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MKT20031-Frontiers in Digital Marketing

2022 HE semester (Jan)

Student: Le Bich Ngoc - 103430011
Date of submission: 13 February 2021

Assignment 2 Proposal

This proposal is about my personal plan when I finish my degree at the university. There are two types of
industry that I would like to work in: FMGC (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) and tourism. My goal is to
enter companies that have good reputation about their products and services, such as big corporations or
international companies. Also, I am aspiring to work in the position of a marketing coordinator, a project
coordinator, or a social media coordinator.
My main major in university is Digital Marketing, which is the main reason for me to find marketing-
related jobs. Fresh graduates do not have much actual experiences in doing the real work, so achieving the
position of a sales manager or a director would be unrealistic. Therefore, an entry-level marketing job will
be suitable for me. In terms of companies, I want to aim for big corporations with good reputation
because there are many benefits that they can bring to their employees. First, big companies can provide
good training for workers, which some start-ups cannot do. Moreover, they care about psychological
safety at work, and create a positive working environment where people are comfortable to share their
ideas and concerns in the process of working. In terms of the industries that I want to work in, I chose
FMGC since the value of it has been growing significantly during these years. In the COVID 19
pandemic, the value of tourism industry dropped to a low level, but I believed it will rise again since the
demand to go travel after the pandemic is extremely strong.

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