Titanic Survival Analysis Report

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Titanic Survival Analysis Report

1. Survivor Analysis

This report analyzes the characteristics of survivors from the Titanic dataset.

Key factors such as Passenger Class (Pclass), Gender (Sex), and Age were considered.

The analysis revealed that first-class passengers, women, and younger passengers

had higher survival rates.

The following visualizations provide insights into the relationships between

these factors and survival.

2. Survival Manual Based on Analysis

Based on the analysis of the Titanic dataset, the following survival manual

is proposed:

1. Priority in choosing higher-class accommodations can significantly

increase survival chances in maritime disasters.

2. Awareness of emergency protocols, including the location of lifeboats

and evacuation routes, is crucial.

3. Physical fitness and swimming skills can be vital in survival situations.

4. Carrying personal emergency equipment like life jackets and signaling devices

is recommended.

5. Cooperation with fellow passengers and crew members can enhance

survival prospects.

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