Group 1 - Architectural Field Study Report

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SESSION 202305









KEE JIA KE 2101678

Fig. 1: Key Plan

Fig. 2: Location Plan

After the fruitful study trip to Taiwan, our group decided to redesign the bus stop
in front of the UTAR KA Block. We also introduce a link bridge, which is the main point
of our project, that provides a new alternate path to travel within KA and KB Block.
The climate in Sungai Long is a typical tropical climate which is hot and humid
all year round. The average annual maximum temperature is 33℃ whereas the
average annual maximum temperature is 23℃. Under the influence of monsoons, the
warmest month in Sungai Long is May while the coolest month is January.

The average daylight hours are about 12 hours a day whereas the average
annual amount of sun hours is 2220 hours. In addition to that, November has on
average the lowest amount of sunshine with 152 hours and March is the sunniest
month with 208 hours of sunshine. (Value based on website

The sun orientation is raised from the Southeast and set in the Northwest. The
months with the highest sun altitude are June and July when sunlight is cast straight
onto the ground and causes an increase in land surface temperature. Since the site
has a dense canopy, less sunlight reaches it from December to January when the sun
is lower in the sky.

Sungai Long receives relatively high rainfall throughout the year as it usually
rains every month. The annual precipitation average is 2255 mm in Sungai Long. On
average, December has the highest precipitation around 230 mm whereas June
receives the least amount of precipitation which is 58 mm only.

In relation to the rainfall in Sungai Long, the average annual humidity on site is
as high as 81%. The most humid month is December, at 83% as the humidity tends
to rise after heavy rain in November. On the other hand, the least humid month is July,
at 79.0% as June has the least precipitation all year round. (Value based on website

As the site is surrounded by residential buildings, the most prevalent wind on

site comes from the Southwest direction. There is an open space for the morning
market in the Southwest of the site, therefore there is constant wind from the direction.
August is the windiest month of the year. The maximum wind speed could go up to
10km/h which is defined as a light breeze. However, January is the least windy month,
the wind speed is approximately 0 to 5km/h which feels like light air. (Value based on

A series of issues of concern have arisen regarding bus stops and their
associated facilities on campus that need to be improved.

Firstly, the bus stop rest areas are inadequate to meet the rest and waiting
needs of students and nearby residents. In addition, the area of the existing awnings
is not large enough to effectively block out the sun and provide adequate shelter from
the rain, causing much inconvenience to waiting passengers. The bus stops are also
not equipped with electric lights, resulting in the inability to provide light to users during
rainy days and at night. Meanwhile, the lack of a good rest area for drivers may affect
bus drivers' working comfort and concentration of bus drivers. The chaotic hawker stall
situation also needs to be addressed, as the lack of a fixed plan for stalls has resulted
in hawkers setting up stalls at random, taking up other spatial resources and affecting
access. Inadequate safety measures are another issue. The lack of necessary safety
facilities at bus stops may raise the risk of accidents and pose a potential danger to
passengers and pedestrians. In addition, the lack of clear bus schedules and
information inconveniences passengers and may lead to uncertainty in waiting times
and travel plans.

The pathway from buildings KA and KB to the bus stops is not only uneven but
also lacks shade, making it an uncomfortable experience for students. The one-way
driveway between Buildings KA and KB also adds to the difficulty and safety risks of
walking to and from the bus stops for students and needs to be looked at. The lack of
a student stall area limits opportunities for student interaction, and the lack of a
platform or space in the multi-purpose hall constrains the simultaneous organization
of multiple events. Finally, access to the car park involves crossing busy and fast-
moving lanes of traffic, causing inconvenience and safety risks for students who drive.

These issues relate to bus stops, campus facilities, and traffic flow, and
solutions need to be found to enhance the convenience, comfort, and safety of the
campus environment.

As students of University Tunku Abdul Rahman and users, we have an in-depth

understanding of the campus surroundings and have identified issues with traffic and
path circulation that cause inconvenience and safety hazards. We are confident that
by providing a comprehensive solution, we can not only address a range of issues but
also improve the overall environment of the school, thus creating a better campus
experience for students and users. A range of issues are negatively impacting the daily
lives and learning of students.

With the problem statement's solution, we will not only improve the overall
image and functionality of the school but also improve the quality of life and learning
experience for students. We are confident that such improvements will help create a
more congenial and positive campus atmosphere, making our school a more attractive
place to study and live.

The concept proposes a bridge incorporating vegetation and structure on the

bridge and provides convenience when traveling to their class that links to two blocks
of UTAR. The bridge could apply green technology to allow renewable energy, such
as sun, water, and air, to penetrate the interior space. The vegetation incorporates the
area that could provide a natural and healthy environment, which positively impacts
the people who pass the bridge. Also, the green design could help reduce the adverse
and harmful effects on the environment and society.

The intention is to provide a bridge linkage between the KA and KB Block for
students to pass by during class time easily. Students could travel easily by using the
bridge as another option when there is a crowd of people, such as early morning or
late afternoon. The reason is that traffic will crush student travel using the lift to their
class between KA and KB Block. This will cause a lot of wasted time waiting for the lift
during peak hours and become an issue for students in UTAR. The bridge could solve
this issue because it has provided another option for students to travel between the
two blocks in UTAR, and people will use the bridge instead of the lift. Also, activities
and programs will be proposed on the concourse area of the bridge, which could make
good use of the bridge. Moreover, the bridge will use a green approach in the overall
design to promote eco-friendly and human health towards the students and society.

There are several factors and observations that must be taken into account for
the SWOT analysis of the structure.

First and foremost, for the structure's strength. The link bridge serves as the
project's major structure and gives students a quick and easy route to cross a busy
road and obstacle course. In addition, for students who access the university from a
bus stop or a parking lot that is far from the campus, the link bridge offers better rain
cover along the street. Second, the design contributes to the user's safety. The link
bridge serves as a secure and convenient connection between the campus, parking
lot, and bus stop, preventing students from crossing the busy roadways. While offering
a user- and bus driver-friendly waiting area, the bus stop was refurbished and
connected to the link bridge.

Apart from that, the link bridge contributes to improved connectivity by

connecting the KA and KB blocks in particular. As far as we can tell, the main issue
with our campus, UTAR Sungai Long, is that there isn't a proper connection between
the KA and KB blocks. This causes several issues, including the need for students to
cross a busy road between the two blocks and the lack of integration between the two
blocks for the UTAR campus. By planning and building the link bridge, students may
access the various facilities more easily and the campus will feel more connected.
Other than that, the building's architecture contributes to the university's aesthetic
appeal and promotes UTAR's sense of community. Additionally, the open roof platform
can be used by students to host club events because the campus lacks adequate
space for such events.

There are two weaknesses in the design. First, let us talk about the costs. While
costs will be high during the design and construction phases due to the use of
specialized materials or architectural features, especially for the link bridge that we
designed to replace the existing covered pedestrian walkway, the demolition fee that
must be taken into account will also increase the price. Other than that, the structures
need constant maintenance for reasons of safety, lifespan, and aesthetics.

On the other side, the structure also offers various opportunities, such as the
architectural showcase. Utilize the central open area and the link bridge, which give
UTAR students a platform and an opportunity to showcase their inventions and
creativity to the public, by setting up an exhibition or gallery along the link bridge to
display the students' artwork. In addition, the arrangement of the campus creates
opportunities for collaboration between diverse departments.

Prospective threats to this framework must also be taken into account. The first
is navigating the legal and regulatory requirements for construction, which can be
challenging and cause delays. This is because the development of the link bridge and
the bus stop will affect the public area near the university. In addition, during the design
phase, we decided to reconstruct and recirculate the existing vehicle circulation
around the campus and the alley of the shop lots, if all these aspects don’t align with
the preferences of the local community and could lead to backlash or resistance. Last
but not least, is the budget constraints. Due to a lack of money, the design's viability
could be compromised, or its aesthetics or material quality could suffer.

In conclusion, the SWOT analysis provides a snapshot of the potential factors

to be considered during the construction and designing phase. The specific context
and details of the project will significantly influence the actual outcomes. By
considering all of these elements during the SWOT analysis, it is possible to have a
deeper understanding of the context and create a better design to overcome all these
problems and aspects.

1. Green waterway (綠川)

Fig. 3: Green waterway

Source: Photo taken on-site by Kee Jia Ke

Green Waterway Canal is used to regulate water flow between seasons of low
and high flow and also prevent flooding. It can absorb and release water and is flexible
like a sponge. By connecting the Green Waterway Canal to the Zhonghua water
treatment facility, the water quality has greatly improved. Additionally, a variety of
indigenous species, including Himalayan ash, Taiwanese Rain Tree, and Chinese
Fringe Trees enhance the Liuchuan's landscape.
2. Green corridor (綠空)

Fig. 4: Green corridor


Green Corridor is a conversion from Taichung's old railway. The culture and

heritage of the railway were preserved well and were connected to the railway cultural

park, historical sites, and station business area. The landscape was arranged in

several levels to let users have a different unique experience.


Fig, 5: New Bus Stop Design

The bridge will be proposed for the linkage between two blocks of UTAR which
will reduce the student jams during the peak hours and provide a more convenient
way for them to cross between the two blocks of UTAR. The bridge will start from the
bus stop of Hub UTAR towards the middle of the KA block, and KB block, and the last
will be going toward Asia Café on the shop lot houses that are opposite the KB blocks.
The reason for proposing the pathway from the bus stop of Hub UTAR to the end of
the bridge which is the Asia Café is that most of the students will come to UTAR by
using the bus so they will stop at the bus stop and cross easily towards their destination
either going for UTAR blocks or Café. This could help them to avoid crossing the road
by using the bridge which could provide a more easy and convenient way to their
destination. Moreover, they could avoid the jam by using life towards the upper floor
due to the bridge could direct access to the UTAR blocks.

Fig. 6: Isometric View of the Link Bridge

Next, we found out Hub UTAR bus stop had just provided a tent for the bus
driver to rest but the bus stop did not require a proper resting area for the bus driver.
So, we proposed a resting area for bus drivers which is under the bridge. Also, there
will be food stalls under the bridge that could sell their food for those students that
waiting at the bus stop. This could help to make use of the spaces of the empty space
which is under the bridge.

Fig. 7: Central Point of the Link Bridge

Lastly, the central point of the bridge will propose a stage which could allow
students to conduct more activities or perform at the stage. In addition, there are also
some partitioned spaces rooms as study rooms or meeting rooms for them to use
which could make efficient for the central point of the bridge

The shape of the bridge will be straight and long due to the distance between
the two blocks of UTAR. We have proposed a gallery between the bridge which could
create a linear journey for it and people could view the work that is displayed in the
gallery. Thus, the bridge could become an interesting and aesthetical place when
people travel to another block and make good use of the space at the bridge. The
gallery could display the work of the student who has studied in the course related to
art, humanity, and creativity so that it could provide exposure to the student. Also,
billboards will be proposed to provide the opportunity for clubs and society in UTAR to
advertise their event posters and details for more exposure. This shows that the bridge
has made good use of the space by proposing the billboard and gallery as a linear

The structure of the bridge uses bamboo layers and steel which have combined
mixed on the modern material and natural fibre materials together. Also, the bridge
platform uses steel and reinforced concrete that could stabilize the structure of the
bridge by transferring the load of it. The design of the bridge has applied the movement
of the Ivy Leaf which could create a playful and interesting form for the façade of the
bridge. This structure has indicated that UTAR hopes students achieve in their
academic performance like the movement of Ivy Leaf fast and speed in their future.
Moreover, the overall bridge design has applied the concept of green design such as
the bamboo layers which is an eco-friendly material, and the structure of the bridge is
surrounded by green plants and technology that could reduce negative impact on the
environment and society.

By implementing a comprehensive solution, the proposed plan addresses the

previously mentioned issues. Firstly, the bridge was designed to directly connect the
two buildings of UTAR, providing a convenient way for students to cross. This not only
alleviates the problem of traffic congestion during peak hours but also facilitates the
movement of students around the campus.

Secondly, the design of the bus stops has dedicated areas for students and -
users to rest and provide a good waiting environment. In addition, the addition of
shading facilities, both on and under the bridge, protects students waiting for buses
from the sun and rain.

For bus drivers, the rest area under the bridge provides a suitable place for
them to take a proper rest. Meanwhile, the hawker stalls under the bridge provided
food and resting places for bus drivers and students waiting for buses, making full use
of the space.

In addressing safety and traffic flow issues, the design of the bridge increases
pedestrian safety by separating the pedestrian flow from vehicular access.
Pedestrians no longer need to compete with vehicles for access to the road, thus
reducing potential safety hazards.

The bridge design also creates a central point that provides a multi-purpose
location for students, which can be used as stalls, study rooms, and meeting rooms.
In addition, an internal gallery showcases student work, whilst billboards provide
promotional opportunities for clubs and societies within the school, allowing for a
greater flow of information.

Finally, the structural design of the bridge makes full use of a combination of
modern materials and natural fiber materials, whilst incorporating greenery and
technology to reduce the negative impact on the environment. Overall, through this
project, we have addressed a number of previously mentioned issues and created a
safer, more accessible, environmentally friendly, and fun campus environment that
optimizes the learning and living experience for students.

In a nutshell, the motive of this link bridge not only aims to provide a better path
for students and other users to move within the streets, and blocks, and access the
bus stop more easily. It also provides a new image of UTAR, showing the status of
UTAR as a well-known university.

The precedent study of Taiwan Connection 1908 and other architectures that
we observed throughout the study trip provided us with better ideas for designing this
project. The green technologies and sustainable design of the bridge aim to make this
project last for a long period and provide a new attraction for all users.

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