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Having loved listening, reading stories about past events, stories about heroes who fought hard
for their communities in particular from childhood, the passion for wanting to know more
about things and getting the background truth about historical event that happened in the past
as well as educating people about it and also shedding more light to the truth about the
historical event motivated me to a large extent to study History Education in the University
despite all hurdles; additionally, venturing into History Education as a profession was borne out
of my skills in reading as I have always liked creative writing, reading and the kind of historical
books, I grew up watching videos of historical event which played significant roles in my choice
of career as well as writers of different historical books, historical researchers amongst others
also inspire me. I dream of becoming a replica of them when choosing my career.

History as I've come to understand that is the study of past event,chronological record of
significant events (such as those affecting a nation or institution) often including an explanation
of their causes. History is the study of people, actions, decisions, interactions and behaviours’

Francesca Morphakis, PhD Candidate in History at the University of Leeds

*********************** put your own sentences, change this to your story.

My sincere aspiration gets closer to actualization after graduation from secondary school. I was
admitted to University of Ilorin,Kwara State, Nigeria, where I studied History Education where I
was taught, i learnt about various historical events like: Trans-Atlantic Slave trade, Trans-Sahara
trade, Pre-colonial, Colonial and Neo-colonial era in African, The rise and fall of the Ghana
empire, Mali empire, Ancient Eygpt, The rise and fall of songhai empire,The discovery of the
new world by Christopher Columbus and Americano Van pucci which is now know has America,
French Revolution, Russian revoljtion which is also know as the Bolshevik revolution, Madinka
and the theocractic state of the Massina empire,The rise and fall of the Old Oyo Empire, The
Benin invasion of 1897,the Lagos bombardment of 1851, Nigerian's proclaiment for self
government in 1956 by Anthony Enahoro, Nigerian's independence on 1st of October 1960, and
Nigerian being a republic in 1963 e.t.c. I completed this study and obtained a Bachelor of Arts
and Education Degree in History Education (2022.

As there are several influences the history and Education has in people's way of life, this made
me conduct my undergraduate research on; Influence of institutional repository on history
undergraduate research output in university in Kwara state. During this research, I examined
various universities in Kwara in other to know how easy institutional repositories has helped to
bring easy access to historical researches about various event that has happened in the past, as
well as helping student bringing out facts about historical event in their researches in other not
to consume more of their time while doing their research online. Upon completion of the
research work, it gave me a better understanding of the roles. It influenced the internet as
means of disseminating information on one's Historical facts which is, likewise, the reason why
historical books, journals and e-books has to pay more attention to historical preservation and
promotion, aside from serving as a veritable agent of modernalization

My background and experience so far have prepared me for graduate study because I have
drawn up experiences reading,writing and educating student in schools about their historical
background in other for them to know more about their roots as well as telling them about
things that has happened in the past like mistakes that have been made in last by our
forefathers of which shouldn't be repeated again in our generation, just as I have also started
teaching in various schools even during my service days in Ogun state. I taught in various
schools like Government Day Secondary School, being a teacher of History and Government in
both S.S1 and 2. I also taught in schools like Hillspring Montessori school in Ilorin, Kwara state,
Akesan Royal school along Dangote Cement, Ibese road, Yewa North,Ogun state, Nigeria,
impacting knowledge to student about historical events that happened in the past, telling them
about great heroes who has contributed greatly to the development and growth of their
country and nation e.g Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi Awolowo, Sir Ahmadu Bello and also telling
them about great historians like: Herotodous who's know has father of History, Ctesian who's
know has a Greek Historian, Thucydides who wrote about peloponnesian war(460-c-400bce)...

Based on my relevant abilities, skills and experiences and the quest to progress in my chosen
career, I am confident that I am the possible candidate for the MA in ........... offered at .......,
The department has an outstanding staff strength, a vibrant research team and several state-of-
the-art teaching, learning and research facilities. Additionally, the course will add more
experience that I have initially gathered, exposing me to well-rounded preparation for a
successful future career.

I anticipate working and collaborating with other researchers interested in History. Thanks for
considering my application.
Studying these and other professors, research websites and publications gives me the sense
that this program is a great match for my interests, and I will be continuously challenging and
exciting in my future study…. (work around this )

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