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Literacy research

Arranged by:
Muhammad arya the ultimate himawan

In everyday life, of course we carry out an obligation called fardhu prayer. The fard prayer
that we do is not necessarily entirely correct and we know our mistakes in fardhu prayers, if
we don't know where our mistakes are and we don't want to perfect them then maybe
ALLAH doesn't want to. accept our prayers. Therefore we can perfect our prayers with
regular Sunnah prayers to increase our faith in ALLAH.

The fardhu prayers that we do 5 times a day may have some things that are less than
perfect, for example, when our prayers are less solemn. Sunnah prayers can cover
deficiencies in fardhu prayers that are only sunnah, such as not being solemn or not reading
iftitah prayers, etc. Imam ar-Ramli rahimahullah, a great scholar of the Shafi'i school of
thought said that the caretaker prayer is a sunnah prayer that accompanies the fard prayer. .
The wisdom of this caretaker prayer can perfect the shortcomings when doing the fardhu
prayer. Because Muslims may not be solemn when doing the fardhu prayer or not
mentadaburi when reading the verses of the Qur'an. It is narrated in the hadith at-Tirmidhi
from Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu anhu, the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be
upon him- said: "Indeed, the deeds of a servant are the first to be accounted for. is his prayer.
If his prayer is good then he is lucky and safe. But if his prayer is bad then he is miserable
and loses. If there is a shortage of fard prayers, is there a reward for sunnah prayers to make
up for the lack of fard prayers? Then all his deeds are like that."

That way we can carry out it regularly and istikomah to achieve the results we want, we grow
worship activities that can increase our faith in ALLAH SWT through routine Sunnah
prayers, for example, tahajjud prayer, duha prayer, obliyah and badiyah sunnah prayers, and
prayers. Another Sunnah. By doing this sincerely and patiently, we will feel closer to Allah
and our faith will slowly increase in Allah.

Therefore , based on the description above, the author is interested in conducting research to
increase faith in God through a pattern of regular Sunnah prayers.

How to increase faith in God Almighty through a pattern of regular Sunnah prayer activities!


To find out how to increase faith in God Almighty through regular patterns of Sunnah prayer

Faith can increase and decrease, that's how it is. The problem of faith is the most important
problem for a Muslim , because faith determines the fate of a person in this world and the
hereafter. Even the goodness of this world and the hereafter rests on true faith.

With faith a person will get a good life in this world and the hereafter as well as salvation
from all evil and the punishment of Allah. With faith a person will get a great reward which
is the cause of entering heaven and being saved from hell.

More than that, get the pleasure of Allah Almighty so that He will not be angry with him and
can feel the pleasure of seeing Allah's face in the hereafter. Thus this problem should get
more attention from all of us.

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said, "The results of the efforts of the soul and heart
(heart) are the best and the cause of a servant to get high in this world and the hereafter is
knowledge and faith. Therefore Allah the Exalted combined the two in His word,

‫اَل اَّلِذ يَن ا اْلِع ْلَم اِإْل يَم اَن َلَقْد َلِبْثُتْم اِب ِهَّللا َلى اْلَبْع ِث‬
"And say those who have been given knowledge and faith (to those who disbelieve): "Indeed
you have stayed (in the graves) according to Allah's decree, until the day you arise." (Surat
ar-Ruum: 56)

And the word of Allah Ta'aa ,

‫ُهَّللا اَّلِذ يَن ا اَّلِذ يَن ا اْلِع ْلَم اٍت‬

" Surely Allah will exalt those who believe among you and those who are given knowledge by
several degrees." (Surat al-Mujaadilah: 11).

They are the essence and choice of what exists and they are people who deserve high dignity.
However, most people err in (understanding) the nature of this knowledge and faith, so that
each group considers their knowledge and faith to be the only ones that can lead to happiness,
which is not the case. Most of them do not have faith that saves and knowledge that lifts (to a
height of degrees), in fact they have closed for themselves the path of knowledge and faith
that was taught by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and became his da'wah to the
people. While those who are above faith and knowledge (true) are he (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa
sallam) and his companions after him and those who follow them on their manhaj and
guidance..." . [ 1]

Thus, if we look at the understanding of the Muslims about faith, we find many mistakes and
deviations. For example, many Muslims when they sin still say, " The important thing is the
heart ". All of this, of course, requires clarification and enlightenment of what the true
concept of faith is.

It is understood that there are many texts of the Qur'an and as-Sunnah that explain the
increase in faith and its reduction. Describes the owner of faith that some levels are more
perfect in faith than others. Some of them are called assaabiq bil khoiraat (leading in
goodness )[ 9], al-Muqtashid (middle)[10] and zholim linafsihi (menzholimi oneself). There
are also al-Muhsin, al-Mukmin and al-Muslim. All this shows they are not in the same
dignity. This indicates that faith can increase and decrease.

Evidence from the Qur'an and Sunnah that faith can increase and decrease

First : The Word of Allah Ta'ala ,

‫اَّلِذ يَن اَل َلُهُم الَّناُس الَّناَس ا َلُك ْم اْخ َش ْو ُهْم اَد ُهْم اًنا اُلوا ا ُهَّللا اْلَوِكيُل‬

"(That is) those (who obey Allah and the Messenger) to whom there are those who say:
"Indeed the people have gathered an army to attack you, so be afraid of them", So these
words added to their faith and they replied : "It is sufficient for Allah to be our Helper and
Allah is the Best Protector ." (Surah Alimron: 173).

The scholars of Ahlus Sunnah use this verse as the basis for the increase and decrease in
faith, as once asked Imam Sufyaan bin 'Uyainah rahimahullah, "Is faith increasing or
decreasing?" He rahimahullah replied, "Have you not heard the word of Allah Ta'ala ,

‫اَد ُهْم اًنا‬

" So these words increase their faith ." (Surah Alimron: 173) and the word of Allah Ta'ala ,


" And We also added for them guidance . " ( Surat al-Kahf: 13) and several other verses."
Some ask, “ How can faith be said to be diminished? " He rahimahullah replied, "If
something can increase, surely it can also decrease" . [ 11]

Second : The Word of Allah Ta'ala,

‫ُهَّللا اَّلِذ يَن اْهَتَدْو ا اْلَباِقَياُت الَّصاِلَح اُت اًبا ا‬

" And Allah will increase guidance to those who have been guided. And the everlasting
righteous deeds are better in reward with your Lord and a better outcome ." (Surah Maryam:

Sheikh Abdurrahman as-Sa'di explained the interpretation of this verse by stating, “There are
evidences that show the increase of faith and its reduction, as the opinion of the as-Salaf ash-
Shaalih. This is also confirmed by the word of Allah Ta'ala ,

‫اَد اَّلِذ يَن ا اًنا‬

" And that those who believe may increase in their faith." (Surat al-Mudatstsir: 31) and the
word of Allah Ta'ala ,

"Indeed, those who believe are those whose hearts tremble at the mention of Allah's name ,
and when His verses are recited their faith increases (because of it)." (Surat al-Anfaal : 8 / 2)

It is also strengthened by the fact that faith is the words of the heart (heart) and the tongue,
the practice of the heart, the tongue and the limbs. Also the believers are highly graded in this
regard . [ 12]

Third : The words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,

‫اَل الَّز اِني اَل اْلَخ ْمَر اَل‬

" No adulteress commits adultery while she is a believer and does not drink liquor when she
is a believer and does not steal when she is a believer . " [ 13]

Ishaaq bin Ibrahim an-Naisaaburi said, "Abu Abdillah (Imam Ahmad) was once asked about
faith and lack of faith. He rahimahullah replied, "The evidence regarding the lack of faith is
found in the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "No adulterer commits
adultery while a believer and does not steal while a believer." [14]

Fourth : The words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ,

‫اِإْل يَم اُن ُلَها ُل اَل َلَه اَّل ُهَّللا اَها اَطُة اَأْلَذ ى الَّطِر يِق اْلَحَياُء ِم ْن اِإْل يَم اِن‬
“ Faith is more than seventy or more than sixty. The foremost is the saying: “Laa Ilaaha Illa
Allah” and the lowest is the clearing of distractions from the streets and shame is a branch of
faith .” [15]

This noble hadith explains that faith has branches, some are highest and some are lowest.
These branches of faith are graded and are not in one degree in virtue, even some of them are
more important than others. Therefore Imam At-Tirmidhi contains a chapter in his sunnah:
"Chapter of Perfection, the increase and decrease of faith".

Sheikh Abdurrahman as-Sa'di rahimahullah when explaining the hadith above stated , This
clearly shows that faith increases and decreases according to the increase in the rules of
sharia and the branches of faith and the servant's practice or not practicing it. It is common
knowledge that humans are highly stratified in this regard. Whoever thinks that faith does not
increase and decrease, indeed he has contradicted the real reality in addition to contradicting
the Shari'a texts as already known.


sunnah prayers does require sincerity and istiqamah. But not everyone can istiqamah to do
and feel the pleasure of praying sunnah except those whose hearts are blessed and guided by
Allah SWT.

There are many virtues that are obtained when we are diligent in doing sunnah prayers . By
knowing the virtues, hopefully we will become more enthusiastic and moved to be able to
carry out sunnah prayers consistently.

1. Covering Weaknesses in Fard

Prayer The fard prayer that we do 5 times a day there may be some things that are less than
perfect, for example, when our prayers are less solemn. Sunnah prayers can cover
deficiencies in fardhu prayers that are only sunnah, such as not being solemn or not reading
iftitah prayers, and others.

Imam ar-Ramli rahimahullah, a great scholar based on the Shafi'i school, said that the
caretaker prayer is a sunnah prayer that accompanies the fardhu prayer. The wisdom of this
caretaker prayer can perfect the shortcomings when doing the fardhu prayer. Because it could
be that Muslims are not solemn when doing the fardhu prayer or do not mentadaburi when
reading the verses of the Qur'an.

It was narrated in the hadith at-Tirmidhi from Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu anhu, the
Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said:

"Indeed, the first act of a servant to be judged is his prayer. If his prayer is good then he is
lucky and safe. But if his prayer is bad then he is miserable and loses. If there is a shortage of
fard prayers, is there a reward for sunnah prayers to make up for the lack of fard prayers?
Then all of his deeds are like that."

Similar hadiths were narrated by Imam an-Nasa'I and Imam Abu Dawud.

2. The Most Afdhal Sunnah Worship

The jumhur scholars say, the sunnah prayers that we do include physical worship which is
better or most authentic than worship. Another sunnah , one of which was conveyed by Imam
Ibn Hajar al-Haitami rahimahullah in the Book of Tuhfatul Muhtaj Fii Syahril Minhaj volume

"The most effective physical worship after the creed is prayer. Fard prayer is more effective
than other fard prayers and sunnah prayers are more effective than other sunnah prayers,"
said Ibn Hajar al-Haitami.

3. Can Accompany the Prophet in Heaven

One of the friends, Rabiah bin Ka'ab al-Aslamiy radhiyallahu anhu wanted once could
accompany the Prophet Muhammad in heaven. So he expressed this desire to the Prophet
Muhammad. This story is narrated in the hadith of Imam Muslim. "From Rabi'ah bin Ka'ab
al-Aslamiy radiyallahu anhu she said: The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said to me, O
Rabiah ask for something. So I replied: I

want to be able to accompany you in heaven, O Prophet. I replied: no. Then the Prophet said:
Then help me to be able to help you by increasing the prostration."

4. Sins fall out when bowing and prostration

The more prayers are done, the more sins will fall. It was narrated in the hadith of Ibn Hibban
and al-Baihaqi from Abdullah bin Umar rahiyallahu anhuma, the Messenger of Allah said:

"Verily a servant when he is praying brought all his sins and placed on his head or shoulders,
then when he bows or prostrates then his sins it fell from him."

5. Loved by Allah SWT

Allah SWT really loves people who are diligent in doing sunnah prayers . As narrated from
Abu Hurairah in the hadith of Imam al-Bukhari, the Messenger of Allah said:

"Verily Allah says: Whoever is hostile to my guardian, I will fight. No servant is obedient to
Me with sunnah practices until I love him. If I love him, I will be his hearing. when he hears,
I will be his sight when he sees, I will guard his hands when he strikes. I will be his feet when
he walks. If he asks me, I will surely give him, if he asks for protection, I will protect him."

6. His prayers are efficacious

One of the virtues of people who always carry out sunnah prayers is that their prayers are
efficacious. Narrated in the hadith of Imam Ahmad from Aisyah radhiyallahu anha, the
Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said:

"Verily Allah says: Whoever insults my guardian, I will fight. No servant has taqqarub to Me
with what I have obligated him. And a servant always fears Me with good deeds. sunnah until
I love him. If he asks Me then I will give it, if he prays to Me I will grant it."

7. Raised in Degree in the Side of Allah SWT

Really lucky people who are diligent in doing sunnah prayers . His position is very noble in
the sight of Allah SWT. He will live happily in the presence of Allah SWT. It was narrated
from Ma'dan bin Abi Talhah al-Ya'mariy radhiyallahu anhu in the hadith of Imam Muslim,
the Messenger of Allah said:

"Protect more prostrations to Allah. your fault." (HR. Muslim).


The type of research used in this research is Literacy Research.
This research was conducted at MTs Bilingual Muslimat NU Pucang Sidoarjo in the
period 17 October – 4 November 2022.

In this study, the research subjects are the researchers themselves
who have the following identities:

Name : Muhammad arya ultimate himawan

 Source Data
This research is library research. With the instrument of collecting data and information
from books, journals, articles, magazines and other data sources that support this
research. This research focuses on human philosophical thinking.

 Analysis Data
a. Method Description
Description method to describe regularly the thought conception of the character.
In this study, this analytical method is used to analyze the contents of related books
or articles in order to get a deep understanding of thoughts related to the theme

b. Method Interpretation
Interpretation is a process of pointing to meaning, namely disclosure, telling, saying
something which is the essence of reality. The method of interpretation as a
method of explaining human philosophy and providing interpretations in order to
display it again in the form of language whose composition and structure may have


Dalam kehidupan sehari- sehari pasti kita melakukan kewajiban yang
namanya sholat fardhu.Sholat fardhu yang kita lakukan belum tentu
seluruhnya benar dan kita mengetahui kesalahan kita dalam sholat
fardhu,jika kita tidak tau letak kesalahan kita dan kita tidak mau
menyempurnakannya maka bisa saja ALLAH tidak mau menerima
sholat kita.maka dari itu kita bisa menyempurnakan sholat kita dengan
sholat Sunnah rutin untuk meningkatkan keimanan kita terhadap

1.Bagaimana upaya meningkatkan keimanan terhadap tuhan yme
melalui pola kegiatan sholat Sunnah rutin


In our daily life praying there is a requirement to cover our aurat with a sarong so that our
prayers are accepted by Allah swt. For women, it is mandatory to wear a mukenah and for
men to cover the abdomen up to the knees. Fiber material simply has the understanding as
pieces of components of a type of material in the form of an elongated and intact network.
According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), fiber is defined as cells or tissues
similar to threads or long ribbons, derived from animals or plants (caterpillars, banana stems,
pineapple leaves, bark, and so on), used to make paper, textiles, and textiles. brush. In
addition, the meaning of fiber is often associated with vegetables, fruits, and textiles. Thus,
giving rise to other meanings such as fruits and vegetables containing high fiber and good for
digestive health. Fiber is also a textile raw material and the main ingredient in the
manufacture of yarn and fabric. Each fiber has different properties and characters that affect
the fabric or yarn produced. Each fiber material has its own properties and character. Thus,
this causes fiber materials to be grouped based on mechanical and chemical processing
methods. In addition, the properties and character of the fiber material will affect the yield of
yarns and fabrics made from them. Quoted from the Ministry of Education and Culture's
Learning Resources page, the characteristics of some fiber materials are as follows: 1. Silk
Fiber Silk fiber has a triangular-like structure and can refract light from several different
angles. This causes the silk fabric to look shiny. In addition, silk also has several properties
such as soft, not easily worn, high strength, and not durable in the sun. 2. Wool Fiber Wool
fiber has several characteristics such as shiny, slightly stronger, curly, high elasticity, and
very elastic. In addition, wool fibers are resistant to mold and bacteria and are good heat
retainers. 3. Cotton Fiber Cotton fiber feels cooler to use and easily absorbs sweat. In
addition, cotton fibers are slightly stiff, wrinkle easily, susceptible to mildew, and flammable.
4. Asbestos Fiber Asbestos fiber has high tensile strength with low water absorption and
tensile strength. In addition, asbestos fibers are resistant to heat, fire , and weather. 5. Nylon
Fiber Nylon fiber has a very light and strong mass . In addition, nylon fibers are shiny,
tangle-free, highly elastic, and resistant to mold and bacteria. 6. Polyester Fiber Polyester
fiber has a very strong, shiny, high level of elasticity, and is resistant to sunlight. In addition,
polyester fiber is resistant to mold, bacteria, and insects. Benefits of Fiber Materials Each
fiber material has different properties and characters. Thus, the fiber material must be utilized
according to its inherent character to produce suitable yarns and textiles. Quoted from the
Ministry of Education and Culture's Learning Resources page, natural fibers such as silk,
cotton and wool should be used as fabrics. Then, the fiber produced is used according to its
character, such as wool for warm clothes and silk for party clothes because it is shiny and
soft. Natural fibers such as silk, cotton, and wool are the raw materials for making cloth.
Furthermore, the fabric can be used according to its characteristics. For example, wool can be
used for warm clothes, silk with a soft and shiny texture is generally used for party clothes.
For the mat we pray to be holy we must use a prayer rug because the floor we step on is
unclean and definitely not holy and cannot be used for prayer. and must use a sacred base. As
we know between prayer mats, sarongs, mukenah, caps, sarongs, are media to get closer to
Allah swt to increase our faith

to make prayer tools that we need daily, such as sarongs, we use fiber materials. To make
them we can use natural/artificial fibers, and sewing and embroidery techniques. The
processing of fiber materials is a stage in making yarn. Where later, this thread will be
converted into cloth. Try to pay attention to the clothes you are wearing now. Isn't the cloth
an arrangement of threads? Then this thread can later be used to make various kinds of
clothing materials. Such as clothes, gloves, hoods, and so on.

As is well known, clothing is an unavoidable human need. Although food, but these needs
fall into the primary category. Where this need must be needed. However, just enough. The
processing process for fiber materials is as follows:

Entrapping Or Ginning This process is the first step that needs to be done in the processing of
fiber materials. Where after the harvest season, the cotton will be put into the ginning
machine. With the help of this machine, the fiber from the cotton will also be cut from the bi
and pods. After that, the fiber is dried and stored. For the shelter itself usually use a special
large bag .

Spinning Selected Yarn This process is a stage in the manufacture of yarn. In making it
yourself there are several techniques that can be used. In this spinning will make spun from
the existing fibers continuously. In addition, the strand will conform to the specified twist and
diameter .

Then the fiber will undergo various other processes. Among them are mixing, bookkeeping,
and cleaning in a machine called blowing. After that, then produce a roll of laps.

Yarn Winding After producing yarn that has good quality, then the next step is to roll the
yarn that has been spun. In doing this process itself using a thread roller. The process will be
easier and faster, right? Compared to being done manually.

Color Dyeing After all the required yarn is rolled. So, dip the thread in a color that suits your
needs. However, you need to make sure that the dye has been mixed well.

After making sure, then enter the threads that have been rolled. Also, try to use strong colors.
Do not forget to dry the yarn in the sun to dry.

Weaving Yarn Into Cloth

The next step is to weave the thread that has been woven earlier until it becomes a cloth.
Besides that, even people who weave cloth are not ordinary people. Rather, it is a person who
has been well trained. However, in this modern era, most of the people use machines to
weave. Especially if it has been produced in the factory.

Finishing Or Completion

At this stage, the yarn that has been woven will turn into cloth. Then, several people will do
the finishing or finishing stages. Where at this stage will be added chemicals and others. To
protect the fabric so that its quality is maintained.

The fiber processing process above can be used as a reference material. In addition, by
understanding this information, of course, the insight will also increase, right? besides all
that, try to pay attention to the dyeing process. The reason is, if the color is even uneven, it
will cause harm to yourself.


To increase our faith in Allah we need to improve our prayers. In prayer we don't know
whether there is an error or not, if we make mistakes but we don't know where our mistakes
are, our practice in fard prayers is reduced, therefore we can perfect it by Sunnah prayers
regularly. With regular Sunnah prayers we can improve the quality of our fard prayers.

To achieve what we want, we must do it regularly / istikomah, by carrying out sincerely too.
With regular Sunnah prayers we slowly feel a change in ourselves, we feel closer to Allah. If
we feel a change we experience a form of socio-cultural change. In us, initially our culture of
praying at home after doing regular Sunnah prayers and we feel closer to Allah we carry out
the culture of praying at the mosque and we socialize with the same people who go to the
mosque as well as us.

In this era of globalization, if we don't know the virtues of performing regular Sunnah
prayers, we can see on the internet, the virtues of carrying out can see them on the internet,
the virtues of carrying out regular Sunnah prayers are very much explained on the internet
and we can understand them.

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the impact of globalization is also
very influential to seek about religious knowledge and forms of small socio-cultural change
because it only has an impact on myself. And when viewed from the point of view of time,
including revolution because of changes in the short term.


Dalam shalat, belum tentu benar bahwa shalat kita sepenuhnya benar dalam bacaan dan
geraknya. Jika dalam shalat fardhu kita melakukan kesalahan, maka belum tentu shalat kita
diterima oleh Allah swt. Oleh karena itu, jika kita tidak menyadari bahwa jika kita melakukan
kesalahan dalam shalat fardhu, maka akan disempurnakan dengan shalat sunnah. Dengan
melakukannya secara rutin, akhirnya kita akan merasa lebih dekat dengan Allah dan perlahan
iman kita akan meningkat. Berikut ini adalah contoh teks prosedur :

Cara agar Kita Selalu Istikomah Melaksanakan Sholat Sunnah

a. biasakan waktu sesudah/sebelum sholat fardhu untuk sholat sunnah wali sesuai
b. Anggaplah sholat sunnah itu wajib seperti sholat fardhu, agar kita bisa merasakan jika
kita meninggalkan sesuatu yang kurang.
c. Biasakan bangun di sepertiga malam untuk shalat tahajud, agar kita terbiasa
mengerjakan shalat tahajud
d. Biasakan ketika shalat fardhu berpikir bahwa shalat kita belum tentu benar, maka kita
sempurnakan dengan mengerjakan shalat sunnah.

Secara definisi ,teks prosedur adalah langkah2 suatu aktivitas atau kegiatan untuk
menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan

Struktur Teks Prosedur

 Judul: berisikan nama benda yang akan dibuat, pekerjaan yang hendak
dilakukan, atau sesuatu yang akan dipergunakan.
 Pengantar: berupa pernyataan yang menyajikan informasi umum mengenai apa
yang akan dibuat, dilakukan, atau digunakan. Pengantar teks prosedur bisa
berupa paragraf pengantar yang menyatakan tujuan penulisan.
 Prosedur: langkah-langkah yang tersusun secara sistematis.
 Alat dan bahan/syarat: berisi daftar alat atau bahan maupun persyaratan yang
harus dibawa.
 Penutup: berisi kesimpulan/rekomendasi, imbauan, atau apresiasiCiri-Ciri Teks

ciri teks prosedur adalah:

 Memiliki panduan langkah yang harus dikerjakan

 Menggunakan pola kalimat perintah
 Berisi kalimat berbentuk saran atau larangan
 Menggunakan kata kerja aktif
 Memandu dengan Teks Prosedur
 Menggunakan kata penghubung untuk menyatakan waktu, tujuan, dan urutan
 Memakai kriteria atau batasan
 Menggunakan kata keterangan cara, alat, tujuan, derajat/kualitas, akibat, dan syarat.
 Ada penggunaan akhiran -i dan -kan, contohnya tuangkan, lumuri
 Sifatnya objektif
 Susunannya informatif

Teks prosedur memiliki kaidah kebahasaannya sendiri. Ciri-ciri umum kaidah kebahasaan
teks prosedur diantaranya memakai kata kerja imperatif, kata teknis, konjungsi
penambahan, pernyataan persuasif, deskripsi alat, dan kata kerja aktif.

Kesimpulan :

Dalam upaya meningkatkan keimanan kita terhadap allah swt kita harus menambah /
memperbaiki ibadah kita terhadap allah. Dalam memperbaiki kita bisa memperbaiki sholat
fardhu kita dengan menyempurnakan sholat fardhu kita dengan sholat sunnah secara rutin.
Ada beberapa prosedur yang bisa kita ikuti agar sholat sunnah secara rutin bisa terlaksana
dengan baik. Secara definisi ,teks prosedur adalah langkah2 suatu aktivitas atau kegiatan
untuk menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan. Teks prosedur memiliki struktur judul. Pengantar,
langkah-langkah, alat dan bahan, dan penutup. Selain itu, kebahasaan yang terkandung
dalam teks prosedur adalah Kata kerja imperatif , kata teknis, konjungsi penambahan,
pernyataan persuasif, deskripsi alat, dan kata kerja aktif.


The definition of procedure text is a text that teaches the reader how to use a tool, make
something, or do a job.
Procedure Text Structure

Title: contains the name of the object to be made, the work to be done, or something to be

Introduction: a statement that provides general information about what will be made, done, or
used. The introduction to procedure text can be in the form of an introductory paragraph
stating the purpose of writing.

Procedure: steps that are arranged systematically.

Tools and materials/requirements: contains a list of tools or materials as well as requirements

that must be brought.

Closing: contains conclusions/recommendations, appeals, or appreciation

Title: tips so that you can pray the Sunnah regularly

In prayer, it is not necessarily true that our prayers are entirely correct in reading and
movement. If in the fard prayer we make a mistake , then our prayer may not be accepted by
Allah swt. Therefore, if we are not aware that if we make a mistake in the fard prayer, it will
be perfected by the Sunnah prayer. By doing it regularly, eventually we will feel closer to
Allah and slowly our faith will increase.

The way so that we always istikomah perform Sunnah prayers:

a . get used to the time after / before the fard prayer to pray the Sunnah caretaker according to
the time.

b. consider the Sunnah prayer is a necessity like fardhu prayer, so that we can feel that if we
leave something that is lacking.

c . get used to getting up in a third of the night for the tahajjud prayer, so that we get used to
doing the tahajjud prayer

d . Get used to when praying fardhu thinking that our prayers are not necessarily true, then
we perfect it by performing the Sunnah prayers.


In increasing faith in Allah, of course, there are some worships that we can do to increase
faith in Allah. For example, we can do regular sunnah prayers to improve/perfect fardhu
prayers. in fardhu prayers we don't know whether we made mistakes or our prayers are not
perfect, from there it can reduce our night. to do this must be istiqomah, the same thing as
sports, we must do it regularly to get maximum results.

in routine sports, for example, if we do futsal regularly, at first we are not very good, then we
do futsal exercises regularly, for example, every day we learn how to pass control, how to
defend, how to tactics for marking zones, we do regularly so that we can master all of it. It's
the same thing as sunnah prayers if we do it regularly then we will get the results we want,
we feel closer to Allah and the relationship between us and Allah is well maintained, and
slowly our faith increases little by little

berdasarkan uraian diatas maka dapat disimpulkan untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal
dalam meningkatkan keimanan terhadap allah swt kita harus rutin /isitiqomah dalam
menjalankan ibadah itu ,sama hal nya seperti olahraga jika kita lakukan secara rutin maka
kita akan mendapatkan hasil yang kita inginkan dalam menguasai semua taktik dan cara
dalam permainan olahraga tersebut.


Dalam uapaya meningkatkan keimanan terhadap allah banyak kegiatan ibadah yang bisa
kita laksanakan ,contohnya sholat sunnah secara rutin . dalam sholat fardhu kita tidak tau
apakah kita melakukan kesalahan dalam gerakan maupun bacaan karna itu kita harus
memperbaiki/menyempurnakan sholat fardhu kita. Sholat sunnah ada sunnah
rawatib,duha,tahajud.dengan begitu keimanan kita terhadap allah akan perlahan meningkat

Untuk melakukan kegiatan rutin tersebut kita harus melakukan secara rutin/istiqomah agar
kegiatan ibadah tersebut bisa dilaksanakan secara baik. Didalam materi science fisika
terdapat materi GLB [gerak lurus beraturan] yang berati kecepatan constant .kecepatan
constant ini sama dengan istiqomah yang kita lakukan untuk meningkatkan keimanan
terhadap allah ,kecepatan constant berati sama terus /stabil seperti istiqomah yang kita
laksanakan harus constant / stabil untuk mencapai sesuatu yang kita inginkan

Oleh karena itu, untuk meningkatkan keimanan dengan pola keguatan sholat sunnah rutin
harus kita laksanakan secara istiqomah / constant setiap harinya , mulai dari sholat duha
rutin,sholat sunnah qobliyah,badiyah rutin,sholat tahajud rutin dengan begitu iman kita
perlahan meningkat



Dalam upaya meningkatkan keimanan kita terhadap allah swt kita harus
menambah/memperbaiki ibadah kita. Dalam sholat fardhu yang kita laksanakan belum tentu
seluruhnya benar ,mungkin dari bacaan maupun gerakan. Maka dari itu kita bisa
menyempurnakan dengan sholat sunnah secara rutin. Sholat sunnah rawatib,duha ,tahajud
bisa kita laksanakan.

Jika kita ingin meningkatkan keimanan kita terhadap allah maka kita harus menjalankan
suatu pekerjaan / ibadah secara rutin/berkelanjutan.untuk mencapai hasil yang maksimal
maka kita harus menjalankan secara istiqomah jika tidak istiqomah hasil yang kita inginkan
belum tentu maksimal

Ada beberapa ayat Al-Qur’an Al-Karim jadi bukti bahwa iman itu bisa bertambah dan berkurang.

‫ِلَيْز َد اُد وا ِإيَم اًنا َم َع ِإيَم اِنِهْم‬

“Supaya keimanan mereka bertambah di samping keimanan mereka (yang telah ada).” (QS. Al-Fath: 4).
Dalil ini menunjukkan bahwa iman itu bisa bertambah.
Dalam berbagai ayat berikut juga menunjukkan hal yang sama,
‫َو ِزْدَناُهْم ُهًدى‬
“Dan Kami tambah pula untuk mereka petunjuk.” (QS. Al-Kahfi: 13).
‫َو َيِزيُد ُهَّللا اَّلِذ يَن اْهَتَدْو ا ُهًدى‬
“Dan Allah akan menambah petunjuk kepada mereka yang telah mendapat petunjuk.” (QS. Maryam:
‫َو اَّلِذ يَن اْهَتَدْو ا َز اَد ُهْم ُهًدى‬
“Dan orang-orang yang mau menerima petunjuk, Allah menambah petunjuk kepada mereka.” (QS.
Muhammad: 17)
‫َو َيْز َد اَد اَّلِذ يَن آَم ُنوا ِإيَم اًنا‬
“Dan supaya orang yang beriman bertambah imannya.” (QS. Al-Mudatsir: 31)
‫َفَأَّم ا اَّلِذ يَن آَم ُنوا َفَز اَد ْتُهْم ِإيَم اًنا‬
“Adapun orang-orang yang beriman, maka surat ini menambah imannya.” (QS. At-Taubah: 124)
‫َفاْخ َش ْو ُهْم َفَز اَد ُهْم ِإيَم اًنا‬
“Karena itu takutlah kepada mereka”, maka perkataan itu menambah keimanan mereka.” (QS. Ali
Imran: 173)
‫َو َم ا َز اَد ُهْم ِإاَّل ِإيَم اًنا َو َتْس ِليًم ا‬
“Dan yang demikian itu tidaklah menambah kepada mereka kecuali iman dan ketundukan.” (QS. Al-
Ahzab: 22)

Dalam membenarkan sholat fardu kita dengan sholat sunnah maka kita harus melaksanakan
sholat sunnah secara rutin/istiqomah tidak bolong2 contohnya,saat masuk waktu sholat
tahajud kita melaksanakan sholat tahajud. Dengan istiqomah kita akan lebih merasa dekat
dengan allah maka kita tidak akan meninggalkan ibadah yang amalan didalamnya sangat
baik.sedikit demi sedikit keimanan kita meningkat dan kita terus menerus melakukan ibadah
dan menambah ibadah secara istiqomah

Berdasarkan uraian diatas ,untuk meningkatkan keimanan terhadap allah maka harus
melakukan ibadah secara istiqomah terus menerus, agar kita merasa lebih dekat lagi denga
allah dan keimanan kita sedikit demi sedikit meningkat.

Dalam upaya meningkatkan keimanan terhadap allah swt maka kita harus menambah
/memperbaiki ibadah kita. Dalam menambah / memperbaiki ibadah kita berarti kita juga
menjaga hubungan denga allah. Salah satu untuk memperbaiki dan menambah ibadah kita
dengan melaksanakan sholat sunnah secara rutin untuk memperbaiki/menyempurnakan sholat
fardhu kita.

Sholat sunnah banyak macamnya ,mulai dari sholat tahajud, duha, rawatib. Dalam
menjalankan sholat sunnah banyak kebaikan yang terdapat didalamnya,salah satunya, jika
sholat fardhu kita ada kesalahan namun kita tidak akan mengetahuinya maka bisa
disempurnakan dengan sholat sunnah rawatib. Sholat sunnah juga merupakan kegiatan nabi
Muhammad yang baik. Dalam sholat sunnah juga membawa pahala yang begitu banyak
amalan didalam nya yjika kita melaksanakannya.

Untuk meningkatkan keimanan dengan sholat sunnah maka kita harus melakukannya dengan
secara rutin/istiqomah untuk mendapatkan hasil yang kita inginkan. Jika kita tidak rutin dan
tidak istiqomah maka hasil yang kita dapat tidak maksimal. Sholat sunnah dapat
meningkatkan keimanan kita, sholat sunnah dapat menumbuhkan rasa dekat denga allah, jika
kita sudah merasa dekat dengan allah maka keimanan kita sedikit demi sedikit meningkat,
karena jumlah contoh sholat sunnah yang banyak , apabila kita melakukan semua secara rutin
dan ikhlas maka sedikit iman kita meningkat. s

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