Science Quiz - 2 PDF MCQ

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विज्ञान महत्वपू णण प्रश्न

Most Important Questions
( English + Hindi )


Q1. Which of the following vitamins contain cobalt-

वनम्न में से विस विटावमन में िोबाल्ट होता है -
(a) Vitamin B6 / विटाविन बी 6
(b) Vitamin B2 / विटाविन बी 2
(c) Vitamin B1 / विटाविन बी1
(d) Vitamin B12 / विटाविन बी12

Sol. Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) is a water soluble vitamin. It contains a
metallic ion cobalt.

Q2. Thiamine is:

थायमीन है :
(a) Vitamin C / विटाविन C
(b) Vitamin B2 / विटाविन B2
(c) Vitamin B6 / विटाविन B6
(d) Vitamin B1 / विटाविन B1

Sol. Thiamine (Vitamin B1) is a water-soluble vitamin that is necessary for
carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism.
Q3. Which one of the following pairs is no correctly matched?
वनम्न में से िौन से जोड़े सही ढं ग से मे ल नही ं खाते ?
(a) Vitamin A -Night Blindness
(b) Vitamin B_3 -Pellagra
(c) Vitamin D -Colour Bindness
(d) B6 –Anaemia

Sol. Colour blindness is a sex-linked genetic disorder. It does not relate to
vitamin D. The deficiency of Vitamin A causes night blindness. Vitamin B3 is
also called niacin . Its deficiency causes pellagra. The deficiency of folic acid
causes anaemia.

Q4. What are vitamins?

विटावमन क्या हैं ?
(a) Organic compound / काबब वनक यौवगक
(b) Inorganic compound / अकाबब वनक यौवगक
(c) Living organism / जीवित जीि
(d) None of these / इनिे से कोई नही ीं

Sol. Vitamins are organic compounds and a vital nutrient that an organism
requires in limited amounts.

Q5. Itai-Itai disease is caused by chronic poisoning of-

वनम्नवलखखत में से विस धां तु से इटाई-इटाई रोग होता है?
(a) Mercury/ पारा
(b) Nickel / वनकल
(c) Cadmium / कैडवियि
(d) Lead/ लेड

Sol. Itai-Itai disease is caused by prolonged poisoning of cadmium. The first
documented occurrence of mass cadmium poisoning in the world occurred
in 1950 in Toyama Prefecture in Japan. However, for the first time, the
disease was reported in 1912.
Q6. Deficiency of which vitamin can cause night blindness?
विस विटावमन िी िमी रात िा अंधापन पैदा िर सिता है ?
(a) B1
(b) C
(c) A
(d) E
Sol. Vitamin A is needed by the retina of the eye in the form of retinol, which
combines with protein opsin to form rhodopsin, the light absorbing
molecules necessary for both low light (scotopic vision) & colour vision.

Q7. The source of Vitamin ‘D’ is-

विटावमन ‘D’ िा स्रोत है :
(a) Lemon/ नीींबू
(b) Sun rays/ सू रज की वकरणे
(c) Orange /सीं तरा
(d) Cashewnut / काजू
Sol. The source of Vitamin D is sun rays. In fact, vitamin D is synthesized in
our dermal cell by sun rays which is released in the blood. Besides of sun ray,
Vitamin D is obtained from butter, the yolk of egg, liver, and kidney, etc.
Rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults occur due to deficiency of
Vitamin D. Together with Calcium deficiency of vitamin D causes
osteoporosis in older adults.

Q8. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the code
given below the lists:
List I List II
(Disease) (Cause)
A. Nightblindness 1. Vitamin D(विटावमन D)
B. Rickets 2. Vitamin C (विटावमन C )
C. Scurvy 3. Vitamin B( विटावमन B )
D. Beri-beri 4. Vitamin A( विटावमन A )
Code: / िोड :
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 3 4 1 2
(c) 4 1 2 3
(d) 2 3 4 1

Sol. Nightblindness is caused due to deficiency of vitamin A, Rickets caused
due to deficiency of vitamin D, Scurvy is caused by deficiency of vitamin C
and Beri-Beri is result of deficiency of Vitamin B1.

Q9. Water soluble vitamin is-

जल में घु लनशील विटावमन है -
(a) Vitamin A / विटाविन A
(b) Vitamin C / विटाविन C
(c) Vitamin D / विटाविन D
(d) Vitamin E / विटाविन E

Sol. Vitamin B and C are water soluble vitamins whereas A, D, E and K are
fat-soluble Vitamins.

Q10. Vitamin ‘C’ help in absorption of which of following elements?

विटावमन ‘C’ वनम्नवलखखत में से विस तत्व िे अिशोषण में सहायता िरता है ?
(a) Iron /आयरन
(b) Calcium /कैल्शियि
(c) Iodine /आयोडीन
(d) Sodium /सोवडयि

Sol. Vitamin C is helpful in iron absorption whereas vitamin D helps in
absorption of magnesium and calcium.

Q11. Which one of following hormones stimulates pancreas for the

production of digestive juice?
वनम्न में से िौन सा हामोन पाचन रस िे उत्पादन िे वलए अग्न्याशय िो उत्ते वजत
िरता है ?
(a) Rennin /रे वनन
(b) Trypsin / वटि ल्िन
(c) Secretin / से क्रेवटन
(d) Pepsin / पेल्िन
Sol. Secretin is a hormone that stimulates pancreas for the production of
digestive juice. Secretin also helps to regulate the pH of the duodenum by
inhibiting the secretion of gastric acid from the parietal cells of the stomach.
It also stimulates the contraction of the pancreas.

Q12. Yeast is an example of

खमीर _____ िा एि उदाहरण है
(a) Bacteria /जीिाणु
(b) Fungus / किक
(c) Virus / िाइरस
(d) Algae / िैिाल

Ans. (b)
Sol .Yeasts, molds and mushrooms are example of fungi.

Q13. Which of the following is a source of bio-fertilizer?

इनमें से िौन सा जैि उिणरि िा स्रोत है ?
(a) Yeast / ख़िीर
(b) Chlorella /च्लोरे ल्ला
(c) Azolla / अज़ोल्ला
(d) Mold /फफूींद
Ans. (c)
Sol. Azolla has the capability of nitrogen-fixing. That is way it is being widely
used as a bio-fertilizer, especially in parts of southeast Asia.

Q14. Fish generally breathe through

आम तौर पर मछली _______ िे माध्यम से सााँ स ले ती है :
(a) Skin / त्वचा
(b) Nose / नाक
(c) Gills / गलफडा
(d) Fins / पींख

Sol. Fish use gills to breath and gills can only bring in oxygen when moist.
Out of water, a fish’s gills dries out and then the fish dies.
Q15. The sugar present in DNA is :
DNA में मौजूद चीनी है:
(a) Glucose / िकबरा
(b) Fructose / फ्रुक्टोज
(c) Deoxyribose / डीओल्रिबोस
(d) Ribose / राइबोज़

Sol. The deoxyribose is sugar found in DNA. It is a variant of five carbon
sugar called ribose. The DNA is an informational molecule found mainly in
the nucleus of the cell.
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