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Name/Class/NIM : ______________________________


Part 1: Choose the correct relative pronoun (who, which, whose) (Score max = 10)
1. This is the man ___________ waved the kid.
2. The house ________ windows are open is beautiful.
3. The writer _______ wrote that article won the Nobel Prize.
4. He bought a car _______ runs fast.
5. He was wearing a cap __________ was black.
Part 2: Rewrite these sentences using r elative clauses (use who, whose, and which). (Score max 10)
Example : He drank the juice. He made the juice. Answ: He drank the juice which he made.
1. A lion is an animal. It is very strong.
2. A novelist is a person. He writes novels.
3. A bottle opener is a device. It opens bottles.
4. The girl speaks Chinese. Her mother writes poems.
5. A detective is someone. He discovers the truth about crimes.
Part 3: There are five conditional sentences in the following text. Please write them down and what types of each
sentence belongs to. (Score Max: 20)

Part 4 : Write down your story of life in a paragraph, then put the conditional type 0, 1, 2, 3 and mixed, and show me
the sentences by underlining each type and coding by T0 (for type 0), T1 (for type 1), T2 (for type 2), T3 (for type 3),
and TM (for Mixed type). Your paragraph word length is about 150-250 words. And use at least 5 relative pronouns.
(Score Max: 60).

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