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Republic of the Philippines


Tanay, Rizal
Email Address:
Tel No. 401-4911
Office of the College of Agriculture

Renewable Energy for AB Applications (ABE 22)

Exercise No. 1

Sources of Renewable Energy in the

Farms of Morong, Rizal:
Their Applications and Limitations

Prepared and Submitted by:



Submitted to:


Professor, ABE 22

March 4, 2024
Republic of the Philippines
Tanay, Rizal
Email Address:
Tel No. 401-4911
Office of the College of Agriculture

I. Introduction

With the increasing demand for electricity, the use of fossil fuels has also
increased, resulting to environmental impacts like climate change that challenges
agriculture worldwide. Amidst these problems, it is the role of an Agricultural and
Biosystems Engineers to come up with innovative approach to sustain our agriculture
while reducing the use of fossil fuels for our own operations.

In relation to this, renewable energy sources have been in trend not only on
industrial, but also in residential level because of its potential for electricity production
but cleaner. Renewable energy sources are inexhaustible natural resources that can be
harnessed directly or by equipment/machines for various purposes, ideally for electricity

Presently, the use of renewable energy in the field of agriculture is evident, from
simple animal feedstock, drying, and up to farm power. In this activity, the Municipal
Agriculturist, Engr. Arlene T. Esmama, of Morong – a town in Rizal Province with almost
1080 Ha of rice farms, have been interviewed to identify the trends or use of renewable
energy sources in the town, as well as the challenges that faces these reneawable
energy resources.

II. Objectives of the Exercise

1. Become familiar with the different sources of renewable energy in the farm in the
province of Rizal.
2. Determine and compare the different sources of power in the farm your town,
their applications and limitations.

III. Methodology

Using available references and other materials or informal interview with

Municipal Agricultural Officer or Municipal Environmental Officer or knowledgeable
personnel and individuals, list the different sources of renewable energy that are being
utilized in the farm in your respective town, together with their application, and
limitations. Use the table below as a guide. The table can be modified for the purpose of
enhancing your report.
Source of power Application Limitation/s
Republic of the Philippines
Tanay, Rizal
Email Address:
Tel No. 401-4911
Office of the College of Agriculture

IV. Discussion

Table 1 presents information regarding the current renewable energy sources in

Morong, Rizal as stated by the Municipal Agriculturist of the town.

Table 1. Current Renewable Energy Resources in Morong, Rizal

Location / Area of
Energy Applications Limitations
Associations Application

Prone to
Damage due to
Brgy. Caniogan-
Calero-Lanang 10 Ha
sources for
System for
Solar Panels
are easily
Brgy. San Pedro 30 Ha
reached by

Shading from
Brgy. Bombongan 10 Ha

It could be gleaned from the table above that the only source of renewable
energy on Morong, Rizal is solar energy, which is all used for solar fertigation for rice.
Currently, there are only three barangays in Morong where this system is operating, and
all of these is provided by the Department of Agriculture according to Engr. Esmama.
Moreover, the Municipal Agricultural Office of Morong have requested DA for more solar
fertigation project for all barangays in Morong, Engr. Esmama added.

Every solar fertigation system in Morong has its own problem encountered on its
utilization. First is in Baragay Caniogan-Calero-Lanang (CCL) with 10 Ha of solar
fertigation. The first limitations is its proneness to damage from typhoons due to its
location where it is not protected against the prevailing winds. Fortunately, this problem
Republic of the Philippines
Tanay, Rizal
Email Address:
Tel No. 401-4911
Office of the College of Agriculture

has been solved with the assistance of DA, where it is relocated in a safer area. Another
limitation encountered by this solar fertigation system is its groundwater source that is
too deep for the solar fertigation to pump during cloudy days where energy production is

Second is in Barangay San Pedro with solar fertigation system for 30 Ha. The
only problem this system encountered is it is easily reached by floods during rainy
seasons. The barangay is nearby the Morong River which overflows easily during
strong rains. According to Engr. Esmama, the solar panels in the system is elevated at
low-levels, making it easier to get damaged by floods. Though the DA have assisted the
municipality to repair and elevate the solar panels, this incident is still considered to
occur in the future.

Lastly, the solar fertigation system in Barangay Bombongan for 10 Ha rice field.
There are no significant limitations compared to the first two, but Engr. Esmama stated
that the only problem this system encountered is the frequent shading from the clouds
above the panels. This results to the poor or inefficient production of power by the

V. Additional Tasks

● Provide a detailed discussion on the different sources of renewable energy in

the farm, their application, limitations and advantages. Discuss also the
potential environmental problems regarding their use (if there are any).

In a farm level, the potential sources of renewable energy are the solar, biomass,
wind, and hydroelectric energy.

First is the most suitable for most farms, the solar energy. This energy can be
used to produce electricity for irrigation and other farm applications through
photovoltaic systems. Aside from this, solar energy can also be harnessed directly to
dry grains and provide crops their sunlight requirement. In Morong, the solar energy
is utilized for fertigation systems.

However, production of power through solar energy is limited by the amount of

sunlight the system receives. Thus, shading and cloudy weather significantly affect
production adversely. Moreover, installation of solar systems is considerably
expensive, so not all farmers can afford to install one of their own. Lastly, the source
of water and its depth for fertigation pump also requires a large production of power
that small solar systems cannot provide.
Republic of the Philippines
Tanay, Rizal
Email Address:
Tel No. 401-4911
Office of the College of Agriculture

In terms of advantages, the solar energy is ideal as it only requires small space
for installation. It also does not require regular maintenance and operational cost, and
can still produce power even during cloudy days as long as there is light. Lastly, solar
energy is considered as one of the cleanest sources of energy, hence, it has no
known significant environmental impact (Engr. Esmama).

Second, the wind energy can also be used for electricity production in farms.
However, this renewable energy resources are site specific as it requires a high wind
velocity to operate, making low-altitude areas a poor site for its utilization. It also
requires large areas for installation, which can lessen agricultural lands if installed
nearby, and the noise pollution it produces might affect residence nearby, as well as
the farm animals. Still, proper designs for the utilization of wind energy is
advantageous to provide a highly efficient energy production system, and might open
opportunities for recreational aspects (tourism).

Third, the hydroelectric energy can be harnessed to produce electricity, as well

as provide irrigation water for the farm. Like wind, this type of energy is site specific
since not all water streams have high flow rate to produce continuous electricity, and
construction might be expensive depending on its size. However, it is still
advantageous since the water used for energy production can be used as source of
irrigation water for the farm. It is also cost-effective in terms of operations as it does
not require constant maintenance. In addition, along with wind, hydroelectric energy
is also considered clean due to its no-emission production of electricity.

Lastly, biomass can also be utilized in farm in various ways such as power
production, heating, cooking, feedstocks, and fertilizers and soil conditioners.
However, farm power production through biomass is considered expensive as it
requires large digesters for efficient use. It also requires large volume of biomass that
some farms cannot provide by itself. The advantageous aspect of this energy source
is its zero-waste production as every organic residue on the farm can be used in
different applications. In comparison to previous ones, biomass utilization is the one
with significant environmental impact if not utilized properly due to its emissions
during direct combustion, and even leaks from digesters.

● Provide an estimate on the contribution of renewable energy as source of

power in your respective town. Discuss also the advantages and
disadvantages of using them.

Subjectively, the renewable energy source in Morong produces about 15% of the
total power being used in its vicinity.
Republic of the Philippines
Tanay, Rizal
Email Address:
Tel No. 401-4911
Office of the College of Agriculture

Based on the interview with the Municipal Agriculturist, the town of Morong have
a total farm area of 1080 Ha including both rainfed and irrigated lands. With the total
of 50 Ha powered by solar energy, the contribution of renewable energy sources as
source of power in Morong in agricultural aspect is about 5%. However, considering
the utilization of solar energy in residential areas, solar energy contributes about 15%
of power being used in the town.

The utilization of solar energy in Morong is considered as advantageous in many

aspects according to the Municipal Agriculturist. First, Morong, in general, is an ideal
location for installing photovoltaic systems due to its long sunshine hours averaging
about 11 hours during summer (World Weather Online, 2024). In relation to this, solar
fertigation systems on the town are installed in farm areas with minimum shading
factors (cloud), which helps in maximizing the energy production from the sun.

Second, installation of a solar fertigation system requires a minimum area, which

helps farmers in an association to dedicate more of their lands for rice production,
according to Engr. Esmama. Third, the utilization of solar fertigation systems not only
helps in reducing labor costs, but also the costs in using gasolines for their pumps.
Lastly, Engr. Esmama emphasized the advantage of using solar energy in reducing
pollution from the use of fossil fuels.

In terms of disadvantages of using the renewable energy resources in Morong,

Rizal, the first problem the municipality encountered is finding a sustainable source of
groundwater to be pumped by the solar fertigation system. Lastly, some areas
qualified for the installation of the said system are flood-prone, which makes frequent
maintenance of the system necessary during rainy season.

● Identify available and potential source/s of renewable energy in the province of

Rizal. Which one is/are the most common? Why? Classify them as tractive,
stationary or both.

Presently, the available renewable energy sources in Morong, Rizal is solar

energy through solar fertigation systems. This is the most common renewable energy
resource in the town due to the long duration of daily sunshine hours, as well as the
frequent clear skies which contributes in maximizing the energy production using the
said system. Since the solar panels used in converting solar energy into useable
electricity for the fertigation system are large in size and weight, it must be fixed in
the selected location, thus making it as a stationary renewable energy source.

In terms of potential sources of renewable energy in Morong, the Engr. Esmama

ruled out the possible utilization of wind, hydro-, and geothermal energy since there
Republic of the Philippines
Tanay, Rizal
Email Address:
Tel No. 401-4911
Office of the College of Agriculture

are no locations in the town that can provide enough of those energies for
sustainable production. However, the use of biomass is considered as a potential
source of renewable energy, but only on selected barangays such as Barangay CCL,
San Pedro, and Maybancal. These barangays are the top producers of rice in the
barangay, as well as its residues which can be used as biomass. Their biomass
production is enough to be utilized as biomass and produce energy at non-
intermittent state.

To utilize the biomass production in large scale, structures or equipment must be

constructed, such as digesters. These digesters must be large in size to use it
effectively and efficiently; thus, it must be stationary.

● Provide a detailed discussion on the role of renewable energy as a source farm

power in the upland barangays of the province of Rizal

Upland barangays in Rizal (i.e. Barangay Bombongan on Morong), especially its

remote areas, have been experiencing difficulties when it comes to accessing a
continuous supply of electricity from the grid. This problem highlights the potential
role of renewable energy sources in terms of energy production, which includes:

First, off-grid production of electricity. This production system through renewable

energy resources (like off-grid solar systems) can be an effective way of providing
electricity on remote areas where it is almost impossible to extend the grid to due to
factors like high altitude.

Second, upland barangays have characteristics that makes renewable energy

sources thrive better compared to lower barangays. Thus, renewable energy
resources open up an opportunity to upland barangays for a more efficient and
effective utilization of renewable energy. Specifically, upland barangays have more
open fields and clear skies, which makes it possible for solar systems to harness the
sun’s energy efficiently. Moreover, some upland barangays have water streams with
higher flow rate due to high slope, which is an ideal source for a pico- to micro
hydropower systems.

Through these, upland barangays will not be reliant to the use of fossil fuels
anymore, (e.g. gasoline) which they need to acquire from lower barangays. In
addition, the power from renewable energy sources can be used in cooking and
heating during cold seasons instead of using natural resources like woods from the
trees. It can also be used for solar fertigation systems for areas that require a
laborious method of irrigation. Ultimately, the renewable energy sources provide
upland barangays a clean and achievable way of having electricity.
Republic of the Philippines
Tanay, Rizal
Email Address:
Tel No. 401-4911
Office of the College of Agriculture

VI. Conclusion

In light of the presented discussion, the following conclusions were made:

1. Utilization of renewable energy resources is an effective way of overcoming

challenges in energy accessibility in remote areas, operation cost of stationary
equipment in farms and households, and environmental impact of fossil fuel,

2. Proper site evaluation and selection for the design and installation of a certain
renewable energy sources is necessary to maximize the efficiency of its system,

3. The lack of groundwater reserves on other barangays in Morong, Rizal made it

difficult for the municipality to expand their solar energy utilization for farm
power (solar fertigation) in terms of area.

4. Morong, Rizal is not suitable for wind and hydroelectric utilization due to poor
energy supply (wind and flow rate) on upper barangay, but have potential for
biomass utilization due to high agricultural residue production in some


World Weather Online. (2024). Morong Annual Weather Averages.

PhilAtlas. (n.d.). Rizal.

Actual Recording of the Interview:

Republic of the Philippines
Tanay, Rizal
Email Address:
Tel No. 401-4911
Office of the College of Agriculture

Appendix A
Letter of Request for Interview
Republic of the Philippines
Tanay, Rizal
Email Address:
Tel No. 401-4911
Office of the College of Agriculture

Appendix B
Data Gathering Instrument - Interview Questionnaire
Republic of the Philippines
Tanay, Rizal
Email Address:
Tel No. 401-4911
Office of the College of Agriculture

Appendix C
Interview Proper with the Morong Municipal Agriculturist

Appendix D
Photo Opportunity with the Morong Municipal Agriculturist

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