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Name: Cienovia Dennis Period: 2nd

Endless Voyage: Making the Pieces Fit

Directions: To answer the true or false questions, please highlight either true or false

1. TRUE or FALSE Alfred Wegener was the first scientist to notice that the
coastlines of Africa and South America appear to fit together.

2. The idea of continental drift was proposed by Alfred Wegner.

3. TRUE or FALSE Some prominent scientists of the time felt that the fit of Africa
and South America was TOO good and therefore they could not possibly have
once been connected.

4. TRUE or FALSE The idea that continental drift was driven by convection
currents actually came about in the 1920s, not really the 1960s like our book says.

5. Geologists from the U.S. most strongly disagreed with Wegener.

6. Wegener went to Greenland to measure continental motion.

7. TRUE or FALSE Between Wegener and Hess, there were no other

geologists studying continental drift.

8. During WWII a lot of new technology was developed because we needed to be

able to detect metal underwater.

9. TRUE or FALSE The discovery of the Mid-Atlantic ridge by Harry Hess was not
enough to prove Wegener’s hypothesis of continental drift.

10. In the 1960s scientists tested rocks and discovered that rocks of the same age had
the same fossil.

11. The magnetic striping on the seafloor is like a ___ of the Earth’s magnetic reversals
over time.

12. The Theory of continental drift was one of the most powerful and unifying
theories in the history of science.

13. Volcanoes often occur in subduction zones.

14. We are further proving the movement of plates by using plate tectonics which are in
a fixed position in space.

15. TRUE or FALSE The discoveries involved in plate tectonics had a tremendous
effect on the way other geological sciences looked at their world.

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