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Conserve coastal marine ecosystems and their

threatened biological diversity. Ensure the
responsible use of hydrobiological resources.
Protect the archaeological and cultural
heritage for its tourist use and the welfare of
the population.

• Climate:In the RNP the average climate is

hot. The average annual temperature is
18º C, oscillating between 22º C in
February and 15º C in August. The rains
are very scarce and it occurs basically in
winter. The aridity of the area causes the
intense winds known as Paracas, which
are uncomfortable for the visitor but are
normal in this place. Although the influx
of tourists occurs throughout the year, it
is concentrated in the first four months
of the year.
Creation , Location

Creation On September 25,

1975, through Supreme
Decree No. 1281-AG.Location
In the department of Ica, in
the provinces of Pisco and
Ica. Extension 335,000.00
Headquarters: Carretera
Punta Pejerrey
The Paracas National Reserve

The Paracas National Reserve (RNP) protects representative samples of our marine-coastal ecosystems. Its
importance lies in the fact that it protects a great biological diversity that is essential for the maintenance of various
biological cycles that guarantee the conservation of species, as well as generating economic income for thousands of
inhabitants. Likewise, it protects in its interior various archaeological remains of the Paracas culture settled in a large
part of this important reserve. In addition, the RNP is included in the list of wetlands of international importance of the
Ramsar Convention (1992). It is located in part of the districts of Paracas and Salas, belonging to the provinces of Pisco
and Ica respectively, in the department of Ica. Its extension is 335,000 hectares, of which 35% belong to the mainland
and islands and 65% to marine waters. The RNP is located 250 km from Lima and is easily accessible from the South
Pan-American Highway. In it you can camp prior coordination with the Area Headquarters. In addition, a few
kilometers away is the city of Pisco and the Chaco where you can spend the night and also undertake other activities
such as a visit to the Ballestas Islands. Although, after the earthquake of August 2007, the rock formation called “La
Catedral” can no longer be appreciated, you can enjoy a unique scenic beauty that is complemented by a good
gastronomic offer and refreshing baths in the magnificent beaches of the reserve. . For bird watchers, the table is also
served, as well as for those who enjoy hiking and adventure in natural settings.
Flora and Fauna The Paracas National

ㅤ to a great biological diversity, especially in the marine-coastal part. It is estimated that there are
is home
about 216 species of birds, 36 mammals, 10 reptiles, 168 fish and a large number of invertebrates that are
the initial part of the food chain of this important place. The main bank of fan shells (Argopecten
purpuratus) in the country is found in the Bay of Independencia, where there is also an important variety of
crabs, marine snails, octopuses, sea urchins and other molluscs. Among the birds, the flamingo or
parihuana (Phoenicopterus chilensis), the Humboldt penguin (Spheniscus humboldti), the potoyunco
(Pelecanoides garnotii), the tendril (Larosterna inca) and eventually the Andean condor (Vultur gryphus)
stand out. You can also see the fur seals (Arcthocephalus australis), the funny sea lions (Otarya bironia) and
the sea cat or otter (Lontra felina). Thus, the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae), the dolphin
(Tursiops truncatus) and the dusky dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) can also be seen in the marine
waters. Vegetation is scarce in the Reserve, however some portions of coastal hills can be seen in the
highest parts of the hills formed by the effects of humidity and which serve as habitat for various reptiles,
insects, birds and some mammals.

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