Computer Network Handwritten Notes? Watermark Watermark

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Hl peo ComputeR Networks tt Computer Nehwork, bia So ; connecte Pomel ae A computes aiehmork. ts a Ack eet elie x : An Mmple terms Compalers connected Joa MNebwork + A melwwork is a- hot of devices Hak ane connected with a phuypical media Mink. In a nelwork Jno es reo reden ane ; tonnecked by prscical Mek or 40 ey more ee 1 by wne or more nedea, A node Can be any device et Capable of sendin, or acceiving the dota. -the Linke cetrmmet ‘ Me nodea ane Srown as communication channels, Im simple deem, nelwork is a colleen of devices conneded| FO eodA athet Jo allows sharing, of dala | tt Bob Widdory - 2dr 1969 , ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Nelwork) becomes Me piri connectecl compures Welwork + W implemented Ine +CP/1e profocal, whidh Jaber become Hae Indeoneh FARPANET wos developed ky Advanced Reacarehreney (ARE Ja Aublet- of US Deporkment Aefence (dob), T why did Hoe DOD need Jo clevelep Nebwork Compudert ? TF Becowoe of Fre Cold wan bel” US 2 UssR(UnionSoviel Sexy rt Refubli the goal ap aepanee OD JO keep Lines {v. eee Of COmmunicahon apen 4 dhe USA ond tre USSR decied 40 Eechany nucleon devicer 2 ARPANET vevelhonizedd communication, by woing Packeh-Awild! jarhead of direck Connection Data Mah > Commurnitabed Soroush o Packet -gusilehi. buydlem is formated Into packels with an adar ert of Destination madre, anch kent onto Hre nekrork ond Pldksup by Ke Rept Madnine, The addwens in protacal- tells Whe muthine where Jo Rend he pares This wt she into. wilt reach ibs intended deinaken, oven } evoWide Ub dhanged ob stanbord He Oriuectity oh Oth UCLA (Untuertiby of California LA) ard UCSB Cunwertity of, Guede, Sante Ronbena) ‘I SI foml- =H Batic Terms in Gmputer Neboook:, Chienk' 2 dient 1s 0 computer Rardwone oevice ox felfwcone hoe OCEmeM arenvice made -avediable by a Acuver..The penevig 8 offen Cat not always) Jocated on o seponake phytical comp, d Ey Sewers. a seever isa phyricol compubet decicated 40 va 7] Aericen sto sexe the needs: obrer computes Deena on G The -servicto Haak ts winning .U could be a fe pervert, al olababovse peavey, Home _media sesver, ouint cower, wer pewer 4 ; : (dient EASE] Ba Hort - A nest is a computer, cmmiked Jo other compubers for whidyd U Provides dala ov sewvices over He nelwork antheory, every 4 compuker connected Jo a nelwork at on a her to other 4 peers on She network 7 By Peer. A Peey ts a robe tha provides the some femckionality | OS Cree . Bx two computer, In nehwork. one peers, er computer ana or herver are not peers 02 thers Perform 4 dillerert eperahe> ] A peer Ss femetinny or Fomeane That ty on equal mewrber OUP where Hrexes dome Hind of meloonship bel Ine | members of He group. 1 Z] Bomdridlh: debmork lenduity is a meaanemert tnabicobeg (eee : The maveimum capacity) of wired or wirelens communication — Dink By frawomit olatg aver a network. connector ina gluen awrcumt of Hoe TypicAlly shandwidHy “is wepreseded dntne numbers of bis, Kilobits, megabits or gigabits. tnal-con be * trowonlWeck in b Aecond, eae with capacihy handwidhh decceibes daha Hanger rate, shedk Speed , Speed refers 40 robe abwhidh doda canbe brenen pote Pre bandwith is ihe capadhy fer tor Speed Lares = 102 bits /s simlops = 1090000 lays Jibps : 1700 ats /g Nw 5G | Ainjovmdbion ts jranoported from oor dala packels acrons nek, They ane usually gor ok igqulon JWewols and sake vr Mee tate ; a 8c amount ef Hine. Tittey is when Shese by o Sime Delon im She yendiag, of thene dala packets ower yout neko. connetion, Andy iy ofEn camsed by Wework congetion ond & HOKE clramged - er dda pls lake toannive, the moore jitew con ai Ahe nao) fmgat ine video ond audio quality + eH Packels' (\ packel fra rmelll begirens of doowe menerre Doda ’ went ate compubes wehwente Cudre Themed, is divided ito dren necombined ‘x ~vwwwuuey tre bers padeeks Tnege eackels ane ae : ox device Arar viecieven hem ' @ Packer Headey :- A packet nendes isa *lobkk of, nort, wid dlitecomiasle asia : Provides information cbeud-We packel} corkents, ongin , deatinahio~ Packels conrict of bno portione: tne Heades & the pojtoad . : , ThE Meader Contodws info cont Ane packel; pub os origin dealinaben i IP addrers ete. while ane paysoad ws actual gala. By Seamenty ety Bre Tranpork povlecal is TCP He unt of, dade pend ' from TCP to nehwovk layin 1s called segments, Dy Frame :- A prame |s ogo a unit of lala, uk 1s & rotocal Dako Unit a Daka Lak lowes ‘ ore oThe PDU of Tramtper: dosjer i> carleck a9 Keaprments othe PDU of Nekwork Layes bs collec oo Packels othe PDU of Dala Unk dower Ss cabled 00 Framer. Ear Local Hort + twcal wart *s Your aur compude, Local hovt can be Acer of Aedver Hah ' uoedl am yor awn compufers borat Hart Lao Me UW Add + 127,0,9,4, GI Pik Rate: Une cauleg .q ire procen oh teanieg binary dale jolo a Hac mene gral is kdown as Lane cod ‘take »- ork. ConnecHows con Senc ils very feu. we maraune Hak speed wring git-vad ‘ ae ees ae ¢. The Kueoerr of hits of date Mele u + Gel Lotency :. Lobenery menounos howstobke sHhe bils anntve, Lodenca ts Hae Dy, e between : : an the Sending ahaova m89.enc! veclautng Op BrAE mg , metrownred Yn mis sere 8 Ey Nase a Deca icn) endesined toual in communicator viseuih | Dbise isa unwanted aidurbance superimposed gv a rock Aipnal whech fends 4o abecune Us infosmabian cones er Dpep : thesmal, Intermodetation , Crypsdolle omaimpulse vali 177) Brttenvation >. Dpenuction mecurs ROAb of Moral renga iA a ee : : nelworking eables Or Connechors, Wis 1S wnrensuncd in cleeiblb OB or Voltage ond can occu due to vonitey 4 dodeors,, tt cause Fo became alivlorled or neisce mie Gy fy wifi Hove) 1 hveng vs «3 weaken Khan fhe rouker . Dislorhon'. inteswughon of Frananwithing ay ee undleon necegton. ind eee ie = ao eel a Inna %s WEB and whakt tne Difference bel” webd interneh? Eo The Taleanet ts a globol network of nebworts usbile Ihe welo or World Wide Welr(uww) isa collector of injormadion Srab is atcerseo| via Mae inteanck, @Ahke infemed is inprerdeuchme while Lhe Web Is servecl on bop of, “thot infrowtruchure, @ Web apelicahons voek UTTP profucal void is a Loner over TCP mp Proce wheres frlernet applications can eitrer use TCPOr UP protocal CUTTY bb ~ ott Ranemivsion Media . > Atrenamirrion media a path pefueen Hanamitter2 Receiver. » the. de BS the crannel Wrrongn whic, date 1S Aert fpram one ploce » +0 anothers : Tranamivvion Medial [cReneemetion Mesa] 2 er ts Pp Guided 5 Media Cowie! |[GpHca} Ine) Micro | cable | Hote cobte Ohipline ee : 2B IGuided Media '- wired ox Rounded Godhansmirtlgn Medin, > - Riguals belng trawemitied via physical tink. ; Fealured—* High dpeed > © £eoune : * Used tox ehorter aielene &. > Ress > E) Beidled Pedr lhe» const oh 2 ceporably innutaled corductorwines ’ wound about each ober, geveral pucr pairs ane wundieck 5 dogehver ia protective theoth. Twodyped # Ondhielded TIwirledl Poi (ure)| @ Sh elded dwivted Pair ; —rcowristel trp inouladed copper wite., Cowret of pecial jackel (Copper boaid Bae orcund eour other gevead or feil yhild)’ 5 kboue eoternad ability LO plode intes e lnkerpeGence ee en pocypteol mck deer Doi Vn folat olota gate heme, 3 Used: in rhes-tbelephonic Appbiahe More Empenave # Bully edlilf, tofadall + Leovet Ex penaive + Enos to instal ta igh “Better perhormance; + hark aivtonce srememiction dus te httienuahon, BU) Conpial Cable ' It han an enter plactic pena containing on Gasudabion Jayer anne of PUC or Telfer ond 2 parattel conductors cack roving Aegerated maalated proleckion coven, Ttonomit [emakion Iq two modes! O Roseband mode! decticated cable Rand uslhr © Povad bard mode? calle bandwith is Apik into Aeponabe yonged. PCOLLES Ts and en TW nelworle. work con etl cables ie Ouler Corkducloy Plartoue? Mela nner Cb f, y—— —* Conductor J \ Cmosn, wie) Thoclalor —“netobor Deve : . isadwdon f !- Bo Gordilth + Better Neige deomurilsy| OEE) + Easy to ferlall one tgpand elnerpewaiue % - a Cur) Oelicol Fiber Cable". ae uses Se cencegk- of sebledion ob Ligh Hhsoug o cove mode Up a} qo or plaakc ame core is sumouncled by 0 Jess clenne glans ov plarkc colted cladding, *This te aoedd ae Jrovominion of Lag volumes af acta ee athie can be undrectieral oy phlivedional. Gbye Satip Cove Pine Ly Lfondusaty, | Distentey decreas GA capacity LRandns “s a z Ugitwes ee Ye ae Rincdrbey © Les Aigral Aenuntion igh com Pee detiremagnche sler{erente : Fegi t + Perittance fo covmomve coabe cial e CY) Sdofplint + bis o dronavens Clechame Sromaminon Ling Median lavewbed toy Dvbert- I. Bennett in tos, *Saviptine & Mae eantitot formes ghonen dranemiedon Line *Unen « conduchee madenal Jo drenamit high frequency woe, t Tein Wot conducting wrdevial is fanaluvidhed bo nog aby od plANE vdhidh WD MicroPsiplin ee One: Wowol\y Mratted Jo Pence immuril q re WES ANE Conduukas material i) Aeponated from dhe around alone tay @ Lager abide © Q Unguided Meadiq + aro wmehewed Oo Wirelens Or Un bounded dscwarivtey eredic NO. phuysical mectium {s wequived. Fealunen-+ tne gual 18 Broadecal eck “ova als oleae hecme © Udeck for dove Airlences, “Tre 1. U2 Radio Waved '. ean fogenerake © Can penetree Havoug(h buildings # Sending & Recieving antennas need vist te aligned. : ePoreve F 2¥te ~ 16H, eAME LM wodies and corddens Phones user Rodie woues wuwe Sitlero wanes. « gemdina amet Recleving orlennas necth $0 be Property Aigue wilh ead oMAeg *Dirlance coveneel bey hgvals i leectly gvoportionall 0 Wleisbof , onkenra ) Fe. Range’ 1 GHy~ 20062. cpa at 2 Moinly used Jor mobile phone communicshem & TeevitdonDirtsibeHe Gi Anvaved » + Useot for Krk dirtance communrahor : * Comnel penrekrote Hero ugh olavtateD © Cre. Range : 300 GYe~4O0TH , * Uneok In AV Remote, wireless mouse eke. Hf Compater Nebunrke Devices ! Ty Hub |. ewores ab sical Doerr awd hence connect devicen Phupticalty oT woes Titled poly colahes to connect dewicea. ethey ome clerwignred 40 aranomil the packeks $v okher appended devices witha seine oa re rowamitted patkebs recieved, oth Vramernite re Who of Hae four i, doter perczet 3s devhines forthe device connected or n8t Two Cakegorsen te Ci) Active Hub(Repeoters]:. emabter Wren tre paodive Hub, they provide pedh dor aignils olso dhey sregennrate concent rate anal dl en the befere Bending, 4 deakinnkitn. Ur ii alto cated as "Repeaters ’ CHPassive Nub!-thes move Like a palab contact forstre wives Jo tou in Hoe Heol Network Ther hove naticles de do with wrodting “Hye gnats. a eces Q Peete act Tateulee formeching vrabtile Ehemnd: deviven + ae we ae ye peahowrtee lle femchiows a a piegte unl pactines ew j Na Sears of fepecd. = altepten mode udhere claonce of, yf of Sar Hine, petnesy Noy © communrdaden 9 calidon ane inevitable Me Ty Switcher + suitches one ae Rinknge pelts ohm elcid raion “SBevken in susichen one conneded tesovgfe Swicteok pol cohen *Swilcheo tronater atala peukOls only to Wal po wshid {iy conneded Jo 2 deoinabon deuiced « A guvidaco doed 0 or Wauiny Toubktrin J eormnrg of MAC addvens. ob cleviees connected bo uh *Since transealerion ab cater wares ane wei\dehined jo guile hever tha ea dase aces ee nekwovle ps eed ‘ + Swikeheo on Sees Ya Boat lugler rede. wdhene deviced pend drecrived 4 dala pimublancovaty, a cons i BY Modern. 1. modulator “Demodulcdor (modem) is device a 4 TT cemtuter -gennaled disial thyale $0 ovstog gras, ansk oto capobhe of again comedies analog rigvald to edged erigrals ok necsltas 4) Common ypen tadader- wally duper modern tush japlen modem, 2 wire modem, ‘ Hewine modem, Syndarandaa smd Asyndronous mudem, Modem plands for Mod wlthos-Demodutakor device anxirls computer in Arawapersing lata and injosmahon aver telephone dined. 3 Dock an mod 1 When Ur converts aligital dato Info onatey aignod and | uF od an clemadwlaloy exhor, U eanverts analog into aligled wegrd By Gosewans A Gateway is nota Warduane device Use, th isa ‘a bismwone whidr cave conpipvaon selling of Hee deuce emoedty Hae geteweny addyeas in rouders is (92.16B.0.1 OF L92168, 1.4, a Ak acks 04 O'Gote' belween Iwo nebworks, UW mary oe ‘route or hireroalj:) sewer or etree deviced Haak enables traffic bo blow in ond eu 4 dhe nekwork while ¢ aetewory Proteds Hre nudes willin neduodd, 7 tk algo » node chselly (QQ wih Rowers! Frnalan ke modem ts atzo Madutator and Demodulator | tre addiional Lealuore os wiretens connect uty whats codred anuiif, nek POLS ond ‘ths hav! wl, 4 dk hos 4 elven q RO “DULE Ao thal conned WU pC ard FEVICLD modem Tahernel” with wixed asusreeng, DEED Routers: waren a device in LAN need 30 communteake wills o > device on onolres SAR LAN , Ur mut pend Ara{ic to 0 specialized device Connected to tre LAN ealial a Paubes. whose purpose iy Ho Wind she beat path for ake messoge Jo Soke to onnive of Ye Nnkended woe device, cmd bo Rend Bre manne along OH woy, Jfollewsien, path. i + Bonkers one nedevorl $ayer devices end ane particularly identified ; Bd Layer~s devi We OS! Medel. makest pyoratga addyenwing iAtpsmalion in dhe Nobuo. ted header of Me Padkeh pun ao IP Addwens. toed * Ur haw tre ability to conne ck oMesirclan LAN on Hae home Cree eos . Undronalaty | ~ . 5 ee 5 ‘ ant : Toon a Router receives Mme dala, Ur dekerm oe enttcabion oddae \ by eadinn ahe header of the packek Onen Weaddsens ts deleemined , Ue peondh®d in Us Roukag dalle by get kneve Wow $0 wweadn Lhe destnakon ond tren fo 4 Pre packel to te Weer Wop on tre TRUE, Ane Wop cod be Hre tinal chertinahon or another reuters, Roubiog tablet Ur plays a very plvoleh vole in letting Mre vouber maken decision, Thus 0 routing Sable Is 0 bo be updated anc complete, Ane woos Through vdsidA o vouker Com vedieve tnpormahion ane !- ‘A shasic Poubing:- re voukian lprmakin ts fea into Ursroubs } Johle -mandly, Ur doeo wecomed 0 Hare~tedelng tour gets prone bo eras ao well. static Routing it feasinte for Hanieat environment wih minimum of one or Routers, GY Dynamic Routing: Pox Longer environment of Dynamic Peubing prover 4o be ME practical golubion, The precer involves wdeob pecutian routing protocals bo held communtiealion. tne pangpese af Frese protetal 7s to enable Hre other wouter, fo Srensfer “ehprmetion oleunt ober routerxs. 40 Hat rhe akner wouters can built thar ew soubrs bobles. fg) GIGI! Re peodes Ty voed Jo eafend dhe ACFE of adie A} Ho Hak the Agnal can cover Longer distances, O repeale- is aw electronic device Hho veckelved o pelgnol ond we-bronamibs Uk, Repeaters is uoed for wiser medium Go well ao ewireless meaium, Typenot Repeadexs 2 Anato eee * Dis epeoter * MiXowoue Repeater # SobcUite Re pealer © WG Reperter/LoLANn Repeoter «LTE Repeater » Optcol Repeaters pwue Se pe — {3} Bridges A beccuase They cen polentiellys plecd ond ley o Jonge nebwerk hanes A® WWele ohilty ty Pevedeant dala to all the notes if Hrey dont Inow Whe deakinahion voder mat Address A bridge is a type of, nefwork device Shak provide interconnection evitn eb bridne netwosks Hak uses Wee Jame protocal, A A beSdye 13 a compakes networlddlevice Mat builis the connection BAW Shee bridge nekworks Hak u0ed the Kame pretecal, 4 Th works ab the Data Link layer Of Hee OSI modeR each connecks 4 Aillevent nelworles fagelrer amd develops communication behveed rem, 4 Bridyes one Aloilon to repeater A Hubn Pa Hrakthey brnadcant clgg Av every node, However Baidge maintain dhe Media Acres Cont CmAC) addvers Table ao poor as Ahey dittover: mew segments, go Subsequent tranamistions ane gent toenly Jo fhe clemzed veupiert, 4 bridlge woes olatabare to ascertain where Jo pach tranemit or discord) the olatey prome 4 Oo 'h Fre frame secelved by He badge is meant por a4 Sejm Wok oevides$ on We Save hot nebvosk. ir ySil\ paos tne yrange Eo tab pede and 4 he Neceivivd bridge wil tren cligcand UF a DU Wwe bridge relive o prame worse node met hadreos Isepane 4 somnected nekwork, tk will yormsond the freime foward tr, 4 “Wed Trawaponent Bride © Seunce Povte Beane OAronslahion Roidge 4 mohwark loeige Aewice 14 primarily used tn Lang Lot Aan ao [0] Broukens!. Browters one re combinabion of bern he bridge oma) vouters.they lake up Hre funckionality of tre beth etusertieg 7 devices sewvieg 20 4 ‘oatda e when farwondiry dakar belwees a Nebworks awh Aewvirg) ONO router when hing dola +0 | Nadividlnad syttenns, 4 Brouters funclion 07 a filles dha alles forme deter inte Hae local rebroork onc vedizec UnkMoON dala Fo Hre ether nekeork Broukers operate of both ste nehuok lay eo for moutable oro And ak te clata fink layer for non-youtabte prOtocals Ay nek A continue Joloecome move compen a mix oh both youtaele and | nen veutable protouls Kan led to he need Op Phe combined deabesves 4 Arde and routers 4 BSwoubers handle’ 20th woutable ond nan routeble -featnen lay | ockya as vroules Yor Toutable protoals omol lortges hoy ae | 1 protecal, POD Nettle Card | alto Eneven aa nebwork Interface Card (16%) ore horduane deutces Har connetts a computer with Wee nebwore +k is fastallead on bre mather 'boond “they ore veaponsible Jor developigg > Pryeteal connection behueen Dre rrekwork. cna Hre computer, Computers clata is tranalded into electvical signals gerd to'the nebwok, Nia Nekwosk, luterfeice Cand ‘ eThey, also wrange Gore importonh dolar corsieviion Punchion, Network Profocd | Network protorals clefine o Jangumre of inabudion And convenHons for communication behween the nelwork devices, Ub is emenal Hat a nebworked computer must have one ox more Protocol ctrivers. Usually Jor uso Compuderd 0 jaberconneck on a network. hey must yoo ternal protecals, Aba Hmes Computers Ase clesiqned +o uso mulhiple pyotocsls, Wetwosk Protocols Like WT TP, TCP/IP ebjer @ bowl an yohich much of Pdesner pticlt . Integrated SewviccoDigilal Nebwoast(isON) ‘~ ISDN ane used bo Aend ever geophicel ex audio data filo, Ib is a WAN Technolagy hat can be woed in place of adial up Link. Uk gumely prodiveo Wigley Speed Kron a modem and nao tre capability Jo pick “Up the Line and okop Ub considerably ab faster role. GCECEE VU UUUUYEOUNUYUOGOE woe xX At Unicaok , Bxoadcaot & Mutticasf- ; Conk. cant Seem aignifies rome dala(stream of packets) t's being tremomitte, : ~ HHo He siecipien from chiont a Onicasty- *Qne - to- One sranomiscion emtnis type of, informedion thank{er is woeful when rere is pankcipober divghe sender avd Male recipient for tobe | a olevice cent) 1P Gdelvens 106142.0. fra nehwoord work by Stad the teabbic Mreomn( Paucets) to Ure device wilh \Paddsend BOntRoA 2 im olher network , Hien unicaot comes Inte pickne, TRS MRE mea common form of dake treamofer over he Mehwodd vu » ) > > > ) , —~ - eel oof , @ @ \ ' © eS = as soot ts _O foperbpzan dic EY Broedcant ) Grendcasti . — Broadcoot t Broad casting transfer Cone- to-alt) hechniques con be daonifted into Woo bypeat: WOLvited Brood canting + Suppose You Kaue So rend socom of peuckeks, ee A AN devices over She nebwork Sirah You mekide, 4Mis Broad cavabeg Comer Wandy, Cor Wis Jo odhieue, Ur wilh OPpend Cre. OAM 39 bids of IP oddvens Let Fob) cated an Limibed Rroadeast Ad Re derination addrers af, dalogremlpaukel header vokidh is wenved FOr \nlormahion ranater to all Ihe vecipionts froma. a KOb (Lender over o Wekwork,), network This ts achieved by spanelating all Hie Hort ID pon bila ob destination Addsex Jo1, vefhered an Meck Broadcoohing Rodrexs as dlodegyrcin, Heoder #6 Informadhion Areas fea + OBS ont prtecalel tn cone eo merle: oleae og oa RerolubionProtocel (ARP) Hakts woed for Reoslving IP Addwen, fino physical Addveed which is NeERONY Jor undedyid4 Co mmunicaht BP Mubticaok - Inmusteoot One/more senders and sne/move Declpionls ponkiclpade tn dake dranafer traffic ethts, musticaot Lely senver’s « divect Birgte copied of date Hrresm Srak-one ther simuloted cine! vowlesl 40 verrs “Svak vequeet U, « 10 mutcack vequiven support of ome ater prolocahs LikeQng Grternet freup Managment Protocol) ,Multicant rouhiag for os work Als fn Clash IP Adds ers} ng, Clos Ds neoeavedl for malo geo a ah oa SP Toporgdes IF Nebworte lepalagres aeacribe Ihe methaals to whi all the elements oj ARelwork. ere mw Lppeck, Network. Topol agyy epeciti¢a Me Now out qo Camputey refuse. Ab Alrowth holo devices and cableo are connected 40 ads e@ioy EY Pout to Point-(p-2-e) LP _— a plwsorks connitt of PIN VIS method Mae nelwov fi i i ~ > Pagtes & Wigley oretioble Han other Hadyped , Since Were iS DMO need for NekUOrk Mperating System ‘ Dro weed ef an emporaive soaiey aa Individual eyordlallows on to access ine deo. Pou cant preceterp filer. vb > UEA fow frmall encod ondy where compute > NO Reewiily, ZY Quo “Topete yout ‘ey cece ce . 1 \ nodes att connectec| = Fao repeleny 13 a achwork bepolagy in which aN w Joa os iY cable Enoren ao centacl cable or ied > Uk acts Ty shared communicalion mealian Mee 3} send Mme olala bo other devices, then tb will Aend “he dala over nthe bus whidr inter +uin sends the data to all attached devices. PP? Vache for Amell numbed ob deviced, r PAs ty She bus fs domeped Athen the whole nelwork fails, r~ By Bey rel yt ge . PP, Pins =o nekworle Sopology Mn which nodes ane exactly ropele, ? a PP connected af, eee for communicab'on punpese. Tt , Alyeck tink. bel wo comgtlers divecteonned” ne ucah xs ane tn close Proxim y, TUTTUTCLULUL CE device wanls to > and hus form a sdeple conknuows path fox ranemithion, m2 THES collect a otha fopelagy a0 ts formakan iy Uke or aa. ma? Dees nek need o cevrtxal Kerver Jo control the cont d ane Unvidy Omound he nodeo? , Pr. 4 rirgle rode is clamroged, whol ¢nebwort. fedle . m 9-5 ey, SONET nekwork , SDH nelwork ebe, on —_ =~ =] TY ste Topology» 4 a PAN UAS, OW nodes are connethed Joa loge Bevice known ay a Cenkyc clevice . > Requires wmove cables 44 Compalre $0 othe, JSopelocien Ty vrobut oa failure in ene cab vail od Ne rmantiae and Hroulale shook: weck | BL Mesh Topelany > ly Wis voll) the nodes ane fadividtaally connecked to alrex codeni™ > Does nor need owt Centraal nub ox awileh SEAS vobuak ano Yollune in ane able oat only disconnect dre pectic computer. Connected 40 Hie calale. > Offers a Wigh devet Of Peclunrclarery , ho ewer th one mebvork. cable fells. MU bas alternative ‘path for dala te reach He eleatinalion > two np eo te © Powkiat mevh"lopalegy'- stn tats 1 nodes one not conneded Ju eau OlUt mest Topology “A bowne Lob « ‘> OM noden one connected 39 end ener. Row . Poakiel ner, Cull Meah, = S] Tsee wp i —— Topology nave arreok mode, And oll the ahrey noder anc Connecteol 9 cohtdrn dorm a Werandricol rweole, y . ‘ etvcorkr one connected So adeingle loud. « een, ere Reboot, WS divided lato Aggmerrts Known ay nekveorks whien canbe easily movrtalned T gre Segment is dlamagi Mere ts no especk on ohhrer 4 , Dtree topology, depends an she main buy amel uh UF reader, ren dtr whole nekvoork gets darrergeal e sAAAAA A, Hy bid To ology. SOD AHsbsd Topelagy, ta comblanhton of aittencs pom Ue ceawple ih oe feplogy ts connedied sath after tepolegy Shey H be . s COMED a Hybrd topology. KH -erovides entity oo Pak be Fmmplemonted ina different nelsort ae wonement: ‘ : SS she deatqn oh Rybmd topalegy is compley, ~ aitteserk tepelogien. x atk Dib evenk Wpeo af Netuvorlad |. Malye [tne Ps Nekworle, canbe divided an the haais of area 4 alidsbubion: — POET LON (Local Aven Neluoork ) Pp isa Group ef network devices Hrak allow communication belween Pe veslous connected devices. Private ovonerthie has control over LAN vether Han Pubbi'c PLAN ha Los Khoa propagation delay Kren MIB, one WAR. FR Urco Zor smrrall genpraphsical Jocakion Like oqfice , Phool ete. [= EAMAN (Melropolitah Avea Webwor's) [PA covers a loger One® Fran LAN such ao small townk , cites ele, Po MAN cones 400 0% more Computers Hak reride within Ihe game De completdy difleront cities. FMAM 1 eppenrive ancl sould or mighh nok be ousned toy one. organiza!” BURN Cwide Aveo thelucort) I Covers Larger anea tron LAN amd MAN puch ov countsyy SOF PST 0% thedeltibe mrectuen is wood for wide area nebwork, ma wan ose wan nar be queredk by ane orepniration Sonar fay? * LAN (Poss orod M1 eomebvoork) | - Ramage is Merded upto Ombler, Created doy 2 Perera use Genevally pertonet Devices ane cenneded Jo Mit nereootk, —_— . 1 8CAN (Campus Arex Nekosork) ARS a connedkion ab devices wsittin Compus ore a volidy Links HO GARer department of organs within dome campus SPEGANAlobod Myer Nebwek): ay voeo rcdalites Jo connect deuic sg, Sve) —— re alebol aned. HOS] Model :- O51 stands for Open Syelern Tercornudion Model™ Is a conceptual framework used $0 dercribe the furcHions of, OW -nekworkt syriem, developed by Trlernaltensl Orgartrahion C ter Alordondiation (10S) in Hae yeou 1984. 1} is a 4 Noyes andaileckune with eat Jeayes having, rpecilic hurckonadit de Penlprm. AW Wese 4 Joyers work Coaeradivelsy Jo ¥sowor! she cata from one person }o onother across Yne Gobe ? Einyess Ave: sees © Application Layer . | t ® Presonialion layer na reesves ) Sorvion Layer © Trawoport- layer < © Nedwoovk layer ee : © Dade Link Layer ayer < ® Physical Loyer: < < i Briel, Explanation it bayer 2 1) Phigical loyer [Loyer {] < the aut ol, 08) model ts ahofcal soy < ur is ee ww the Qs the ric es coniods infermatiirn ia He down oh bik : tk Ree for Seveonae Andividuad oth, ee rode to ote St vohen receiving daha Wis Joges WAV per Hae aj received anc GS converts of ink) 0:6 and US ena pend Shem go We Dake tak. Laer vhidh eit pub Me tame back, ie a —& Function of Prucicant dayer | - : < 4) BASyntrvorrzation tthe elyslead Layer ayn provides she sundrronirag ls oh GIS bay providing 0 dod “Anis choke controls boty Sender » connd VECEVE® Hyak’ providing synchro nieabien ab bik Jewels we — BP . > ae r 13 WR rake Contead LeVhe pluysical Lasyen ab80 AeA dronoeniasion ~ Fade Le. he mumbbes of bits sent per pecond. Ani) Physical Lopadogied | Playsicadl souyer aperibien Me woo in eshidh i Se RO la a webwork: ~ Be devices /nodea ore amanged o1 connected in 0 vork, > Tes touk, Ato, or medh ele. topalog: PS OZ Tergerinton wade +: Phayead eer olto debinca he way Ys ~ whidh toga plows loekween dwo conneded deuce, he various, > Aramomirtion modes porsilale are Simpler ,Haltyclopler fell hupter, ~ INET bub Repeater, Modem Callen are Physical Layer Devices Pt Nekwork Layer Doda Linksayer, anal Physicod Sayer ore also ~ kmown as Lower Layes ov Hardware Loyers SWE Dote Lk layer ayer ae Doda Link Layer is veoponsible 1. bre node-fo-node delivers af, he ™ pee AE uncon of Bris Layer isto make Aue dado teanxer > fs) error-free prom one node to Gnolew, over the physical Lowes PoP hen A parkel is comived tao nelwort ik is Me vrepponsibilily ah Ddako Mok Lames te danomit Ut to tov waing Shy Mc Actelven). PP + Soke Unk, Layer is aivideat into two dubloyets, = ~ Bi egicol Link Conbsol (LLC ) > Media Acceas Condvol (mac) >THE packel received prom re Welwork layer is Lubrer alivided eae tato frames depending ontne aire of NIC CWetwork Inlergoce cond) — > DLL also _encaps dors and Receivers MAC a to Hoe He > +The veceives4s mac Addsens fs obtained Rhona, erry > Regelution Protocol ) steguest onto i os Fanckons of DLL Ave \~ ~2 7 ramning? carey ts afumcHon of DLL, Tt provide a way for a render —> do Pramomit a like Hrat-aie meaning) full do Hae vecelver, 2 this ean bee accomolithed by ottadning “apedal bit pobtera > phd Te bepioning amd end of Hre pram? (AkA neader & Footer ) = WD Pryrced AdMereihh \+ Alter creak francs, BB DLL adds pluytical) addvers (MAC Address) of Aerder ond/or receiver in Hae Heder =] COUN frenme , =) Ai) Error Condvoh 1 Dota Lae layer provides the medhanier of evres- 5 condvol TA which OF detedls anc arcrangmits damaged ox => ovr pramen, a

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