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Paza, Luke Rogel C.


Guns are they worth the risk? Imagine a nation without the laws that regulate firearms such as
fully automatic weapons. A place where felons and the mentally ill are capable of obtaining a
firearm with ease. A nation where a parent sends their children to school hoping that they return

The purpose of a gun to many is a tool used for ending another’s life, but to me it is a tool meant
for protection and security. The fear of guns and people who carry them isn’t fair to anyone, I
think people should try to understand how guns work and why people have them, for every
person and gun is different, and educating people about both will likely make them less afraid. In
my experience guns are not easy to use or to get; you need to go through safety courses, pass
background tests, learn how to load, hold it, and aim. The people I know who have guns aren’t
trigger happy men at all, they were educated and skilled men and women who saw guns as a
means of protection, providing for their family, or a form of art.

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