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Expression future For example How can I say in Portuguese

I’ll get that. Eu vou atender.

I’ll see what I can do. Verei o que posso fazer.
This presentation is to inform you about the new company’s Serei breve.
I’ll be brief. policies. But don’t worry, I’ll be brief.
I won’t say a word. Eu não direi uma palavra.
I won’t be late. Eu não vou me atrasar.
I don’t know the answer to this question…I’ll look it up and I’ll
I’ll get back to you. get back to you. Eu voltarei para você.
I won’t tell anyone. Eu não vou contar a ninguém.
I’ll be there. Eu estarei lá.
I'll look it up I don’t know the answer to this question…I’ll look it up Vou procurar
I'll do my best. vou fazer o meu melhor.
It won’t take long. Just a second, I’ll get your test results… It won’t take long. Não vai demorar muito.
I promise I won't say Eu prometo que não direi uma
a word. palavra.

Não se preocupe, eu vou

Don't worry, I’ll get it! atender!

No problem, I'll do it Sem problemas, farei de novo.

All right, I’ll do my Tudo bem, farei o meu melhor ...

Expressing a Personal Opinion

 In my opinion,…
 I feel that…
 I would say that…
 It seems to me that…
 I am of the opinion that …
 Speaking personally…
 As I see it…
 Well, if you ask me…
 In my view…
 I think that…
Giving Reasons
 I tell you all this because …
 I base my argument on …
 I’m already thinking that because …
Expressing Personal Doubt
 I’m not sure if …
 I’m not satisfied that …
 I’m not convinced that…
 I doubt that …
Expressing Disagreement
 I’m sorry but I’m of a different opinion.
 I don’t agree with you about …
 Sorry, I can’t accept your opinion that …
Expression Support
 You took the words right out of my mouth.
 That’s a very important point.
 You are right.
 I strongly agree with you.
 You’re quite right.
Stating Something As a Fact
 Everyone knows that …
 It is normally accepted that …
 There can be no doubt that …
 As everybody knows …
 Nobody will deny that …
Enumeration of Points
 Moreover …
 In addition to that …
 Furthermore …
 First of all, I would like to say …
 First …, second …, third …
 Another example of this point is that …
Summing Up, Drawing Conclusions
 Finally …
 The obvious conclusion is …
 Summing up, I must say that …
 In conclusion, we can say that …
 To cut a long story short, …
Fillers in Conversation
 Um…
 Ok / Alright, …
 You know …
 By the way …
 What I mean is …
 So …
 Well / Well …
 Anyway …

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