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PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION LET REVIEWER 2022 - 150 ITEMS FINAL COACHING MARVEN S. LANGUITA, LPT 1. What is the primary advantage of active learning techniques (disgussion, role play, gaming, etc.) in instruction? A. Higher thinking B. Problem solving GC. Student engagement 1D. Focus on questions, not answers 2. These are rights given the child in indigenous minorities, but NOT to Include __ A. to profess hissher religion B. to enjoy his/her eulture G. to use hisiher own language D. to be exempted from formal education 3. Which of the following simulation to abstract the Feal world learning? A. Chess B. Role playing ‘©. Monopaty 1D, Scrabble 4. Following the principles for punishing students, ‘which of the following is the LEAST desirable strategy for classraqm management? ‘A. Punishing while angry 1B. Give punishment sparingly €. Punishing the erring student rather than the entire class 'D, Punishing while clarifying why punishment is done 5. What kind of literary works are very creative by way ‘of descriptive language and dramatic episodes? A. Fiction novels B, Historical account ©. Biography D. Autobiography 6, What is the descriptor for a numerical grade of 95 as level of proficiency? A, Satisfactory B. Outstanding ©. Very Satisfactory D. Did not meet expectations 7. There are more elementary schools than high schools run by government, This can be traced to this era, A, Pre-lispanic B. Spanish C. American D. Japanese 8, Which behavior does a great teacher who can ‘emphasize with his/her students display? ‘A. Feels what students feel B, Expects students to understand hisiher feelings: ©. Gives no assignment D. Makes test easy 9. Amang models. of reading strategies, what did student Loma adopts when she read back and farth, attending te both what is in her mind and what's on the page? A. Down-Top B. Interactive ©. Top-Down D.Bottoms-Up 10. Of the following questions, which relate to metacognition? A, How is this done? B. Am H earning well enough? C, What facts did | know? D. When did this event occur? 114. Which is an implication of a positively skewed distribution? ‘A, Students have high I B, There was mastery af the lesson C. Teaching was effective D. Teaching was not effective 12, In Piaget's theory, and individuals adjustment ta ew information is called ‘A. Accommodation B. Adaptation ©, Assimilation D. Organization 13, Far effective teaching-leaming, there is no such thing as “one-size-fits-all”. What does this imply? A. Allow students lo use their cellphones in cla B. Ahvays end up with a lesson summary ©. Use performance tests since they are more reliable. D. Consider multiple Intelligences In teaching. 14, Which philosophy supports universal values in education, as there are important in molding young minds towards broad ideals such as demaracy, freedom, human rights? ‘A. Essentiaiism B. Behaviorism C. Existentialism D. Empiricism 15. In his history class, teacher Naom) uses a current events 1Q contest to determine champions in identifying people, places, and events. What learning objectiva/outconve does she aim to achieve? A. Application B. Knowledge or recall ©, Responding D, Perpetual abilities 16, Which of thase {s a tool to faster creativity? A. Case analysis, B. Debate C. Brainstorming D. Feedback 17. Operant conditioning can be applied to classroom by A. Connecting facts and concepts B. Fostering conducive leaming environment ©. Using reinforcement D, Using manipulative devices 1B, During classroom-tevel ef curriculum implementation, the stratagies that work are classified as “green,” Which of the following belangs in this category? ‘A. Content delivery based on lessons B, Excess in chalkboard talk C. Homogeneous student grouping D. Student interest and teacher enthusiasm 19. Which situation best illustrates the concept of growth? ‘A. A kinder pupi gains 2 pounds within twa months. B. A high school student gets a scare of 85 in mental ability test ©. An education student has gained knowledge on ‘approaches and strategies in teaching d subjects. D. An elementary grader has learned to play piano, 20. In what year was the K-12 offered te incoming Grade 1 to Grade 7? A.2011-2012 B, 2012-2013 ©2013-2014 D. 2016-2017 21, Jay exceeded the threshold of the prescribed umber of absences during the school year, but his teacher stil gave him same considerations. ts it acceptable? A. No, without the consent of the school head. B, Yes. C.No. D. Yes, provided that the student will be given warning. 22. Teacher Mark will be talking about venomous animals in his next meating, Which among these Is the least likely of his options a8 teaching materials? A, mock-ups B, models C.realia D. illustrations 23. What does a difficulty index of 0.82 mean? The testis A. Easy B. Very Easy C. Difficult: D. Moderate: 24, Which of the follawing does not belong te the metacognitive reading activities? A. Prodicting B. Testing . Sampling Perceiving 25. Who stressed the idea that students.cannot eam if their basic needs are not met. A Miller Maslow C. Westheimer D. Thorndike: 26. Happiness is different from the pleasure in being an abiding consequence of result which is not destroyed, even by the presence of pain. The best iiustration of this principle is _ A. A student topping the board exam B.A mother giving birth C. An engaged getting married D. A jackpot winner collecting his prize 27. Of the follewing, the most important for ctassroom managementis A. The classroom is conducive to learning B. Latecomers are duly noted. C. Instructional tools are used. D. The students are quite in class. 28. One of the rights of the students is the right to make decisions in selecting alternative field of work. ‘This is an adherence to: a philosophical foundation of education. Identity the philosophical basis. ‘A. Behaviorism B, Constructivism Existentialism 28, Confucius asserted that in teaching there should be no distinction of classes. Confucius teaching is in support of __. Education for All (EFA) B, Moral Recovery Program C. Back-to-the-Basics D. Values Education 20. The index difficulty of a particular test is 0.10, What does this mean? My students __ A. gained masyery over the item B. performed very well against expectation . found that the test item was wither easy nor difficult (D. find the test iter difficult 31. In what way can teachers uphold the highest possible standards of quality education? A. by putting dawn ather professions to lift the status, ofteaching B. by working out underserved promotions C. by continually improving themselves personally ‘and professionally D. by woaring expensive clothes to-change people's poor perception of teachers 32. In Erikson’s Stages of Theory of Development, which of the following needs to be developed from the: child (1% to 3 years old)? ‘A. Autonomy B. Initiative C. Industry BD. Trust 33, The principle of individual differences enables a teacher to ‘A. Requires much time to teach B. Reduce student engagement in learning C. Treat all ieamers alike while inside the classroom: D. Provide different activities to meet student needs 34. To ensure high standards of teacher's personal and professional development, one must refer te the ‘qualification standards to the POF. What does POF ‘stand for? A. Philippine Qualty Framework 'B. Philippine Qualifications Framework C. Philippine Qualifications Focus 1D. Philippines Qualification Framework 38. Among mistaken goais in the Acceptance Approach to disdpline, what happens when students |s66k to hurt others to make up for being hut or rejected? A Attention getting 1B. Power seoking C. Revenge seeking Withdrawal 36. The theory of behawiorism focuses on the study of A. Logical reasoning 1B. Abstract reasoning C. Observabie and measurable behavior 1D. Covertibenavior 37. What dows o dilficully index of 0.20 mean? The testis A Easy 1B. Ditfcat (C.Very Ditheu D. Very Easy 38. Tescher Dave wants to develop the ability of ‘sound judgment inthis students, Which of the following quesbons should he ask? A. With the elements of @ good paragraph in mind, which one is best written? 1B. Of tho characters of the story, with whom da you identity yourself? ‘C. What is the essayist saying about judging other people? 1D. Why is there so.much poverty in a country where: there is plenty of natural resources? 39. Which of the following will you do if somebody confided to you an offense which will implicate your brother? A. Find oul the whole acoount of the matior B. Tell him to report the matter to authorities . Advise the person whe confided to you to get the “services of tho lawyer D. Encourage him to keep quiet 80 ax not to implicate your brother 40. Which modes of delivery apply to the «IMPACT ‘system? |. Programmed teaching . Pewe-group leaning HL, Individual study AL Mand tt B. land ii ©. thang ti D. only in 41. The index difficulty of @ particular test item: is 0.10. ‘What does this mean? A. Students gained mastery aver that item: and found out easy. B. Students found that the test Rem was very difficult C. Students found that the test item neither easy nor ‘cifficutt, ©. Students performed very well against expectation 42. Upon pron consent of parents and school authorities, religion may be taught in Philippine schools ‘A.within regular dass hours B. afer class C. during vacanl period D. after recess 43. Under the aflective domain of leaning, what includes active attention to stimuli such as acquiescence, willingness to answer, and feelings of satisfaction. A Veluing B Organization C Characterization D. Responding 44, Who among the following needs less verbal counseling but needs more concrete and operational forms of assistance? The child who ‘A. has mental retardation ‘8. has attention-deficit disorder C, has learning disability D. has conduct disorder 45, With grading practice in mind, what is meant by toachor's severity error? A, He uses tests and quizzes fer punishment B. He tends to favor high-performing students, ©. He tends to give lower grade than what is Supposed to be. D, He gives way to students’ who ask for reschedule of the test 46, Which of the following activities best develops creative thinking? ‘A. Sounding out words while reading B. Giving an alternative ending fora story read CG. Looking at the authors biography D. Rejecting the promises of tho author 47. An assessment used to evaluate the effectiveness of instruction at the end of a specific course Is referred toa ___ assonsment A formative 8. surimative C. scholastic apthude D. general aptitude 48, Industry vs. inferiority stage and development of Competence is associated wath what level? ‘A. Preschool B. Elementary schoo! G. High school D. Tertiary wove! 49, Who it retained in the same grade level for Grade 1 to 107 Any students who did not meet expectations ‘A. In three oF more learning areas 8. In 2 teaming areas €. In four earning areas D. As shown in the general avi 50. Leticia strives hard to excel in oratory. Which would explain best her effort? A Desire to satisfy aesthetic needs B. Desire for security D. Desi 51, Among components jn the instructional framework, for learning strategies, which \s demonstrated by teacher Jiny who worked together with her students on a skill or task and figure oul haw to apply the skill? A. Independent practice B. Guided practice: G. Consatidation D, Review 52. Which criterion should guid choice of instructional devices? ‘teacher in the: A Cost B. Novelty ©. Appropriateness D, Attractiveness 83, What kind of classroom management is applied in the case of Teacher San who attends to every situation as it comes hoping to meet it as it comes without much foresight and preparation? A Heading-on B. Proactive ©. Reactive D. Reinforcing 54. In problem-based leaning. which kind of problem should the teacher give? | With one answer 1. With one solution 1. With many possible answors All Bill ©. Vand tl D, Wand Ii! 55, Among the follewing questions, which is not applicable to metacegnition? ‘A, How will | know if lam foaming at an appropriate rate? B, Do | know what | need to know? ©. Did | undorstand what | just har, read or naw? 1D, What factual information have | retained? 56, PE teacher, Renz, want his students to learn haskotball in a practical way. What kind af simple inexpensive can he use to achieve the outcome of the students knowing to apply the rules in the game”? A, Lecture using videos B, Lecture, demonstrate, simulate , Play and be skilful in the game D. Use successtul athletes as resource persons 57. Which Pillar of Education pertains to the overall development of the human person as an individual and as.a member of the society’? A, Learning to Know B, Loaming ta Live Together ©. Learning to Do D, Learning to Be ‘58. Based on DapEd's present grading system, which af the following are recorded and graded? |. Formative assessment Il, Summative assessment i Assessment of learning, A Vand It B. and iil C.J and i 1,1, andl th 59. Joshua got a final grade of 88 in his Mathematics ‘subject. Which best describes his. performance? A, Fairly Satisfactory B, Outstanding C. Very Satisfactory D. Satisfactary ‘60. What is the deseriptor for a numerical grade of 73 a8 level of proficiency? A, Satistactory 8. Outstanding C. Falrly Satistactory . Did Not Meet Expectations 61. In the DaptEd's grading systern, what are the components of summative assessment? A. Written, Performance, and Periodical Assessment 8, Written, Paper and Pencil, and Performance Tasks C.Whitten, Attendance, Projects, Objective-Type ‘Tosts, and Achiovonent Tost (. Written, Periodical, National Achievement Te and National Career Assessment Exam 62. When classes began, Teacher Dan asked student in pairs 10 interview and introduce each ather to the