforn pain Cute he aor, aaj yo Mut ply and-elivide Ihe numbgator & denmmhetor by tie Hey 2 2tte fe | @rjwrtrie? og. we wie” = ate fw aw = Lajent 9 Toverse founien transform hey = arr frites} = Ste wien} tenpulse Tepons

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