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Main Features of Financial Management 2.

Financial Management and Accounting

1. Analytical Thinking- Under financial management, Financial Management, as discussed earlier is the
financial problems are analyzed and considered. A study interpretation of the data presented in accounting.
of the trend of actual figures is made and ratio analysis Interpretation gives color to the somewhat vague
is done numbers presented in financial reports. The firm’s
finance and accounting activities are closely related and
2. Continuous Process- previously financial generally overlap. Accounting is sometimes said to be
management was required rarely but now the financial the language of finance because it provides financial
manager remains busy throughout the year. data through income statements, balance sheets, and
3. Basis of Managerial Decisions- All managerial statements of cash flows. The financial manager must
decisions relating to finance are taken after considering know how to interpret and use these statements in
the report prepared by the finance manager. Financial allocating the firm's financial resources to generate the
management is the base managerial decisions best return possible in the long run.

4. Maintaining Balance between Risk and Profitability- 3. Financial Management and Mathematics
The larger the risk in the business the larger the Modern approaches to financial management apply a
expectation of profits. Financial management maintains large number of mathematical and statistical tools and
a balance between risk and profitability. techniques. They are also called econometrics.
5. Coordination between Processes- There is always Economic order quantity, time value of money, cost of
coordination between various business processes. capital, capital structure theories, dividend theories,
ratio analysis, and working capital analysis are used as
6. Centralized Nature- Financial management is of a mathematical and statistical tools and techniques in the
centralized nature. Other activities can be decentralized field of financial management.
but there is only one department for financial
management. 4. Financial Management and Production Management

The profit of the concern depends upon the production

performance. Production performance finance, because
Relationship with other business functions the production department requires raw materials,
machinery, wages, operating expenses, etc. Important
Other organizational functions are closely tied to production decisions like make or buy can be taken only
Financial Management and in one way or another, are after financial implications have been considered.
affected by the decisions made by financial managers.
The following are some of the notes about other 5. Financial Management and Marketing
business functions. Marketing is another vital part of a firm’s profitability
1. Financial Management and Economics that is linked with financial management. Marketing
strategies such as holding inventories to provide
Economics provides a structure for decision-making in uninterrupted service to customers to increase sales are
such areas as risk analysis, pricing theory through supply a cost of a firm that needs the area of financial
and demand relationships, comparative return analysis, management. Managers need to know whether to
and many other important areas. Economics also spend much on these marketing strategies since they
provides a broad picture of the economic environment bring about large chunks of their sales or just to forfeit
in which corporations must continually make decisions. these marketing strategies. Spending on advertisement
In this regard, Financial Management is related to is also what financial managers keep an eye on
economics in the sense that the decision of a financial depending on its relationship with the company’s sales
manager must also take into consideration the data.
economic environment in which the business exists.
6. Financial Management and Personnel
The provision of wages, salary, remuneration, judiciously investing surplus cash in the most
commission, bonuses, pensions, and other monetary appropriate investment avenues, anticipating and
benefits has become a major financial decision in the meeting emerging cash requirements, and maximizing
area of human resource management. Should the firm the overall returns. In banks, it includes the design of
give out a bonus to its employees? Or how much should new financial products from existing products.
a firm give as a bonus to its top-performing manager?
13. Financial Management and Banking
These are some questions that might be answered by
financial management. Every finance manager must be up to date on the
changes in services & products offered by the banking
7. Financial management and Top Management
sector including several foreign players in the field.
Strategic planning and management control are two Thanks to the Government's liberalized investment
important functions of top management. The finance norms in this sector, the banking system has essentially
function provides the basic inputs needed for been an important consideration in financing decisions.
undertaking these activities.
14. Financial Management and Insurance
8. Financial Management and Quantitative Methods
Evaluating and determining the commercial insurance
Quantitative methods such as linear programming, requirements, choice of products, and insurers.
probability, discounting techniques, present value analyzing their applicability to the needs and cost-
techniques, etc. are useful in analyzing complex financial effectiveness, techniques, ensuring appropriate and
management problems. optimum coverage, claims to handle, etc. fall within the
ambit of a finance manager's scope of work &
9. Financial Management and Costing
Cost efficiency is a major strategic advantage to a firm,
15. Financial Management and Information Technology
and will greatly contribute to its competitiveness,
sustainability, and profitability. A finance manager has to A finance manager needs to know how to integrate
understand, plan, and manage costs, through finance and costing with operations through software
appropriate tools and techniques including Budgeting packages. Now more than ever, the difficult job of
and Activity-based Costing. valuation of financial instruments in the past is made
easier with the aid of better information technology.
10. Financial Management and Law

Sound knowledge of the legal environment, corporate

laws, business laws, Import Export guidelines, Scope of Financial Management
international laws, trade and patent laws, commercial
contracts, etc. are again finance executives in a The scope of financial management includes the
globalized business scenario. following 5 A’s.

11. Financial Management and Taxation 1. Anticipation

Sound knowledge of taxation, both direct and indirect, is - In financial management, estimation of a firm’s needs
expected of a finance manager, as all financial decisions is important as well as estimating the amount of income
are likely to have tax implications. Tax planning is an that may enter the company or the amount of expense
important function of a finance manager. Some of the that a company has to incur. Anticipation involves
major business decisions are based on the economics of finding out how much finance is required by a company.
taxation. A finance manager should be able to assess 2. Acquisition
the tax benefits before committing funds.
- Once the required capital or finance is determined by
12. Financial Management and Treasury Management the company, then the company must find out how
Every finance manager should be well grounded in these finances will be procured from different sources.
treasury operations, which is considered a profit center.
It deals with optimal management of cash flows,
8. Taxes Bias Business Decisions

- In evaluating projects, income taxes play a significant

role in the decision-making
3. Allocation
9. All Risks are Not Equal
- The collection of a firm’s finances will now be
determined by where it will be spent. Will it be spent to - Some risks can be diversified away and some cannot
purchase a fixed asset? Or will it be used to purchase
10. Ethical Behavior is Doing the Right Thing
inventories to increase sellable products?
- Ethical dilemmas are everywhere in finance
4. Appropriation

- Upon earning profits, appropriation means the

decision of the firm to determine the division of profits GOAL AND OBJECTIVE OF THE FIRM
among shareholders, credit holders, or whether it will
be part of a firm’s reserved capital. Objectives of Financial Management may be broadly
divided into:
5. Assessment
1. Profit Maximization
- This controls the financial activities of a company.
2. Wealth Maximization

Profit maximization is a single-period or, at most, a

TEN AXIOMS THAT FORM THE BASICS OF short-term goal, to be achieved within one year; it is
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT usually interpreted to mean the maximization of profits
within a given period. A corporation may maximize its
1. The Risk-Return Trade-off short-term profits at the expense of its long-term
- We won’t take on additional risk unless we expect to profitability. In contrast, stockholder wealth
be compensated with an additional return maximization is a long-term goal, since stockholders are
interested in future as well as present profits.
2. The Time Value of Money
Wealth maximization is generally preferred because it
- A dollar received today is worth more than a dollar considers (1) wealth for the long term, (2) risk or
received in the future. (This is further discussed in a uncertainty, (3) the timing of returns, and (4) the
separate module) stockholders' return. Timing of returns is important; the
3. Cash Flows is King earlier the return is received; the better, since a quick
return, reduces the uncertainty about receiving the
- This states that Cash flow and not profit is king in return, and the money received can be reinvested
terms of financial management 4. Incremental Cash sooner.
Generally speaking, a firm must set its goals to maximize
- Only the cash flows that change are the ones that its wealth rather than its profits for it to have
count sustainability in the long run.
5. The Curse of Competitive Markets

- Why it’s hard to find exceptionally profitable projects

6. Efficient Capital Markets

- The markets are quick and the prices are right

7. The Agency Problem

- Managers will not work for the owners unless it is in

their best interests

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