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Fortnite Guide to FA Requirements: Account Pulls

• A laptop or something you can Inspect Element the provided receipts with (Will be
explain why later) • Access to • A brain to be creative (when
contacting support you must be clever how to manipulate them into proving your
Original Owner).

Goodluck on your pulling journey!

- Finding A OG Account, this will probably be a NIGHTMARE for you, since your a
newbie and thats why you purchased my ebook to get pro at it. But how do you find
one? Well your first step is to forward to, this is where
your literally going to stalk peoples good old season 1+ memories lmfao, this means
look at their oldest clips (2017), if they don't have clips from then dont bother
looking for a og in 2018-2022 because its really hard because of the amount of s2+
players. All your going to do is find a xbox name anywhere like in Party Royale
just to start off, your going to look at their clips and notice if any of their
teammates or who they kill might’ve had any OGs equip or such. If you’ve r@ped all
the clips they had, now look at the kill feed at the bottom left, this is where
your finding new clips to look for OGs, your now going to lookup the usernames in
the kill feed and look in their clips looking for OGs. There is the other better
way though of looking for inactive fortnite OG accounts using just looking through seeing if
theres anything or any accounts your interested in (This is better to pull inactive
accounts as wont get backlash or competition when trying to get the account when
the original owner will also be trying to keep it).

You’ve found what you want, now you want it ofc. Lookup their xboxname on , if no IP Address has been shown, tough now you need to
find another OG, yes you could be sad but trust me most OGs have their IP on there
since they usually has been playing other games years before Fortnite. Now this IP
Is important because its part of your pull information. This is where you can also
lookup that IP you found for the account at or (not free) , Now save the City and State. This will
be your first ever purchase location. Now you have OG IP + Purchase Location.

Step 3
Head other to their xbox profile, now look at their achievements. Your going to
check if they own STW or not, this is going to help you make the fake receipt, this
is the part where you have to guess what their first ever purchase was, STW or
vbucks? Back in the old Fortnite days, 80% of first OGs purchases wasinfact STW
which is your best option, but if they don't have this achievement then vbucks was
their first (most likely not 1k vbucks package since most better-looking skins were
more than that so 2.8k vbucks packages to 13.5k vbucks, people who brought OGs
needed more than 1k vbucks to buy any of the 4OGs) but if you want to know if they
brought STW look for this achievement on their xbox achievements If they have this
achievement they have STW (CHECK PICTURE ON THE NEXT PAGE)
Step 4
This is important. The receipt has to be in the currency and language of their IP
address that has been fount on xresolver by you. So if they are in USA, you have to
make the receipt in English and currency in USD, if its French then has to be in
French and whatever currency Frances uses, but you MUST check how a french receipt
looks (you can go around on finding French communities for example to
see how their STW receipt looks like, you could say some bullshit why you want to
see and they can blur out any confidential stuff just so you know what you have to
edit your receipt as) Scenario if they have STW: • You need a xbox account that has
a STW transaction, you need a device that can inspect element the page the receipts
on (ctrl + shift + i for desktops) • Here is a example of what you would be editing

• First thing we will be editing is the “Thanks for shopping with us on Saturday,
December 9, 2017” , but how do you get this? Well if you look back at their Xbox
Achievements at when they unlocked gunsmith (if you on a mobile to see when they
unlocked it u must click their achievement, now the day they unlocked it is the
date of when they brought STW, so you must edit this date which now would be
“Thanks for shopping with us on Tuesday, April 17, 2018” using the screenshot below

STEP 4 Continued

Now if they don't have STW just use a vbucks xbox receipt, but edit the shopping
date, Now this is where you just guess. You can just look at their xbox clips and
roughly see when they started clipping with skins and you can use that as the
Purchase Date (for example, if they posted 3 clips using default then their 4th
clip is them using renegade raider, just choose a random date from how many years
ago the clip was uploaded. If you use it shows you when the
clip was uploaded so you have a rough idea! AND AGAIN DON'T EDIT ORDER ID
PRO TIP! If you want more success rate pulling the account, when you edit the
receipt on desktop screenshot your whole desktop and not just cropping the receipt
to make it look more legitimate!

Getting ready to contact epic games, this is probably the most stressful obviously.
Sadly every epic games employee is different some will decline but if you keep
trying one will eventually verify ownership to account and let you provide new
email. But before the good stuff lets see what we got since we here. We have now
got: • OG IP • OG Purchase Location • Fake Receipt • Xbox Name (For linked
connections) • OG Display Name (If the account is unverified the display name +
xbox name is the same that shows its unverified in most cases, this is also the OG
Display Name!) Now to pull the account, you need someone from their city to submit
the epic games ticket/live chat (if you find someone from the OG owners city that
can contact epic games for you really gives much higher success rates) / contacting
only from same country and not same city gives semi success but city is way more
preferred since epic games support will think the person submitting the ticket is
OG owner). Step 5 Live Chat / Ticket Submitting
US/contact-us ( Live Chat is better
because its less suspicious, but tickets fine if no agents are available. But first
of all, you must make a fresh epic games account to contact on (or the person
helping you submit) Make sure to make the email of the epic games account similar
to the Xbox Name of the victim your trying to pull the account off. Example: their
xbox name is DaRaiders0 make the epic games account email like, if you cant add random numbers to it (do the same with
display name on epic games make it similar) and first and last name don't matter
but make it appropriate because they can see it. You can use the same email thats
used for the Epic Games account as contact email. Now, make the Display Name when
your on the contacting page before you live chat the same as the xbox, make the
device xbox too obviously. Now for the description make it believable like (My xbox
account got compromised and i want help to get it back // The email that i used on
my epic games account is my Dads email and my dad recently passed away and i have
no way to get access, could you help me get my account back? thank you) Now click
„Live Chat”, now just talk some bullshit to further backup your story until
they say they have to move the chat to email.

Step 6
You’ve received the email, now they are asking you infomation. You must provide
what you have gathered, for creation date if they ask you that say your unsure
because it was ages ago but say roughly like 2017 but you dont know the exact date
(because for example the account is a QUAD and they started in 2017). Provide
everything else, purchase location, fake receipt & ect. Once sent wait for reply,
if they decline it dont worry, it happens you must hit the right epic employee whos
not a bitch. Just restart the Live Chat progress but with a fresh epicgames account
and email and repeat the progress! (Dont over do it give some rests between the
repeats like 1hr-24hrs)

Dont pull a active fortnite account its literally not worth the fuss,
check on of you want to check if its active
Dont pull a OG that has a lot of clip views (check how many people
viewed their clips, if 0-3 people viewed their clip then its just normal
people, but if it has a whopping 10-50 views the account has already
been pulled by some1 else or loads of ppl tried already
Ask me personally if you need help, ill always help out my precious
sexy buyers
Don't give up on a account just because you cant pull it, yes it takes
time but if you want a OG you gotta work it, at least its technically
free, + inactive pulled OGs are the most safest ever
Don't try contact for pulling the account if u dont live in og owners
city + state because trust me it will be hard if u cant find someone
to submit for you. if you find someone who can submit for you,
some epic games employees detect that the person who submitted
the account lives in the same city as the OGO and sometimes even
tell to provide new email without submitting anything OR they give
benefit of doubts when you send info and somethings wrong
Every epic games employee is different, some take their job
seriously and some literally just glance at what u provided and
compare to what their database got and approve you as OGO


-Templates when contacting epic:

Starting Email:
Dear Epic Games Support, I am writing to urgently request your assistance in
recovering my compromised Epic Games account. I have been unable to access it for
an extended period, and it has become a source of great frustration and

The email associated with my account was linked to my late mother's old email
address. Unfortunately, we were unable to retrieve her accounts after her passing.
Around the same time, my Epic Games account fell victim to unauthorized access,
possibly due to a compromise of the associated email.

Despite my persistent efforts, I have been unable to regain control of my account.

Every response I receive states that ownership verification is unsuccessful. I want
to emphasize that I am the rightful owner and I am prepared to provide any
necessary evidence to support my claim.
As a dedicated member of the Epic Games community, I have enjoyed countless hours
of entertainment and formed valuable connections. Losing access to my account has
been disheartening, and I am reaching out to you with the hope that you can assist
me in recovering it as soon as possible.

I kindly request your immediate attention to this matter and appreciate your
understanding of the urgency involved. Your support in resolving this issue would
not only bring me great relief but also reaffirm my confidence in the security
measures employed by Epic Games.

Thank you for your prompt consideration and assistance.

[Your Name] [Your Epic Games Account Username]

Second Email:
Like i said i don't have access to the email as it was my late mothers and we can't
recover it, i also don't remember the first or last name of the account as it was
something random i made as a kid, my connected accounts are (List the accounts
connected to it and the IDS for them, to find these go onto telegram and search
@RaikaCheckerBot) and the display name is (List the display name of the account).

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