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Mr. Torres
Coronado HS


Part Two: Essay #1(2 paragraph minimum)

Only choose 1 of the following If you could choose the season next year,
what shows ( fall play, musical ect.) would
you want to do and why?

If you could choose one theater related field

trip next year for theater, what field trip would
you choose? Explain where we should go,
what we would do (be specific) and why it
would be a good educational field trip.

If you could bring one new tradition (or

project) to the Coronado Theatre Department,
what would it be and why?

Part Two: Essay #2 (2 paragraph minimum) What workshop/field trip/ guest artist was the
most influential to you this semester? Why
Answer the following was it impactful? How will you move forward
with it?

*See attachment

Paragraph I- Provide background about the

workshop/ field trip/ guest artist.

Paragraph II- Explain why it was impactful

and how it will help you in the future.

Personally, if I could choose the spring musical next year, it would be The Wizard of Oz
by Erin Detrick. I chose this musical because it’s a perfect opportunity for anyone who hasn’t
been in a play before but wants to try for once. It doesn't have to be a main role for it, but they
could just be a chorus character so that they’re still involved. Another reason this would be a
great choice is that The Wizard of Oz is very creative. Like for example, the set up that would
be on the stage could be very well decorated and designed which would entertain the
audience. One more reason is that the plot of The Wizard of Oz is super understandable
which actors and the audience would follow along with the play easily. This is great for the
actors because they would be capable of learning their lines pretty quickly and being able to
produce the play at more of an early date than usual.
In other words, The Wizard of Oz should be a considerable production because that
would most likely have a lot of people wanting to see the spring musical next year if it’s


Out of everything we have done at Coronado High School Theatres Department, the
most influential and interesting one was the Wicked workshop. I consider this as most
influential because it has impacted me a lot. It was impactful because I wasn’t really familiar
with how auditions would work when auditioning for anything theater related, but until then, I
learned on how auditions were like and how to deal with them. How I will move forward with
the information that I was taught is if I ever decide to audition for a musical or something, I will
remember that I have to be well prepared for anything that is given to me by whoever is
watching me audition and if they give something to me that needs to be quickly learned, I will
learn it quick as possible because I am capable of doing so.
About the workshop, the person was in the broadway musical Wicked and he would
explain to us that the auditions for Wicked lasted a long time and that he had to learn a
routine that was provided and was going to be used for the auditions to consider if you were
going to be chosen for the musical. He taught us that routine step by step and then practiced
a couple of times with the music that goes along with the routine, and once we practiced for a
certain amount of time, he separated people in groups as if it were to be an audition to portray
the routine on stage with the music with energy and if he would see someone that knew the
dance pretty good and seemed to be enjoying it, he chose them. Once he chose everyone
that was pretty good out of all of the groups, he made all of the chosen people dance all
together and the outcome of all the people he had chosen was very significant.
But other than that, this was impactful because I was able to experience what an
actual audition would be like if I would consider wanting to be in a musical or play in the

Part Three: Performance MP4 of portfolio performance, submitted on


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