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Experiment # 1

Angle Repose.

Determine the angle of repose of the solid particles.

Following material are required for this experiment:
1. Rice grain
2. Sand
3. Rotatory cylinder equipment

The procedure includes following points:
1. Take the feed material that must be some solid. Such as in our case it is rice
grain in rotary cylinder until it is half filled.
2. Then rotate the cylinder in the clockwise directions and note the reading of
angle of the feed sample made with scale of cylinder.
3. In the next step, repeat the same process in the anticlockwise direction.
4. By take the mean values of both angles take the angle of repose of rice grain.
5. Repeat the process for sand.

Observation and Calculations:

We find angle of repose for two feed samples rice and sand.
For rice grain
Angle in clockwise direction = 15"
Angle in anticlockwise direction = 18°
Angle of repose for rice grain = = 16.1°

For sand

Angle in clockwise direction = 80"

Angle in clockwise direction = 75°
Angle of repose for sand = = 77.5°

The angle of repose for sand is 77.5 degree which is far greater than rice grain
that is 16.1 degree.

Relative Theory:
Theoretically, the maximum angle at which grains in a heap of sediment can
remain in place without becoming unstable. The angle of repose of granular
materials is relevant in various applications of science and engineering, such as
sedimentology, geomorphology, hydraulic, and chemical engineering.
It can be used in the descriptions of initial motion of sediment grains and
sediment transport process, and in the investigations of bank stability, riprap
protection, and reservoir sediment removal.
The angle of repose, or critical angle of repose, of a granular material is the
steepest angle of descent or dip relative to the horizontal plane on which the
material can be piled without slumping.
At this angle, the material on the slope face is on the verge of sliding. The
angle of repose can range from 0° to 90°. The morphology of the material
affects the angle of repose; smooth, rounded sand grains cannot be piled as
steeply as can rough, interlocking sands.
The angle of repose can also be affected by additions of solvents. If a small
amount of water is able to bridge the gaps between particles, electrostatic
attraction of the water to mineral surfaces increases the angle of repose, and
related quantities such as the soil strength.
When bulk granular materials are poured onto a horizontal surface, a conical
pile form. The internal angle between the surface of the pile and the horizontal
surface is known as the angle of repose and is related to the density, surface
area and shapes of the particles, and the coefficient of friction of the material.
Material with a low angle of repose forms flatter piles than material with a high
angle of repose.
The term has a related usage in mechanics, where it refers to the maximum
angle at which an object can rest on an inclined plane without sliding down.

The angle of repose is sometimes used in the design of equipment for the
processing of particulate solids. For example, it may be used to design an
appropriate hopper or silo to store the material, or to size a conveyor belt for
transporting the material.
It can also be used in determining whether or not a slope (of a stockpile, or
uncompacted gravel bank, for (example) would likely collapse; the talus slope is
derived from angle of repose and represents the steepest slope a pile of
granular material can take.
This angle of repose is also crucial in correctly calculating stability in vessels. It
is also commonly used by mountaineers as a factor in analysing avalanche
danger in mountainous areas.

There is difference in the angle of repose of rice and sand. The difference in the
angle of repose may be small or too large.

Safety Precautions:
1. Be careful that your sand must not be wet.
2. Your apparatus should be dry and clean.

From the experiment, the angle of repose for different materials is measured
to describe the flow of each material. Smaller angle indicates a good flow
property compared to bigger angle.
Several factors that influence the angle of repose is also determined which are
the particle size, particle shape, cohesiveness and the method by which the
angle is measured. Smaller particles have a bigger angle of repose due to the
This cohesivity causes a poor flow. Mixture of particles with various sizes also
gives a bigger angle of repose owing to the friction. Besides the angle of repose
is also gravity-dependant. The flow of the materials is improved with the
addition of a glidant at low concentration. The glidant only work at a certain
range of concentration.
• Particle Technology by H. Rumph.
• Introduction to Particle Technology by Rhodes 2nd edition.
• Chemical Engineering and Technology by Ian Goodwin.
Sieve Analysis for a sample of solid particles.

1. To Study the particle size distribution and analysis.
2. To separate solid particles of different sizes and then calculate weight of
different size particles in the whole sample.

1. Vibratory sieve
2. A set of sieves
3. Weighing balance
4. Sand and solid particles

1. First, weight sand sample and feed it into the vibratory sieve from the
top and close the set of sieves tightly.
2. Start the vibratory sieve and set the timer to 10 minutes.
3. After 10 minutes, switch off the vibratory sieve.
4. The sand particles will be separate on the basis of their size in different
5. Then, weight the sample of sand particles in each individual sieve.

Observations and Calculations:

Mass = 376g

D0(mm) M(g) M Mavg Davg Wund Wavg



The result of sieve analysis is a graphically and tabular representation of the
particles size distribution of a material, showing the percentage of particles
passing through each sieve analysis.

Related Theory:
Particle size determination by Sieving dates back to the time of the ancient
Egyptians. The continuing use and popularity of this technique can be
attributed to the fundamentally simple principle, methodology, historical
reference, and cost effectiveness. An analysis consists of using sieves (typically
woven wire mesh), decreasing in opening size, to separate or classify a sample
by particle size.
A known mass of sample is added to the top sieve then dispersed through the
mesh opening until a stable mass is reached on each sieve in the stack. The
mass remaining on the sieve is measured and reported as a percentage of the
sample mass that is larger than the verified woven wire mesh opening size.
Vibration, air entrainment and flowing liquid are all dispersion methods that
can be used to move the sample through the mesh
A sieve analysis is a practice and procedure used to separate particle size
distribution of the granular materials. The size distribution is often of critical
importance to the way of material perform in use.
This test is performed to determine the percentage of different grains sizes
contained within a soil. The mechanical or sieve analysis is performed to
determine the distribution of the course, larger-sized particles.
The advantages of sieve analysis include it is easy to use, requires minimal
investment costs, offers accurate and reproducible results in a comparatively
short time, and has the ability to separate particle size fractions.
The sieve analysis procedure by differential sieve weighing is a tedious and
error-prone process. Using an accurate balance with convenient features and
digital data management can quickly pay off.
Sieve analysis has, in general, been used for decades to monitor material
quality based on particle size. For coarse material, sizes that range down to
#100 mesh (150μm), a sieve analysis and particle size distribution is accurate
and consistent. However, for material that is finer than 100 mesh, dry sieving
can be significantly less accurate.
This is because the mechanical energy required to make particles pass through
an opening and the surface attraction effects between the particles themselves
and between particles and the screen increase as the particle size decreases.
Wet sieve analysis can be utilized where the material analysed is not affected
by the liquid - except to disperse it.
Sieve analysis assumes that all particle will be round (spherical) or nearly so and
will pass through the square openings when the particle diameter is less than
the size of the square opening in the screen.
For elongated and flat particles, a sieve analysis will not yield reliable mass-
based results, as the particle size reported will assume that the particles are
spherical, where in fact an elongated particle might pass through the screen
end-on, but would be prevented from doing so if it presented itself side-on.
Mixture of the particles various size into two or more fraction by screening
surface is called screening.
Mesh number:

Count the number of openings in one linear inch of opening.


It is the measurement of particle size often used in determining the

particle-size distribution of a granular material.
Aperture size:

The size of the square opening is called aperture size of screen. It is

usually given in inches or mm.

Sieve analysis is the method that is used to determine the grain size
distribution of soil that the greater than 0.075 mm in diameter. It is usually
performed for sand and gravels but cannot be used as the sole method for
determining the grain size distribution of finer soil. It is the simple and easy way
to determine the particle size distribution of aggregate and this sieve analysis
procedure can be used by people who working in the laboratory like
government laboratory and private independent laboratory.

Safety Precautions:
1. Clean the sieves set so that no soil particles were struck in them
2. While weighing put the sieve with soil sample on the balance in a
concentric position.
3. Check the electric connection of the sieve shaker before conducting the
4. No particle of soil sample shall be pushed through the sieves.

To measure particle size distribution, different methods and procedures can be
applied, depending on the sample material, expected particle sizes, and the
scope of the examination. Sieve analysis is the traditional and most used
method to measure particle size distribution.

• "Characterisation of bulk solids" by Donald McGlinchey.
• Texas Department of Transportation (January 2016). "Test
Procedure for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates"
Flow pattern of solid particles.

To study the flow pattern of a given sample of solid particles through cylinders
of different diameter.

1. Cylinder
2. Cylinder stand
3. Sand

1. Take the given sample of sand and put in the first cylinder from the top
and lid.
2. When the lid is removed the stand starts falling and then observe the
flow pattern of sand particles.
3. Repeat the experiment for the other cylinder of different diameter.

Observation and Calculations:

Flow pattern of the solid particles is essential for optimizing processes ensuring
product quality, and designing efficient handling equipment. It involves analysis
various factor influencing particle movement and employing appropriate
testing method to characterize flow behaviour accurately.

Related theory:

Flow patterns of solid particles depend on various factors such as the nature of
the particles, the flow conditions, and the environment in which they are
moving. Here are some common flow patterns:
1. Dilute Phase Flow: In this pattern, particles are generally well separated
and move with the conveying gas or fluid. The concentration of particles
is relatively low, and they typically exhibit a more random, individual
trajectory. This pattern is often seen in pneumatic conveying systems
where particles are carried by air or gas.
2. Dense Phase Flow: Here, particles are closely packed and move as a
group. They tend to move in a more collective manner, often forming
slugs or plugs within the conveying system. The speed of particles in
dense phase flow is generally lower compared to dilute phase flow.
3. Plug Flow: In this pattern, particles move in a manner that simulates a
solid plug within the flow. This flow pattern is characterized by particles
moving at relatively similar velocities without much mixing or dispersion.
It's often observed in certain types of reactors or conveyor systems.
4. Suspended or Fluidized Flow: Particles are suspended and behave like a
fluid under certain conditions. In fluidized beds, for instance, particles
are suspended by a gas or liquid flow, exhibiting properties similar to
those of a fluid. This pattern is common in chemical engineering
applications and reactors.
5. Segregation: Different particles may segregate based on size, shape, or
density during flow. Larger or denser particles may move differently
compared to smaller or lighter ones, leading to segregation and
stratification within the flow. This can be observed in processes like
material handling, where sorting or separation might be required.
The flow patterns of solid particles can be quite intricate and are influenced by
multiple factors:
1. Particle Interactions: The nature of particle interactions greatly affects
the flow pattern. For instance, cohesive materials tend to stick together,
leading to erratic or slow movement. Meanwhile, non-cohesive particles
flow more freely.
2. Container Geometry: The shape and size of the container or vessel in
which the particles are held play a significant role. For instance, in conical
containers, particles might flow in a "funnel flow" pattern, with material
near the walls flowing differently from the central region.
3. Forces Acting on Particles: External forces such as gravity, air currents,
vibration, or shear forces influence particle movement. These forces can
cause particles to move collectively or segregate based on size, shape, or
4. Particle Size and Shape: Variances in particle size or irregular shapes can
impact how particles move within a container or system. Smaller
particles might move differently from larger ones, leading to segregation
or different flow patterns.
5. Moisture Content and Surface Properties: Moisture can affect the
cohesion between particles, altering flow patterns. Additionally, surface
properties like roughness or electrostatic charge can impact how
particles interact and flow.
6. Friction and Wall Effects: Friction between particles and container walls
can affect flow. Smooth walls might allow for easier movement, while
rough walls can cause particles to stick or move unevenly.

The experiment might not represent real-world conditions accurately. The use
of a simple cylinder might not mimic the complexities of industrial equipment
or natural systems where particle flow occurs.
Real systems often involve dynamic conditions, such as vibrations, variable
pressures, or temperature changes, which can significantly impact particle flow.
This experiment might not account for such dynamic factors.
The use of a single type of sand might not represent the diverse nature of
particles in many practical scenarios. Different particles can have varied flow
behaviours, and using only one type might oversimplify the findings.

Safety Precautions:
1. Calibrate all instruments and equipment used in the experiment to
ensure accuracy. Any errors in measurement tools can affect the results.
2. Understand the characteristics of the solid particles being used, including
size, shape, and density, as these factors can significantly influence the
flow pattern. Also, be aware of any electrostatic charges or properties
that might affect particle behaviour.
3. Prioritize safety by wearing appropriate personal protective equipment
(PPE) such as gloves, goggles, lab coats, and, if necessary, respirators.
Ensure proper ventilation in the lab to mitigate any risks associated with
particle inhalation.
4. Maintain a controlled environment with consistent temperature and
pressure conditions throughout the experiment to minimize external
influences on particle behaviour.
5. Properly dispose of the solid particles after the experiment in accordance
with laboratory protocols. Thoroughly clean the equipment and the
workspace to prevent contamination or interference in subsequent

The behaviour of solid particles in any given flow system can be influenced by
several factors like particle size, shape, density, flow velocity, environmental
conditions (temperature, pressure), and the characteristics of the conveying
medium (gas, liquid). Understanding these patterns is crucial in various
industries, such as manufacturing, mining, pharmaceuticals, and food
processing, to optimize processes and prevent issues like blockages,
segregation, or uneven distribution.

• Rogers, Ben; Adams, Jesse; Pennathur, Sumita (2014-10-28).
Nanotechnology: Understanding Small Systems, Third Edition.
• Rhodes, Martin J. (1998). Introduction to Particle Technology.
• Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering by H. Fogler.
Size Reduction Analysis using Double Role Crusher.

Double role crusher crushes material by extrusion, grinding and crushing

1. Double roll crusher.
2. Sample feed.
3. Sieve.
4. Weighing balance.

1. Take 2.6 kg of freezing sample, feed it to double roll crusher.
2. Note down the time of crushing and pour the feed into crusher
3. Collect fine and some ultrafine particles and also some dust particles.

Observations and Calculations:


Related Theory:

Size reduction analysis involving a double roll crusher typically evaluates the
efficiency and effectiveness of the equipment in reducing the size of the feed
material. The double roll crusher consists of two counter-rotating rolls with a
small gap between them. It's commonly used in mineral processing, coal, and
other industries for reducing the size of materials like ores and coal.
Feed Material Analysis:
➢ Feed Size: The initial size of the material entering the crusher.
➢ Feed Moisture Content: Moisture can affect the efficiency of the
crushing process.
➢ Feed Hardness: The hardness of the material can impact the crusher's
Crusher Operating Parameters:
➢ Gap Setting: The distance between the rolls. This determines the final
product size.
➢ Roll Speed: The speed at which the rolls rotate.
➢ Crushing Force and Pressure: Evaluating the forces applied during the
crushing process.
Output Analysis:
➢ Product Size Distribution: Analysing the range of sizes in the crushed
➢ Throughput Capacity: The quantity of material processed within a
specific time frame.
➢ Energy Consumption: Assessing the energy used by the crusher during
the size reduction process.
Efficiency and Effectiveness:
➢ Crushing Efficiency: How well the crusher reduces the material to the
desired size.
➢ Wear and Maintenance: Examining wear on the rolls and assessing
maintenance needs.
Double roll crushers are a type of crusher used in the mineral processing and
other industries to reduce the size of material. They consist of two heavy
cylinders that rotate in opposite directions, crushing the material between
them. These crushers come in different types, each with its own specific
features and applications:
Double Roll Crushers:
Standard Double Roll Crusher: This is the basic type, where two cylinders rotate
in opposite directions to crush the material. It's versatile and used in various
Toothed Double Roll Crusher: These have teeth on the crushing surface to grip
the material and enhance the crushing process, especially for hard or abrasive
Smooth Double Roll Crusher: The crushing surface is smooth, suitable for softer
materials, minimizing the generation of fines and ensuring more precise
product sizing.
Features and Operational Characteristics:
Adjustable Gap Setting: The distance between the rolls can be adjusted to
control the size of the crushed material.
Drive Mechanism: Typically powered by electric motors and may have a
gearbox or direct mechanical coupling.
Feeding Mechanism: Materials are fed into the crushing chamber through a
hopper or chute.
Crushing Principle: The rolls compress and crush the material against a fixed
surface, breaking it down into smaller pieces.
Size Reduction Ratio: Double roll crushers have a high reduction ratio, making
them suitable for secondary and tertiary crushing stages.
Advantages of Double Roll Crushers:
Uniform Size Reduction: Efficient for breaking down materials to a consistent
High Efficiency: They can handle a wide range of materials, from soft to hard,
and from sticky to friable.
Low Power Consumption: Generally, they consume less power per ton of
crushed material compared to other crushers.
Minimal Fines Generation: Especially in the case of smooth double roll
crushers, they produce minimal fines during crushing.
Mineral Processing: Used in processing various ores and minerals.
Coal Industry: Commonly used in the coal industry for crushing coal to a
specific size.
Aggregate and Construction: Used for reducing aggregates and in construction
for materials like limestone, gypsum, and more.
Each type of double roll crusher has its own advantages and is chosen based on
the specific material being processed, desired product size, and the industry or
application in which it will be utilized.

Experimental Setup: Run controlled experiments by varying one parameter
while keeping others constant.
Material Characterization: Analyse the material before and after crushing to
understand the changes in size, shape, and other properties.
Data Collection: Record data on input parameters, operating conditions, and
output results.
Analysis of Results: Evaluate the effectiveness of the crusher in reducing the
material size and achieving the desired output specifications.

Safety Precautions:
1. Safety Protocols: Ensure safety measures for the operators and
maintenance staff.
2. Equipment Maintenance: Regular checks and maintenance to ensure
optimal performance and safety.

A comprehensive analysis involves a combination of theoretical understanding,
practical experimentation, and data analysis to assess the efficiency and
effectiveness of the double roll crusher in reducing the material size. If you're
conducting this analysis, it's crucial to have a clear experimental plan, proper
safety measures, and a meticulous approach to data collection and analysis.

• Holdich, Richard G. (2002). Fundamentals of Particle Technology.
• Lynch, A.J., Rowland, C.A. (2005). "Chapter 2. The Science and the
Scientists". The History of Grinding. Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and
• Website link:
• Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering by H. Fogler.
Experiment # 5
To determine the density of a Solid.

Calculate the apparent density of a given samples of solid materials.
Calculate the actual density of a given samples of solid materials. Then checking
if there is any difference between the two densities due to spaces.

1. Sand sample
2. Water
3. 1000 ml graduated cylinder
4. Weighing balance

1. Weigh the given sample of sand to 500g and then pour it into cylinder.
2. Note the volume of the sample of sand in the cylinder when it is settled
and then calculate its apparent density (density=mass/volume).
3. After which add some water into the cylinder so that all the sand is
covered by the water.
4. Wait for ten minutes so that the sand particles completely settle and no
spaces between particles are left.
5. Then measure the new volume of sand from the cylinder and calculate
its actual density (density=mass/volume).

Observations and Calculations:

Apparent Density

Mass of sand = 𝑚 = 500 g

Volume of sand before compacting water = v = 365 ml
Apparent Density= d = = 1.25 g/ml

Actual Density

Mass of sand= M = 500 g

Volume of sand when compacted after water added = 𝑉= 400 ml
Actual Density = 𝜌 = = 1.369 g/ml

𝑨𝒑𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑫𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒚
Crushing ratio = Φ =
𝑨𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍 𝑫𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒚

1.25 𝑔/𝑚𝑙
Φ= = 0.919
1.369 𝑔/𝑚𝑙

The apparent density calculated (1.25 g/ml) differed from the actual density
(1.369 g/ml), suggesting the presence of voids or irregularities within the solid

Related Theory:
Apparent Density:
This measures the mass of a material in relation to its total volume, including
any void spaces or pores within the material. It's calculated by dividing the total
mass of the material (including these void spaces) by the total volume it
Actual Density:
Actual density is the mass of the material per unit of its actual, solid volume,
excluding any voids or pores. It's calculated by dividing the mass of the material
by its actual volume, considering the solid components only.
Envelope density:
Envelope density refers to the density of a material when it is in a perfectly
dense or ideal state, assuming no voids or porosity within the material. It
represents the theoretical maximum density that a material can achieve. In
essence, it's the density of a substance if all of its particles were in perfect
contact with no gaps or voids between them.
Difference between Actual and Envelope density?
Basis of Calculation: Envelope density is a theoretical concept based on perfect
packing of particles, while true density is a practical measurement based on the
actual mass and volume of a material.
Achievability: Envelope density is an idealized value that is not realistically
achievable in most materials, whereas true density is an observed value based
on real-world conditions.
Refers to the percentage of void spaces within a material. High porosity
indicates a higher volume of voids or pores, which can lead to discrepancies
between apparent and actual density.
Material Irregularities:
Irregularities within the material, such as air pockets, impurities, or variations
in composition, can significantly affect the observed densities. These
irregularities can lead to differences between the apparent and actual
Importance in Material Science:

• Material Characterization: Understanding a material's density is vital for

its characterization. It provides insight into its structural integrity,
composition, and potential applications.
• Quality Control: Determining both densities helps in quality control in
manufacturing processes. It ensures the uniformity and integrity of the
material being used.
Practical Applications:

• Engineering and Construction: Determining densities is crucial in

structural engineering to ensure the strength and stability of materials
used in construction.
• Material Selection: For various industries like aerospace or automotive,
understanding densities aids in material selection for specific functions
based on strength-to-weight ratios.
Understanding the relationship between the apparent and actual density of a
material is fundamental in evaluating its composition, quality, and suitability
for various applications in engineering and manufacturing.

• The observed difference between the apparent and actual densities
suggests that the solid material may contain voids or irregularities
affecting its density calculations.
• The measurements of the solid's dimensions and mass were conducted
meticulously to ensure accuracy in the calculations of both apparent and
actual densities.
• This experiment highlights the importance of determining both apparent
and actual densities for a comprehensive understanding of a material's
structure and composition.

Safety Precautions:
1. Clean Equipment: Ensure that all equipment, especially the container
and measuring tools, are clean to avoid contamination and inaccurate
2. Accurate Measurements: Take precise measurements of the solid's
3. Stable Surfaces: Ensure the balance and measuring tools are placed on
stable surfaces to prevent any disturbance during measurements.
4. Consistent Packing: While filling the container with the solid material,
ensure consistent packing to avoid voids or air pockets.
5. Safety Measures: Handle the solid material and equipment carefully to
prevent accidents or injuries.

The experiment successfully determined the apparent and actual densities of
the solid material. Discrepancies between the two values indicated the
presence of void spaces or irregularities within the material. Understanding
these densities is crucial in various fields, including material science and

• Chemical Engineering and Technology by Ian Goodwin.
• Link:
Experiment # 6
Size reduction of solid material by Ball Mill.

To grind the coarse particles to a smaller size by using a Ball Mill and to obtain
the particle size distribution of the initial and the sieved final mixture.

1. Ball milling machine.
2. Steel balls
3. Coarse particles.
4. Sieves.
5. Stop watch.

1. Take 1 kg of coarse particle of crushed bricks.
2. Measure the diameters of the ball in the ball mill. They should be of at
least three different sizes.
3. Add the balls and coarse particle to the ball mill.
4. Switch on the ball mill.
5. Take a stop watch and note time for each round every 10 seconds.
6. Keep watch to see in how much time your maximum amount of fine
sized particles.
7. Then perform sieve analysis.
Observations and Calculations:
During the milling process, the particles gradually reduced in size. A noticeable
reduction in particle size was observed after the 15 minutes of milling.

Related Theory

Ball Milling Machine:

A ball mill is a cylindrical machine generally used for mashing and crushing
paints, ceramic materials, ores, and other hard materials. The rotating drum is
filled with balls that impact and grind materials. These machines can vary in
size from small laboratory models to huge industrial mills.
Types of Ball Mills:
1. Planetary Ball Mill: Utilizes high-energy impact between the balls and the
materials to achieve particle size reduction. The milling can be
performed in dry or wet conditions, and the motion is planetary or
2. Horizontal Ball Mill: Contains a rotating horizontal shell filled with
grinding media and materials. The mill can be used for both dry and wet
milling processes.

Principle of working:
Ball mill principal work on Impact and Attrition. Both are responsible for size
reduction; rapidly moving balls are used for reducing the size of brittle

• Impact: Impact mean pressure exerted by two heavy objects.

• Attrition: Reduced the size of the materials when they colloid by heavy
weight (Ball).
• Critical Speed: The speed at which the centrifugal force on the balls is
equal to the gravitational force is the critical speed. Operating the mill at
a speed above this critical value enhances the impact and grinding
actions, crucial for effective size reduction.
• Motion within the Mill: The rotation of the mill causes the balls to
cascade and grind the material. This motion assists in breaking down the
material due to impact and attrition.
• Ball Size: The size of the balls used in the mill affects the impact energy
and grinding capabilities. Larger balls may provide more impact force but
might lead to less grinding efficiency, while smaller balls may enhance
grinding but with reduced impact force.
• Ball Distribution: The distribution of ball sizes in the mill affects the
grinding process. An optimal ball distribution ensures efficient grinding
and proper impact for size reduction. and attrition.
• Milling Time: The duration of milling directly impacts the final particle
size. Longer milling times typically result in finer particles but can also
lead to increased energy consumption.
• Material Properties: The hardness, brittleness, and initial particle size of
the material being milled significantly impact the effectiveness and
efficiency of the size reduction process.
• The energy consumed during milling is a critical aspect. High energy
consumption might result from operating the mill at high speeds or for
extended periods. Balancing energy consumption with desired particle
size reduction is crucial for practical applications.

Ball mill Speed Impact on Size Reduction:

Low speed: At low speed, the mass of balls will slide or roll up one over
another and will not produce a significant amount of size reduction.
High Speed: At high-speed balls are thrown to the cylinder wall due to
centrifugal force and no grinding will occur.
Normal speed: At Normal speed balls are carried almost to the top of the mill
and then fall into a cascade across the diameter of the mill, in this way
maximum size reduction is obtained.

The experiment showed a significant reduction in particle size after milling.
Higher milling times might result in further reduction but may also lead to an
increase in energy consumption. The effect of varying ball sizes and mill speeds
on the particle size distribution can be explored in further experiments.
The effectiveness of size reduction by ball milling depends on various factors,
including the characteristics of the material being milled, the milling time, the
size and type of balls used, and the rotational speed of the mill. Controlling
these variables allows for the manipulation and control of the final particle size,
making ball milling an effective method for particle size reduction in various
industries and research fields.

Safety precautions:
• Ensure all personnel involved in the experiment wear appropriate safety
gear, including safety goggles, gloves, and lab coats. This protects against
potential splashes, spills, or contact with the equipment.
• Before starting the experiment, inspect the ball mill and all associated
equipment for any signs of damage or wear. Ensure that the equipment
is in proper working condition.
• Adhere to the recommended speed, ball size, and material feed rate.
Ensure that these parameters are within the operational limits of the ball
mill to avoid equipment malfunction.
• Continuously monitor the milling process. Do not leave the equipment
unattended while in operation.

This experiment demonstrates that the ball mill effectively reduces the particle
size of coarse particle. Understanding the impact of different parameters on
size reduction can help optimize milling processes for various materials.

• The Science and Engineering of Granulation Processes by Jim Litster,
Bryan Ennis
• Handbook of Particle Technology 2022
• Particle size measurement by Terence Allen, 1968
Experiment # 7
Blending two different materials using V shaped blender.

To mix two or more materials and make a homogeneous mixture.

1. V-shaped blender machine.
2. Sand.
3. Salt.
4. Stop watch.
5. Measuring cylinder.

1. Take two different materials.
2. Both to be of 100 ml.
3. Add them into the blender.
4. After interval of time of two minutes measure the volume change.
5. Take careful readings.

Observations and Calculations:

Mass of salt = 100 ml
Mass of sand = 100 ml
Total mass of mixture = 200 ml
We noticed a significant change in the total mass of the mixture as the mass
was reduced. The change in volume is 40 ml.

Related theory:

Introduction to V-Shaped Blender:

The V-shaped blender is a common type of industrial blender used in
pharmaceutical, food, chemical, and material processing industries. Its design
consists of a V-shaped container with a motor-driven agitator that rotates to
mix and blend dry or granular materials.
Blending Mechanism:
The V-shaped blender operates on the principle of convective mixing. As the
agitator moves, the materials inside the V-shaped container are subjected to a
combination of three main mechanisms:
1. Shear: The movement of the agitator generates shear forces within the
material, causing particles to slide over one another, promoting mixing.
2. Diffusion: Particles move from regions of higher concentration to lower
concentration due to the agitator's motion, leading to a more uniform
distribution of materials.
3. Convection: The movement of the materials in a rolling pattern due to the
shape of the container, facilitating the mixing process.
Characteristics of a V-Shaped Blender:
1. Blending Efficiency: The efficiency of the V-shaped blender is influenced by
factors such as the speed of the agitator, the angle and design of the V-shaped
container, and the properties of the materials being blended.
2. Uniformity and Homogeneity: The design of the V-shaped blender aims to
achieve a high level of homogeneity in the mixture by minimizing segregation
and promoting consistent blending of materials.
3.Time and Energy Efficiency: The design and mechanisms involved aim to
reduce blending times and energy consumption while maintaining high-quality
Mixing Process in V-Shaped Blender:
1. Loading: Materials are loaded into the V-shaped blender in predetermined
quantities to ensure optimal blending.
2. Rotation: The agitator, driven by a motor, starts rotating within the V-shaped
container, initiating the mixing process.
3. Particle Movement: As the agitator moves, particles are subjected to shear,
diffusion, and convection, leading to their rearrangement and mixing.
4. Homogenization: Over time, the materials become uniformly mixed,
achieving the desired homogeneity.
Factors Affecting Blending in V-Shaped Blender:
Material Properties:
Particle Size and Density: Variations in particle sizes and densities can impact
the blending process.
Cohesiveness and Flow Properties: Materials with different flow and cohesive
properties might behave differently during blending.
Equipment Parameters:
Agitator Speed and Design: The speed and design of the agitator significantly
influence the intensity of mixing.
Container Angle and Shape: The angle and shape of the V-shaped container
affect the movement and behaviour of the materials during blending.

The V-shaped blender's design and operational mechanisms aim to facilitate
efficient and homogeneous mixing of materials. Understanding the principles
of convective mixing, particle movement, and the influence of various factors
helps in optimizing its performance for different blending applications.

Safety precautions:
• Wear appropriate personal protective equipment such as safety goggles,
gloves, and a lab coat to protect against any potential splashes or contact
with the materials.
• Ensure the V-shaped blender is in good condition before use. Check for
any signs of damage, loose parts, or malfunctioning components.
• Effectiveness of the V-Shaped Blender: The results suggest that the V-
shaped blender effectively homogenizes the materials within a short
• Improvements and Limitations: Discuss any observed limitations in the
experiment or potential improvements in the methodology for future
• Confirm that the materials used in the experiment are suitable for
blending and won't react with the blender or cause damage.
• Clean the blender thoroughly before use to prevent any contamination
from previous experiments.
• Ensure that the power source and electrical connections are stable and
away from any spilled materials or liquids to avoid electrical hazards.
• Handle materials with care and follow proper waste disposal protocols
after the experiment.
The experiment demonstrated that the V-shaped blender is proficient in
producing a homogeneous mixture of granular materials within a short
duration, showing potential for various mixing applications.

• Mixing of solids by Ralf Weinekötter, 2000.
• Particle Technology by Hans Rumpf, 1975.

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