IMT LisaBenton JatinSoniya

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Name Jatin Soniya

Question 1

Lisa Benton experienced friction with her team members, Linton and Scoville, due to several

1. Linton's lack of interest in Lisa's development: Lisa felt that her boss, Deborah Linton,
showed a "lack of interest" in her development, which led to Lisa's concerns about her future
at Houseworld.

2. Scoville's patronizing and condescending behavior: Lisa felt frustrated with Scoville's
demands and his lack of planning in his work, which led to him taking up Lisa's time. This
behavior caused friction between Lisa and Scoville.

Question 2
Write your answer for Part A here.

Trait Level: High/Low Example supporting the answer

Openness to Low Scoville displayed a lack of openness to new

Experience experiences and ideas. He expressed disdain for
politics and implied that he had no patience for
it, indicating a closed mindset.

Conscientiousness Low Scoville's lack of planning and disorganized

work style, as evidenced by his last-minute
request for Lisa to make copies of reports while
he struggled to meet his deadline, suggests a
low level of conscientiousness

Extraversion High Scoville exhibited high levels of extraversion, as

he was assertive and outspoken. He was also
described as having an aggressive, no-nonsense
style and no patience for politics, indicating a
bold and outgoing nature

Agreeableness Low Scoville's behavior, such as his patronizing and

condescending tone towards Lisa, as well as his
confrontational and dismissive attitude during
discussions, suggests a low level of

Neuroticism High Scoville's behavior, such as his frustration with

the organization and his lack of promotion, as
well as his confrontational and aggressive
interactions with Lisa, indicates a high level of

Lisa can improve her relationship with Scoville by:

1. Being assertive and confident in her interactions with Scoville, as he exhibits high levels of
extraversion and may respond positively to assertiveness.

2. Demonstrating flexibility and adaptability in her approach to work, as Scoville's low

conscientiousness may benefit from a colleague who can adapt to his disorganized work style.

Question 3
The "Hidden Area" of the Johari window. In this area, aspects of an individual's personality
or behavior are known to themselves but are not known to others. In this case, Lisa's core
strengths were not recognized by Linton, leaving Lisa disappointed

To reduce the "Hidden Area" and improve her relationship with Linton,

1. Open communication: Lisa can initiate open and honest communication with Linton to
share her strengths, achievements, and areas where she feels she can contribute effectively. By
doing so, Lisa can reduce the hidden area by making her positive attributes known to Linton,
which can help in improving their relationship.

2. Seek feedback: Lisa can actively seek feedback from Linton about her performance and
areas for improvement. By actively engaging in discussions about her performance, Lisa can
reduce the hidden area and gain a better understanding of Linton's expectations, which can
contribute to improving their relationship.

Question 4

Linton could have given the feedback differently by:

1. Providing specific examples: Linton could have provided specific instances or examples
where Lisa demonstrated unassertiveness or lacked initiative and confidence. This would have
helped Lisa understand the areas for improvement more clearly and allowed her to reflect on
her behavior in those situations.

2. Offering constructive guidance: Linton could have offered constructive guidance on how
Lisa could improve her assertiveness, initiative, and confidence. Providing actionable advice
and support would have been more beneficial for Lisa's development and would have shown a
more supportive approach to the feedback.
Question 5

Three engagement tactics are:

1. Clear Career Development Path: Providing Lisa with a clear career development path,
including opportunities for advancement, mentorship, and skill development, could have
motivated her to see a future at the company and feel more engaged in her role.

2. Supportive and Inclusive Environment: Creating a supportive and inclusive work

environment where Lisa feels valued and respected, regardless of her educational
background, could have increased her motivation and job satisfaction.

3. Challenging Assignments: Offering Lisa challenging and meaningful assignments that align
with her skills and aspirations could have increased her motivation and engagement in her
role, allowing her to feel more fulfilled and valued within the organization.

Question 6

Two soft tactics that Lisa can use are:

1. Rational Persuasion: Lisa can use rational persuasion by presenting logical arguments and
factual evidence to influence Linton and Scoville. For example, she can prepare well-
researched proposals or presentations to demonstrate the benefits of her ideas or suggestions,
aiming to persuade them based on reason and logic.

2. Inspirational Appeal: Lisa can use inspirational appeal by appealing to Linton and
Scoville's values, ideals, and aspirations. For instance, she can align her proposals or
requests with the company's mission and vision, aiming to inspire them to support her
initiatives based on shared values and goals.
Two hard tactics that Lisa can use are:

1. Legitimacy: Lisa can use the hard tactic of legitimacy by emphasizing her formal authority
and position within the organization to influence Linton and Scoville. For example, she can
assert her authority by clearly communicating her role and responsibilities in relevant
discussions and decisions, thereby leveraging her formal position to influence others.

2. Pressure: Lisa can use the hard tactic of pressure by exerting direct pressure or influence
on Linton and Scoville to achieve her objectives. For instance, she can set clear deadlines or
expectations for certain tasks or projects, creating a sense of urgency and accountability to
motivate them to act in accordance with her goals.

Question 7

There are instances in the case study that suggest potential breaches of ethics by Lisa's
coworkers. For example, in the "Typing Incident," Lisa noticed an error in a chart created by
the staff secretary and took it upon herself to correct it, as error-free reports were expected in
Home Care. However, when Lisa returned to her cubicle, she was surprised and disturbed by
her colleague, Vernon, insisting that she come to his office immediately. This incident raises
questions about whether Lisa's actions were being monitored or if there was an ulterior motive
behind Vernon's insistence.

Additionally, Lisa faced conflicting messages and criticisms from her boss, Linton, and her
colleague, Scoville, which could be seen as a breach of ethics in terms of providing consistent
and constructive feedback. Linton's feedback that Lisa was "unassertive" and "lacking in
initiative" was inconsistent with Lisa's self-perception and could have been demotivating and

These instances suggest potential breaches of ethics in terms of monitoring and providing
feedback to Lisa. The lack of transparency and consistency in feedback, as well as potential
monitoring of Lisa's actions, raise ethical concerns about the treatment of Lisa by her

Question 8

Lisa should quit her job, Here are three relevant arguments in favor of this decision:

1. Lack of Utilization of Skills: Lisa feels that her talents and training are not being fully
utilized at Houseworld. This lack of fulfillment and underutilization of her skills can lead to
decreased job satisfaction and motivation, which may ultimately impact her performance and

2. Inconsistent Feedback: Lisa has received conflicting messages and criticisms from her boss,
Linton, and her colleague, Scoville. This inconsistency in feedback can be demotivating and
may create uncertainty about her future prospects at the company. It's important for
employees to receive consistent and constructive feedback to understand their performance
and areas for improvement.

3. Ethical Concerns: Lisa has experienced potential breaches of ethics, such as monitoring of
her actions and concerns about her future with the company. These ethical concerns can
contribute to a negative work environment and impact Lisa's overall job satisfaction and well-

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